40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 269 40 Olympia Rebellion (1)

Chapter 269 40. Olympia Rebellion (1)

Sevatar felt a strong gust of wind coming from behind him.

The power armor immediately began to warn, and the various readings on the eyepiece started to beat like crazy. He came to his senses silently. He had no intention of swinging the chain saw halberd in his hand, but there was something insignificant about his body. Cha was stiff.

Then, not surprisingly, he saw Khalil Lohars.

The latter was galloping to kill. No matter how many times he watched it, Sevatar's two hearts would beat faster because he had witnessed another masterpiece from the instructor.

Khalil is almost just a shadow, black and white, simple and clear, like the horizon before dawn in the early morning. He passed by the group of orcs who were firing, and a dark blue cold light flashed in his hand, and dozens of heads flew into the air easily in the next second.

The headless bodies of the orcs fell to the ground, their metal armor making a heavy collision with the ground. The sound resounded, and at the same time, Khalil's voice also came from behind Savitta.

So unnatural, yet so natural.

"Why are you just standing here, Sai?"

"I didn't stand there stupidly, you just killed all my enemies." Sevatar turned around helplessly, and the scarlet eyepiece on the bat-winged helmet reflected a skull's face. "And why did you come to the ground again?"

"Do I not even have this freedom? Or am I disturbing your stealth tactics?"

"Probably both."

Sevatar withdrew his gaze, trying hard not to have any real eye contact with the surging cloak behind the instructor - even though the cloak had no eyes, he still felt that it was looking at him.


"Don't do this, Yago Savitarion." Khalil suddenly changed into a serious tone. "Perhaps I can no longer set foot in ordinary wars, but orcs are different. Their stupid open-mindedness makes them not care whether they die or not. For these creatures, the battle itself is a compliment."

Sevatar shrugged and said nothing.

"It seems that we really taught you well." Khalil said, with a smile in his voice. "But, then again. Why did you reject another promotion recently?"

"What?" Savita blinked. He knew that his current expression would not be captured by the instructor, so he could safely and boldly engage in serious thinking that would reveal his micro-expressions. "What promotion, I don't understand, instructor."

"There is a clear difference between pretending to be stupid and being truly stupid. If you play the former too often, you may actually become stupid."

"Huh?" Savita shrugged again in confusion. "I really don't understand what you're talking about."

Khalil looked at him for a while and suddenly chuckled: "It's up to you, Sai. You've obviously gone through a lot in the eighteen years I've been absent. If you're interested, you can come and talk to me."

He turned and left.

Savita looked at his back and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a while, he took off his helmet and revealed his face. There were several hideous scars on Nostramo's pale face, one of which spanned his cheekbones and lips, making him look like he had A kind of natural dark irony.

Sevatar liked it, but not the things that brought it about.

He thought silently, with the corners of his mouth twitching from time to time, and his smile became more natural. A few minutes later, Yago Savitarion, who had become a sergeant of the first company but refused promotion three times, sighed, put on his helmet, and left the battlefield.

They all became too much, but Khalil Lohars remained consistent.

Savita returned to the rear of the position on foot, which didn't take long. There are not only the night blades wearing midnight-colored armor, but also others. Their armors are painted quite simply. The three colors of silver, black and gold together create a steely coldness.

Along the way, people nodded to him from time to time, or simply punched their chests with their fists to give him a warmer welcome. There are Night Blades and there are Iron Warriors. Savita ignored anyone's greetings and just walked all the way into an underground facility.

Here, there is an Iron Warrior who is alone and is conducting serious and detailed deductions on the tactical sandbox.

Sevatar glanced at him and did not choose to interrupt. He folded his hands and leaned against the temporary wall of mixed materials. His posture was careless, but his eyes under the eyepiece were quite sharp.

This is of course not the first time that the Midnight Blade has collaborated with the Iron Warriors. If you want to trace the origins, the first time between them can probably be traced back to one day many years ago.

What happened that day is known to only a few people, and Sevatar is one of them, and only a few words have been revealed about him. And this cooperation is the seventeenth cooperation between them.

Yes, it may sound a little weird, but the Iron Warriors do often operate alongside the Night Blades. They launch an attack from the front, draw the battle line, and attract attention, and then the night blade executes the sudden drop and beheading tactic.

Savita calls this simple and tried-and-tested combination boxing tactics.

His simple naming ability was ridiculed by Shen for a while, but the title soon began to spread. In the end, even the original body of the Iron Warriors, Perturabo himself, said the word "combination punch" in a certain combat meeting.

Savita was not excited about this even for a second, but he pretended to be excited and laughed at Shen for four and a half months. This incident finally ended when the adjutant of the fourth company forced him into the duel cage with a knife.

Adjutant Sevita curled his lips. He has become an adjutant.

"Sergeant Yago Severtalion." A voice suddenly sounded in front of the tactical deduction table. "I noticed you were deep in thought. Do you have any ideas about my next tactical arrangement?"

"No." Savita spread his hands neatly. "I'm just thinking about what kind of nutritious porridge to eat tonight, Dantioch."

"Shouldn't you call me company commander during the war?"

"I think our ranks are equal."

"But you are a sergeant." The war blacksmith of the 51st Expeditionary Fleet of the Iron Warriors frowned and gave Sevatar an uppercut with a seriousness that implied mockery. "Shouldn't you call me sir?"

Sevatar looked at him speechlessly and said nothing.

"Okay." Dantioch shook his head. "But I don't understand why you are so resistant to promotion. You have already been given company command."

"You wouldn't understand, and I don't use it at all," Sevatar replied softly. "In addition, I just went to the front of the sixth position to observe. The green-skinned bastards did not flee. They are still trying to fight back."

"Not surprising," the Warsmith said. "I'm not surprised by this, cousin. Orcs are famous for their tenacity and fanaticism. Otherwise, how could they occupy such a vast area of ​​the Ullanor system? Such alien figures can be seen throughout the galaxy. It’s really strange.”

"I think those pointy ears are about the same."

"You mean the Eldar?" The war blacksmith thought for a while and nodded in agreement. "Indeed, they are everywhere. And they are not much easier to deal with than the orcs."

"So, which alien do you think is the most difficult to deal with?" Sevita asked casually.

Dantioch blurted out a name instantly without any thought: "Herud."

He was not wearing a helmet, so Sevatar could clearly see every detail of the Olympian's expression. It was an expression mixed with hatred, happiness and fear.

"No other creature in the galaxy scares me so much, Sevatar. They are almost one of a kind." The Warsmith shook his head. "I don't know how to describe it, but they are absolutely disgusting, every detail of them."

"But you won."

"Yes." The war blacksmith sighed with emotion. "But my Primarch was not happy about this. In order to reduce casualties, we had to cooperate with the Imperial Fists. Captain Frix said privately that he felt that the Primarch was going crazy in those days."

Savita laughed twice without making any comment. Of course, he couldn't figure out where the hostility to the Imperial Fist among the Iron Warriors came from, but for him, as long as he could avoid encountering the Imperial Fist, it would be fine.

No, put it another way.

It's okay to meet, as long as you don't meet Sigismund.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Dantioch said slightly seriously, turning the topic in another direction. He raised his hand and rotated the holographic projection of the tactical sandbox so that Savita could clearly observe every detail.

The sergeant of the first company of Night Blade observed it and quickly came to the conclusion - yes, his tactical literacy is also quite good, but he doesn't use it very much.

No, actually, he barely uses it.

"You want to launch a general attack from the west?" Savita narrowed his eyes. "Oh, this is a quite risky tactic. We all know that there is an orc fortress to the west, right? You have also seen those rough cannons protruding from the cliff. I don't think we can directly launch a general attack on it at this time."

"No." Dantioch shook his head. "I'm surprised why you still think so. It's already the 999th year of the 30th millennium. The Iron Warriors will no longer rush to launch a storm on any fortress. Only when victory is confirmed, That’s what we do.”

"So-" Sevatar tilted her head. "——Or combination boxing tactics?"

"Classic, but useful." Dantioch gave a rare smile. "Can you deny this?"

"I'm too full to deny it at a time like this," Sevaita said. "And I didn't eat dinner, Dantioch. OK, that's it. When is the attack?"

"Tonight," the Warsmith said, his eyes sparkling.

Also, uh, I don’t know how many chapters there are, so let’s write them first.

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