40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 267 38 Judgment Day (7)

Chapter 267 38. Judgment Day (7)

Angel Tai looked at the ruins in front of him wordlessly, feeling a coldness slowly rising from somewhere in his body. Little by little it spread, and gradually turned into a resentment that was enough to destroy his sanity.

He took off his helmet and took a deep breath. The smell of dust and ashes hit him, casting a low shadow over the Word Bearer's face. He raised his head and looked to his left, then to his right. He looked around, once, twice, three times.

After a long silence, Angel Tai let out a low sigh. This sigh was so long and dead, like the terrible sound made by the coffin lid and the coffin itself rubbing against each other, trying to close.

He bent down, half-kneeling on the ground, and picked up a handful of ashes with his fingers. He could analyze the combination of the ashes in his hands without the help of eyepieces - buildings, ashes, parchment scrolls full of scriptures.

What else could it be?

Besides these, what else is there in a perfect city?

The Word Bearer stood up and looked around again. This time, he focused on his brothers.

Most people were silent, while a few people bent down and dug into the ruins with their hands like farmers who had lost their tools. Angel Tai could still hear some voices talking to himself, chanting scriptures, or simply whispering Aurelion's name.

never mind.

The perfect city is destroyed.

"While observing from orbit, I would have thought things would be different." A voice sounded behind him. “When viewed from orbit, it looks like the Perfect City is still standing.”

Angel Tai turned around silently and saw a face engraved with scriptures and a pair of eyes that contained sadness.

"Chief Priest." The Word Bearer bowed his head to show his respect. "I thought you would come later."

"How late can it be?" The man known as the chief pastor shook his head.

"All the Word Bearers rushed directly into the subspace after getting the news, not just you, but us too. There was also the 23rd Expeditionary Fleet. Everyone, Angel Tai, everyone came back. He was running rampant in the subspace like a madman, and I saw many people lose their lives with my own eyes.”

"Is he here too?" The Word Bearer asked with a little hope.

"Of course he is here." The chief priest raised his head and looked at the sky. "Aurelion is heading this way but I want you to prepare in advance, Angel Tai."

Prepare? what to prepare? The Word Bearers didn't ask questions, and he didn't need to. Their chief priest could always read people's hearts. As expected, he explained to Angel Tai in the next second.

"You should have seen those two fleets when they arrived in orbit. They did not answer our communication requests. They are here, but they refuse to communicate with us. In a sense, this is a kind of answer."

Angel Tai was silent for a while.

"I don't want to believe this," he said, his face looking like a whirlpool. "How could the Ultramarines and the Midnight Blades join forces to do something like this?"

“Facts speak louder than words,” said the lead pastor.

His right hand still holds his scepter. It looked like a smaller version of the Enlightened One. At this moment, the arc of psychic energy flowed along the place where his fingers clung, like a living thing.

"Billions of believers, sixteen cities, an entire planet where the killer didn't even hide himself. Have you looked at the ruins, Angel Tai? Look at the ashes and the bullet casings buried within them."

The chief priest raised his hand and struck the ground hard once with the end of his scepter. It was as loud as a whip and as dull as a falling stone.

His scepter was inserted deeply into the ground, and the ashes rose up and were scattered by the spiritual energy. The subtle traces buried in it were exposed at this moment.

Angel Tai's eyes saw many kinds of bullet casings, as well as the burn marks left by some weapons he was familiar with. The Word Bearers' face was illuminated by the psychic light belonging to the Chief Priest, and other shadows began to emerge from beneath the light.

He clenched his fists, and there was a slight tremor in the corners of his eyes. After a few seconds, he nodded heavily, turned around and left with his company members. The chief priest stood there, staring at his back amid the dust and ashes.

The wind howled by, and a smile slowly appeared on his face covered with scriptures.

"Come on." He lowered his head and murmured to the ground. "Aurelion, come and witness the truth, come and witness the cruelty of the false gods"


"New communication request, Primarch," Marius Gage said. "From the Sixth Word Bearers Expeditionary Fleet, shall we respond?"

"Denied," Robert Guilliman said.

He stood on the bridge of the Macragge's Glory with his hands behind his back. The dim light of the Milky Way shone on the top of his head through the extremely strengthened glass, causing his hair color to return to its original color in an instant. appearance.

Unfortunately, this light left soon. His hair once again returned to two colors of light gold and pale white. The Lord of Ultramar had lost something, and it had left its mark on him, so obvious that anyone could catch it.

Through the porthole, Guilliman stared at the blue-green planet, and the scenery from a few weeks ago appeared in front of his eyes again. He thought of the marches, the bombings and murders

The stacking of them caused a distinct twitching in Robert Guilliman's stomach.

The Lord of Ultramar frowned and suppressed the discomfort with willpower. He kept a calm expression and slowly left the bridge and came to a separate room.

There are many such tactical rooms on the Macragge's Glory, only one of which actually belongs to Guilliman, but he can use any of them at any time.

He came to the large tactical sand table and verified the biological code with his fingers. The blue light lit up, and in the light, the perfect city was rebuilt by the power of technology.

Sixteen religious cities of different sizes unfolded in detail before Robert Guilliman's eyes. Regardless of the specific structure of each city, they all have one thing in common - their grandest and most luxurious building must be a church.

Each of these churches was enough to eclipse the religious buildings Guilliman had seen before, and the Lord of Ultramar did not want to know how much effort Lorgar had put into them.

He is now the Destroyer, and when he plays this role, it is difficult for him to empathize with the Builder.

Guilliman continued to observe them for a while, until the door to the tactical deduction room was opened, and he stopped thinking.

Marius Gage walked in again. The first chapter leader was not obviously older than he was more than 20 years ago, but his hairstyle had changed significantly.

His short hair, grown for the war, was now so short that it was almost as short as his scalp. The two penetrating wounds spread from the forehead to the back of the head, which was very hideous.

Guilliman looked at his friend and scion, and not surprisingly caught a serious look on the latter's face.

"It's him?"

"Yes," Gage replied slowly. "He requested a meeting with you and the Lord of Blades."

"that's all?"

".That's it, Primarch."

"Very well," said Guilliman. "Tell the servants to get ready. I want to wear armor."

Forty-six minutes later, he arrived at the ruins of the Perfect City in a Thunderhawk. The hatch slowly opened, and Lorgar Aurelion stood in front of him. Holding the Enlightener in hand, the golden armor reflects the strong sunlight.

His skin was also golden. Thousands of prayers written in the language of Colchis shone on his skin. They were written in golden ink and transformed his skin from white to what it is now. Light golden color.

Guilliman looked at him but said nothing. Twenty Ultramarines stepped out of the Thunderhawk behind him. They wore hooded eagle helmets and finely crafted armor, and held weapons, but they were not activated.

Luo Jia looked at all this with a mixture of anger and confusion. He stepped forward, approaching the Lord of Ultramar at an offensive distance as the Word Bearers watched.

"Only you?" The Word Bearer asked in a low voice on top of the ruins. "Where is he? I want to see all the murderers."

"Conrad will be here soon," Guilliman said, keeping his face expressionless and his voice calm.

"You didn't deny that you were the murderer, did you? Robert?" Lorgar Aurelion smiled. He held the Enlightenment tightly but did not swing it out.

He turned around, raised his unarmed hand and pointed to the other end of the city. He began to introduce each ruin to Robert Guilliman in detail.

He used his past memories to identify the shadows of the past in the ashes, and Angel Tai in the crowd became increasingly sad. Company by company, the Word Bearers stood in the sunset, shoulder to shoulder, foot to foot.

They are silent gray reefs sunk in pale ash.

The flags of each company were held high by the honor guard, and flags with varying degrees of wear and tear fluttered in the air, stained with ashes. Then there are the flags of the expeditionary fleet, the flags of the legions.

A strange atmosphere began to spread.

"That's the trading area. Every morning, vendors come here with crops to sell. Fresh vegetables or meat products, milk, fruits, as well as their own hand-brewed drinks or snacks."

"Next to the trading area is a square with a golden statue of the Emperor and his ten words. Children will play under the golden statue, and two big trees will cast shade here, blocking the midday sun."

"Further back are schools, churches, and residential areas. Outside the city are acres of farmland. Whenever the sun sets, the wind blowing from the distant mountains will turn them into golden waves of wheat."

Luo Jia was narrating in a trance. At this moment, his expression was gentle, even if he was holding the weapon tightly. The tone of his speech was gentler, without any hostility or anger, as if he was just telling a story.

Robert Guilliman listened silently and made no comments. There was a surge of air above their heads, and a few minutes later, a Thunderhawk landed slowly.

Its edges still bore the scorch marks from its rapid descent, but it was painted a gloomy midnight blue, a color that did nothing to damage it.

The hatch opened, and Konrad Curze slowly walked out. Unlike Robert Guilliman, he didn't bring any guards, no one.

Angel Tai didn't know how to describe this scene - he should have been excited by this scene. The three sons of God stood side by side, how could one not be excited by it?

But he could not do this, so he began to observe the two Primarchs. Thanks to the magnifying function of his helmet's eyepiece and his relatively forward position as the commander of the 7th Assault Company of the Jagged Sun, he was able to clearly see the appearance of the two primarchs.

Robert Guilliman's skin was a healthy and proud white, and his eyes were blue. They should have been beautiful, but at this moment they seemed devoid of human emotion. It is as deep as the sea level at noon.

Konrad Curze is much gloomier. The legendary Lord of Blades who eliminates evil has an extremely terrifying pale skin. It is impossible for people who have been dead for a long time to have this kind of skin color. His eyes were completely black, like obsidian or black onyx stone

But not like a human being.

None of them look human.

They were all too calm, too composed, except Lorgar Aurelion. Angel Tai turned his gaze to his original body and saw a face that was gradually turning red due to excitement. A face full of humanity, and the Word Bearer couldn't help but feel a surge of comfort in his heart.

"How could you do such a thing?" Luojia whispered, far away from the Word Bearer. "I know you may have misunderstood me, but how could you do such a thing? Billions of people were turned to ashes by flames, and the cities they had lived in for more than sixty years were turned into rubble. What kind of atrocity is this? "

He raised his head, looked at Konrad Curze, and then at Robert Guilliman. His expression twisted, red spreading across it - and you could see the primarch's rage even without your eyes.

Human beings have many definitions of madness, which naturally includes losing one's mind due to anger and falling into madness. Lorgar Aurelion was standing in front of the gate of madness at this moment, his right hand had been raised, and the Enlightened One began to buzz with light.

Needless to say, if he doesn't get a reasonable explanation, he will take it down.

And what about Konrad Curze and Robert Guilliman? Did they answer Luo Jia's question?


They remained silent.

So, did Luojia wield the Enlightener?

Likewise no.

Angel Tai let out a sharp cry of shock, hearing many of the same sounds. The gray reef was shaken by a short old man wearing a gray robe.

He stepped out of the Thunder Eagle of the Lord of Blades, holding a golden scepter and walking slowly, looking as inconspicuous as a stone among the Primarchs.

But they were all looking at him at the moment, and Luo Jia's gaze was particularly intense. A few seconds later, the Word Bearer said something in a breathless voice, as thin as a mosquito.

".What does it mean?"

Malcador looked at him calmly and sadly, and spoke slowly.

4k, there is another chapter in 4k.

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