40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 249 20 Phoenix falls from the sky (3)

Chapter 249 20. Phoenix falls from the sky (3)

The Lars have a fleet.

Realizing this, Yago Severtarion felt a sense of discomfort from the bottom of his heart - it is not that the Night Blades have never dealt with aliens, but after all, there are still a few races like the Lars who are even capable of building their own warships. .

Fortunately, the fleet coming here was the merging of three legions. It was just a simple salvo and a quick strike from the destroyers, which completely destroyed the Lal fleet.

Next, the war officially began.

The familiar airborne landing, the familiar bumps, and the familiar face of the enemy's first wave of attack. Savita thought that this matter would be successfully completed amidst difficulties like in the past, but what they faced was not a 'difficulty', but a 'difficulty'. is a difficult collection.

"Come closer to me!" Savita roared gloomily in the communication channel. "I don't want to see anyone leave the team, keep the formation and advance quickly. We need to join other teams immediately."

His squad carried out his orders in silence. Sevatar walked at the front to open the way. His reaction speed was astonishingly fast, faster than the average Astartes, so he always held the vanguard position.

Valthek and Kellen Ofion followed closely behind him, ready to deal with any enemies that might appear beyond Sevatar's sight. Behind them were Ramien, Vasakian, and Balti Thrall, armed with bolters and responsible for covering fire.

The apothecary Vakendervan Lyle and the silent Zariglas walked together, and at the end of the team were Amro and Nadras from Rensot—all of them were pale men with black hair and black eyes. , all taciturn in battle, with a dead air from Nostramo.

Generally speaking, whether they speak or remain silent, their enemies shudder. But this has no effect on the Lars. They are simply a group of tall, strong and agile beasts with snake tails and four arms.

It is so powerful that it can even tear apart ceramite armor with its claws alone. The speed is so fast that it can dodge explosive bombs within a certain distance. What's worse is that they are not primitive, and their weapons are just as deadly.

If you think these are not a problem, then you might as well listen to the sound of the waves.

Yes, the place where the Night Blades landed was a suspended city built on the sea - the Lars could move freely in the water, but the Night Blades could not. When fighting such a dangerous enemy, being dragged underwater could be a death sentence.

But Sevatar was careful enough.

He's always been like this, like now. As soon as the characteristic hoarse roar of the Lars rang out from the bombed ruins of their city, Sevatar immediately brandished his chainhalberd.

Two beasts with snake tails fell from the sky and rushed towards him. One of them was cut in half by him immediately, his head dripping with blood. The other one was beaten to powder by Valtek with a power fist glove.

But this was not over yet. The attacked team immediately scattered into the ruins. Their decision was proved necessary half a second later, because the Lar people's firepower network had poured in.

Dark green energy beams with their blasphemous xenos technology were fired, pummeling Sevatar and his squad. The young but experienced Ye Ren frowned and listened carefully to the sound for a while.

From the dull sound of the Lar's energy beams firing, he captured the information he needed. Sevatar turned his head and gestured to the silent Zariglas. The latter nodded silently, bent down and left the bunker.

The rest of the people immediately put their guns out of the ruins bunker and began to use explosive bombs to attract the attention of the Lar people.

Three minutes and twenty-seven seconds later, Zariglas's voice rang within the communication channel.

"One left alive, Captain," he croaked. "Do you want me to kill it?"

"No, bring it here," said Sevatar.

He stood up and the eyepiece began to zoom in. At the ruins 472 meters away from them, Zariglas ran over with a half-broken Larman in hand.

There was blood behind him, and the corpses of the aliens were scattered everywhere. Some of them were pierced by the sharp sections of the ruins for unknown reasons, and the corpses were sliding down along the sharp shell strips.

In typical Zarigrath fashion, he enters battle with a brutality that would occasionally surprise even Terran veterans. A few seconds later, a living alien was thrown at Sevatar's feet.

The others ignored it and continued to remain vigilant. Zariglas borrowed a piece of cloth from the ruins and wiped his power sword. Sevatar stuck the chain halberd downward into the soil, squatted down and looked at the Larman.

The latter lowered his head, with a pair of dark multi-faceted eyes on his insect-like head, shaped like gems and wet. The lower jaw was cracked, and blood was dripping from the fang-covered mouth.

Sevatar observed it carefully for a while, and then pulled out the combat dagger at his waist.

He smiled unsmilingly inside his helmet and hissed, "Before you know, I'm going to dissect you."

Tens of seconds later, a series of incomprehensible screams echoed above the ruins. Two minutes later, the screaming stopped and Sevatar's team left the ruins.

Behind them, a skinned Laer corpse, with most of its muscles and muscles removed, was hung up and drifting in the salty sea breeze among the ruins.


Van Cleef pumped his right fist impassively, punch, punch, punch. After three blows, the Lar man that jumped out of the shadows was completely dead. Its face was beaten into a ball of minced meat by the company commander without emotion or consciousness.

Then, he turned around, and the chain sword in his left hand roared and cut open the chest of another alien. The thing howled in pain, flailing its four arms wildly, tearing at VanCleef's power armor.

It was obviously just the power of dying, but it caused a huge gap to appear on the surface of the armor. Van Cleef frowned, brushed his right hand across his waist, and slashed the combat knife across, killing the thing.

But this is far from the end. In fact, in this dark cave filled with sea water, there are more Lar people coming screaming.

Unfortunately, the Night Blades are not afraid of the dark.

There are monsters in the dark, yes. But the monster can only be them.

"Assemble, volley." Van Cleef gave two orders coldly, using extremely brief words, but the Night Blades of the first company responded to him at an extremely fast speed.

The aliens howled, shadowy in the darkness, and what greeted them was the baptism of explosive bombs. Flesh and blood spattered, and the flames spurting from the muzzle briefly illuminated the darkness, making the night blades' midnight-colored armor look even more gloomy.

The fire suppression lasted ruthlessly and efficiently for four minutes and seventeen seconds. The Lar people who came from the depths of the cave died in vain without even being able to stop a decent fire offensive.

Trampling on the flesh and blood, Van Cleef crushed their corpses without emotion, and the flesh bloomed under the steel boots and turned into heterogeneous flowers. His chainsword stopped roaring, and the Night Blades gathered together again in silence, beginning to kill those aliens who had managed to survive and gathering the casualties.

The plan is generally successful. The capital of the city of Lal has been captured by them. Yes, their capital is this cave filled with sea water.

Van Cleef lowered his head and stared at the ground for a moment. The sea water swayed, passively washing the flesh and blood on his steel boots. The bodies of the aliens were floating in the sea water, with flesh and blood tissues scattered everywhere, almost like a bad mockery.

No matter how many of you die, it won't be enough to bring back any of the people I lost.

The first company commander raised his hand, slowly took off his helmet, and took a deep breath of air that smelled of blood. His lieutenant came to him, covered in blood, and wordlessly reached for the combat knife from Van Cleef's waist and replaced it with a new one.

"Eleven victims," ​​Molec said in a low voice. "There are more injured people. We need to rest on the spot for a while, company commander."

"I know." Van Cleef responded calmly.

He did not turn his head to look at Molec, and the pair of eyes above his high cheekbones were staring into the depths of the cave.

"Has the Primarch been notified?" he asked curtly.


"How did he say?"

"He mentioned the funeral."

"there is none left?"

"there is none left."

Van Cleef turned his head, with a rare smile on his face: "This means that he allows us to move freely, Morets. Rest on the spot and regain combat effectiveness. We will resume the march in twenty minutes, and we will pull the rest. Kill them all."

He puts on his helmet.

"——Leave no one behind."

"Understood, company commander." The adjutant said seemingly gently, while rubbing the replaced combat knife with a whetstone hanging on his waist.

The sound was shrill, like the wail of the dead.


Khalil ran his fingers gently across the cheek of a Ral, and blood bloomed. His opponent shrieked and retreated. There were already multiple wounds on the body that was stronger than its kin, and the blood was dripping and horrifying.

Each of its four arms held a twisted sharp blade, flashing with cold light and arcs of electricity, but it did not hit Khalil in a real sense. The Lar man opened its jaw in anger, its fangs and teeth burst into the air, and it pounced forward again the next second.

The hatred was particularly obvious. Khalil stared into its eyes, without mercy, but without wavering, he grabbed its head with his hands, gently lifted it up, and the spine and head were completely pulled out.

Khalil threw it down and turned towards the other end of the ruins. The crumbling Coral Towers building is never the same again, and no matter how much love the Larites may have had for it, it is now nothing more than a ruin.

But what destroyed it? Was it a bombing? No, it's a Stormbird. It is one of the few Stormbirds still in service within the Nightblade, and at this moment, it is being burned in the fire.

"Instructor." A voice sounded weakly next to Storm Bird. "I can't see you."

"Get some rest if you can't see." Khalil said quietly. "You lost so much blood that it's normal to see nothing, Karstas."

"Where's my team?"

Khalil did not answer this question. He just turned his head and glanced at the several corpses that he carried to the side of Storm Bird.

He didn't speak, and his expression was hidden behind a bloodless and tearless skeleton. The night blade named Karstas understood something from this silence. He smiled bitterly and reluctantly moved his body.

Both of his legs were broken, as was one of his hands. This was the honor he left for himself when he faced the attack of the Lar people. Their sharp blades wrapped with electric arcs were extremely deadly and could easily tear apart ceramite.

This strong material used to make power armor seems to turn into tofu after going on the battlefield, and anything can pierce it.

Castas's team was wiped out except for him. Their Storm Bird was first attacked by the energy beam emitted from the top of the coral tower. After the emergency landing, it was attacked by the premeditated Lar people.

This group of aliens was deadly enough, and this ambush was led by three stronger Lars. The members of Karstas' team were either torn apart by the blades or roasted alive in their power armor by the energy beam.

His survival was actually mixed with luck. If Khalil hadn't been wandering around the battlefield like a ghost, he might have died long ago.

"Instructor." After a moment of silence, Karstas spoke again. His voice was still weak, almost like a whisper in the wind. "what should I do?"

"Just stay alive," Khalil said, his cloak staying secure and inactive. But something flashed through his shadow, filled with the fresh smell of blood, and walked into the darkness with hatred and anger. "Your oath is not over yet, Karstas."

Eleven minutes later, medical officers and pharmacists in a personnel carrier arrived and took him and his team away. Khalil remained where he was and did not leave. He lowered his head, and a blue light gradually lit up in his eyes.

It's not like it suddenly appeared as fast as lightning before, but it spread out bit by bit from the depths of the skull's eye sockets. The water on the coral reef trembled, and a strong wind suddenly blew above the ruins.

The skeleton clenched its right hand bit by bit, and his shadow began to gradually twist and boil, and even stood up as if it was about to break away from him. However, just when it was about to reach a certain critical point, these strange phenomena did not appear. Significantly disappeared.

Khalil let go of his hand, turned around and left in silence.

Some power has a price after all, and he needs to control it

He must be temperate.

A spreading staircase has slowly spread out under his feet.

What makes it up is the blood of the enemy, the blood of the Night Blade. It is the hatred and unwillingness that surge on every battlefield. They come roaring, praying to be fulfilled and held. Forged into a blade, it stabbed into the murderer's chest.

Khalil didn't choose to accept it; as always, he refused.

He won't set foot on that long staircase just yet.

But it has a crown ready.

This chapter is 4k, and there are still 6k left. It is expected to be updated in the afternoon. Let’s go have a meal at noon.

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