40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 994: Federation in the eyes of the enemy

"The Star Federation is a deformed country born in war. Since its establishment, it has been surrounded by enemies. For five hundred years, war has been the main theme of this country. Therefore, a huge interest group that relies on war has been born. !"

"To this day, the hunting of monsters and monsters is still the pillar industry of the Star Federation. Among the top 500 denominations of the Federation, 281 are used to hunt monsters and provide defense against the monsters. The service is the main business, and the upstream and downstream industrial chain extended from this covers almost one-fifth of the employed population in the entire Federation."

"Among the ruling class'cultivators' of the Federation, nearly one-third are combat-type practitioners, and even non-combat-type practitioners are often engaged in war-related work."

"For example, the refiner of military magic weapons has a higher status than the refiner of civilian magic weapons, and a literary and artistic cultivator is also more enthusiastic about creating war-related artworks, and even directly joins the army and uses war songs to go. Boost morale and become a fighter in another sense."

"If you don't understand what'interest group' means, just think about yourself, Vulture Li Yao."

"Ten years ago, after you killed dozens of blood demon nobles in the Bone Dragon Star in one breath, I paid special attention to your information. Just now I took out all of your information and reviewed it again. I found that you had An identity of a'Star Federation Disabled Veteran'."

"Since you are a'federal disabled veteran', you must know how many benefits and rights a veteran can enjoy in the Star Federation."

"The free use of various public facilities and transportation equipment, the tax relief for starting businesses and sects, the high monthly disability allowance and veteran allowance...In the Federation, every veteran is an invisible rich man! "

"Very proud, very proud, very glorious, right?"

"However, I really want to know, have you ever thought about a small problem when you are enjoying all the benefits that you take for granted as a ‘federal disabled veteran’?"

"Money won't fall from the sky. The Xingyao Federation has fought for five hundred years, and how many martyrs and disabled veterans have been produced in total. The benefits you enjoy and where did the money come from?"

“It’s better to say that the victims are all one-time pensions, but with the progress of the times, the rapid development of biochemistry and psionics makes it more and more difficult for the wounded to die. Even if they die, there is a certain chance of Transformed into ghost repair, and ghost repair also has the same rights as a living person!"

"The result is that the group of disabled veterans and veterans of the Star Federation is becoming more and more swollen, showing a trend of unstoppable tails. You have formed a huge interest group, exerting influence everywhere in the parliament, and constantly improving the military. Status, more money, more benefits, more respect!"

"How to improve the status of soldiers? War, only war! In peacetime, the active servicemen are all ****, let alone disabled veterans!"

"Look, don't think that only our monster clan desires war. You disabled veterans also desire and need war. Without war, you are just a pile of shit, a pile of **** that doesn't even smell!"

"This is just a small interest group within the Federation."

"There are also those cultivating sects whose main business is to kill monsters and defend against the invasion of monsters, those who do not have a special skill except for killing monsters, and those who have put all the resources of the entire sect into the war. The heads of the bonds and the Victory Fund, do you think they sincerely hope that this war will come to an abrupt end?"

"To put it more directly, peace has really arrived. What do you want so many combat cultivators to do? Do you go to the circus to perform acrobatics?"

"Vulture Li Yao, you may be the greatest miracle in the five hundred years since the birth of the Star Federation. It took only ten years to reach such an incredible level. This is the only reason why I am willing to waste so much time talking with you. "

"However, no matter what realm your cultivation level is up to, you are still too young."

"You don't know anything about true power, or how the world works!"

"Your Star Federation, since its establishment five hundred years ago, has been an out-and-out war machine. It must be lubricated with a large amount of war dividends before it can function normally!"

"Five hundred years ago, you wiped out the East Pole Demon Country, plundered a lot of war dividends, and experienced prosperity for just over one hundred years."

"Three hundred years ago, the war dividends were exhausted, so you aimed your finger at the "Great Demon Alliance" on the Great Wilderness, launched seven expeditions, and finally conquered the entire Great Wilderness!"

"Relying on the war dividends obtained from'Conquering the Wilderness' has maintained the rapid development of the Federation for hundreds of years.

"At this time, the entire Tianyuan realm has been conquered by you. There are no new demon kingdoms and demon cities, which can squeeze new war dividends, and the interest groups that have swelled to the limit in the hundreds of years of war cannot be themselves Die out."

"So, you set your sights on the Blood Demon Realm and plan to use the internal organs of the Blood Demon Realm to lubricate the gears and tracks of this war machine."

Li Yao was very angry and smiled: "Senior Jin, I didn’t expect you to turn black and white to such an extent! Even if the Star Federation is really a war machine, it was forced by the demon clan, right? The Great Desolate Alliance of All Monsters, are they all kind-hearted men and faithful women? Before we wiped them out, how could they have even a second, never thought of completely destroying us!"

"In the last hundred years, isn't it also the worm sea and beast tide of your Blood Demon Realm that invaded the Heavenly Origin Realm first? Don't we only allow you to invade and not allow us to fight back!"

Jin Tuyi calmly said: "I don't want to discuss right and wrong. I just want to talk to you, a special cultivator, about the facts. Who is the invader and the defender of the East Pole Demon Country and the Star Federation. There is no point in discussing this kind of issue."

"The fact is that no matter how innocent the Star Federation was at the beginning, it has been nourished by blood and corpses into a terrible beast in the two hundred-year wars!"

"Yes, in the last hundred years, especially in the last few decades, the Blood Demon Realm has indeed launched countless exploratory attacks against the Celestial Realm, and even large-scale attacks like the Battle of Dawn. You have to say'aggression', I Also admit it."

"But do you know, when was the first "war bond" issued by the Star Federation targeting the blood demon world?"

"Tell you, one hundred and forty-two years ago!"

"Why? It's simple!"

"One hundred and seventy years ago, the Star Alliance's war against the'Alliance of the Demon's Great Desolation' had just ended, and it finally conquered the entire Great Desolation."

"This protracted war has greatly consumed the national power of the Federation and put the government's finances on the brink of collapse."

"Developing a vast wilderness with sparsely populated land and harsh environment requires a large amount of capital investment, and the federal government can't get it out of a copper plate!"

"In order to raise funds, the federal government had to issue a new construction bond, using the resources and rights of the Great Wilderness in exchange for the support of major factions."

"However, no sect is willing."

"Reason? Because looking around, the entire Tianyuan realm has been conquered! In the foreseeable future, peace and development will become the mainstream of the Tianyuan realm. The status of combat cultivators in the Federal Army and major sects is bound to be greatly improved. decline."

"This is absolutely unacceptable to those interest groups that depend on wars!"

"So, they took advantage of the extreme shortage of federal government funds and was on the verge of collapse, forcing the federal government to issue new war bonds."

"Oh, I'm afraid it's not quite accurate to say'persecution'. In fact, in the Star Federation that just won a complete victory and conquered the great wilderness, the status of combat cultivators and the Federation Army are at their peak, and they are enthusiastically supported by all the people. They control the entire parliament, and they are the federal government!"

"In short, the federal government has issued new bundled bonds, combining the development bonds against the Great Wilderness and the war bonds against the Blood Demon Realm. Demon Realm, make a preemptive strike'!"

"All the cultivators and sects who purchase bonds can obtain a large piece of spiritual veins, land and...monster slaves after conquering the blood demon world!"

"Perhaps at the beginning, this was just an expedient measure for soldiers and cultivators to consolidate their position. They may not really want to attack the blood demon world."

"But once the war bond was issued, it awakened the beast that had just fallen asleep, and everything was beyond their control."

"The cultivators and sects who bought bonds have become the most fanatical supporters of the war. You must know that there are no shortage of Yuan Ying old monsters among these people. They have strong influence and even control in the parliament!"

"So, originally a war bond was issued for the purpose of building a great wilderness, and in order to cash this war bond, the blood demon world must be conquered."

"In order to conquer the blood demon world, you must raise more funds, mobilize more resources, and maintain a larger army, and you have to issue a second, third, and fourth bond..."

The corners of Jin Tuyi's mouth evoked a faint smile, but there was a vague sorrow in the deep eyes, "At that time, the Xingyao Federation knew nothing about the blood demon world. Measured by the level of the'Alliance of the Great Wilderness Monsters', we thought that the Blood Demon Realm was at best an enhanced version of the Great Wilderness, and it would definitely be conquered.

"It wasn't until you thoroughly understood the strength of the Blood Demon Realm and what a terrifying opponent you were facing, did this crazy behavior come to an end."

"it is too late."

"The temporary suspension of the plan to invade the blood demon world triggered the largest economic crisis in the Star Federation a hundred and seven years ago, leading to the collapse of fifty-five sects, and even two primordial elders committed suicide."

"I think you must have learned about the economic crisis called'Black September' in your textbooks, but you may not know the truth about this economic crisis in your textbooks."

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