40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 259 30 Crow’s Visit (5)

Chapter 259 30. Crow’s Visit (5)

Sevatar could hardly remember how many times he had struck Alastor Rorschach's training sword with his chain halberd. Its edges had become jagged, like wild beasts. The fangs are as vicious as they come.

It was forced to increase its lethality, changing from a simple blunt sword to a blade with the ability to tear flesh apart in the true sense. However, with every gain comes a loss. It gained those jagged fangs and lost its original sturdiness.

Alastor obviously understood this, so he increased the number of dodges.

Sevatar was tired of this, so he smiled sarcastically: "Cousin, can you only hide?"

"Shut up, Nightblade, I can smell the stink in your mouth. What was your last meal, an energy bar that was stuck together and thrown into the trash?"

The Raven Guard's pale face also showed a smile.

"I'm going to knock out all your teeth so that you can only drink nutritious porridge with your tongue."

"Then why don't you come and give it a try?" Savita replied with a smile. "What does it mean to just say it but not do it? Forget it, let me help you."

After the words fell, he tightened his grip on the chain saw halberd and suddenly took a big step forward. His muscles tightened, his back exerted force, and he moved his arms. The chain saw halberd roared and tore up the air, moving towards Alastor Rowe. Xia slashed hard.

No, maybe it should be called a downward smash.

The right hand that Savita used to control the front end of the chain halberd had already slid to the tail when it split the air. The strength and speed were superimposed. He used the chain halberd as a stick in a rather unconventional way.

Despite this, Siani, who was watching in the waiting room, chuckled rather lowly, and turned to look at the adjutant. The latter had expectedly threw a short knife over with his backhand, his tone full of warning.

"You better shut up, Siani. I don't want to hear you showing off anything right now."

"What's the matter?" the Terran asked gently.

What's up?

Well, whatever it was, Alastor Rorschach of the Raven Guard apparently wasn't expecting it. Looking at the incoming chain halberd, a darkness flashed across his pale face, but he could no longer dodge it.

The next second, the saw teeth of the chain saw were deeply dug into his breastplate.

Metal fragments flew out, sparks flew, and Sevatar pretended to laugh excitedly, using deception to stir up Alastor's emotions.

"You are going to lose, cousin," Sevatar said frivolously in a soft voice. "By the way, how do you want to fall into the sand pit?"

The Raven Guard remained silent, a rage that stole all the words that would have come out of his mouth, leaving only a roar.

A trace of genuine surprise flashed across Savita's face, and he immediately let go of his hands and tried to retreat, but it was too late. The tip of the Crow Guard's sword had already scratched his neck, and blood spurted out and splashed wetly on Alastor Rorschach's face.

He laughed evilly and immediately pursued the victory, not even taking off the chain halberd that was still stuck between his breastplate. Savita's eyes narrowed. The pain in his neck was nothing to worry about. It was just a little bit of blood, so it was nothing.

The training sword his opponent had chosen was a blunt sword whose acquired sharpness was not strong enough to mortally wound him. Savita clenched his fists and waved his left hand as he watched the sword light getting closer and closer to him.

A muffled sound and a creaking sound spread dullly in the sand pit. The Raven Guard's attack worked, and he shattered Sevatar's left elbow with his training sword, but his sword also broke.

The saw teeth and metal shattered together and splashed in the air. The pale light shone on them harshly and reflected each other, making them look like a different kind of blood.

So, what about Sevita? Did he stop because of pain?

the answer is negative.

A smile that even he himself didn't notice appeared on Yago Savitarion's face. Excitement surged through every detail. It was genuine and without any hypocrisy.

His right hand reached out like lightning at this moment and grabbed the chain halberd stuck on Alastor Rorschach's breastplate. The cold light suddenly appeared, and the Crow Guard let out a roar of pain and fell to the ground.

The hot blood was sprinkled around the sand pit, dyeing a small part of them scarlet. Sevatar looked down at his opponent, not seeing any intention of admitting defeat in those eyes.

So he laughed ferociously, dragged the chain halberd with one hand, turned off the engine, rounded it and hit it hard on the Raven Guard's broken breastplate. The training armor made a crisp sound and immediately dented. Go down.

Alastor vomited a large mouthful of blood, but his eyes still seemed to be burning. He stretched out his hands, firmly grasped the front end of the chain saw handle, and started wrestling with the one-handed Sevatar while lying on the ground.

"You think you can win? You're dreaming!" The Crow Guard roared inarticulately, and his strength continued to increase.

His hands were intact, unlike Sevita, whose left hand had already drooped limply from the elbow. The flesh hung miserably on the bones, and the bone stubble was caused by the saw teeth. The pale white color showed through the open wound, which was absolutely horrifying.

"I don't know if I can win." Saiweita smiled lowly and suddenly let go of his right hand.

The recoil and Alastor's own strength combined, causing the chain halberd to suddenly come out of his hand and fly in the air. A trace of astonishment flashed across the Crow Guard's face. Although he reacted quickly, it was too late. Because Savita has already pounced on him.

He pressed his knee against the Raven Guard's jaw and pressed his thigh against his neck. The five fingers of the right hand are clasped together, and the back is raised high.


The Crow Guard let out a muffled groan, almost sounding like a cough. His hands danced in the air, and his right hand grabbed Savita's injured left hand, and his five fingers began to spin it, causing it to almost completely break.

If it weren't for the connection between the muscles, I'm afraid this arm would have left Savita's body by now. The pain was so severe, so terrifying, yet there was a look of indifference on Savita's face.

He looked at the bloody Crow Guard and punched down twice again.

With his first punch, he shattered Alastor Rorschach's left cheekbone and eye socket. Now with the second punch, he broke his nose and several teeth, and with the third and final punch, he put the Crow Guard into a deep and painless coma.

The right hand finally let go of Sevatar's left hand little by little, and fell weakly onto the sand pit.

Sevatar had no expression on his face and slowly raised his head, trying to see what the high platform looked like. Unfortunately, his vision was blurry. The blood covered his eyes, causing some minor problems with his vision. He sniffed, moved his knees and stood up from his opponent.

His black hair was messy and scattered, and blood was constantly dripping from his body. As a winner, he looked no better than the loser.

Cheers and cheers came from all around, not only the Night Blades were cheering, but the Crow Guards were also cheering. Some of them were hostile to him, but others applauded the good fight he and Alastor Rorschach put up.

Savita ignored them and just staggered out of the sand pit. Everyone almost turned into blurry points of light in his eyes, and he couldn't see anything too clear. There was nothing wrong with his hearing, but he wanted to be quiet now.

Maintaining this state, Savita limped back to the waiting room. The servants and pharmacists who had been prepared early in the morning immediately swarmed him and pushed him to the ground.

Van Cleef asked the pharmacist about his physical condition, Siani laughed in appreciation, while the adjutant Molec remained silent and kept passing tools to the pharmacists.

The first reserve officer observed all this with an indifferent and distant perspective, and raised his head little by little. He saw the pale white light in the room, and a huge shadow gradually rising.

"How is he?" Sevatar asked softly. His sudden question made the room quiet for a moment, but the person who suddenly arrived raised his hand and motioned for them to continue and not to pay attention to him.

"Alastor Rorschach is receiving treatment and he will be fine," Khalil replied. "You went a little too far, Cy."

"I know, I want to apologize for this." Sevita pouted. "But I couldn't say it."

Khalil shook his head, said nothing, just stared. However, Sevita felt uncomfortable for a while in this gaze, and he sighed: "Okay, what are the consequences of my actions, instructor?"

"It remains to be seen. At least a lot of the Crow Guard applauded you, didn't they?"

"I'd rather they didn't applaud me."

Khalil chuckled lightly, turned around and walked out of the waiting room, without letting the darkness wrap around him: "Have a good rest, Sai. I will leave a part of the dried sand eel meat for you. Remember to chew it before eating, don't imitate Kege of the Sixth Company.”

Sevatar watched him go, the urge to violence gradually giving way to a contemplative calm.


"I apologize to you for the behavior of Yago Severtarion, brother." On the high platform, Konrad Curze said.

The primarch's voice was somewhere between a whisper and silence, and his eyes conveyed an obvious apology. If someone else were here, they wouldn't accept it, and might even scold Curze for his behavior.

But Corvus Corax was different. The Primarch of the Nineteenth Legion nodded calmly and accepted the apology - he was a normal person, very normal, so he would not regard this apology as Some kind of insult to his own children.

Of course he is normal, but others may not be.

"Lord Conrad, there is no need for you to apologize for such a thing." The man said in a deep voice. "Alastor Rorschach and all the chosen Raven Guards understand what they will experience in the sand pit, and even death in it will be just part of the celebration. They have been prepared for it."

The Lord of Night's brows began to frown more and more. He looked back at the speaker and recognized who he was - Alkas Farr, the leader of the Legion before Corax returned, the Lord of Shadows. .

He quickly glanced at his brother again. The latter's face had no expression, except for a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Ready?" So Coze continued to speak. "You mean the preparation to face death and take the killing blow?"

"Yes, my lord."

"I don't remember that I asked for such a thing. The sand pit is just a different kind of duel cage. Which legion's duel cage rules state that death duels are allowed?"

"No, my lord."

"Then why do you say that, Captain Alkas?" Konrad Coze asked with a frown. "Or is this a request from Corax? Have you ever asked for such a thing, brother?"

"No," the Lord of Crows said quietly. "I wouldn't ask anyone to die for something like this."

Alkas Far lowered his head and explained softly in his primarch's ear.

"Forgive me for not explaining it to you in advance, Primarch. However, there are some unwritten rules at such legion exchanges or similar celebrations. It is common for duelists to bleed each other and even die for it."

"Are unwritten rules considered rules?" Corax turned back and glanced at his first company commander. "Also, why are you speaking for me when my brother apologizes to me? Don't you think I can speak for myself?"

".I overstepped, primarch."


"I overstepped, Primarch, and I'm sorry." Alkas Farr said stiffly, lowering his head.

"I don't like that word," Corax said.

Alkas Farr's stiffness turned into a shock that was close to being helpless.

"You are confused, interesting. Why are you confused, Alkas?" The Primarch of the Raven Guard calmly stared at his Captain.

"I'm not saying that I don't like the word 'sorry'. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. I just don't like the word 'transcendence'. The way you use it is too natural, full of authority from the inferior to the superior. Awe. But you can naturally decide my breakfast for me and speak to my brother for me at this time. Don’t you think the two things are too contradictory together? "

"I - the primarch, me."

Corax ignored Alkas's temporary impairment of speech and simply stood up from his chair, keeping his gaze the entire time.

"Let me ask you a few questions, Alkas. Are my preferences important to you?"

Without a trace of hesitation, Alkas Farr immediately answered Corax's words: "It is very important, Primarch."

"Why?" Corax asked. "Do you care about Alastor Rorschach's preferences? Do you know what kind of weapons he likes and what kind of people he hates?"

"I don't know, Primarch."

"You don't know, and you don't care. You care about my preferences, but you don't care that much. You choose what I eat for breakfast for me, you choose a list for me to enter the sandpit, and you hide the secret for me. Written rules, answer my brother's words for me. What does this mean, Alkas?"

The atmosphere gradually became stagnant, and Corax's tone was flat and without any ups and downs. It didn't sound like he was asking questions, but rather like he was reading a thesis.

Conrad Coates squinted his eyes, observed the scene in front of him, and remained silent.

One more chapter

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