40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 200 25 Return Journey (4)

Chapter 200 25. Return Journey (4)

Navarro Delkunas struggled to push half of an orc's body away from him, and the fragments of internal organs and blood were scattered all over him, turning his coat into a puddle thicker than a sailor's vomit. Want something smelly.

He frowned, and at this moment he remembered the words from a book he had read in the past - don't make any plans that you think are useful before the battle begins, they will eventually be turned into a mist by swords and flesh.

"I agree," Tewaro muttered. "Damn, you're so right. I wish I had thought of it earlier."

He turned to look at his lieutenant.

Three-quarters of his lieutenant's body, to be precise. Mayon, a pure-blooded Terran, died today after living with him for six years. The cause of death was that he was cut open by an orc with a knife, and half of his body was chopped into pieces.

Navarro glanced at the alien corpse with lingering fear, wondering why these monsters had such terrifying power.

He knelt down, pulled up the adjutant's body, and started groping on his body. He had no time to observe silence for Mayoun. The top priority now was to find the diary and run with it.

His plan has changed. Navarro no longer hopes that the people who will come to support him are his peers or the Imperial Army who understand the rules. He now only hopes that someone will come to support him, and he wants nothing else.

This group of orcs was completely different from anything he had ever heard of. They were not a ragtag group, nor were they stupid beasts. They were even deliberately cannibalizing his crew step by step.

His bodyguards and most of the crew were now dead and wounded, and Tevaro knew very well that he would probably die, but even if he died, he must protect the diary.

That thing must not be exposed, otherwise his family will be destroyed along with the names on the diary. Although he doesn't like or even hate his family,

He gritted his teeth and continued to endure the touch of blood, searching for what he needed on the corpse like a lowly rat.

Fortunately, his lucky trinket finally attracted the attention of Lady Luck, and she favored him again.

Maybe the last time.

Tevaro took out a book with a brass cover from the adjutant's body with trembling fingers. He took off his leather gloves and touched a certain part of the spine with the index finger of his right hand. After noticing the slight dent, he sat down on the ground.


He looked at the adjutant, with a sincere smile on his face: "Fortunately, what you got is genuine, Mayon, otherwise I would never send pensions to your family."

With shaking legs, Tevaro stood up holding on to the wall. He stuffed the diary inside his coat, but felt that it was not safe, so he simply stuffed it into the innermost layer of his shirt.

After doing this, he picked up his automatic gun and walked towards the captain's cabin - which had been his study, lounge and occasional 'indulgence' for the past ten years.

At first, it was unremarkable, but now, it has become the most heavily protected place on the ship, except for the engine room. Tevaro planned to enter it and hide until he was discovered.

If the orcs found him, he would treat them to some bullets. If it was the Empire, then he would walk out of the office with his hands in the air and rely on a few sweet words to get out.

He had even thought about what to do if the imperial fleet came.

Bribery never goes out of style, everyone has greed. Moreover, if the leading officer was a new recruit, he might be able to save himself from this whirlpool with a navy pistol.

He brought four of these treasures, each engraved with the name of an Imperial ship. This is a precious collection that only upper-class collectors can own.

He was thinking wildly and soon walked to the door of the office. There are no orcs here, but the ground is devastated and covered in blood. Tewaro approached the door and pushed his fingers into the bottom of the door, deftly inserting it into a hollow.

After a slight sting, the wall on his right hand cracked. Tevaro walked quickly through the secret passage and came to a hidden secret room. This is his little treasure house, filled with precious paintings and precious hard currency smuggled over the years.

But now he didn't even look at these things. He just walked quickly and came to a wall.

After another period of groping with his fingers, a small hole opened in the wall. He put it to his right eye and began to observe, and his heart suddenly sank.

The scene in the office was not what he was familiar with. The wall on one side was blown open, and several orcs were collecting the automatic guns and shotguns on his weapons rack.

Tevaro cursed secretly, silently cursing in his heart that these bastards were killed when they used them to shoot his own crew members. He looked away silently and began to think about what to do next.

Several unreliable methods emerged from his mind, and were quickly thrown out by himself - Are you kidding me?

Tevaro raised his right hand and slapped himself slightly, his face full of anger: How could he come up with the idea of ​​going out with a gun and fighting them? Your life is very precious.

However, having said that, the faces of his crewmates appeared before his eyes. From the captain of the guard, to the adjutant, to the sailors.

Navarro Delkunas's face could not help but gradually distorted. He pressed his face against the wall and stared at the group of orcs motionlessly. A surge of anger was born in his heart.

These aliens robbed my ship and killed my people, why should I tolerate them? It's said in Imperial Truth, all alien bastards deserve to die

His anger surged, and he pulled out two navy pistols, preparing to find an opportunity to open the secret door and go out to kill all these beasts - but he did not get this opportunity.

Because someone has already taken the lead.

No, no, is that a human being? Tevaro's eyes widened in shock.

At first, he just saw a black fog. They spread out from the burning wooden floor and blood, and soon formed a substantial darkness.

Immediately afterwards, a huge shadow rose from the center. Tevaro couldn't see its face clearly, he could only see two faint blue lights and a vague human shape.

The orcs also discovered it, but before they even had time to draw their guns, they were quickly dismembered. The strange black shadow disappeared in a flash, and the heads of the orcs fell to the ground one after another. Tevaro jerked back, away from the wall.

He gritted his teeth, not wanting his breathing to be too obvious, but his heartbeat was still very fast - what on earth was that thing? !

He could swear to the damn Delkunas family that he had never seen anything so terrifying in his life!

But the nightmare didn't seem to end there. Just as Tevaro gently stepped back, trying to stay away from the wall with the peephole, he discovered that a blue light lit up in the peephole.


Tevaro's cheek twitched and he fired a shot in that direction without hesitation. But the blue light did not disappear, so he began to pull the trigger continuously, without stopping, until the twenty-round magazine was completely empty.

The fierce muzzle flash blurred his vision, and the bizarre feeling caused by the surge of fear also made his limbs twitch and his vision blurred. Panting, he began to fetch the two remaining Navy pistols shakily.

However, as soon as he lowered his head, he saw a skeletal hand filled with black mist, with his other two navy pistols lying on it.

Navarro Delkunas slowly raised his head and saw a face of bones.

"Hello, Captain of the Storm Swallow, Navarro Delkunas." The skeleton spoke slowly, his voice distorted to the point that it sounded like the last screams of the dead. "It's not easy to finally find you."

Tevaro rolled his eyes, feeling dizzy.

The update is complete and normal updates will resume tomorrow. First update at 5pm, second update at 7pm, 3k per chapter. It will be updated to 10,000 on Saturday and Sunday.

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