40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 253 24 Not everything you see is real

Chapter 253 24. Not everything you see is real

The first second he stepped into the Temple of Lal, Lorgar Aurelion retracted his feet from the first floor tile of the temple, and at the same time, he lifted the Enlightened One up .

He grabbed it in his hand, preferring to let the heavy scepter rub against his gauntlet and make a creaking sound rather than let its end touch the ground.

There is no other reason than that those floor tiles are not simple.

They are alive.

The bodies of the Lars make up the basic components of the floor tiles. If you think this description is too vague, just imagine a swarm of twisted and twisted snake-like creatures.

Think carefully about their wet scales and shining eyes, the pink letters they spat out from time to time, the bodies that were broken to fit the floor tile structure, the bones that were exposed and carved with patterns, and the internal organs that were laid flat and breathed together.

Luo Jia's vision gradually changed, becoming disgusting, extremely disgusting. The Lal people were ten million times more depraved than he imagined.

However, there are always such twisted and evil deeds in religions, and living sacrifices and even various horrific atrocities have occurred in the history of other religions.

This is also why he believes in the Emperor so much - Luojia understood one thing as early as the moment he saw the Emperor with his own eyes.

His father was different from other gods, who were false, twisted, and man-made liars.

The emperor is different.

The Emperor would sacrifice for humanity until the very end. Then, a religion based on the Emperor is bound to be the most righteous and radiant religion in the galaxy. Humanity needs the Emperor and a savior like him to dispel the darkness.

Just like this moment.

Luo Jia clenched his scepter, looked forward, and took steps.

He didn't want to do it, but he had to, he wanted to destroy the temple from within.

Stepping on the deformed bodies of the Lal people who were still alive, and stepping on their twisted snake tails, Luojia entered the interior of the temple.

This place is deep and sticky, there are no toxins in the air, and the skin of the Great Word Bearer still glows with golden light. He glanced around him without fear, observing these pagan evils coldly.

Most of the wall is made of pink-purple coral reefs, and the tails of some seemingly degenerated and atavistic Lar people are connected to each other on the wall.

Their bodies were cut open, their internal organs and most of their bones disappeared, and the few that remained were nailed to the wall with bone nails.

The ground is still soft and breathing. All the Lars who made up the floor tiles seemed to be aware of his arrival. More eyes opened, expecting to be stepped on, craving for pain.

Luojia was indifferent to all of this. He resisted the thought of turning back and letting the Word Bearers' Judgment Star Chapter come to burn everything here to ashes, and moved on.

There is no doubt that his behavior is questionable.

If this was a normal temple, then he could indeed inspect it like Cole Phaeron said. This is the way of the Word Bearers, who despise paganism.

But this temple is not normal. At this moment, what he should do most is not to continue to go deeper, but to shake hands with the impulse in his mind and turn around and leave. Let his heirs bring promethium and use the angry flames to completely turn this place into ashes.

But Luojia didn't want this.

There must be a priest inside the temple. Especially for a race like the Lar people, their priests may have both power and religious leadership positions. What does Luo Jia want to do now? The answer is actually very simple.

He would find the priest, and then he would seize it and hang it above the temple door.

At the same time, he will let the surviving Lal people take a good look at this - this is the result of not believing in the true God and performing obscene sacrifices! If they scream or cry, the Word Bearer will be very satisfied.

There is no doubt that his idea seems unreasonable, in fact, even stupid. But the thoughts of believers can never be inferred based on common sense. In the end, faith and intelligence can only coexist.

If a person is religious, his intellect will at some point give way to his faith. If a person's intelligence is transcendent and rationality exists at all times, faith cannot make his intelligence surrender.

And which side is Luo Jia?

No one has the answer.

The Great Word Bearer walked into the depths of the temple with a cold face. The air and environment began to become more and more humid. The temperature was not cold, but instead carried an annoying damp heat. Smoke rose from the bodies of the ‘floor tiles’.

The walls changed, with many openings replacing the remains of the Lar people. Through them, Luo Jia could observe the war outside, but he did not stop. A colorful light appeared in his sight.

It was like a dream, spinning for unknown reasons, and some statues were illuminated by the light.

They are huge and powerful monsters with many arms and huge, sinisterly curved horns on their heads. A series of thorny pink and purple rings connected their chests, and all the statues were not wearing any clothes. Very suggestive.

Staring at them, one of Luojia's tense nerves finally broke at this moment. He raised the Enlightenment angrily, and the decomposition position began to crackle.


A heavy sound resounded throughout the temple at this moment. Luojia destroyed a statue with a furious blow, and he did not intend to stop there.

Its fragments rolled down, but he was already running towards the next statue. The Enlightened One kept waving, and the original body used his extraordinary strength to drive the scepter, angrily beating the stone creations until they were completely destroyed, and Luojia did not give up.

He took back his scepter and heard a small humming whisper. Turning his head, he saw a Lar man wearing dark purple fabric walking towards him.

This alien looks very old, its skin is full of wrinkles, and most of its scales have fallen off, leaving only scar-like white residue among the remaining dozen or so scales. Its eyes are not black like other Lar people, but a dense purple.

Luo Jia narrowed his eyes and shook his head in disgust - he had accomplished his goal, at least half of it. At the same time, he handed out the scepter again.

Although Kor Phaeron had said there were no guards here, Lorgar remained vigilant. He knew how difficult the Lal warriors were.

"Kneel down, heretic." Luojia said coldly.

The language he uses is authentic Gothic, which is absolutely impossible for this alien to understand. But he didn't need it to understand. Any creature with intelligence could understand the threat contained in the original body's tone.

The old priest looked at him with a submissive attitude, not threatening at all, but he did not kneel down either. Luo Jia walked towards it and decided to break its spine first and then drag it out and hang it up.

However, at this moment, the Nalal man actually spoke.

"Please stop, Son of God, I mean no harm."

Luojia was startled by the sound of this thing for a moment at first - despite its ugly appearance, the voice of this Lar alien actually sounded very pleasant. But he soon frowned and even quickened his pace.

"Where did you learn High Gothic?" Luojia came to it, and the tip of the Enlightened One's staff was dancing dangerously with lightning. The primarch's tone was low and threatening. "And what did you just call me?"

"I learned this language many years ago." The priest's voice sounded quite meaningful. “Son of God, that is what I call you.”

"You shameless alien, dirty and lowly pagan, are you worthy of using human language?" Luojia raised the Enlightener, but did not wave it down for the time being. He held it up, allowing it to serve the weapon's other purpose - to threaten.

"Tell me, why do you call me that?"

"Because I can see the god you believe in," said the priest. "Brilliant, as bright as the sun."

Luo Jia smiled, stretched out his hand and pinched the alien's neck. The primarch stared at it, watching with satisfaction as it slowly sank into the agony of suffocation, but was completely unmoved.

"Are you worthy of describing him? Are you worthy of seeing him?" he said coldly. "I don't know where you learned High Gothic from, but I don't care either. You deserve to die, you and all of your brethren die. Only one race in the galaxy is destined to rise."

The priest struggled desperately, its eyes reflecting the dark and furious face of Lorgar Aurelion.

In that dense purple, even Luo Jia's own appearance changed. He was not holding an alien, but holding a sharp blade in one hand. A slightly curved blade with exquisite silver carvings.

But what about in Luo Jia's eyes?

He just still squeezed the priest's neck, and even increased the strength little by little - he had changed his mind, and he wanted this alien to die now.

Among the many primarchs, Luojia's progress in conquest can be said to be the slowest. Every time he visited a human planet that needed to be recovered, he was willing to spend several years preaching, and gradually made the local people believe in the Emperor and join the Empire.

He will do his best to avoid casualties and bloodshed, which sounds benevolent and even pedantic, but that's just because he's dealing with humans.

Lorgar Aurelion could be more cruel to aliens and heretics than anyone else.

Like now.

He shrunk his fingers little by little, watching with satisfaction as the priest died of despair and suffocation.

The Great Word Bearer smiled coldly. He pinched its body, turned around, and started walking along the way he came. The priest is dead, but his body is still burned along with the temple.

He walked inside the temple with his head held high, and his shadow was stretched by another kind of white light that was different from the colorful colors. Under his shadow, the Lars that made up the floor tiles danced wildly. Their tails are connected to each other, and a thick and smelly liquid overflows from under their bodies.

Ten minutes later, he walked out of the door. Kor Phaeron's expression quickly changed after seeing him.

"Big——" The eloquent former pastor actually stuttered at this moment. "--grown ups?!"

"What's wrong, Cole?" Luojia returned to normal and asked gently. "What is the problem?"

Kor Phaeron didn't answer, just looked him up and down. Such offensive behavior did not make Luojia angry. He even acquiesced to the inquiry and waited patiently. It took several minutes before Cole Phaeron managed to return to normal.

"It's okay, sir." The Word Bearers' captain showed an extremely forced smile. "How did you fare in the temple?"

Luojia raised his left hand and showed the body of the alien priest to Cole Fallon. The latter did not start to expound the shamelessness of the aliens as loudly as before, as he thought, but looked at Luo Jia with an extremely unfamiliar look.

"What does this mean, my lord?" Kor Phaeron asked.

"You will know." Lorgar said.

He turned around and carefully observed the battlefield. The bombing had stopped long ago, but the artillery was still operating, and the battle cries of the Word Bearers could still be clearly captured by the Primarch from the wind. Lorgar smiled, turned on the built-in voice channel, and began a speech to all the Word Bearers on the ground.

"Word Bearers, loyal believers of the Emperor, look at me!" Lorgar shouted. "Look at Lorgar Aurelion!"

He raised his left hand and showed the alien to his descendants. He knew they could see that, like all the previous wars against aliens, this time, the Word Bearers also won.

"You walked out of blood and fire, you slaughtered aliens, and brought peace and stability to the humans behind, just as I did! And this is what the Emperor asked of us! He would be proud of us"

With his back to Kor Phaeron, Lorgar began a heartfelt speech.

The Word Bearers killed the remaining Laer people while listening to the words of the Primarch. They would look at him from time to time, but their focus could no longer be on the Primarch, but inexplicably attracted to the sword in his left hand.

Kor Phaeron clenched his fists and watched all this, and a chill like falling into an ice cellar slowly bloomed in his heart.

He put on his helmet silently, turned on the delivery function of the eyepiece through the neural connection, and entered a secret chat channel to talk to the Law of Loyalty in the planet's orbit.

The rune signal representing Erebus passed under his retina, followed by a line of characters: [What happened? ]

The captain of the first company of the Word Bearers replied silently.

[Lorgar Aurelion is crazy. And that sword, Erebus. Can you tell what it is? ]

Erebus was silent for several minutes before replying.

[This is different from what is stated in the prophecy.]

[Yes. ]

Kor Phaeron replied and closed the chat channel. Lorgar Aurelion had turned around and finished his speech. At this moment, he was looking at Kor Phaeron with a smile and holding the sword high in his hand.

Like a victor, a general returning from a triumphant victory.


"Hang it on that door!" Lorgar said loudly. "And burn the temple with it! Cole! I'm leaving!"

After saying this, he stuffed the sword into Kor Phaeron's hand and left in a hurry, presumably to meet his brother.

Kor Phaeron looked at his back in silence, then looked down at the sword in his hand, and a whisper quietly rose from his heart.

He is always so naive and childish. Don't you want to completely control him?

"Oh, the Most High, shut up." Kor Phaeron muttered to himself. "I'll burn you with the promethium flamethrower right away."

The voice laughed softly: No need, dear fallen. I don't dare to stay any longer, that horrible nightmare is about to stare at me. Good luck, and I hope you will be favored soon.

Holding this weapon that has completely become a mortal, Kor Phaeron's face twitched suddenly under his helmet.

There is one more chapter.

In addition, the original title of this chapter was not this, but "Lorgar Aurelion: I'll wait for you on Lar Street"

"Lorgar: All eyes on me! I am a——"

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