40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 992: Secret talk! (Fourth!)

Twelve o'clock at midnight, Tongtiancheng.

The war is just around the corner, even though the city of Tongtian at midnight is still brightly lit and full of noise.

Countless monster warships and large flying monsters rise and fall in the airport near Tongtian City, emitting harsh jets and screaming noises.

The phantom golden eagle, ghost jellyfish, and ghost-faced silver mosquito troops loyally monitor the entire airspace within a hundred miles. Countless flying spirit eyes are shining in the dark night, like thousands of fireflies in the city. Hovering above.

In countless places in Tongtian City, there are a pair of eyes receiving thousands of pictures through the transmission of remote brain waves. All corners of the city in the pictures are orderly and peaceful.


"Boom! Boom!"

From somewhere in the chaotic Xiacheng district in Tongtian City, a dazzling fire suddenly burst out!

Immediately afterwards, a streamer dragged its long tail and shot into the sky, bursting out the most brilliant brilliance!

The colorful spots of light condensed into a shining big character on the dark night:


As the spirit patterns condensed into words, strong psychic energy fluctuations spread in all directions, disturbing a pool of frozen stagnant water, and also set off a shocking storm among all the defensive forces of Tongtian City!

Ear-piercing sirens one after another, three monster battleships rushed into the air, countless monsters ran to the airport shouting, making more monster battleships into the activation state, the speed of the phantom golden eagle, ghost jellyfish and ghost face silver mosquito forces hovering suddenly Ten times higher, all the hidden air defense positions have been removed from the surrounding hidden talisman formations, revealing their hideous fangs!

"Boom! Boom!"

The second spar bomb was bombed into the sky, bursting out the most gorgeous fireworks, and the flames like shards of glass intertwined into the second big character:


After the big characters "We Came for Peace" were hit into the sky one after another, the entire Tongtian City was in chaos, and a large number of troops rushed into the city to find the location of the spar bomb release. However, in the mixed, smoky lower city. This approach will only cause greater panic and confusion.

One after another new spar bombs were ejected into the air one after another, causing the entire sky to be filled with strong psychic energy fluctuations, and even an aurora-like illusion appeared in the clouds.

The troops in charge of the guard mission of Tongtian City are almost on the verge of burning!

In the chaos, almost no one could notice that from the depths of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance Commander's Mansion, an extremely weak wave of psychic energy was released.

Like a wisp of blue smoke, like a swaying starlight, it shoots toward the ground, reaching a certain point in the depths of the city.

Li Yao finally got in touch with Jin Tuyi, the nominal supreme leader of the blood demon world, commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance!

Tongtian City, in the depths of the Xiacheng District, in a shady, semi-underground room.

Seeing Jin Tuyi's tall and thin figure gradually appeared on the point-to-point communicator, Li Yao couldn't help but waved his fist fiercely, and shouted in his heart: "Hurrah!"

However, connecting the head is only the first step.

How to convince Jin Tuyi to believe in himself is the biggest problem!

A large number of spar bombs exploded overhead, and the strong fluctuations released, although they perfectly concealed the existence of this communication line, also brought strong interference.

The Jin Tuyi in the picture is distorted by waves of snowflakes from time to time, making it unpredictable and hard to guess.

Jin Tuyi first looked at Jin Xinyue deeply, then turned his head to look at Li Yao.

He could not see the consternation or anger of his daughter’s transformation from a demon to a human, nor could he see the slightest worry about the conspiracy of the ancestor Youquan, and he could not see the slightest bit of worry about Li Yao, the Tianyuan cultivator who made trouble in the blood demon world. The child was angry, but there was a touch of overly calm indifference between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Senior Jin!"

Li Yao must race against time to convince Jin Tuyi before all the fireworks bombs are released, at least to plant a seed of suspicion in his heart, "Have you finished watching the video we sent? Believe it, Yaozu’s The origin is just like what we said! The human race and the monster race have the same origin, we have no reason to die together! Look at your daughter Jin Xinyue, after she swallowed an excessive amount of chaotic blood, the cells completely recovered to the original Status, transformed into a human race!"

"but me--"

Li Yao stretched out his left hand and burned the cells, highlighting the shining lens from the palm of his palm. "As a cultivator, I can also inspire magical powers such as the'Cell Annihilation Cannon'! These are all living evidence that proves what we are. Everything said!"

"Yes, father!"

Jin Xinyue raised her voice, "It's really me. I have changed from a monster race to a human race. There must be a great conspiracy in this! Big brother wanted to kill me, and dispatched the Phantom Golden Eagle Troops, and Youquan Country and Lion Slaughter The elites of the kingdom and the kingdom of the overlord come together to kill me! Do you know about this?"

"If you don't know, or if you don't fully know it, it means that the people around you, your intelligence network, who are absolutely trusted by you, who act as'eyes' and'ears', have been severely infiltrated by the ancestors of Youquan! "

"All of this is true, please trust us!"

Jin Tuyi watched them calmly for a long time, and slowly said: "You can think of hiding the universe ring in the'star-spotted red flame oyster', passing through the line of defense, and sending it to me. It is indeed very thoughtful. Because of your skillful methods, I have patiently watched your videos, and I am willing to waste a little time to talk to you in person."

"However, if all you have to say are these nonsense, it would be a waste of my time."

"The theory of the homology of humans and demons? From demons to humans? Interesting, very interesting."

"Just, so what?"

"Even if the theory of the homology of humans and monsters is true, the monsters of 40,000 years ago really transformed from the humans, even if you are really my daughter Jin Xinyue, after swallowing some kind of potion, from the monsters to humans, you can Explain what is the problem?"

"Can it explain the existence of the'True Human Empire'? Can it prove the authenticity of the'Spore Project'? Can it be deduced that the Ancestor Youquan has a big conspiracy?"

"No, you can't prove anything!"

Jin Xinyue was anxious: "Father, please listen to us explain——"

Jin Tuyi coldly interrupted her: "Even if you are really my daughter Jin Xinyue, what about? You killed your stepmother in order to avenge your birth mother, and almost split the two most powerful nobles in our Jinwu kingdom. ; Collued with Old Seven to kill Old Ji, and the boss kills Old Seven; they secretly sold the secret information of the Golden Crow Kingdom to the Lion Tu State, and sold the false information of the Youquan Kingdom to the Oversea State. After the conspiracy was discovered , And killed a princess of the Tyrant Sea. You know, the Tyrant Sea is our hard-core ally!"

Jin Xinyue coughed again and again and had nothing to say.

Jin Tuyi said lightly: "By the way, you did a very dirty job of killing the princess of the Tyrant Kingdom. In the end, I wiped your ass."

"I can tolerate just these things. After all, among so many descent, besides the boss, I am most optimistic about you. Although the methods are a bit naive, cruelty is enough."

"It's just that you are still secretly planning to kill me? What's your explanation for this matter?"

Li Yao was dumbfounded, looking at Jin Xinyue.

Jin Xinyue spread her hands out: "Since I killed my stepmother and did so many ugly things, of course I am afraid of being known by my father. If my father knows about it, I will be really furious and want to kill my relatives righteously. My beloved wife takes revenge. Then I can’t wash my neck and wait for my father to kill. Of course, I have to prepare in advance. Knowing that it’s a man’s arm is better than sitting and waiting for death. What’s wrong? How can I know that my father’s heart is so open-minded, even my wife If you are killed by your daughter, you can treat it as if you don’t know!"

Li Yao: "..."

Jin Tuyi said indifferently: "So, if I say that you are afraid of exposing what you have done, and you have realized your ambitions, you have surrendered to the Star Federation long ago, and come together to do such a play, the purpose is to deceive strategically and delay. When the blood demon world started the decisive battle, you couldn't refute this possible existence?"

"As for you from the monster race to the human race, it is also most likely the latest supernatural power developed by the Star Federation."

"As far as I know, the'Tiandu Medical College' and the'Federal First Military Medical University' of the Star Federation also have outstanding strengths in the fields of biochemical technology, cell mutation and so on. A breakthrough beyond the blood demon world."

Jin Xinyue blinked her eyes quickly, thinking for a long time, and she was just too poor.

Li Yao faintly felt that he was brought into the opponent’s rhythm, and hurriedly interrupted: "Senior Jin, whether you believe in Jin Xinyue or not, at least, the changes that have taken place in me and her show the correctness of the'shemale homology theory'. It also shows that the monster race and the human race can transform into each other, so why do we have to fight to the death and destroy each other?"

Jin Tuyi smiled faintly: "What does the war have to do with our race? Looking back over the past four to fifty thousand years, the number of cultivators who died in the hands of cultivators was at least ten times more dead than those who died in the hands of the monster race; The monsters under the demon clan’s claws are also at least dozens of times more than the demon clan who died under the cultivator’s flying sword! Even if I admit the theory of the homology of humans and monsters and admit that everyone is the same clan, how about it? Is there any relationship between the wars?"

Li Yao was stunned. He originally thought that getting Jin Tuyi to accept the "shemale homology theory" was the most difficult part. He didn't expect the other party to readily agree with this, but the problem was stuck elsewhere.

Jin Tuyi continued: "Do you think that the discovery of'Chaotic God's Blood' may turn a large number of monster races back into human races, and can end the war between the two sides and bring precious peace?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, then nodded, "I really hope so!"

Jin Tuyi smiled, "So, are you willing to become a monkey? Become the ancestor of the human race, what it looked like hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and understood what Jin Tuyi meant.

Jin Tuyi’s smile gradually turned into an icy sharp edge, and he leaned towards the camera, saying every word: “If you don’t want to become a monkey, why do you think that our monster race will be willing to change? Adults? What do you think the word "human" means? Noble, glorious, and proud?"


Houhou, the long-lost fourth watch, dedicated to all friends who support Lao Niu!

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