40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 991: First contact

There was a faint smell of fresh shellfish from the shells, and even the traces of lychee-like unique sweetness were not lost, just like real fresh oysters.

Jin Tuyi could even feel a breath of sea breeze from Chiyan Bay.

However, he knew that this oyster had been manipulated.

On the back of the opened oyster shell, three overlapping arrays of preservation symbols are outlined with extremely fine brushstrokes.

Jin Tuyi has never seen anyone who can engrave the most common fresh-keeping talisman so fine and so perfect.

It is the fresh-keeping talisman array inside these three shells, plus a strand of cell activation fluid in the shell meat, that makes the oysters retain their short-term vitality after being forcibly opened.

Subsequently, the other party injected a small amount of muscle contraction agent into the muscles that control the shells, causing the muscles to be involuntarily closed and closed. Before they were completely closed, they also smeared a little bit of pure natural viscose on both sides of the shells. It makes the oysters look like they have never been opened.

Jin Tuyi squinted his eyes and restored the whole process, only to find out with a little surprise that he couldn't do it.

"The time for oysters to be forcibly expanded must not be too long. It cannot exceed three seconds. Otherwise, the shellfish inside must be dead and will give off a faint rancid smell. Experienced fishermen and chefs will definitely find out. Pick out this'dead oyster' and throw it away."

"Within three seconds, it is necessary to expand the shells, complete the engraving of the three miniature fresh-keeping talisman arrays, the injection of the cell activator, and the application of natural glue. During the whole process, the shell meat must not be touched, otherwise the shell meat may also be possible. Die."

"The person who transformed this oyster has such a stable pair of hands, what an incredible degree of control of hand speed and hand muscles!"

"Master, a real master!"

Jin Tuyi calmly manipulated the shell knife, and carefully cut open the shell meat. Sure enough, under the shell meat, between the two tendons, he found a ‘Red Pearl’! "

Compared with the rice-sized red bead just found, this red bead is several times larger, about the size of a thumb, with floating light patterns on the surface, just like a misty landscape painting, it is the best of the red bead.

Jin Tuyi was unmoved, put down the seashell knife, and groped with both hands on the red beads.

It took a full minute to find a gap hundreds of times thinner than hair on the surface of the silky and smooth red beads.

Jin Tuyi's pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is not a red bead, but a magic weapon refined from a red bead. It cuts a complete red bead and put it together again!"

"The combination is so perfect that the seams are almost impossible to find. Perhaps only the perception of the Demon Emperor series can discover its existence!"

"The person who refines it is definitely a superb master refiner!"

Jin Tuyi condensed a ray of demon energy to the limit, like the sharpest wire saw, gently cutting the gap between the red beads.

He had enough patience, and hardly left any red beads on the table.

After a minute, the gap was finally enlarged slightly, and the two sides of Chizhu were caught with both hands. With a twist and a suction, Chizhu immediately divided into two hollow halves.

Something hidden in the red beads fell.

It is a small and exquisite universe ring.

Inside the Qiankun Ring, there is also a small capsule nested in it.

The capsule is divided into two areas, one of which contains a long hair, and the other contains a drop of blood.

"It's a clever method. I choose to use red beads to transport goods. The center of gravity and weight are just right. If you don't cut it, no one will find that this red bead is a problem!"

"Hair and blood, what do you mean?"

Jin Tuyi squeezed one side of the capsule, took out the long hair, wrapped it around his fingertips, and felt it carefully with his soul.

This hair seems to belong to a certain woman, a woman who is extremely close to him.

And that drop of blood...

Jin Tuyi contemplated for a long time, twisting the universe ring.

There is no extraction restriction in the Qiankun Ring. Anyone who sinks the soul into it can open it and extract the contents at will.

There are only two things in Qiankun Ring.

A tattered, very simple light curtain instrument, and a weird magic weapon that is a hundred times more ugly, like scraps of copper and iron.

Jin Tuyi barely recognized that this magic weapon should be a point-to-point communicator commonly used by Tianyuan Realm in mining operations.

Through this mine communicator, it is possible to have a video conversation with the holder of another communicator within a range of hundreds of kilometers.

On the outer shell of the light curtain, there are also three large and crooked characters written on it.

"Dad, look at me first!"

The familiar notes made Jin Tu Yi's eyebrows beat, and the light curtain instrument was completely wrapped with a ray of demon energy, the demon energy penetrated it, and every component was carefully inspected.

No abnormality was found, and after confirming that this was not a spar bomb modified from a light curtain instrument, it started gently.


A faint blue mysterious light rushed out from above the light curtain, forming a three-dimensional image of Li Yao and Jin Xinyue in mid-air.

Of course, all the disguise was washed away and Jin Xinyue was restored to its true color.

This woman who resembled his daughter but lacked a pair of wings caused Jin Tuyi's eyes to twitch violently.

However, he did not speak, and it was useless to speak. This kind of light curtain instrument has no communication function and can only be used to play pre-recorded videos.


Jin Xinyue in the three-dimensional image gave a crisp cry, "I know you have 10,000 questions in your heart, trust me, give us half an hour, we can definitely explain everything!"

"First of all, in order to make you believe that it is me in the image, your daughter Jin Xinyue, we put a piece of my hair and a drop of my blood in the red beads. I believe you must be able to detect these things. true and false!"

"Secondly, please let me introduce you the cultivator from the Tianyuan realm, Vulture Li Yao, Senior Li. Now, he is also my master, the only master in this life!"

"No matter how much you doubt the authenticity of this video, give us at least half an hour. This is very important to everyone in the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Flying Star!"

Jin Tuyi took a deep breath, held the Xie Bei knife gently, and listened calmly.

Li Yao gave a dry cough and said, "Senior Jin, I am Li Yao, the vulture. I am a cultivator who left the Tianyuan realm from the Bone Dragon Star ten years ago. I believe you must have heard my name. That's right, I also set off in the Blood Demon Realm recently. The chaos."

"Next, in half an hour, I will briefly introduce to you everything that has happened in the past ten years, including the existence of the true human empire and the ongoing conspiracy in the blood demon world."

"I believe that with your wisdom, after listening, you will be able to make correct judgments!"

"If you are interested in this matter after listening to it, at least in doubt, you are welcome to use this peer-to-peer communicator to contact us."

"Yes, at the moment we are at a certain point within a radius of hundreds of kilometers. Maybe you can use the power of the entire sky-passing city to arrest us now, but I advise you not to do this for now."

"We tried our best to appear in Tongtian City. We won't just run away like this. Even if we want to catch it, we will at least wait until we have said everything before catching it!"

"However, we can't talk directly, because once the point-to-point communicator used in the mine is activated, it will release weak psychic energy fluctuations, and it is easy to be caught, and then follow the vine to lock the position of both parties."

"We are not sure whether the people around you can be trusted. If the messenger behind all these conspiracies knows, we have already taken the head, let alone how he will react."

"So, this is what we plan to do."

"In recent days, we have been walking through the streets in the Xiacheng District of Tongtian City, looking for hundreds of suitable locations, and planting a large number of spar bombs."

"By twelve o'clock at midnight, these spar bombs will explode one after another, blasting fireworks-like psychic energy into the sky, turning them into huge characters."

"On the surface, we really can't sneak into the Pantheon Hall. We are forced to do nothing but to convey some simple messages to you through this rough method."

"But our real purpose is to use the extremely long-lasting'firework bomb' to form a strong psychic energy fluctuation area in the sky of Tongtian City and completely muddy the sky!"

"When the firework bombs start to release at midnight, you can contact us through the point-to-point communicator. At that time, the weak psychic energy fluctuations released by the point-to-point communicator will be submerged in the strong psychic energy fluctuations of the firework bomb. It's like a bunch of small flames hidden in the mountains and plains, so that they won't be discovered by others!"

"Next, please listen to me, and make sure that after midnight, you can talk to us in an absolutely safe place without interference."

"This is very important. The future of the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing may be maintained within your thoughts!"

Jin Tuyi put his hands on the machete-like bridge of his nose and listened to Li Yao with extreme calmness for half an hour. Even when Li Yao talked about the most thrilling turning point, his expression did not change at all, even Youquan. The ancestor's "spore plan" also failed to show the slightest ripple in his eyes.

After half an hour, Jin Tuyi put everything into the Qiankun Ring, hid the Qiankun Ring close to his heart, and released a strong demon energy, completely dispersing the weak psychic energy fluctuations released by the light curtain device when it was operating. , Swallowed, annihilated.

Jin Tuyi opened the door of the lounge, walked out, and waved impatiently at the attendant who came up: "I'm going to deep sleep for three hours. During this time, no matter what happens, no matter who it is, no one is allowed. Come to disturb me."

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