40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 258 29 Crow’s Visit (4)

Chapter 258 29. Crow’s Visit (4)

Siani's vision was almost dyed pure red, and it took him some effort to distinguish where the enemy's face was now. Everything around him was silent except for the sound of his own violent heartbeat.

Listening to them, Siani slowly showed a ferocious smile. He stepped on the sand pit and sunk his right foot deep into it. The rough sand rubbed against the skin, causing a slight burning pain.

Siani clenched his right fist, lunged out, and punched his opponent on the left collarbone. A crisp sound came immediately, but Siani did not stop there.

He held the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, moved his elbow, and used a very brutal downward blow to knock his opponent vertically, causing him to fall face down into the sand pit.

Blood gushed out, and Siani turned around and walked away, not bothering to confirm whether his opponent's coma was real or not. He had already confirmed it, the moment his right elbow came into close contact with his opponent's face.

"The winner is the first consecutive champion from Midnight Blade, Siani of Terra!" the announcer shouted loudly. "The current score is two to two, and the two sides are tied! Captain Nerat Keeling of the Raven Guard has been defeated. Who will stand on the sand pit in his place?!"

He is really a professional, Siani thought silently.

At this moment, the wound on his forehead was still bleeding, as was the wound on his body. His opponent didn't hold back. Every punch was aimed at making him lose the ability to fight. The position of the blow was very dangerous.

Fortunately, this was not the first time that Siani had dealt with such tactics, and he quickly fought back with even more vicious tactics. He won this game, but it didn't look good.

He could see an obvious hostility on the faces of the Raven Guard sitting at the table, but Siani didn't care. He even had the guts to smile at each of them.

He spent a few minutes returning to the waiting room and wiping his wounds with a wet towel.

Van Cleef stood beside him with his hands folded, his expression calm, but his tone high: "Well played, Siani. You stabilized the score."

"It's just temporarily stable. You're happy a little too early, company commander." Siani shook his head calmly, without any joy of victory. "The four veteran battles have been completed as appetizers."

That was all he said and no more. Van Cleef frowned: "Do you think our new blood will be weaker than the 19th Legion?"

"Actually, quite the opposite, Captain." Siani shrugged. "Everyone knows what the XIX Legion did before their Primarch returned, and I don't think their new recruits would have been well trained in that situation. To put it bluntly -"

He took off the towel from his forehead, threw it to the other side, and picked up a new one: "——I'm actually more worried about our cousin. Keep losing will probably make the atmosphere of the banquet quite embarrassing."

"Don't you think the current atmosphere is awkward?" Molec, who also went up to fight but unfortunately lost, snorted. "The battle between you and that Captain Nerat was like two dogs biting each other."

Siani smiled, wrapped the lower half of his face in a towel, winked at Morets, and asked in a deliberately dull voice: "So, did I win, dear adjutant?"

Molec smiled coldly at him: "Why don't you just learn to bark like a dog, Siani."

Van Cleef ignored the daily activities between them. He pondered for a moment and spit out a name that surprised both Molec and Siani.

"Let Iago Severtarion be."

"Let him go?" Siani winked exaggeratedly. "You are really deliberately trying to reverse the relationship between us and the 19th Legion."

"Yes, I think the Raven Guards will be very happy when they see their recruits lose one by one." Moratz chuckled. "The original body will probably look at us with praise afterwards. It's really exciting."

"Your duty location next week will be changed to the wilderness." Van Cleef said coldly. "This is punishment, and there is no room for relaxation. This is not a round-robin battle. He only goes up to play one game. Rather than letting him not play or playing at the end, it is better to let him go up and finish the matter quickly."

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving Siani and Moretz looking at each other.


Why is it me again?

Iago Severtarion wanted to ask this question very much, but he didn't.

First Company Commander Van Cleef had already given him enough tolerance, and just pretending to be deaf to the report was enough for Sevita to be grateful to him.

Therefore, he did not add any more problems to the staid first company commander. He just followed him silently and began to unbutton his clothes bit by bit, feeling quite depressed.

If he had known that he was going to play, he wouldn't have endured Shen's ridicule and asked him to borrow a dress to wear. Now, the dress was useless, and the ridicule was in vain.

After a few minutes, they passed through numerous long tables and arrived at a large room lit by candles.

Several weapon racks were placed in the most conspicuous places, filled with various unsharpened training weapons. The oiled servitor stood in the corner of the room, waiting silently. There is a dark door at the very end of the room, which is directly connected to the duel pit.

Savita followed the company commander in silently, and was not surprised to be attacked by Siani here.

"You're about to go on stage, boy." The Terran jumped out of the darkness and greeted him in a friendly tone. He hugged Savita's neck fiercely, with great force.

"You're going on the field, do you understand? You're going to represent us in a battle in front of two legions. How do you feel?"

Savita broke free from his restraints and began to take off her dress in a proper manner. Her expression was very dull: "I don't feel anything."

"Really?" Siani looked at him suspiciously and raised his right fist threateningly. "You really didn't lie?"

"I want to go back and eat dried sand eels." Saiweita sighed. "Believe it or not, who is my opponent, Captain Van Cleef?"

"Alastor Rorschach," Van Cleef said quietly. "Like you, he joined the army not long ago, but he has achieved great results. He is already a sergeant."

"Oh? Really?" Siani jumped out doubtfully again.

Van Cleef didn't even look at him and continued to explain.

"Don't listen to anything he says. Siani will tell you that the Nineteenth Legion has been fighting against the Luna Wolves and Lord Horus before their primarch returned, so the growth of the new recruits is very limited. But the real situation is not Such."

"Yes." Siani suddenly laughed. "The real situation is that Lord Horus sent them to do all kinds of dirty and tiring work that no one wants to do, as well as the most dangerous places with the highest casualty rate. If there are still recruits who can survive in this situation."

He winked at Savitar meaningfully: "You understand, right?"

"Watch your words, Siani." Van Cleef finally looked at him seriously. "Don't impart your opinions on the various Primarchs to Severtarion. He is still very young."

"I have no judgment, company commander." Siani shrugged. "We all know that most of the originals are actually a group of arrogant people who cannot speak, and there are only a few normal people. Our father is much better than them."

"I agree with your last sentence." Morets said, standing behind him.

"You finally said something human to me, Adjutant." Siani laughed.

I agree. Sevatar thought silently.

Ten minutes later, a violent sound resounded throughout the 'Banquet Hall', the dark door slowly opened, and Sevita silently walked out of the passage behind the door.

There was a roar, and the tragic white light fell on his shoulders, making his oiled body and chain halberd shine together. Sevatar moved his arms slightly, making the restraints of the training breastplate looser.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the high platform above his head. Conrad Curze and Corvus Corax sat there, so similar that they looked like brothers. The same paleness, the same darkness, only the expressions are not very similar.

The Lord of the Night had a just-right smile on his face, and ordinary people couldn't tell whether the smile meant taunting or greeting. The Lord of Dark Crows was different. There was no fluctuation on his face, and he could not capture any emotion at all.

Sevatar looked up for nearly a minute and found that Corax didn't even blink. The Primarch Guard, a total of two hundred people, stood quietly behind them, with midnight blue and black and white standing on both sides clearly.

Strangely, Khalil Lohars is not on this pedestal.

Sevatar took a deep breath, raised his right hand, and tapped his breastplate. He knew his primarch was watching him, and sure enough, Konrad Curze nodded gently at him and smiled.

The smile was gentle, but Sevita suddenly felt chills standing on end. In order to conceal this emotion, he inserted the end of the chain halberd into the sand pit - after all, he was in front of the technical sergeants, so he had to be more restrained.

His opponent stood opposite him about twenty steps away, holding a training sword in his hand, with short black hair, and stared at Sevatar sharply.

The non-commissioned officer of the first company who didn't want to report helplessly shook his head and decided to look back with the same attitude - I didn't knock your captain into the sand pit and couldn't get up for a long time, why are you staring at me like that?

However, Alastor Roschasevita chewed on the name, observed the pale skin and dark eyes, and suddenly felt the urge to smile.

Moreover, he did much more than just 'smile'.

"Has anyone ever said you look like a Nostramo?" Sevatar asked bluntly.

"Has anyone ever said you look like me?" Alastor Rorschach asked coldly. "Don't do this, Midnight Blade. You can't mess with me."


Sevatar smiled, drew his chainsaw, and activated it.

"You seem to have a sharp tongue, cousin." Sevita said in a friendly tone. "That makes me want to try making your tongue bleed a little."

"Come then, Nostramo." Alastor Rorschach smiled slowly. "Sigismund of the Imperial Fists praised you as being extraordinary, you won't let him down, right?"

Sevatar stopped laughing.

update completed.

Alastor Rorschach was a traitor to the Crow Guard. He defected to the Night Lords and even entered the Nightbat Council in the HH canon. As for Sharogin, I really want to write about him, but I'm afraid he is still a child now. The Mourning Crow was born in the 'Liberation Moon'. If we follow the timeline of this book, he would not even be one year old this year.

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