40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 995: Another option!

Li Yao opened his mouth, trying to refute, but Jin Tuyi waved his hand: "You must think that I am beautifying myself, demonizing the Federation, and packaging the monster race of the blood demon world into a pure white rabbit, right?"

"I don't mean anything like that."

"In fact, it doesn't matter whether the Xingyao Federation issues a war bond against the Blood Demon Realm, because the blood demon Realm has been actively planning an invasion of the Tianyuan Realm since the moment it was discovered."

"It's just that two factors hindered the aggression plan."

"First, at that time, the Tianyuan realm and the blood demon realm were too far apart. Oversized monsters, monster battleships, skeletal chariots, and demon kings could not pass through the small and extremely unstable wormholes. Even if they crossed to the Tianyuan realm, they lacked logistics. It’s hard to get a foothold with supplies."

"Secondly, within the blood demon world, there is a serious tendency to split, the feather tribe, the zerg tribe, the horn tribe, the sea tribe, the claw tribe, and the five tribes are in intrigue and fight each other."

"In the decades after the discovery of the Tianyuan Realm, the Blood Demon Realm had just ended a civil war. The Feather, Zerg, Sea and Claw tribes united to carve up the demon country'Jiaoyan Kingdom' ruled by the Horn tribe, Ling Jiao The clan became a vassal of the four clans."

"Look, everyone is equally ambitious, and wants to completely swallow each other and then hurry up."

"It's just that the blood demon world has developed to its limit. It is currently strong, but resources are scarce and the stamina is insufficient, so I chose to start first to be strong, and take the lead."

"The Star Federation is still in a period of rapid growth. Its strength is growing day by day, and its resources are slightly more abundant than the blood demon world, so it chose to use static brakes to control others."

"Essentially, what is the difference between everyone? Both are... in the'dark forest' you call, there are two night hunters who are cruel, ruthless, and highly nervous, full of'persecution delusions' in order to survive. "

"Haha, Vulture Li Yao, even if your'shemale homology theory' is not supported by any evidence, I believe you, because our two races are so alike, the same cold, the same greedy, the same cruel, the same Is ambitious, trying to conquer everything we see!"

Li Yao let out a cold snort, and a strong light came out of his eyes, like a cockfighting with gorgeous feathers erected.

Jin Tuyi smiled: "In your eyes, I saw contempt and disdain. In fact, although you say "human and monsters are the same," these words, "Human and monsters are the same", but deep down in your heart , Do you still think we are not the same?"

"Are you thinking, our highly united, equal, democratic and free Star Federation, how can we fight with you the weak, cruel, cruel and easy to kill, and there is no evil demon between father and daughter who has no ethical affection? Is it the same family?"

"Tell you, no race is inherently cruel. All this is just a matter of resources."

"The resources of the blood demon world are poor, and there are not enough resources to support too many powerful people. Therefore, once the number of the silver blood demon race is too large, it must be consumed through cruel internal fighting or invading the Tianyuan world. Most of them!"

"It's like a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and the number of tigers in a jungle is always limited. If tigers do not fight inwardly, more and more, if they exceed the environmental load, it will only lead to the collapse of the entire ecosystem."

"We had to be cruel and had to fight internally. If we did not fight, the result would be a geometric increase in the number of the silver-blooded monster race. In just a few decades, all resources were exhausted, and then all the monster races starved to death together. ."

"And your Star Federation, in the course of hundreds of years of foreign wars, has naturally evolved a culture of internal unity and unity with the outside world."

"If we change the environment, you have always lived in the blood demon realm with poor resources, and we have always lived in the Tianyuan realm surrounded by foreign enemies, then you will become as cruel and merciless as us, and we will become It must be as united and passionate as you are."

"Wandering around, having said so much, I just want to tell you that it is useless to persuade me, the commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, and even to persuade the entire Blood Demon Realm. You must also persuade the Tianyuan Realm. Star Federation, persuade you compatriots who are full of ambitions, eager to expand territory, make achievements, and slay demons!"

"Trust me and persuade them, it will only be a hundred times more difficult than persuading me!"

Li Yao said solemnly: "Senior Jin, I don't want to argue with you about the good and evil of human nature. There is no answer to this question! Even if you really want to imagine all cultivators so unbearable, I have nothing to say! But now Facing the threat of the real human empire, even those who are ambitious and full of enmity against the monster race will calm down and think carefully about how to survive, right?"

Jin Tuyi smiled: "In your opinion, under the threat of the real human empire, the three realms of Tianyuan, Feixing and Blood Demon should unite, right?"

"Flying Star Realm has strong stellar navigation and space jumping capabilities, Tianyuan Realm has deep cultivation of Tianyuan Star, has strong planet construction capabilities and experience in large government operations, and Blood Demon Realm has advanced biochemical technology that can provide the strongest miners. Let us unite , To develop the bone dragon star, the resource planet of the flying star world, and the wider world, so that it can fight against the real human empire, right?"


Li Yao is decisive.

Jin Tuyi continued to ask, "So, in this new consortium, what kind of position do we Yaozu miners occupy? Slaves?"

Li Yao shook his head: "Of course it's not a slave. Even if the two parties really cannot get together in a short period of time, at least a relatively equal agreement can be reached. The monster miners are just like the human miners, and of course they have their own remuneration, rights and benefits. , I believe that after mining a lot of resources, no matter the common people of the human race or the bottom of the monster race, life will only be better than now."

Jin Tuyi smiled and said, "Well, I believe that the'True Human Empire' does exist, and that the union of Tianyuan, Fei Xing, and Blood Demon is a must, and I believe that the body is strong and adaptable to harsh environments. The Yaozu miners are an indispensable part of the plan to fight against the real human empire."

"So, guess what choice would I make if I were the Speaker of the Star Federation, the leader of the cultivation world, in the face of this information?"

"I can withstand the pressure of stepping down and be called a humiliation of'human rapes', try to quell the people's anger, suppress hundreds of years of hatred, and reach a complete ceasefire agreement with the blood demon world to usher in peace."

"But in this way, a large number of war bonds and victory funds will not be honored, a large number of sects and practitioners will go bankrupt, and the economic system based on the'conquest of the blood demon world' is on the verge of collapse. Even the government under my leadership is One hundred percent will collapse."

"Yes, of course we can develop the resource planets of the Bone Dragon Star and the Flying Star Realm on a large scale, but the formation of a virtuous circle and high returns will at least be a matter of decades later. It is far from quenching the thirst."

"What's more, when a peace agreement is really reached, the monsters will also enjoy the same legal status as the humans. They hire the monsters for mining. They must receive wages and enjoy benefits, and they will be transported to the Bone Dragon Star so far away. Or if I go to work in the Feixing Realm, can wages and benefits be reduced?"

"The cost consumed by every miner must be extremely high!"

"What's more, since it is a comprehensive peace and everyone is unanimous in the outside world, then the major forces of the blood demon world will definitely occupy a place in this future alliance? When fighting against the real human empire, the leadership of this alliance belongs to who?"

"Many problems can't be solved by touching your upper and lower lips and fluttering the word ‘peace’."

"However, I have a second choice."

Two black flames burst out of Jin Tuyi's eyes, showing sharp teeth, and smiling: "Young man, let me tell you, if I were the leader of the cultivation world of the Star Federation, what would I do with this one? thing."

"First, I will preach the threat of the true human empire, and then dispatch envoys to the blood demon world, and strive to achieve a comprehensive peace with the blood demon world, just as you are currently doing."

"Secondly, in three to five years, send a large number of exchange groups to the blood demon world, while exporting some technology that does not hurt the skin and flesh to the demon race, while spying on the reality of the blood demon world, surveying and mapping the blood demon world."

"At the same time, in the large-scale exchanges with the flying star world, the rapid development of crystal armor and starship technology, and under the guise of'response to the real human empire', the full crystal armor battle group has been expanded vigorously, and it will be expanded to within five years. At least thirty full crystal armor battle groups."

"Third, three to five years later, the comprehensive survey of the blood demon world is completed, thirty full crystal armor battle groups and the powerful fleet from the flying star world have also been deployed, and the demon clan has been completely filled with'peaceful' wine. After fainting, gather all the forces, blitz the Blood Demon Realm, and destroy the core force of the Blood Demon Realm in one fell swoop!"

"Of course, you can implement decapitation tactics first, such as inviting the leaders of the monster clan to participate in a peaceful event in the Tianyuan Realm, and kill them in one fell swoop... These are all details, no need to say more."

"Fourth, after suppressing the demon race's resistance with the force of thunderbolt, all the demon races will be compiled into'monster slaves' and sent to the Bone Dragon Star or Flying Star Realm for mining!"

"In this way, the large sums of war bonds and funds issued in the early stage can be redeemed with the land of the blood demon world, the towns of the major demon nations, and the demon slaves themselves, maintaining the stability of the federal government and the economic system."

"More importantly, the demon slaves are cost-free. They can drive them to mine on the resource planets of the Bone Dragon Star and the Flying Star Realm, squeeze out every drop of oil and water in their bones, and let them shine in the shining crystals. It doesn't matter if you live or die on the stone!"

"I believe that only in this way can we pay the least cost and collect the most resources in the shortest time to fight against the real human empire!"

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