40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 199 24 Journey back to the city (3)

Chapter 199 24. Journey back to the city (3)

Gravity churned, pounding against the walls. The steel trembled, and many red marks similar to burning appeared on the surface. Gravity was torn apart, and the flesh stayed securely under the armor's wrapping—and then, there was an impact.

Violent impact.

The ground trembled, and steam spurted out from the heat dissipation holes reserved early on the outside of the boarding torpedo. The high temperature escaped, and along with the burning air, Carrier slowly walked out.

This was his first gang-hopping with the Night Blades, and to be honest, it wasn't anything memorable. There will be days like this in the future, and Khalil can almost see his future life.

Correcting official documents and killing are essentially the same thing. They are nothing more than repetitive work and the destruction of people. He stepped steadily into the corridor, the hem of his cloak dragging across the burning ground.

The human blood was greedily licked clean by it, while the orc's remained untouched. Khalil glanced at it, gave a brief warning, and then ignored it.

The essence of this armor has been affected by him, and some changes that are not suitable for human recognition are slowly revealed in it. He walked through narrow corridors riddled with bullet holes and arrived at the spot where the 1st Company's boarding torpedoes had struck.

A burning deck.

Here, the bloody battle has begun.

Van Cleef was not there, and the leader was his adjutant Morets. Siani is also there, but it’s hard to see where he is. The hand-to-hand combat champion wields his power claws and kills among the green orcs.

Khalil stood quietly by the door, staring at all this, not intending to get involved.

He scanned the battlefield and silently evaluated the performance of the Night Blades on this battlefield. Some charged too far, others fought like savage animals.

The man would cut open the wound with his sword, and then tear it open with his fingers. This method of fighting is obviously impractical. It may be effective against human enemies, but the enemy they are facing is orcs.

Moreover, they are not just a group of orcs.

Khalil narrowed his eyes. The empty eye sockets on the face of the skeleton remained unchanged, but he could see all the details.

He discovered that although the equipment of this group of orcs was poor, and the armor looked like simple welded steel plates, they had a strange combat quality that he didn't know where it came from.

The Night Blades' tactic was to surround them in the middle and strangle them bit by bit, but this group of orcs actually started back-to-back and covering each other in the third minute of the execution of the tactic.

The battle circle is crude, and the style of play is even closer to a kind of natural barbarism, but it is very effective.

And they're not noisy, seriously, they're not noisy at all. There was no yelling, no uneasy neighing after the companion fell - and this had nothing to do with the 'stupidity and barbarism' mentioned in the information on the Night Veil.

The most crucial point is.

Khalil tilted his head slightly, dodging a barrage of bullets fired at him. An orc glared at him in the battle formation, its ugly fanged mouth wide open, grinning ferociously at him.

All right. Still very sharp.

The skeleton lowered his head and seemed to sigh. The cloaked man behind him stood up, and his shadow shot out excitedly, grabbing the right hand and left leg of the orc. Before it even had time to change its expression, the next second it was torn in half by the cloak and thrown into the air.

Blood rain fell from the sky, and howls of anger or shock immediately sounded. The dense rain of gunfire immediately poured towards the place where Khalil was, but he was no longer there.

Adjutant Molec began to roar, and the Night Blades did not miss this opportunity. The bolters turned into a hail of fire, punishing them for their momentary distraction. The battle circle was torn apart, and the cruel ones in midnight-colored armor immediately filed in.

Two minutes later, the battle was over.

"There are more than two hundred on one deck." Khalil leaned against the wall and spoke in a low voice. "It's really an amazing amount."

"Instructor." Molec approached him, his armor covered with stinky blood. "These orcs are different from those we have encountered in the past."


"Yes. They would never have been so calm and sharp in the past. These aliens have always been reckless lunatics, no matter what the occasion. They are always in a mess, and many of them have not even engaged the enemy. There is only one tactic that will crush them to death, which is to charge, a swarm charge.”

"I don't know much about orcs, and the few words I have come from books. At present, books are probably useless - so, do you have any good suggestions, Morets?"

"I think it's best for us to rendezvous with the company commander first." The adjutant of the first company replied calmly. "Half of this Conquest-class cruiser has been controlled by the orcs. The company commander and the others must be in a tough battle."

"It seems that spreading the attack is still too risky." Khalil shook his head. "Just do as you say. Also, Sergeant Ogus, stop pulling the orcs' throats with your left hand. You might as well just behead them."

Ye Ren nodded silently when his name was called, and answered after a while: "Habits left in the past are hard to change."

"Use it according to the situation."

Khalil left these words and sank into darkness again in front of them. Ten seconds later, Siani's voice rang in the communication channel: "Do you feel that the instructor has become more and more casual recently?"

"What do you mean?" the adjutant asked seriously. "Shut your mouth, Siani."

"Is the adjutant great?"

"If you want to turn a three-month ban into a four-month ban, then I don't mind if you continue."

Silence returned to the channel.


Van Cleef calmly pressed down the head of an orc with both hands. He did this very carefully, but he also seemed to be very skillful.

The thing roared at him, saliva gushed out, and it dripped stickyly on the company commander's eyepiece, but Van Cleef did not get angry.

He quickly inserted his thumb into the orc's eye socket and dug out the eye in two or three blows. Then, he clenched his fist and began to beat the alien's eye socket.

The fist quickly shattered the bone, and Van Cleef effortlessly reached in and pulled out the orc's head.

The soft touch was blocked by the metal, but the heat and weight were not. They were sliding down the cracks of his fingers. Van Cleef finally showed some disgust, shook his hand, and dropped the brain tissue. It hit the floor with a soft thud.

The battle was over, but he did not usher in rest. He bent down, picked up the bolter he had dropped on the ground, turned around, and started firing at the other end of the corridor.

He hit very accurately, and those who tried to attack him immediately had their heads smashed or were hit in the torso.

The smelly blood splashed out and scattered all over the floor. It penetrates along the rough metal surface and into the gaps. VanCleef didn't know where they were going, but he didn't care.

Since 'waking up', it has become easier and easier for his mind to enter this high-speed operation. Everything has slowed down, just waiting for him to reach out and touch and feel. Is this a good thing? The first company commander didn't know, but he still said the same thing.

He doesn't really care.

Several connection runes flashed on his retinas - this Conquest-class cruiser was in charge of the First Company, and they did not choose to all fight in one place.

One party was at the stern and the other was at the bow. Van Cleef led another group of elites to extend from them and go to both sides. They scattered and started doing their old business.

Hunting alone in the dark is an almost instinctive skill for every Midnight Blade. They were already accustomed to this tactic before they changed their names, and they will naturally become more sophisticated now. However, Van Cleef himself did not expect that he would be so handy.

He couldn't help but start thinking. In the past, when the transformation surgery was completed, the fear was removed from his genes. This physiological reaction no longer affects him, and now, he doesn't even have the most basic excitement during battle.

Although the adrenaline was still burning, it became something similar to an active injection of medicine, and he could control it freely.

In other words, he can control himself and let his power burst out at certain moments of need.

The first company commander sighed slightly, and couldn't help but start to think about whether he was still of pure blood, and he hung the bolt gun back on the belt around his waist. His hearing was very good, and the sound of the body falling down the corridor was very clear to him.

In the past, he would have gone over to confirm whether they were all dead, but now there was no need. Hunting tactics emphasize efficiency. Compared with killing and seriously injuring, the latter is sometimes more useful.

He ran forward, into the darkness again, chainsword already in hand. The little finger is closed first, followed by the index finger last.

It was called Dark Night, and the High Gothic language shone on the gauntlet, not yet stained with blood. Following the connection runes displayed on the eyepiece, Van Cleef soon found his brother and their instructor, Khalil Lohars, in the unlit corridor.

"Ah, you're here, Van Cleef." The skeleton nodded gently to him. "I'm still wondering how long you will kill."

"Are you watching my fight?"

"I basically watched everyone's battles," Skull said. "You know, it's easy to walk in the dark."

"Don't you think it's a little too convenient?" Van Cleef retracted his chain sword and his voice became a little weird. "At least you still did some superficial work in the past."

"That's not necessary now." The skeleton laughed happily, his voice distorted into something close to a sneer. "With this free time, why don't I correct a few more official documents? Has Molec communicated with you?"

"He said it." Van Cleef nodded. "Meet, I understand."

"Then-" The skeleton turned his head and looked at the dark end of the corridor. "—I'll go find the captain of this ship first."

One more update.

In a word, don’t buy Starry Sky.

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