40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 989: Breakthrough!

"My father is not interested in all kinds of addictive cigarettes, alcohol and psychedelic drugs. He is not too keen on female **** and gambling. He is not even crazy about cultivation. He rarely has any unchanging habits. The only thing I like to enjoy after the daily work is "Star-spotted Red Flame Oysters" as a supper."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "Star-spotted Red Flame Oyster, what is that, is it precious?"

"It can't be said to be too precious."

Jin Xinyue said: "The star-spotted red flame oyster is a shellfish that grows in a bay "Red Flame Bay" on the coast of Jinwu country. The meat is fresh and tender, and the juice is rich. Just dip in the local sea water."

"It is said that there is a semi-dormant volcano on the seabed of Chiyan Bay. The special minerals ejected from the seabed volcano give the sea water here a unique taste, which gives birth to this kind of delicacy, but I am It’s not very good to eat.",

"The star-spotted red flame oyster is a very popular food among the nobles of the Golden Crow country, not because of its taste, but because it is not interesting to eat."

"First of all, the shell of the star-spotted red flame oyster has patterns like flames and meteors. Each star-spotted red flame oyster has a completely different pattern. You can enjoy it before eating it, and even use shells to make each Planting bonsai and decoration is very elegant."

"Secondly, the two shells of the star-spotted red flame oyster are closed tightly. You must use special techniques and patience to manipulate the shell knife and pry it open bit by bit. If the technique is proficient, it will emit a very pleasant crispness when opened. Loudness is a kind of spiritual enjoyment. If you use brute force to pull it away, you won't be able to hear such a moving sound."

"The most important thing is that occasionally, in the flesh of the star-spotted red flame oyster, there will be a kind of crystals similar to pearls. We call it'Chi Zhu'. Chi Zhu is not a treasure, let alone a lot of it contains a lot of it like'Demon Pill' An extraordinary treasure of psychic energy, but it is radiant and beautiful. There are strands of lines like living creatures in it. When facing the light, every angle can inspire different patterns, which is gorgeous to the extreme."

"The traditional custom of the Golden Crow country believes that it is very auspicious to eat'red beads' in star-spotted red flame oysters. In ancient times, red beads were even used for divination to determine good or bad records."

"Therefore, many Feather clan powerhouses have the habit of eating star-spotted red flame oysters every day. Rather than coveting that kind of delicacy, they use the cumbersome eating process and the elegance of playing with shells and red beads to soothe it. Highly nervous!"

"My father is no exception. Although he looks like a machine, he is a man after all. He is intriguing and has a lot of opportunities. He will inevitably be mentally stressed and exhausted. So eating some star-spotted red oysters every night may be special. Relax."

Li Yao squinted his eyes, the stars under his eyes jumped like flames, and he muttered, "Is there any characteristics of the star-spotted red flame oyster your father ate? Is it the same as others?"

Jin Xinyue seriously pondered for a while: "The star-spotted red flame oyster grows only in Chiyan Bay. Because it depends on the nourishment of the submarine volcano, it cannot be cultivated artificially, and the output is extremely small."

"My father is the patriarch of the feather clan. Of course, he has the largest body, the most gorgeous appearance, or the old fishermen who judged that they are most likely to form'Red Beads,' and he specially provided him to enjoy them."

Li Yao asked again: "Then you guess, after your father became the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, and stayed away from the Golden Crow Nation, will he still keep this habit?"

Jin Xinyue nodded: "It should be. Before he became the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Coalition Army, my father would often go to Tongtian City to handle official duties, and even stay in Tongtian City. At that time, there would be flying monsters that were specially transported to him by air. The star-spotted red flame oysters, anyway, our Golden Crow country controls the air power, and it is also convenient for air transportation. It doesn't cost much. As the feather clan chief, this hobby is not a luxury."

Li Yao blinked: "It must be shipped by air every day, not once every two or three days?"

Jin Xinyue smiled and said: "Master does not know that the red flame star spotted oyster is the most delicate food. Once it leaves the seawater of its native place, it will degenerate within a few hours. Even if it is soaked in native seawater, It won’t last a day, no matter how you use the fresh-keeping symbol array to store it."

"With the Frozen Talisman, it can be stored for a longer period of time, but if it is frozen and then thawed, the original flavor will be lost. With my father's identity and status, how could it be possible to eat such a thing?"

"So, when he lived in Tongtian City, he was rushed by flying monsters eight thousand miles every evening, and even continued to relay through the teleportation array to ensure that the red flame star spotted oysters would be sent to him within two or three hours. The one in front of you!"

Hearing this, Li Yao finally let out a sigh of relief, and a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "So, after the red flame star spotted oyster is salvaged from the sea, it will be rushed to your father by eight thousand miles. To race against time, it is impossible to go through too many tests, right?"

Jin Xinyue was taken aback, her beautiful eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Master, you want to—"

Li Yao thought for a while and confirmed again: "Is there a possibility that someone will pry open all the star-spotted red flame oysters first and present the shellfish directly to your father to enjoy?"

Jin Xinyue shook her head: "It's absolutely impossible. We Golden Crow aristocrats enjoy star-spotted red flame oysters. What we want is the first appearance, and then slowly pry open the shells and look for the fun of'red bead', which is not true. Coveting such a bite of tender meat, prying it apart in advance, the shell meat has been exposed to the air for too long, the taste has changed, and all the fun has been deprived of it. Isn’t it the cow chewing the peonies and utterly horrifying the scenery?"

"Eating this kind of food is done by yourself. This is the rule for thousands of years."

"Then there is a way!"

Li Yao patted his thigh lightly, took a deep breath, and calmly said, "Listen well, let's do this next."

"First of all, I want to draw a tube of blood and a bone marrow from you. Don't worry, you are now a cultivator of alchemy at any rate, a little bit of bone marrow, and you can replenish it after a rest!"

"Originally I planned to take you back to the last base of Chaos Blade, but now things have changed. We can't stay nearby for too long, and there is no time for us to come and go."

"You can only put your blood and bone marrow in a special biochemical storage tank and put it to the third response point, so that Yuchiba and the others can bring it back to the base."

"Fire Ant King has mastered a large amount of experimental data and information on the'Demon God Virus', including most of the gene map, plus your blood and bone marrow cells containing the'Chaos God Blood'. I hope they will be able to do so in the shortest possible time. , Make a vaccine and antidote!"

"I will tell them the latest situation, including our next move, and believe that Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong, two tactical experts, know what to do!"

"And after we dropped the biochemical storage tank, we went to Tongtian City and dived into the mixed city of Xiacheng, and made the most thorough preparations for our meeting with your father!"

"After everything is ready, we will go to Chiyan Bay!"

"But first of all, do you know if there is a large number of spars and magic weapons in the Blood Demon Realm, even the remains of magic weapons seized from the Tianyuan Realm? I need a lot of materials!"

Jin Xinyue was startled, and said: "More than 1,400 kilometers southeast of us, there is a'Extreme Martial City', where a large number of swords, guns, spar chariots and even crystal armors seized from the Tianyuan realm are piled up!"

"All the seized magic weapons are identified and tested in the'Extreme Martial City'. Among them, the ones that can be repaired are selected and used by the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters. The ones that cannot be repaired are used as'targets' or disassembled into raw materials and returned to the furnace. , And even imitate it."

"In the past few hundred years, the Blood Demon Realm has gradually been surpassed by the Heavenly Yuan Realm in terms of magic weapon refining technology. In this way, it has somewhat supplemented the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance's equipment system."

"But I don't know, what does the Master want these magic weapon remains?"

"I want to refine the bomb."

Li Yao licked his lips and said lightly, "More spar bombs."


Ten days later, Tongtian City, Shangcheng District, Ten Thousand Demons Alliance Commander's Mansion.

With the intensive planning of the "Red Tide Project", a new "Command Center No. 2" was established in the Commander's Mansion. The huge command center is filled with the most powerful biochemical brains, and countless biochemical nerves are like crimson vines. The surrounding walls are intricately intertwined, occasionally mixed with master crystal brains smuggled and seized from the Tianyuan Realm. The light curtains bloomed above the heads of thousands of staff and generals like snowflakes. The numbers jumped and the light and shadow changed on their faces. Intertwined into an elusive expression.

Jin Tuyi, the commander of the Allied Forces of Demons, was surrounded by a huge circular light curtain. A dozen biochemical nerve bundles penetrated into his brain and spine like a viper in all directions, analyzing information from more than a dozen biochemical main brains. Hundreds of millions of data, pictures, and videos flowed in the depths of his brain like a flood. Even with the tyrannical physique of this high-level demon emperor, it was painful from time to time. look.

It is through this almost torture information transmission method that he can control the most critical information of the Tianyuan and the blood demon realms in an instant, including the latest developments of all the main forces in the blood demon realm, and the deployment of troops in each line of defense in the Tianyuan realm. , The traces of the sixteen full crystal armor battle groups of the Federation, and so on.

It’s just that, true and false, false and true, how much of this information is true, how much is false, how much is true but the enemy deliberately released it to him, and how much is false can be seen from it. The enemy's mind... everything depends on his own brain to judge.

This is the responsibility of being the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance!

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