40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 254 25 The Sixth Sense

Chapter 254 25. Sixth Sense

The sword was extended, and Van Cleef dismembered a Lar warrior standing in front of him with crazy force.

Its body, which had been split in half vertically, fell limply to the ground, its entrails spilling out and steaming. The other Lar people blocked by it were also exposed. They were smaller, in fact, they could even be called petite.

Van Cleef observed their trembling and expressionlessly hung the chainsword back on his waist.

Then he drew his bolter.

"I'm happy to see a soldier still maintain his original intention after so many years. Hello, Van Cleef." A voice sounded from behind him after the gunfire ended.

The accent is very archaic and the diction is very lengthy.

Van Cleef answered the man without looking back, even calling him by name: "I don't think it's a good idea to start a chat on the battlefield, Vespasian."

"You actually remember me?" the man known as Vespasian asked with slight surprise.

"I had a lot of injuries, but it didn't include damage to my brain's memory function," Van Cleef said.

He turned around and shook his right hand, and Lal's blood flew down. An Astartes wearing purple and gold Terminator armor was standing opposite him at the moment. The armor was quite simple compared to the style of the Emperor's Children.

Still, for Van Cleef, it was so luxurious that it almost hurt his eyes.

"So I recognize your voice," Van Cleef continued. "But that doesn't mean I think small talk on the battlefield is a good thing."

"Aren't you already doing this?" Vespasian, the Son of the Emperor, smiled slightly. "By the way, since our last farewell, I am now a lord commander."

"Congratulations." Van Cleef said expressionlessly. "I'm so happy for you. It's such a happy event. It's a testament to your honor. What an outstanding Lord Astartes commander you are?"

The smile on Vespasian's face suddenly fell.

"You don't know?" he asked with a little bit of disbelief. "Don't you know what this position represents? Don't you know why you still praise me several times?"

"I'm joking, can't you see it's a joke?" Van Cleef replied, keeping his face expressionless.

In fact, he didn't have to do this. He was wearing a helmet and Vespasian couldn't see his face at all.

His answer made the Emperor's Son laugh very reluctantly. His expression looked like he was tied to a chair, and then witnessed the portrait of the Primarch that he treasured spontaneously combust in the absence of wind.

".Anyway." After a while, Vespasian spoke again, his expression returning to seriousness. "It's true that I didn't come to you just to chat with you. Our original body wants to start a celebration banquet on the Emperor's Pride, and I'm here just for this."

"Why are you talking to me about this?" Van Cleef raised his eyebrows and took off his helmet. "Did your original body give you the power to invite?"

"No, but I am sure you will ascend to the Emperor's Pride."


"Oh, you will know." The Emperor's son smiled slightly again, his aristocratic silver short hair moving in the wind.

"But I don't want to tell you now, lest I ruin the surprise. Anyway, you will definitely come when the time comes, Van Cleef. This is about to be a feast attended by three legions. The last time you saw such a grand scene was when?"

"The Emperor sent us to kill a group of fat-headed nobles. We encountered the Imperial Fists, the Luna Wolves and the Blood Angels on the way," Van Cleef said. "There will also be a celebration party afterwards."

"You really don't have any sense of humor, do you?" Vespasian looked at him in disbelief, as if he were staring at a mathematical puzzle that could not be solved by anyone.

"No." The captain of the Night Blades shook his head. "If you don't believe it, I can tell you a few jokes to prove it."

"Okay, let's talk then." Vespasian nodded without noticing. "I am honored to hear the joke told by you yourself. I think our old acquaintances will be very surprised by it."

Van Cleef's face that had always remained cold finally showed a smile.

Behind him, Siani and Moretz hurried away.


Holding his sword, Fulgrim quickly rushed to the other end of the ruins in front of him.

The wind that was burnt and still smelled of gunpowder blew his long hair, and also slightly deflected the blood flowing down the original body's face, causing itching.

Phoenix raised his hand and wiped away the alien's blood with the side of his finger. This is what would happen if he didn't wear a helmet, but Fulgrim would rather have his face spattered with blood than the morale boost from taking off his helmet to reveal his true face.

Anyway, it is impossible for ordinary bullets to hit him. Even those bullets that are lucky enough to reach him will be cut directly by him. He arrived in stride, but did not sheath the sword in his hand.

It also exudes a terrifying residual heat. Ferus's works are good everywhere, but the heat dissipation is not good enough. If it were sheathed now, the scabbard would turn directly into ashes.

Fulgrim smoothly laid the sword flat on the ground, then without hesitation used both hands to prop up a corner of the ruins and moved the boulder to the other side.

Phoenix frowned and dug patiently and carefully with his bare hands. He didn't stop until an Astartes wearing purple-gold MK4 power armor appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the original body stretched out his hands, supported the heavy coral reef wall with his shoulders, and carefully lifted the warrior out with both hands.

He was still conscious, and the sound of his breathing was very obvious under the action of the breathing grille, but he was unable to say any words.

"Don't worry, Alberto, you'll be fine," Fulgrim said gently. He remained like this for more than three minutes, until the Rhino personnel carrier carrying the pharmacists arrived.

This is not the first time that Phoenix has saved his heirs in the war - most of the injured are treated by their brothers in time, but a few are not so lucky.

Some people will suddenly be buried in ruins, while others will fall into deep pits. Anything can happen in a war, and because of this, Fulgrim devotes himself to every battle with full concentration.

There had never been many Emperor's Children, and besides, he had sworn an oath. He vowed not to let any of his heirs wait for death in vain. Therefore, Fulgrim is not only focused on killing enemies, he will even pay attention to other people in the process.

Ferrus Manus once said that it was undoubtedly a pleasure to fight alongside the Phoenix. He can help you block the bullets coming from behind, can remind you when the enemy will appear from behind, and will help you without hesitation when you are in danger.

Fulgrim bent down and picked up the flaming sword Ferrus had made for him. He stretched out his fingers and put them on the guard to feel the temperature of the sword before sheathing it.

The color of the sky has turned completely black, but the star rings and some stars that have not been blocked by the ships in orbit can still shine in the sky. However, the Lal people will never have the chance to see this sky again.

Fulgrim shook his head, turned and left. He walked for a while, observing the battlefield along the way, and not surprisingly met Lorgar Aurelion.

He could not be surprised. Everyone knew what Lorgar Aurelion would do first after a combined victory.

"Fulgrim!" The Word Bearer smiled happily. "I completely destroyed the temples and priests of the aliens!"

"Don't tell me you went in by yourself again." Fulgrim frowned. "Can't you change this habit of yours, Luo Jia? What if they have an ambush? What if there is some self-destruct mechanism inside that we don't know about?"

"But this is my duty." Luo Jia said slightly apologetically. "I promise you, I'll be more careful next time, okay?"

No, don't be sorry. Fulgrim sighed secretly - you won't change it even if you apologize, you will only continue to say, 'This is my duty' after doing it next time.

But did our father really ask you to do this?

"I won't comment. After all, each of us has our own persistence. You like to inspect these temples by yourself, while I prefer to use swords. Conrad and his heirs basically remained silent during the battle."

Fulgrim shook his head, and his expression seemed to become a little more relaxed involuntarily.

His left hand rested on the scabbard of his sword, and his posture was quite relaxed. There was an obvious smile slowly blooming on that face that could not be said to be handsome or beautiful.

"Anyway, it was a wonderful battle, brother." Phoenix said with a smile. "And I'm going to celebrate that."

"Are you planning to hold another banquet?" Luo Jia asked in surprise. "Where did you get all the banquet materials on your ship, Fulgrim?"

"Don't worry about it. The Emperor's Pride is a very big flagship." Fulgrim blinked at him and quickly turned his head to the other side.

There, there was a giant who appeared out of nowhere and was leaning against a wall of the ruins, standing with his arms folded. The scarlet cloak moved automatically without wind, and there was peace in the dark eyes.

"Also, Conrad, are you willing to participate?" Fulgan asked with a little anticipation.

"I would like to," the Lord of Night said quietly. "But I'm afraid I cannot promise you that, my dear Fulgrim. We have many battles to fight."

"But everyone deserves a break."

"For the Midnight Blade, the journey to another battlefield is considered a rest." The Lord of Night shook his head. "Forgive me for refusing, brother, see you next time."

He turned around and left quietly and alone. It was as if he came here just to say hello to Fulgrim and Luojia.

Staring at the back, for some reason, Fulgrim suddenly felt a burst of sadness in his heart.

He didn't know where it came from yet but, one day, he would wish he never knew.

update completed.

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