40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 268 39 Judgment Day (End)

Chapter 268 39. Judgment Day (End)

"It's the same thing as what you are thinking now, Luo Jia." said the palm-printer.

His aging face looked strangely no longer sad at this moment, only pure calm. Unfortunately, the furious Primarch did not pay much attention to this matter, and the Enlightened One began to crunch in his hands.

Luojia looked at Macado, as if he didn't know the old man, and looked at him strangely. After a while, he shook his head and spit out a word.


He put down the Enlightener and then raised it again. His expression was like the light of a candle swaying in the wind, and his pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead: "It can't be like this, it can't be like this. You are lying, you are Lie to me, you're not even real."

"I am."

"Liar!" Luo Jia roared. "The real Malcador won't just watch all this happen! He can't possibly turn a blind eye to all this!"

Malcador took a step forward slowly, his eyes lit up with two dots of blue light.

"But it is what it is, Lorgar. I am true, and I come with your father's will. Your brothers Konrad Curze and Robert Guilliman follow his orders."

As the words fell, Guilliman and Konrad Curze inevitably looked at each other, and both saw a look of astonishment in the other's eyes.

They all thought that Malcador would do this in a gentler way, rather than slashing Lorgar Aurelion's already severely damaged self-esteem and emotions with the chainsword again as he did now.

The gray reef formed by the Word Bearers erupted in great commotion at this moment. They looked as if they were being tied up and shot with machine guns, as if they were helpless. Especially Cole Fallon, who stood at the front of the team.

A real sense of shame was erupting on his thin and fierce face at this moment. It destroyed the coldness of the company commander and made him show great helplessness at this moment, even a little close to aggrieved.

Angel Tai saw this scene clearly, and the same sadness surged in his heart. At the same time, there was also an apology for Cole Phalon.

In the past, he looked down upon him. Everyone knows how Cole Phalon became the first company commander. If it weren't for Luojia, he would have been just an ordinary person. His status brought him benefits within the Legion, and Kor Phaeron gained more than just power.

Luojia personally invited some professionals to perform transformation surgery on his adoptive father, making him far superior to ordinary people and enabling him to wear the legion's power armor. But he is not an Astartes, he is just an acquired talent. inferior gene product

It can be said that it was not until this moment that Angel Tai had some sense of identification with Cole Phalon.

But will this help their current situation?

No, not at all.

"You're lying." Luo Jia stumbled back, staggering as if someone had hit him hard with a power hammer.

He murmured, his voice so pitifully low that the Word Bearers couldn't hear what he was saying. But one can feel great helplessness and anger from the original body's performance.

"You're lying to me, Malcador."

The son of Colchis raised his hand to his forehead. The handle of the Enlightened One left a deep red friction mark on his forehead. The golden light became stronger and stronger, and the scriptures began to shine brightly for some reason.

"How could he do such a thing? People here believe in him. They worship at sunrise and express their piety by reciting scriptures ten times at sunset. There are statues of him everywhere and respect for him everywhere. With love, a whole planet, billions of devout believers.”

Luo Jia raised his head again, with a look of madness in his eyes, his breathing was rapid and rapid, and his voice sounded urgent like a barbaric priest digging into the internal organs with a knife.

"You're lying, aren't you, Malcador? Are you excusing these two murderers and criminals?"

Malcador didn't speak, his silence was becoming more and more aggressive, and Luojia never gave in at all.

"You like them, just like you like everyone else except me, so you excuse them. I understand, I am not welcome, as always, and my sincerity is treated as nothing by you."

The primarch dropped his hands and burst out laughing.

"But it doesn't matter!" he shouted. "I will take the dead of Perfect City back to Terra, and I will take my legion back with me. I want my father to see with his own eyes what is happening here!"

"You know very well that I will not leave Terra hastily." Malcador said, he finally spoke.

He had already grasped the scepter tightly, as if he was guarding against something. Luo Jia is approaching him, maybe this is the root cause. It takes courage for any man to face a Primarch driven to madness and rage, and Malcador never lacked courage.

He lacked something else.

"Shut up!" Luo Jia roared and reprimanded. "You are blaspheming his glory in front of me, how dare you do this?!"

"Perhaps, you should see one thing clearly before you yell at me, Luojia. Your father has never been so glorious." Malcador replied calmly. "Think about it carefully, when has he ever asked others to treat him as a god?"

Luo Jia shook her head and had no reaction to the old man's words.

He seemed to have lost all patience, and his eyes were so wide that it made one worry that his eyes would fall out of their sockets in the next second. The Primarch's eyes flashed as he walked up to Malcador and raised his right hand.

The Enlightened One stayed in the air and was placed directly above Malcador's left shoulder. Its true power had not yet been activated, and Luo Jia did not even let its weight touch the skinny old man in a robe, but this scene was already terrifying enough.

Luojia, one of the Primarchs of the Empire, is threatening Malcador, the Markbearer, with weapons.

"That's enough, I don't want to listen to your lies anymore. Get out of the way, Macado." Luojia said coldly, veins beating on his forehead, saliva dripping from between his tightened lips and teeth, sticky Thick like blood.

"I've changed my mind." He turned his attention to the other two Primarchs. "I want to take them back and stand trial together. Why should the murderer be outside the law?"

At this point, he actually sneered.

"Conrad Curze!" He looked past Malcador and shouted loudly. "Do you think I'm right?! No one can escape justice and no one should escape justice!"

The Lord of Blades nodded slowly and calmly: "But whether I am guilty or not is not up to you, Luo Jia."

"Are you sure?" The Great Speaker smiled softly. He gritted his teeth and turned to look at Robert Guilliman.

"And you, Robert, you are the best at thinking. You are the one who likes to think the most among us. Now I am going to give you a situation. I want you to think about it carefully. What if someone did something to your Macragge? What would you think if the same thing happened?”

"The situation you presuppose will not exist," Guilliman said.

He did not avoid meeting Luojia's eyes like Coze did. The Lord of Ultramar looked away, his expression still as unshakable as a stone sculpture, but he did not choose to look at Luojia.

"Really? Why?"

Luo Jia asked, one question after another, never ending. Sentences and words were swung out from the once gentle voice with extremely sharp edges, and the invisible sharp blade stabbed countless wounds.

"Is it because you have been staying in your little kingdom and refused to go out? Ah, that's right. You don't personally expand the territory and regain the planet at the front of the Great Crusade like me. You have been staying in Macragge, That way no one can destroy it while you’re fighting for humanity, right?”

"And if someone accuses you, you will always have a reason to respond. After all, the expedition you sent has penetrated deep into the territory of the orcs. How amazing, Robert, to use the sacrifices of your children to build up your own kingdom. How great. Noble, how admirable.”

Lorgar blinked at Guilliman comically and happily, a smile spreading on his face, but his eyes were as cold as a monster looking up at the sky in the abyss.

"I bet you will never suffer what I suffered today, right? If I hadn't been holding a weapon, I would have even wanted to applaud you."

Robert Guilliman frowned tightly, finally feeling a little human.

However, even so, he did not directly have a verbal conflict with Luo Jia. There was a soft and upright part in his heart that did not allow him to fight back at this time. This part prompted him to grit his teeth and speak silently. Endurance responded to Luo Jia's words.

And what about Luo Jia?

He smiled - again.

It's also the last time.

"Don't you want to say anything? That's fine. Anyway, I will always make you repent for this." He said softly but firmly. "I want the entire empire to know what happened here. I want them to see your true face. I want you to pay the price for this."

At the same time, he raised his right hand. The Word Bearers began to stir again, and Kor Phaeron's power claws even began to flicker with electricity.

Malcador sighed deeply.

"Before you do anything, Luojia," the palm-printer spoke hoarsely like an old man who was truly in decline. "I hope you can understand that there is a hidden meaning behind what happened today."

"Then why didn't you say it?" the Primarch replied coldly, and the Enlightened One fell heavily.


+stop. +

The golden light suddenly burst out, as bright as the blazing sun.


Angel Tai regained consciousness little by little. He climbed up from the ground with difficulty, only feeling pain as if his internal organs had been displaced.

At the same time, countless hoarse shouts were erupting in the communication channel. It was obvious that he was not the only one who was directly hit by the golden light. After a few minutes, the Word Bearers had some strength to stand up.

He climbed up from the ashes, gritted his teeth and urged his bones to drive his muscles to stand up. At this moment, he was still in a strange state of blindness, and the distorted noise and shouting in the communication channel were still destroying his willpower.

However, even in this situation, he saw something clearly and heard something clearly.

He saw Lorgar Aurelion kneeling before a man, he saw the primarch's back, and he saw the man's face.

Angel Tai's vision was blurry, and he shouldn't have been able to see these details clearly, but he could see them clearly, and they really looked like knives piercing his gums.

That man was a scholar, a warrior, a scientist, a king, a pope, a madman, a liar

He is everything, He is the source of their faith.

He is the Lord of mankind.

Angel Tai threw out a few unclear words from his throat: "God God Emperor."

"Is this a trial, father?" Luojia asked painfully.

"No," the man replied. "Besides, I didn't ask you to kneel down, Luo Jia. Why do you kneel down to me?"

Luo Jia raised her head and looked at him blankly: "Isn't it always like this, father? I have always fulfilled your requirements for me -"

"——I never asked you to do anything, Luo Jia, never." The man said, he seemed a little disappointed. "Even in the Great Crusade, I was the one asking you, hoping that you would join. I never asked you to treat me as a god."

"Yes, yes, but -" the original body trembled and stuttered, like a toddler learning to speak. "——You were you then."

The man sighed. He shouldn't do this often, or else he was really sad at the moment. The sound sounded as if someone had cut it with a razor blade.

"You are a general, Luojia. Just like all your other brothers, you may all have talents and hobbies in other areas, but your primary purpose in living in this world, your first mission-"

The man raised his hand and pointed to the sky. The scenery of the setting sun suddenly changed at this moment, turning into a rotating and shining star map. Angel Tai lay in the ashes and looked up, barely able to see the stars.

He felt familiar and recognized it immediately. This is a map of the Milky Way, and at this moment, it's terrifyingly real.

"—Conquest," the Emperor said slowly and relentlessly. "Humanity must unite, and we must do this at all costs, and your progress is too slow, Luojia. Every time you go to a world, you start to preach that I am a god."

"You let them be deceived into lies, which is not good, but I can tolerate it. Until you also have problems with this matter."

"what is the problem?"

Luo Jia moved his knees. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the man's clothes. His voice couldn't tell how excited he was, but veins were already popping up on the back of his hands.

"I beg you to tell me, father, I beg you to tell me. I will correct it, I will correct it."

"I could have," the Emperor said, moving his eyes slowly over the Word Bearers.

Angel Tai looked at him. The time of this glance was less than a thousandth of a second, but to the Word Bearer's perception, it seemed as long as ten thousand years.

He could clearly see the hatred, hatred, contempt, and disgust in the Emperor's eyes. All these emotions gathered in it. In this stretched time, in these ten thousand years, Angel Tai understood everything.

Both of his hearts stopped as he finally understood and realized what the Emperor was doing - he was looking for someone.

Who to look for? Who is it that the Emperor hates so much that he is among our ranks?

The captain of the 7th Assault Company, whose brain was as confused as a collapsed servitor, struggled to turn his head over the ashes in the city. He tried to help the Emperor find this person, but all he could see was a vast expanse of white ashes.

The Word Bearers lay among the ashes, only a few like him looking around. More people were just lying on the ground, wailing.

"But now, I can't do it anymore." The emperor sadly reached out his hand and pressed it against the side of Luo Jia's face.

Next, his voice changed, becoming extremely soft and tiny, and could only be heard by Lorgar Aurelion.

"He's mingling among your sons. He's planning something." Nios said softly. "He harmed your city with poisonous needles, and used lies to mark their souls in advance. But I can't see clearly who he is. Something is helping him."

"Father?" Luo Jia was stunned. At this moment, he was as immature as a baby. "What, Father? What are you talking about?"

"I——" Nios closed his eyes and began to shake.

Next, his voice sounded like a series of thunderous thunders without stopping, like the raindrops on a violent night in the storm season with a terrifying speed.

"——Forgive your brother Luojia. They were forced by me. They didn't want to do it, but they had to do it. I can't see the future. I'm blind and an unqualified father. You will suffer and sink for this. I can't see you at all. I don’t know where you would be and I’m sorry—”

He just disappeared.

Lorgar Aurelion knelt there at a loss. After a long time, a hand reached out to him. That was not his brother's or Malcador's hand. They had been teleported to another place by the Emperor at the moment when the golden light broke out.

This hand is all over the scriptures, pale and warm, reliable and loyal.

"Primarch?" Chief Priest Erebus asked with concern. "How are you?"

Luo Jia glanced at him and nodded slowly.

Then he took the hand.

Late that night, there was a knock on the door of Kor Phaeron's room on the Law of Loyalty. Erebus walked in with a smile. He thanked the captain and returned a knife to him.

"We will all thank you for this." Erebus said with a wink.

Cole Phaeron did not answer, his expression was extremely complicated. There is a part that belongs to the father and a part that belongs to the careerist. After a while, he reached out and held the knife, twisted it into a twist, and threw it on the ground.

"Get out, Erebus," the First Captain said in disgust and fear.

"Oh, come on, my friend. You will soon see how the false idol crumbles."

Erebus chuckled and left.


"I hope he survives," Konrad Curze said. "I don't know what the Emperor will do to him, but it won't be good."

Khalil nodded slowly.

He was hung up, chains burning with psychic energy bound his body and stabilized something. In the dim light, his form seemed to be disintegrating. Malcador stood beside him, his staff glowing blue.

"Are you okay?" Curze hid his hands and asked casually.

"I will survive," Khalil said. "My end is not here."

"Shut up and rest, you fool. Why did you have to run to the ground with the Nightblades? Will they not carry out their mission without you?" The Sigillite said coldly. "Besides."

"I missed eighteen years, Malcador." Khalil replied helplessly. "I have to see their changes with my own eyes."

"Besides what?" asked the Lord of the Night.

Malcador did not answer either Khalil or Curze, he just looked at Konrad Curze deeply. The sharp sight penetrated the wide robes of the Lord of Night and went deep into the sleeve of his right hand.

After a long time, he finally answered.

"Use it well, Conrad Curze." The seal holder shook his head with a sigh and a sense of relief. "Your foolish fathers are counting on it."

This chapter is 5k words, and 1k words will be added later. The update on the 10th will become 7k words, and will be released in two chapters.

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