40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 993: The integration of the three realms makes the world invincible!

Li Yao said anxiously: "We are not talking about glory, but survival! The strengths of the blood demon and the heavenly element are too close. If this war continues, it will only drag us into the abyss of destruction, regardless of the demon race. It is impossible for the human race to have the last laugh! The snipe and clam fight will only benefit the true human empire fisherman! When the true human empire's expeditionary army is killed, I am afraid that you and I will not be able to be monkeys!"

"Senior Jin, as the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, you are responsible for the future of the entire Blood Demon Realm. Consider what I said about the possibility. Don’t let the entire Blood Demon Realm and all the demon races be ruined by you. In hand!"

Jin Tuyi laughed dumbly and shook his head again and again: "I really think it's incredible. How on earth did a naive young man like you plan such a seamless invasion plan and polish every detail to perfection?"

"Leave aside your empty words without evidence. In my eyes, it's a joke at all."

"Even if I'm really convinced by you, what? You think I am the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, the nominal leader of the Blood Demon Realm, so can I end this world war with a word?"

"Tell you, I did not start the war alone. It was the common will of the twelve demon kings in the Pantheon Palace. No, it should be said that all the demon kings, demon kings, and all the silver-blooded nobles in the blood demon world. Even the common will of all the monster races! It is the will of the entire blood demon world, who launched this war, and then elected me to become the spokesperson of this'will to war'!"

"Once the war machine is launched, it has its own life. It is like a huge beast that is hard to fill and expands at a high speed. No one can stop its growth and raging, even its creator!"

"The reason why I became the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters, the nominal leader of the Blood Demon Realm, is neither because of my charisma nor my tyrannical strength, but because, at this moment, I am the most suitable person to advance this war. people!"

"In the final analysis, my ‘Commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance’ is just a small rivet nailed to the rudder on a huge war machine; it’s a more conspicuous fang in the mouth of a behemoth of war!"

"Believe it, if I hold a meeting of the Twelve Demon Kings this second and declare that'the shemales come from the same source, we should give up the war and reconcile with the human race', the next second, I will be joined by the other eleven demon kings Kill it, in the third second, a commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance who is more cruel and colder than me, and hates the Human Race a hundred times more, will be born, and continue to implement the will of this behemoth!"

"This is war, and this is the will of a nation. How do you think that persuading or killing a certain person can prevent a nation’s spirit from burning? It really makes me doubt that your'quasi-naive infant'’s computing power, How was it distributed!"

Li Yao was speechless, cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

Jin Tuyi's eyes showed a faint light of "rules are not teachable", and he sighed, "It's useless, this country is already crazy. It's speeding on the cliff of destruction, and neither you nor I can stop it!"

"This in itself is a deformed country with congenital deficiency. It is a freak born in the flames of war. It has survived to this day by relying on the dividends of war. However, in order to plunder more war dividends, more and more resources have been invested, like snowballs. Go in war! For resources, it must start wars. In order to start wars, it must collect more resources. The vicious circle of war is everything in this country. Without war, this country will perish! How can you stop it? "

"There are some boring data, do you want to hear it?"

"In the last fiscal year, this country’s military expenditures accounted for 34% of the gross national product. This has not yet taken into account the hidden expenditures such as the over-construction of various infrastructures that can be used for war purposes. If you count it, perhaps the entire Half of the country's resources have been smashed into the war. It is definitely a militant soldier!"

"In this country, the class of fighters who don't do production but specialize in fighting already accounts for 15% of the total population. Almost every five civilians need to support a soldier who consumes a lot of resources!"

"In order to support the huge war machine, the government not only levied dozens of war taxes, defense taxes, and battle group construction funds, but also misappropriated various funds including education, medical care, and insurance. Perhaps within ten years, the deficit will not be filled completely, and the government will completely collapse!"

"In order to make up for the shortfall and make more war fortunes, the government and major forces in this country are issuing war bonds and victory funds on a large scale, attracting ordinary people and low-level fighters with spoils and war dividends, and finally squeezing out the tightening of their belts. Put in all your belongings."

"But no matter what the nature of the war bonds and the victory fund, they must be fully conquered and grab a lot of war dividends before they can be cashed!"

"What is in front of you is such a crazy country!"

"Now, with a light-hearted sentence, you want this country to end the war in exchange for worthless peace?"

"I tell you, if this war really ends today, then tomorrow, the government of this country and the top 100 powers will all collapse! Because they can support it today because the people believe Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, they can bring a hearty victory, astronomical spoils!"

"Understood, what we are discussing now is not the human race and the monster race, justice and evil, or not believing in the existence of the real human empire, but the simplest issue of interests!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and said firmly: "I know that the blood demon world is poor in resources and is already on the verge of collapse. You need a war to maintain it, but I believe that there must be more than this way!"

"War can bring resources, but communication can also bring resources. The three realms of Blood Demon, Tianyuan and Feixing are highly complementary! If we don’t invest our strength in war, but invest in mutual communication and construction In the middle, you can project your eyes to the wider world!"

"The simplest example, Bone Dragon Star!"

"The Bone Dragon Star is only 10,000 light-years away. Although it cannot be easily reached with the teleportation capabilities of the Tianyuan and Blood Demon realms, the Flying Star Realm has quite mature star jumping technology and starship refining technology!"

"On the other hand, even if you arrive at the Bone Dragon Star, the environment there is harsh, with huge waves surging into the sky, and it is impossible to fully develop itself by relying on the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing. Clan, you can develop in depth and collect resources on the Bone Dragon Star!"

"After all, the origin of the monster race is that the human race has made small changes and upgrades to survive on the harsh environment of the planet!"

"Whether you want to become a human race or not, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that each other’s skills and strengths can be merged to open up a larger living space, instead of nesting in this small pond and fighting. You die and die!"

"Bone Dragon Star is just the beginning."

"Our two realms, Tianyuan and Blood Demon, are both a single galaxy world. There is only one star system in the Great Thousand World. Except for Tianyuan Star and Blood Demon Star, other planets are neither inhabitable nor have much resources to use. This is us. The reason for having to kill each other."

"But the Flying Star Realm is different. In the Xinghai Empire's territory, the Flying Star Realm is a prosperous world closer to the core area of ​​the empire, with dozens of star systems and hundreds of resource planets!"

"Flying stars are vast and sparsely populated. Flying stars alone cannot develop so many resource planets with harsh environments. Instead, they will encounter various dangers in the vast star sea!"

"But if the three realms of Fei Xing, Tian Yuan, and Blood Demon can unite together, we can develop these resource planets on a large scale, and on this basis, we can acquire a large amount of resources, form a new Xinghai fleet, and explore more of the world. , Let them all join the embrace of the alliance!"

"This brand new alliance will collect and use resources dozens of times more efficiently, and the fusion of psionics and biochemistry will also create more powerful fighters and weapons!"

"Only such a force can fight against the real human empire and protect our homeland!"

"This is a future that I came up with after thinking about it for a long time. Maybe this future is really naive, it's very naive, and it will encounter countless problems, but Senior Jin, don't you think that such a future is compared to the blood demon world's warrior. Is it ten thousand times better to go to ruin in an army?"

Jin Tuyi looked at Li Yao very seriously and was silent for a long time.

Just when Li Yao thought he was persuaded by himself, Jin Tuyi laughed again.

Every wrinkled smile is full of sarcasm.

The commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance said indifferently: "A very good future. According to you, it seems that there is only one way to fight against the real human empire?"

"Yes it is!"

Li Yao categorically cut the railway line, "With my computing power, I can only think of this path that will allow all my compatriots to survive. Therefore, no matter how difficult or how many obstacles there are, I will continue on this road and encounter I’ll kick a small rock away, and I’ll smash it when I encounter a big rock!"

Jin Tuyi smiled and said: "Young man, I admire you for having such a sincere Taoist heart. I have also developed a little interest in this'beautiful future' you described. However, there is a small problem-do you think , Is the'country of militant soldiers' that I mentioned just now a certain demon kingdom in the blood demon world?"

Li Yao was startled: "What do you mean?"

Jin Tuyi said indifferently: "All the data I just mentioned, the crazy country of militant soldiers depicted is not the blood demon world, but your motherland, the Federation of Stars and Lights."

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