40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 181 6 lingering ghosts

Chapter 181 6. The lingering ghost


Fair gestured to Jairzinho Guzman: "Is this a bit old?"

"As long as he is no more than seventeen years old," the medical officer replied.

He was lowering his head and clicking on the data pad with his hands, and the various equipment in the room moved with his movements. These extremely complex machines look almost incompatible with medical treatment, and their cold light can even make people feel frightened to a certain extent.

Guzman spent three minutes completing a routine inspection of them, then raised his head and said the remaining half of the sentence.

"You seem worried, Captain Fell."

"Of course I'm worried." Feier crossed his hands, the emblem on his cuffs shining brightly.

He looked calm, but his tense muscles told the medical officer his true emotions.

"I raised this matter with the instructor. If something goes wrong, I must take responsibility. Do you understand, Jairzinho?"

"I have little experience with medical malpractice," Guzman replied airily. "So I don't quite understand what taking responsibility means, Captain Fell."

".Are you showing off in a subtle way?"

"No, you misunderstood me."

"Son of a bitch, I definitely didn't misunderstand you." Feier cursed, and the expression on the chief think tank's face could almost be described as angry.

After that day passed, they spent another month and a half searching for a suitable candidate on Nostramo. With the help of surveillance footage, demographic screening, and some gossip, they successfully tracked down the child, whom they named Yago Savitarion.

By coincidence, when the Night Blades arrived at the third mine, he was lying on the ground twitching, and there were very obvious psychic phenomena around him. So Yago Savitarion was immediately brought back.

Everything was going well, but there was one thing that was almost unbearable for Ferzalost.

- He spent too much time with Jairzinho Guzman. It took him a long time to finally see clearly the latter's bad character.

Moreover, before that, Fell even felt that Jairzinho Guzman was a rare and good medical officer among them.

You know, whether before or after the name change, the medical officers and pharmacists of the Legion were a bunch of bastards who would laugh at the patients while treating them.

Only Jairzinho Guzman was different, and because of this, he was jointly elected as the chief medical officer by the company commanders. But now it seems that this guy is probably just hiding deeper.

"Whatever you say." Guzman put down the data pad and began to wait in the room.

He was leaning against the wall leisurely, with his legs stretched forward and one foot dangling on top of the other, looking very lazy.

"After all, I am just a small medical officer. How dare I have any grudges against the great Captain Fel Zalost's comments?"


The great Captain Fel Zalost closed his mouth gloomily and began to think about whether he should use psychic spells to teach Guzman a lesson that he would remember deeply.

But his thinking did not last long. At least, before he came to the conclusion, there was an obvious sound of footsteps in the corridor outside. It is very rhythmic and very slight. For the night blades, they only need to listen for a second to know who is coming.

Jairzinho Guzman immediately returned to his serious stance, picked up the data pad, and began to wait professionally for the door to open.

Feier looked at him with disdain, shook his head to show his disdain, and adjusted the collar and cuffs of his clothes, then walked over and opened the door.

Their instructor, Khalil Lohars, was standing there, with a boy hiding behind him.

"Go in," Khalil said. "The inspection location is here, Yago Savitarion."

The boy walked out bravely - he thought he had successfully concealed it, but Feier could see his pretentious and stiff attitude at a glance.

The chief think tank let out a laugh from his throat: "Boy, don't be so panicked, we don't eat people."

"I can't say for sure," the medical officer said lightly behind him. "Some of our cousins ​​used to enjoy using certain organs of theirs."

"Do you have to destroy me at this time?" Feier turned around and asked with a fierce expression.

"I'm just telling the truth, Captain Fell." The medical officer shrugged, stepped forward, and led the boy named Yago Severtalion to an iron chair.

It looked like it had nothing to do with comfort, and the long needles and scalpels floating above its head made it look even more terrifying.

The boy's face twitched obviously. He looked at Feier, then at the medical officer, and finally turned his eyes back to Khalil.

The latter nodded to him: "Is there any question, Yago Savitarion?"

"You might as well call me Sevita," the boy muttered. “That’s what my friends and people who know me call me, and the name I give myself is too long – am I going to get on this thing?”

"Yes, Sevatar."

"No, no, I'll ask again." Sevata pointed solemnly at the chair, and the gleaming needles and blades. "I want to sit on this chair?"

"Yes." The medical officer said softly. "You have a test to perform, kid."


Sevatar looked at Khalil who was smiling at him wordlessly, then looked up at the medical officer, and sighed as if he was resigned to his fate: "You won't cut me open and add something else inside." Right? I've heard many similar stories before."

Fair grinned.

He had to admit, he liked the boy a lot - so he decided to spice things up a bit.

"Maybe," Fair said. "Maybe we do take the whole thing apart and add something to you, but maybe we don't. It's up to you, kid, so get on it. That chair isn't going to bite you."

"Why don't you sit down?" Savita asked back, her face becoming even paler.

After half a minute of silence, he sat on the chair nimbly under the gaze of the three giants. He leaned on the cold backrest, clasped his hands tightly on his chest, and breathed quickly.

"How do you know I haven't sat down before?" Feier asked, raising his eyebrows.

He reached out, gently took the boy's hands, and placed them on the armrests of the chair. As a result, the shackle-like bracelets immediately came out and locked him on it.

Sevatar's cheek twitched sharply.

When he spoke again, there was even a little vibrato in his voice: "First of all, if you really want to cut me open because of those ghosts, I hope you can take care of me when you do it. Narcotics."

"Do you still know about anesthetics?" Jairzinho asked. He lowered his head and tapped back and forth on the data pad. The mechanical arm behind the chair began to operate, the needles began to tremble, and colorful liquids began to appear on the original In the empty needle tube.

Savita grinned and smiled - he was scared to death, but he still laughed: "I grew up in a shanty town, what haven't I seen?"

"So proud, boy." Feier smiled at him and tapped Savita's chest with a finger. "There are a lot of things you haven't seen before. So, get ready."

what to prepare? Savita wanted to ask this question, but his tongue was suddenly paralyzed, as were his teeth, then his eyes, face, and even his entire body - he suddenly couldn't feel these things, only Silence and darkness enveloped him.

He tilted his head, leaned on the chair, lost consciousness, and fell into sleep. Jairzinho lowered his head, raised the room temperature a little higher, and at the same time manipulated the chair to tilt it backwards even further.

Feier took a few steps back and made way for their instructor.

With blue light shining in Kalil's eyes, he approached the iron chair, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

"Let's check it out, Jairzinho," he said softly with his eyes closed. "It will be more efficient if the two inspections are carried out at the same time."

"Understood, instructor."



It's really cold. Why is it so cold?

Iago Severtarion thought with trembling teeth.

He held his arms and walked forward with his neck curled up - everything around him was hazy and had a disgusting texture. He didn't know where this place was, but a voice in his heart was whispering to him, telling him to move forward.

Sevatar trusted this voice.

In his past life, he had heard this voice countless times.

He had heard it when his father was ill with consumption. The voice told him to take his mother away, but he was only three years old and had no idea what it meant.

Later, his father and mother died of lung disease on rotten wooden boards beside the streets of the shanty town, and the rats ate them up. At that time, Sevatar also heard the sound.

It says it's time for you to leave and give yourself a new name. Although your father and mother are dead, they still have debts, and they still owe the factory a lot of working hours. If you don't leave, you will have no choice but to die in the factory like them.

Sevatar listened to it, for the first time in his life, but definitely not for the last time.

He ran away and gave himself a new name. He hangs out with a group of orphans who make a living by stealing and living aimlessly. They join gangs after a certain age, or simply die inexplicably before then.

Savita could have joined a gang a long time ago, but the voice in his heart told him not to.

The voice asked him: You have seen what kind of monsters they are, do you want to become a monster too?

Sevatar didn't answer, but he didn't join the gang either. Then the widely known name came to Quintus Hive.

The vengeful spirit, as people call it, some say it is a ghost that comes back from hell and will kill everyone sooner or later. The only reason we only kill those gangs now is because they killed it.

Others say it is a hero, a person, a monster, a mutated mutant

The workers in the shanty towns have made up countless identities and pasts for it, and no one knows the truth. However, in such an environment, as long as the vengeful spirit exists and continues to kill every night, it has become an incentive for them.

As for Yago Severtarion, he had seen the vengeful spirit with his own eyes. Although it was only a glimpse from a distance, he was sure that it was him.

At that time, the voice in his heart told him that the time had come.

Savita didn't know what this sentence meant, but in just six months, everything changed.


He exhaled a breath of cold air as he recalled these things.

His body could no longer retain any warmth. Out of his natural optimism, Sevita felt that he probably still had a few minutes to live. But he still gained enough strength from his memories, and he planned to rely on these possibly fleeting warmth to walk for a while longer - he didn't know what those people did to him, but

This is still Nostramo after all.

The young boy grinned: Who would care about the death of an orphan? On Nostramo, countless people die every day. One more of him is not too much, and one of less of him is not too much. But if you really want to die

Will you avenge me? he asked silently.

The mist is deep, rolling in from all directions, enveloping small whispers. Sevatar knelt on the ground tiredly, watching the fog sweep in, listening to those sounds, and shook his head helplessly.

"It's about time." He simply opened his arms. "Can't you let me go and let me be quiet for a while?"

No one answered, only the increasingly obvious whispers and wails. Sevatar lowered his head and panted to regain his strength. He was so cold that he almost lost consciousness in most of his body. At this moment, he almost felt like he only had one tongue left to move. He didn't know how long it took before he spoke again.

"Okay." He raised his head. "Then come on, I'm going to die anyway, and there's no need to be afraid of you anymore. Come on, you dead bones. I've always been curious, is there anyone among you that I know?"

As he spoke, his voice gradually became quieter. In the end, almost only he could hear what he was saying. He fell to his knees, completely unconscious.

Then, a hand pulled him up from the ground.


Lightning struck and thunder roared. The mist was blown away by the strong wind, and then raindrops fell, non-stop. The sky was gloomy, surrounded by empty ruins and silent.

There were countless shadows standing silently in the darkness. Among them were children who had lost their skin, miners who were lying on their backs and coughing blood, women who were hung up cruelly, and workers' leaders who had lost their bodies with only their heads left.

They are dead people.

They are wronged souls, ghosts, and the dead without self-awareness. It was the nightmare that once troubled Yago Savitarion. But now, they were just staring silently at a pale-skinned giant and the boy who was being held in his arms.

"How interesting." The head resting on the ruined road whispered again. "Are you going to give the so-called false light in your mouth to another child again?"

"Stop making fun of me." Khalil glanced back at him. "The dead should be quiet."

The head grinned and laughed: "Then you shouldn't be here!"

"I'll leave soon."

"Then leave and take him with you." The head said, its empty eyes slowly lit up with a cold blue light, as did all the dead around it. Millions of rays of light completely illuminate the darkness. The dead souls began to smile.

"Never come back, Khalil Lohars," the skull whispered. "Also, thank you for avenging us."

Khalil didn't answer, but just carried Yago Savitarion away. The rainy night blurred his back, making him look both tall and short, as if he was just a shadow.

This chapter is 4k, and there is one more chapter to go.

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