40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 247 18 Phoenix falls from the sky (1)

Chapter 247 18. Phoenix falls from the sky (1)

Akuldona was slightly uneasy.

Where does this uneasiness come from? Well, the answer is actually quite obvious. You would also feel uneasy if your Primarch visited another Primarch with only you as a bodyguard.

When honor is magnified to an extreme level, it is no longer an honor, but a burden. What's more, Lorgar Aurelion, who was traveling with Fulgrim, didn't even bring a single guard.

The Great Word Bearer arrived wearing a priestly robe from Colchis, his hands empty. This means that the security work will be completely handed over to Akul Dona.

The Chief Swordsman of the Emperor's Children wanted to ask - What virtues am I capable of? Yes, I know my fighting skills are superb, but how can I be so virtuous?

At this moment, Akul Dona was wearing a purple and gold uniform that best represented the Emperor's Children. There was also a string of amber pendants hanging on the earlobe of his right ear. It was one of the trinkets made by Fulgrim himself. Will be given to his favorite warriors.

There is also a saber on his waist. Of course, the gorgeousness of this saber far exceeds its practicality. As a saber, fine reliefs and patterns are carved on the blade, and it even becomes hollow.

Calling it a weapon would only make people laugh.

Fulgrim took in all Akuldona's little moves, but didn't make any comments. He smiled, his long silver hair almost shining in the dark. He himself, of course, cannot shine, thanks to the Word Bearer walking beside him.

Lorgar Aurelion's shining golden skin almost acted as a lighting for his brother - no way, the Nostramo people's demand for brightness of lighting tools was far lower than that of ordinary people, and their street lamps looked almost useless. glow.

Fortunately, this journey did not take long. After passing two towering marble columns again, they saw Conrad Coates alone at the end of the red carpet.

Compared to his noble status, the Lord of the Night's dress is simply astonishingly simple. He wore a simple black robe, with a pendant looming on his chest. His black hair was simply tied back, forming a common warrior braid.

Akuldona also tried this hairstyle before, but he chose a more complicated one.

"Welcome, brothers." The Lord of the Night spoke softly, and before that, he first glanced at Akuldona, who was observing him, as a greeting. The latter was slightly surprised, and then lowered his head in flattery. Headed.

"I hope that the new Nostramo can slightly change its image in your eyes."

Fulgrim walked up to him with a smile and gave him a hug directly. Kurtz did not choose to evade, but his expression looked a little helpless.

He shook hands with Luojia again. The speaker was somewhat embarrassed, but Curze didn't seem to care about the past. His handshake was much stronger than he should have shown, and this level of enthusiasm even made Luo Jia feel a little dazed for a moment.

"Why didn't you prepare for a military parade, Konrad?" Fulgrim put his arm around the Lord of the Night's shoulders and made a mild joke in a somewhat affectionate manner.

"Didn't you just bring Akuldona alone?"

"Huh?" Fulgrim raised his eyebrows. "Of course there is a reason, but you should at least prepare for a military parade."

"No, it's too much trouble-" The Lord of Night shook his head. "——Don't tell me that you really want to blow the cold wind for hours on this cold night and watch me introduce you to my company one after another."

"Why not?"

"It's too much trouble," repeated Conrad Coates. "Besides, are you just joking, Fulgan? Why do people who want to see the military parade only bring one guard?"

He mercilessly exposed Fulgrim's disguise, causing the smile that Phoenix had suppressed to turn into a chuckle that spread in the night wind. But he didn't seem to give up yet, instead he smiled. Yila passed Akuldona and introduced the latter to Koz once again.

"This is Akul Dona," Fulgrim said in a poetic tone. "My eldest son, my pride, my chief swordsman and my second company commander. He is not just a 'guard', brother."

Akuldona looked at Conrad Coze with a look of help. The latter sighed inaudibly and waved to the darkness beside him.

A pale-faced Terran Night Blade just walked out of the darkness. The original bodies had naturally been aware of his existence for a long time, but Akul Dona was different. He was slightly startled, and there was surprise in his eyes.

"This is my championship." Coz said expressionlessly. "Siani from Terra."

"That's it? I mentioned four titles." Fulgrim tilted his head dissatisfied.

Facing his question, Coz finally smiled - unfortunately, this smile was very meaningful: "Actually, Siani has many titles, Fulgen. If you want to hear it, I can certainly let him tell me one by one. come out."

Akuldona saw that the Night Blade's face seemed to become a little paler.

"You are totally cheating." Fulgrim sighed. "Forget it - so, is there a party?"

"Of course." The Lord of Night turned around and started walking gracefully. Luo Jia followed in silence. He had already expected this kind of neglect, so he didn't think there was any problem.

In fact, this situation was much better than the other one he had expected. However, after the sound of his footsteps sounded, Koz suddenly stopped.

He turned around and showed half of his pale profile to the Great Word Bearer.

".Do you have any favorite specialties, brother?" Conrad Coates asked softly. "Several of the chefs in my legion are from Terra, and they can cook many dishes."

Fulgrim turned his head and faced the darkness with a smile of mixed emotions and relief.

Lorgar Aurelion slowly opened his mouth, and after a moment of silence, he made a grateful and enthusiastic voice: "I'm not picky about food, brother!"

"Really?" Kurtz retracted his gaze and continued walking forward. "That's good, me too."


Khalil knelt down and picked up the torn remains of a fighter servitor from the ground. He looked thoughtfully at the cyborg creature that was still emitting electric sparks, and stretched out his hand to poke its purple muscles. This color was certainly not natural.

In fact, every combat servitor used to provide training will be infused with a large amount of powerful stimulants at the moment of activation. Only under the influence of these poisonous chemicals can they rival the Astartes in terms of muscle strength.

Of course, for now, biology is not what he is studying. He already knows enough about the structure of the human body.

He is currently studying the mechanical structure - although it sounds a bit weird, it is the fact.

People always have to make continuous progress. In Khalil's view, if he has enough time, then it is natural to learn new things.

However, he seems to have no talent for mechanics.

On the way back, he had been thinking about how to repair the damaged fighter servitor. As of today, there are as many as twenty-six fighter servitors that have been completely scrapped under his hands. It is not that none have been repaired, but their functions have changed to a certain extent.

Or incomplete.


Sighing, Khalil put down the servitor, then turned away from the workbench and walked to the closet.

His office and living room inside the 'nest' is not large, but it is fully equipped with all necessary accessories, including a wardrobe. Although there are not many clothes, it is enough for him to cope with various occasions.

He chose a simple dress, put it on, and left his office.

The full name for 'den' is actually quite literal and very lengthy. To this day, not only Night Blade, but even civilians are accustomed to calling this giant building that is half underground and half on the ground a lair.

It is mysterious to those who have not been inside it, and "cold as hell" to those who have been.

No one knew why it was so cold inside the lair. The cold wind blew through the dark corridors, blowing away the mist and creating an echo that was almost like a whimper. Except for the lack of cobwebs and dust, this place was probably no different from a cemetery.

Just as eerie. As long as you ignore the new blood.

I mean, as long as you ignore the new blood popping up everywhere.

"Instructor!" A group of new blood wearing training armor greeted him loudly, and then dispersed and ran away.

Khalil could tell at a glance what activity they were doing - 'Hunting'. If the new blood participating in the activity was not completely caught by the veterans who were hunting them before midnight, they would be able to get some rewards.

Those who perform well can even win themselves a power weapon, but of course, there are penalties for getting caught.

Khalil paused and watched them go away. He began to think about whether to expand the lair more. The number of Night Blades was still small, but somehow, he always felt that the lair had begun to become a little crowded.

As he was thinking, another set of footsteps came in front of him, and a hoarse voice rang out: "Instructor, have you seen them?"

Khalil raised his head, nodded, but then shook his head: "It's cheating to ask others for help, Vandrod."

"I know, but that doesn't stop me from asking." said the warrior known as Vandrod. He is a Nostramo man. He is still very young, but he is already an experienced member of the hunting team.

Khalil chuckled: "I won't tell you where they are. Find it yourself, Fandrode. They have been scattered."

Fan Zhuode grinned and said with a ferocious smile: "I understand."

Watching him go away, Khalil took steps towards the banquet hall. His expression had returned to calm.

There is one more chapter.

Let me reiterate, Chaos does not appear in this volume.

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