40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 248 19 Phoenix falls from the sky (2)

Chapter 248 19. Phoenix falls from the sky (2)

The banquet ended smoothly without any disturbance. Lorgar didn't say anything he shouldn't have said, and Fulgrim even sang a ballad from Chemos to liven up the atmosphere. Curze could see his good intentions, and so could Khalil.

Fulgrim's actions were not unnecessary, but it was difficult to say what effect they had. At least, Khalil knew very well that Conrad Coates still didn't actually like Luojia.

In other words, he had no special feelings for Luojia from the beginning - from this point of view, Fulgrim seemed to be doing useless work.

But who can really accuse him of anything?

At least Curze can't.

"Lal people?" The Lord of Night frowned. "A technologically advanced alien race, and it's located in the easternmost part of the Extreme Star Territory? Is this information true, Fulgrim?"

"It's Fulgrim."

".Is this information true, Fulgrim?"

Phoenix nodded solemnly: "The news returned by the scouts of the 28th Expedition Fleet is conclusive. From this point of view, the ships traveling between Nostramo and Macragge have not been robbed by them. It’s a miracle.”

Curze also nodded and agreed with Fulgrim: "It is indeed a miracle."

"It's not over yet, brother. This alien race is not just highly technologically advanced. They also have a high degree of socialization, and the entire race is extremely united. It will definitely be a hard battle to conquer the world where they live."

The phoenix of Chemos raised his right hand and put it on his left shoulder. He sat on the chair and saluted: "This is why I will take Luojia to find you, Conrad. I need the help of the Midnight Blade. "

The Lord of Night did not answer, but his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

Do Fulgrim's words sound credible? Well, if you don't take into account his past behavior, these words are quite sincere. But here's the rub.

The Chemos does not like to have others interfere with his conquests, nor does he like to be 'helped'. In fact, in the wars that the Emperor's Children experienced, they were usually the only ones who came to the aid of other Legions, unless the partner was Ferrus and his heirs.

And now, he has traveled thousands of miles to come to Nostramo just to seek help? He could have gone to Robert Guilliman and the Ultramarines.

Konrad Coates could make it easier, but he doesn't want to.

"Is it because of Luo Jia?" he asked suddenly.

Fulgrim stared at him, a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Did I teach you too well? Or is this the credit of Instructor Khalil?"

Cozz chuckled lightly and did not answer the question.

Fulgrim sighed and had no choice but to continue speaking. He didn't want the topic to end here. Could things still turn around? At least, that's what he believed.

"Yes, just as you think, I hope that the gap between you and Luo Jia can be eliminated in this war. I don't want to see any of us have dissatisfaction with each other. If brothers can't trust each other, It’s a little too sad.”

"I have no problem with going to war," Conrad Coates said bluntly. "But I want to correct one of your ideas, Fulgrim. I don't have the hatred or disgust for Luojia that you imagine. I don't have any feelings for him."

Fulgrim was choked. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out. He simply closed his mouth and fell silent, thinking of words that were more cautious and sincere.

But what to say?

Looking into those completely dark eyes, Fulgrim felt for the first time that his language skills were still lacking.

Conrad Coates did not let this silence continue.

"I do not reject cultural exchanges between legions, nor do I reject using war to forge friendship chains between them. But I am different, Fulgrim."

"What's the difference?" Fulgrim asked. "Aren't you and I both Primarchs?"

"Your statement is idealistic, but I will use a colder description." Coates leaned back and leaned on the back of his chair. His gaze was very deep, like a dead man in a dark world casting a fleeting glance at the living.

"When my father designed us in his laboratory, he deliberately made the differences between us so huge. You are eloquent and have perfect appearance. Some worlds may surrender on the spot just by seeing your figure. But I Different, look at me, brother."

The Night Lord rose slowly from his chair and moved closer to Fulgrim so that the latter could see his reflection through his dark eyes.

From this distance, Phoenix could completely feel his brother's breath - and there was no warmth in that breath.

As dead as the eyes of the Lord of the Night.

"I'm a monster," he said softly. "Can anyone deny that? No. Let me put it more plainly, Fulgrim, lest you misunderstand me. Even when I was a Midnight Ghost, I had a sense of justice. "

He chuckled, as if mocking himself.

"I hate those nobles who eat flesh and drink blood and their minions. I kill many with bloody methods every night. Have you ever tried to break off a person's collarbone and insert it into his head?"

Kurtz returned to his normal standing posture, spread his right hand and made a gesture. What the gesture represented made Fulgrim's eyes suddenly become serious and sad.

"Or, splitting someone's muscles with your fingernails so that you can torture him until he is willing to tell you the information you need? Of course you have not, dear Fulgrim. Although you are also proficient in killing, your method is to swing a sword , is an elegant sword swing.”

"I'm not. I kill people with my fingers and nails. I bite them with my teeth, sometimes even tearing them apart like a wild animal. My father gave me this sense of justice, but I fell into a pit of sinners."

Konrad Curze laughed coldly. He glared at Fulgrim, using his eyes to make the latter take back the compassion he showed, and then he continued.

"What would I be like if I hadn't met Khalil? So I don't forgive him, Fulgrim, never. But, like you said, he and I are brothers after all so I won't hate him. ”

Konrad Curze smiled seemingly gently, his fangs poking out of his lips, making his smile look terrifying. The noble face that belonged to the original body turned into such a terrifying face under the control of its master.

He just smiled and waited for Fulgrim's answer.

Phoenix was silent for a full five minutes before giving an answer.

"I seem to be doing bad things with good intentions." He sighed. "Do you think I'm a little pretentious, brother?"

"You have a heart of gold." The Lord of Night sat down. "Even a monster like me can see clearly. So, let's get back to the topic - the Nightblades will participate in this war, but my Legion will not cooperate with the Word Bearers."

"Do you want me to tell him on your behalf?" Fulgrim pursed his lips.

"I will do it myself, and I won't put you in a dilemma, Fulgrim." Curze said softly.

"Yeah" Fulgrim sighed and nodded, but his expression changed again after a brief silence. Curze frowned, instinctively feeling that something was wrong, but Fulgrim was already one step ahead of him.

"The title is wrong, brother." The Chemos man said with a smile. "You called me wrong, Conrad."


"Why are you silent? Dear Conrad?"

The Lord of Night raised his right hand, covered his forehead, and hissed out a few Nostramo words. Fulgrim finally laughed.


Lorgar Aurelion did not spend the night on Nostramore like his brother Fulgrim, but chose to return to the flagship. Taking the shuttle, he returned to the Law of Loyalty.

This ship is actually very different from the Glory Queen class ship that the world imagined. Its interior is not neat and tidy, and can even be called dirty and messy.

A large number of fanatical believers and followers of the Emperor lived here. Due to the large number of people and the asceticism required by their faith, the environment naturally became filthy. Fortunately, the Word Bearers didn't care about this, and they followed Luojia's teachings.

The Great Word Bearer walked out of the boarding deck with a smile, and the servants in ascetic robes bowed to him devoutly. Luojia accepted it. He accepted it on behalf of the emperor - he was the son of God after all, so he was naturally qualified to accept it on behalf of his father.

However, while doing this, there was a corner in his heart that was looking forward to something else.

He hoped that his father would one day accept the sincere faith and kneeling of these pilgrims. With expectations for it, Luo Jia returned to his residence. His room was neither luxurious nor huge.

For a primarch, living in such a room can even be considered a humiliation, but Luojia didn't think it was anything. He has been practicing hard training recently, and his food and clothing are very simple.

He walked to his desk, sat down slowly, and began to read the reflections he had written recently. He is in a good mood today, so he will probably write some more before taking a rest.

The Primarch sat alone in his room, thinking about the future and the relationship between brothers. He still cherished a beautiful fantasy, hoping to be as close as a brother to Konrad Curze.

In the countless dying, dark days and nights in the future, he will look back on this day forever.

He will be full of hatred and heart-breakingly angry at himself in the memory, let himself stand up, and walk to the other end of the Rhythm of Loyalty.

But he can't.

No one can change the past in the future, no one can. You can only stand in the past and change the future.

——The Word Bearers' adjutant, Dark Apostle, Hand of Fate Erebus said with a smile.

The update is complete and will continue tomorrow.

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