40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 988: In desperation!

"In the airspace between the floating mountains, there are a variety of air forces entrenched, including the phantom golden eagle unit of our feather tribe, the ghost jellyfish unit of the sea tribe, and the ghost face silver mosquito and the colorful migratory locust unit of the Zerg tribe, almost every piece of cloud. Hidden behind are seven or eight big eagles, hundreds of flying insects, densely packed'flying eyes', and the monitoring areas overlap each other. Even if one third of them are paralyzed, there will still be no dead spots!"

"On the ground, there are also deployed air defense positions composed of more than 30 kinds of demonized plants, including Smoky Flower, Eroding Dragon Grass, Qi Jue Poisonous Lotus, and many other demonized plants with anti-air capabilities, which can be in a blink of an eye. Cover the entire sky with acid, poisonous fog, flames and other attacks!"

"To the east of Tongtian City is a large airport where more than fifty monster battleships, including the flagship of the All-Monster Alliance, the Blood Demon, are anchored. Among them, the Blood Demon, which is seven kilometers in length, is one of the four great demon nations. Needless to say, it’s a super-heavy battleship that consumes tens of thousands of monsters and has been refined for decades. Needless to say, various acid cannons and monsters cannons. The most special is the unique'super neuron' in the blood demon world. The Converged Network System' can connect the brains of four to five Demon Kings with the biochemical masterminds of the battleship, and at the same time integrate into the control of the battleship!"

"That's like, a seven-kilometer-long super battleship suddenly possesses the wisdom of four or five demon emperors. Think about it, how terrifying it is!"

"Even if these defensive systems are not mentioned, just the dozens of demon emperors gathered in Tongtian City, none of them are easy to succeed. Even with the strength of the master, it is impossible to fight against seven or eight demon all at once. The emperor?"

Li Yao was silent for a long time, let alone seven or eight demon kings, even if a dozen demon kings and thousands of demon soldiers were rounded up, it would be enough to make him escape.

After these few days of fleeing and counter-hunting, Li Yao has a profound understanding of the relationship between individual combat power and army fighting.

Yes, he is a super master with a combat power comparable to Yuan Ying. Killing a demon general may be as easy as eating a steamed bun.

However, eating ten or eight steamed buns in one go will also kill you!

"A Nascent Soul can easily kill a demon general in one second, so it can easily kill sixty demon generals in one minute." This theory and "Xiao Ming can eat one steamed bun in one minute, so he can eat 60 in one hour. "A steamed bun" is as ridiculous!

In modern warfare, the status of the super-powerful is irreplaceable, but this does not mean that the super-class masters can be invincible and do whatever they want. Under the right environment and tactical arrangement, a large number of ordinary fighters can still kill a Nascent Infant, The Demon Emperor, or rather, like a steamed bun, used his own life to "pull them to death" alive!

Li Yao helplessly said: "Well, let's talk about the possibility of sneaking in disguise, do we have a chance to pretend to be some staff in the Pantheon?"

"In addition to the Demon King and the Demon Emperor, there are always various staff in the Pantheon? The simplest, the Demon Emperor also has to eat and shit, so a cook and a cleaner must be needed, right? These people? It's impossible to live in the floating mountains, right?"

"On the other hand, in order to maintain the normal operation of hundreds of floating mountains, the daily consumption of materials is astronomical, and the garbage generated is also a huge pile. There must be a steady stream of transport ships to send materials and remove garbage. From this aspect Can you think of a way?"

Jin Xinyue said: "It's difficult."

"Of course, there are many cooks, cleaners and other staff in the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Demon Hall and the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance Commander’s Mansion. Most of them live in the Xiacheng district where fish and dragons are mixed, and a special camel beast takes them to the outer floating mountain every morning. , After a rigorous inspection, they will be sent to the core floating mountain in a unified manner."

"The inspections on them are extremely stringent, not only testing their blood, hair, fingerprints, iris, and voiceprints, but sometimes even their excrement is tested. The headquarters of the Pantheon Palace houses countless monsters with extremely sensitive smells, including some passing through. Special genetically modulated feces and shells, as long as the smell of their excrement is slightly different from yesterday, they will be discovered!"

"What's more, no matter how many staff there are, there are only a few who can reach the highest level like my father. The inspections on these staff are ten times stricter than ordinary staff. I can’t wait to use the demon light from the inside out every day. In addition, scan them thoroughly!"

"It is almost impossible to pretend to be them and sneak in secretly!"

Li Yao grinds his teeth hard: "What about the ventilation pipes? There must be intricate ventilation systems deep in every floating mountain, right?"

Li Yao is lovely to climb the ventilation duct.

Jin Xinyue shook her head and said: "Ventilation ducts are the top priority of the defense system. In the ventilation ducts of the Pan Yao Temple headquarters, there are a total of more than ten different defensive measures, such as the release of high-pressure arcs in the ventilation ducts and the use of The high-speed rotating fan is used to exhaust the air. The wire mesh behind the fan must ensure that the hole is extremely small, so that even a fly can be accurately sensed. In addition, the important nodes in the ventilation duct are also covered with flying eyes and eyes. A monster that is extremely sensitive to heat and smell."

"Let's put it this way, if a sneaker is not afraid of high-voltage electric shocks, does not emit heat and smell, and is smaller than a fly, and has the ability to be invisible at all times, there may be a one in ten thousand chance of sneaking in."

"However, the structural drawing of the ventilation ducts of the Pantheon Palace headquarters is highly confidential. There are countless branches, true and false, like a maze. Even I don’t know the correct drawings. The intruder was a little careless and came to a fork in the road. What awaits him is the most terrible trap!"

Li Yao: "Speaking of which, the headquarters of the Pantheon Palace is really full of institutions, and the water can't get in! There is no way, it seems that I can only do a trick!"

Jin Xinyue: "What! Master, the difficulty is so high, you still have a way? You really deserve to be Master!"

Li Yao: "How about we write a letter to your father directly?"

Jin Xinyue: "..."

Li Yao: "Or any other way, does he always have any open communication channels? In Tianyuan Realm, we have a'President Hotline','President's Mailbox' or something, and we can also initiate online voting, as long as the number of voters exceeds a certain standard. , The issue will be communicated to the Federal Speaker!"

Jin Xinyue: "Of course, the blood demon world also has a communication system based on a super-large biochemical neural network. There are many ways to contact my father, but he is now the commander of the all-demon coalition army and has a multi-faceted manner. All contact methods must be handled through the commander’s mansion. Yes, how do we say? You can't say directly, you are a peerless powerhouse from the Tianyuan realm, now you want to talk to the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance Army, right?"

"What's more, we don't even know how many people around my father have been infiltrated by Ancestor Youquan!"

"Old Ancestor Youquan can come up with such a terrible'Spore Project', it is absolutely impossible for him to be by my father's side without any movement!"

"Think about it, when I first met Master, among the people who chased us down, they included my father's most trusted eldest son, my eldest brother Jin Wuxu, and the most elite Phantom Golden Eagle unit of the Yu clan!"

"If even my elder brother Jin Wuxu has taken refuge in Youquan ancestor, then we will never be able to contact my father through normal channels!"

Li Yao frowned: "Speaking of which, I have one more question. Will your father also take refuge in Youquan Ancestor?"

Jin Xinyue shook her head very resolutely: "It is absolutely impossible, my father... how do you say, he is a person who regards the interests of the monster race supremely, and he will never get along with Youquan ancestors, but the two of them I don’t know if they use each other."

Li Yao thought for a while and said, "So, what if we make a big news?"

"For example, I can refine a batch of special spar bombs, just like colorful fireworks, displaying huge characters in the sky. Through the precise detonation of hundreds of spar bombs, a few words can be transmitted. Composition information!"

"If we detonate these bombs in the lower city of Tongtian City and send a message in midair, surely your father will be able to see it clearly, right?"

This trick was used by Li Yao once on Tieyuan Star, and it worked well.

Jin Xinyue thought for a while, nodded and said: "It's really impossible, this is also a way, but the amount of information that can be transmitted in just a few lines is too small, and it is impossible to describe the whole thing clearly!"

"What's more, what we are facing is a knot that is extremely difficult to untie. The Ancestor Youquan has almost blocked every road. Only when we personally appear in front of my father can it be regarded as a slightly more reliable evidence!"

Jin Xinyue pointed at herself, then pointed at Li Yaodao: "I have changed from a demon to a human, and Master, as a cultivator, can arouse such a strong'monster spirit'. These evidences are sufficient to prove that the demons are the same. The source theory is correct."

"Although it is still a long way from proving the homology theory of shemales to proving the existence of the'Spore Project', anyhow it can plant a seed of doubt in my father's heart! With my father's character, it is absolutely impossible to ignore it. of!"

"If it's just a few pieces of information in the sky, Old Ancestor Youquan can easily arrange his party members and make various explanations and remedies!"

"The most important thing is that we are running out of time. The Red Tide Plan may break out at any time. Once the main force of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance really passes through the wormhole and teleports to the eastern part of the Star Federation, it will be too late!"

Li Yao thinks about it, too, if the military affairs that determine the future and destiny of a great world can be stopped by just a few lines of words in the air, it would be too trifling!

"What about hobbies and living habits? Will your father leave the headquarters of the Pantheon Palace for a certain period of time every day, and go outside to practice or something?"

Jin Xinyue shook her head: "There is a very complete training facility in the Pantheon Palace headquarters. Right now is the critical moment before the war. You must race against time. My father has no reason to run outside for no reason!"

"As for hobbies, he is like a cold machine. Power is his only hobby. Anyway, since I can remember, every second I see him, he is working, working, and working! "

Li Yao was forced to a desperate situation, scratching his hair hard, and asked unwillingly: "Is there really no hobbies? You can live, whatever you want!"

Jin Xinyue hesitated for a moment: "Uh, I have to say something about my hobbies..."


I would like to thank the book friend "Shuisheng" for the 100,000 starting currency reward, and also thank other book friends for their vigorous subscription, reward, monthly pass and various support. Looking at everyone's enthusiasm, Lao Niu is really touched.

In terms of material and spirit, Lao Niu really has no other sources now, and can only rely on the support of your book friends! You are not only the food and clothing parents of the old cow, but also the best friends who are walking side by side in this new world. Thank you, old cow!

These two days are three chapters, don't be too short, it will be a big scene where the wind and the clouds meet, the old cow has to think about it!

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