40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 234 5 The truth of the war (1)

Chapter 234 5. The truth of the war (1)

"There's something wrong with him," Sevita said. "I have never seen another narrator stand among the corpses and talk to me so calmly as he did."

Khalil glanced at him and suddenly smiled: "Besides him, which narrator have you met, Sevita?"

"...It's not important." The first reserve officer said, scratching his neck. "The point is, there's something wrong with him, instructor, there's definitely something wrong with him!"

Khalil nodded and temporarily removed himself from the complicated pre-war tactical planning. He straightened up from the tactical sandbox and tugged on his collar to prepare for changing clothes later.

Although the 'blade' could jump out of the shadow, take the shape of armor, and attach itself to his body, he didn't want to go to the battlefield wearing one of the few good clothes he had.

Savita looked at his movements and felt uneasy for some reason.

"Okay, then, in your opinion, what's the problem with Mr. Bellows von Sharp?" Carrier asked slowly.

"He killed several traitors without hesitation." Saiweita said, raising his head. "Kelen Ofion can confirm that he showed an undue enthusiasm and familiarity with the weapons in the battle."

"Okay, go on."

"He said that this was the first time he saw this short shotgun, but before Valtek told him how to use it, he learned how to use it without any instructions."

"How else can a gun be used?" Khalil couldn't help but laugh. "Except for a slightly more complicated safety common sense, even an Ogryn ape can learn how to use them."

"But he hit very accurately, instructor. There were six traitors in total, and they were all killed in one blow from a medium to close range, although the traitors were already fleeing at that time."

Sevatar raised his hand and knocked on his helmet.

"But didn't the document sent by the Ministry of Military Affairs say that the narrators were all poets and journalists? There were also sculptors. How could these people receive weapons training?"

"Maybe he was a militiaman before," Khalil replied noncommittally, flexing his arms and starting to take off his coat.

Savita was silent, and he vaguely noticed something from the instructor's attitude.

After a moment, he asked: "Is this some kind of secret, instructor?"

"No," Khalil said. "Berros von Sharp's life experience is all clearly visible in the documents sent by the Ministry of Military Affairs. At best, he can only be regarded as living a little longer, and it is not to the extent that it can be involved in secrets or even become secrets. "

"Then why?" Saiweita pursed her lips while hesitating to speak.

"Because you asked." Khalil said without raising his eyes. "So I have to answer you. It is one of my responsibilities to answer your questions."

Sevatar finally had nothing to say, he silently bowed to the aquila and left. Khalil watched him go away and shook his head in the command room where he was the only one left.

Sometimes, the Emperor is not just the Emperor.


The counter-insurgency war against Cappadocia was launched by the Eighth Legion in the third hour after the destruction of New Hope. However, when Belros von Sharp descended from orbit in the Storm Eagle, the distance A full six hours had passed since the war started.

Frankly speaking, this process did not make him comfortable. He was already firmly tied to the seat, but the violent jolts still made the reporter almost vomit.

Savita sat across from him with a grin on his face and laughed with a little pleasure: "Isn't this going to work, Mr. Bellos? We have slowed down."

The reporter took a deep breath and spoke with difficulty and trembling: "I have never tried this kind of thing before."

You'd be crazy if you tried it. Savita cursed secretly, but didn't say anything else.

After a few minutes, they landed smoothly. The Thunderhawk's hatch slowly opened, and he and Belros walked out together.

What appeared before them was a city being destroyed. Broken bricks and tiles, corpses everywhere. Smoke covered the sky, and dense and violent gunshots came from not far away.

Sevatar looked down at Belros, trying to find some uneasiness in this man, but all he saw was calmness and familiarity.

Yes, familiar.

Sevatar shook his head and held the chain halberd in his hand.

He glanced at the radar map displayed on the upper left side of the eyepiece, lowered his head and told the reporter: "You'd better come with me, Mr. Photographer. Of course, if you want to move freely, I don't have any objection."

"Is there any risk in the latter?" Bellos asked cautiously.

"There is also the former." Sevita grinned, and a deep laughter leaked from the breathing grille. "I usually only go to the most dangerous places."

"The traitors' foundry or barracks?" Belros guessed.

"It can only be worse than that."

"Then, I'll go with you, Captain Severtalion."

Savita shook his head sarcastically and said nothing more.

The Thunderhawk that had brought them down quickly took off. It and its pilot had other tasks to do. The air flow escaped and black smoke rolled up. Sevatar turned around and started walking with the reporter in the city that was almost in ruins.

He found it a chore, but the Chroniclers were appointed by the Emperor himself, so he had to let Belros do his job.

As they walked through the dilapidated streets, Savita heard the clicking of cameras. He couldn't help but be a little curious and wanted to know what Bellos would photograph, so he asked directly.

"How would you describe this war?" Sevatar asked in a casual tone.

"I don't know now, Captain Severtalion. I would like to answer you, but I have to experience this war myself before I can tell you what I think." Belros replied, his expression was very serious, and he kept taking photos. According to.

He photographed ruins, scattered furniture, and children's toys engulfed in flames. He also photographed corpses, men, women, old people. He recorded almost everything without making any comments.

Savita watched his movements and suddenly had an idea in his mind. He calmly turned his steps and led the reporter to the other end of the ruins. Ten minutes later, they arrived at the ruins of a factory. Here, an execution is taking place.

Thousands of unarmed, screaming and crying rebel soldiers were being executed one by one by the Night Blades.

The technique is not cruel, it can even be called neat. They didn't skimp on explosives and tried to make every soldier's death as painless as possible. Still, the scene was horrifying.

Waiting for death is always one of the top images of human fears.

People were screaming, crying, and begging for mercy like animals in the fenced-in area. Some people looked at everything indifferently, and their sanity had long been shattered. Some people were screaming and running around, trying to get a pair of wings and fly away.

And all of this was rejected by the cold and ruthless midnight giants. The cold muzzle of the bolter was pointed at them, numbering, naming, and executing. They even managed to bring a sense of order to such a chaotic scene.

"How, what do you think?" Sevita asked with a chuckle. "How would you describe this in your manuscript, Mr. Bellows?"

The reporter did not answer, but silently took pictures. After a few minutes, he sighed.

"Actually, my description is unimportant," he said seriously. "Those in the publicity department will review all the manuscripts I send back. Only those with positive reviews will be published in newspapers or books."

"So, what are your thoughts on this scene?"

"Do you want to know, Captain Severtalion?"

"Yes." Sevita nodded and said softly. "I really want to know."

"My opinion is-" The narrator shook his head calmly. "——This incident is not surprising at all in war, it is common. Whether these people are coerced, incited, or have rebel intentions early on, they are all rebels."

"The traitors don't deserve to live. They don't have this kind of power. There can't be any mercy in this kind of thing, otherwise it will be a bad start. You know, traitors are often more hateful than enemies, Captain Severtalion ”

"Don't you think this is cruel?" Sevita asked.

The narrator smiled. This smile was no different from his usual smile, but Sevatar noticed the subtleties in it. Bellos raised his hand, took off his gold-rimmed glasses, and put them into the sandwich of the bulletproof armor.

The wind carrying the smell of gunpowder smoke blew by, and the screams of the rebels filled the field, but he kept smiling and nodded to Sevatar.

"They deserve it." The narrator smiled and said coldly. "In fact, I'm even a little surprised at how merciful the Night Blades are."

"You say we are merciful?" Sevatar sneered. "What are you talking about, Bellos? Is there something wrong with your sanity?"

"You did not torture them, and their families, as well as the civilians, the degree of damage to the city could only be considered slight. Some important nodes and energy transportation channels were not even damaged. And I did not see the distance from the orbit. The colonist fleet is coming, which means that you still intend to let the civilians continue to live in their hometown. If this is not kindness, then what is kindness? "

Sevatar was silent for a moment and asked, "Who are you?"

Belros did not answer this question. He just squatted down and picked up a small pebble from the ground. He put it into his pocket and put on his glasses again.

"I am a chronicler, Captain Severtalion." Belros said. "That's all."

Sevatar stared at him and nodded slowly.

"Very well, follow me." He turned around. "You probably want to take a look at the front line, photographer?"

"I wish you all the best, dear Captain Severtalion!"

update completed.

Chaos doesn't appear in this volume, so don't worry.

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