40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 233 4 A not-so-successful gang-hopping

Chapter 233 4. A not-so-successful gang-hopping

The deck shook, and the violent flash caused by the explosion made the entire artillery position bright as day. Weapon arrays were destroyed one by one, people wailed, and screams resounded throughout the ship.

Staring at this scene and listening to these screams, the captain of the New Hope, Lazar Harmon, picked up his laser pistol with trembling hands, not knowing whether to shoot himself or the fleeing crew. .

He wanted to roar and tell them, where can you run to? They are already everywhere! Might as well stay together and make one last push!

But he can't do it, he's falling apart.

Starting from the trembling of fingers to complete thoughts. Every part that used to be like an arm was now crumbling little by little, and fear completely took over him.

He lowered his head and looked frantically at the data pad in his hand, looking at the overall situation of the ship. His retinas were completely occupied by the shining red warning.

The armory has been destroyed, as has the power generation core. The life support system was still functioning, but the four transfer stations designed around it were all lost.

The plasma cannons, heavy bombs and laser destroyers placed inside seemed to have never existed and had been completely lost. The soldiers and officers in charge of them did not even give a report or explanation, and simply died together with the positions they were responsible for.

Not only that, the forge on the bow, the connecting avenue, the bottom cabin, the engine room, all the important places that he could name and had a place on his ship have been lost at this moment.

The entire ship glowed a manic red in the datapad, warnings continued, and Lazar Harmon desperately picked up his laser pistol, finally making up his mind to commit suicide.

——You must not be caught by them. This is what he thought and what he tried, but he couldn't succeed. In a violent jolt, his laser pistol fell to the ground and immediately slid away.

Lazar Harmon's eyes widened and he screamed in despair, unable to stay awake. The explosion was accompanied by a violent flash, and the last artillery position on the New Hope was completely lost.

He didn't know how long it took, but he woke up slowly. He didn't feel any pain, but only felt dizzy. He turned his neck and began to survey the new world before him, seeing burning bodies and fragments of barricades used to block his way. He mumbled deliriously and tried to sit up.

He spent several minutes doing this, never noticing his legs until a voice sounded in his ear, alerting him.

"Save your strength," the voice whispered. "You can cry, repent, and despair. But you can't sit up anymore."

What's the meaning?

Lazar Harmon raised his head in confusion and saw a skeleton face reflected in the firelight. Blood was all over his body, and the giant wearing midnight blue armor stared at him coldly through the scarlet goggles, holding several heads in his hand.

"You deserve to die," said the giant. "Lie down."

Lazar Harmon did as he was told.

He finally felt the pain. At the last second before he died, he saw a pair of leather boots not far away, stained with blood, and half of a broken leg was stuck in one boot. The boots looked familiar, they seemed to belong to him.

Sevatar slowly let go of his hand, letting his head fall from his hand. He turned around and walked to the porthole on the other side amid the crackle of flames. These high-strength glasses were not destroyed in the explosion and even maintained their integrity.

Through the porthole, Savita saw a battle in deep space, like a pas de deux, slow and elegant. The Tridesia and four strike cruisers staggered past, brutally cutting into several other ships parked in the orbit of the planet Cappadocia.

They tried to resist, but to no avail. Deadly spears of light shatter first their void shields, then the hulls themselves. They will be cut into pieces and die silently in space.

Are all deaths so quiet? Sevatar couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Sadly, it didn't last long.

"This is Bellos von Sharp, and this is my record. Now I am following a hunting team of the Midnight Blade to join the gang. A total of seventeen teams participated in this gang-hopping war."

"In the past forty-seven minutes, they completely dismembered the resistance offensive organized on the Dreadnought-class light cruiser New Hope, and the methods were very bloody. The style of the Night Blades has become very different from when they were performing the recovery mission. No, I didn’t see any traitor alive, everyone in sight was dead.”

"Their screams before they died continued to echo in the taken over ship communications. This should be a very effective psychological tactic. Ambushes and massacres were everywhere, and the traitors failed to organize any effective Counterattack offensive, at least from what I have seen so far, no one can survive the brutal offensive of the Night Blades."

Sevatar sighed slowly, deeply.

He turned away.

"Do you have to record these things during the gang jumping process?" he asked in a bad tone. There was anger swirling in his heart.

"Of course, respected Captain Severtalion!"

Bellos von Sharp excitedly waved the short shotgun in his hand and answered Sevita's words in a high tone. The bulletproof armor and trouser legs on his body were stained with blood. In terms of shape and quantity, it was not something that could be stained randomly.

Savita's eyes behind the eyepiece narrowed slightly, and he shook his head calmly: "You can call me by my honorific now."

"Have I not always been so polite?" The gray-haired man laughed loudly. "But I must also admit that when I talked to you before, I did have emotions a few times, and I apologize for that!"

"There's no need to apologize. Stop using honorifics. You made the coating on my power armor fall off."

"Okay, okay -" Bellows von Sharp nodded calmly. "——Then, can I ask you, as the captain, a few questions?"

Sevatar sighed again.

"The mission is over." He suppressed his temper, tried to keep his tone calm, and slowed down his speaking speed. "So, it doesn't matter how many questions you want, you can ask them."

Belros laughed again. As if he didn't feel the threat hidden in Sevita's words, he lowered his head with high spirits and adjusted the recording instrument hanging around his neck. Only after that did he speak.

"Why didn't the Midnight Blade destroy the New Hope together? Is it because you want to recover it?"

"No, we don't need any more light cruisers," Sevatar said coldly. "The reason why we started to gang up on it is just because we need to set an example."

"We will launch a raid on Cappadocia in a few hours. Every death on this ship will add more efficiency to our raid. The lives of the traitors are worthless, but instead of letting their The blood disappears in a vacuum, it is better to let this blood bring more blood."

"A very poetic description!" Bellos said loudly. "Thank you, Captain Severtalion. So, how are you going to go back later? I mean, go back to the Tridesia."

"Shuttle." Sevatar rolled his eyes behind his helmet. "Otherwise, how do you think we are going to go back? Launch the boarding torpedo again on site?"

"So, what about this ship? What will be the fate of the New Hope?"

"It will be reduced to drifting dregs in the vacuum by a volley of fire."

"That's it!" Bellos nodded in realization. He lowered his head and began to continue playing with the recording instrument. Savita observed him calmly, feeling a slight sense of disobedience at just the right moment.

In the past few days, Bellows von Sharp introduced himself to everyone he met, saying that he was a poet, a writer, a painter, a photographer, and a musician. There was no doubt that these titles were all self-proclaimed, and he did indeed behave. Like an idiot who likes to show off.

However, at this moment, this boastful and boastful man stood among the flames and corpses everywhere, his expression was calm, without any emotion that he should have. The fingers that manipulated the instrument didn't even tremble, they were surprisingly stable.

Sevatar narrowed her eyes again and spoke after a few seconds.

"You asked me two questions, Mr. Bellos." He turned off the voice changing function of the breathing grille and said in a low voice with his own hoarse voice. "So, can I ask you two questions too?"

Bellos von Sharp raised his head, looking a little surprised. He raised his hand, pushed up his glasses, and replied, "Of course you can!"

"What's with the blood on you?"

"Oh, this -" the narrator smiled slightly and patted the short shotgun hung on the shoulder by a rope. "——I also killed a few traitors."

"Didn't my team protect you?"

"Of course they do, otherwise how could I find you? It's just that I personally don't like to be protected all the time, Captain Severtalion."

Bellos von Sharp laughed again. Although his words still had a sour taste, they were no longer funny at all.

"You see, we relied on the Emperor to get to where we are now, and these traitors have shamelessly launched a rebellion against the Empire. As an Imperial citizen, I cannot just watch these people move freely."

"I also have a sense of righteous indignation in my heart, Captain Severtalion." The gray-haired narrator said.

Sevatar was silent for a moment, then gestured to him, ending the conversation. He turned around and continued to observe the battle in the vacuum without saying anything more.

Half an hour later, they returned to the Tridesia via shuttle.

There is one more chapter.

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