40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 270 41 Olympia Rebellion (2)

Chapter 270 41. Rebellion in Olympia (2)

War is a kind of...

What kind of thing is it?

Sevatar thought about its answer, but the movements of his hands were only fast and not slow. He swung his chainsaw wildly and chopped off several ugly heads with ease. The veterans of the 1st Company followed behind him, firing in silence.

Every bolt or plasma kills one or more Orks, and suppressive fire is one of those battlefield classics that will never go out of style. In three minutes and twenty-one seconds, they cleared the corridor and then began to plant the melta bombs.

According to Dantioch, this attack was launched at night. To be more precise, it was three o'clock in the morning local time on Planet 5132.

While the Iron Warriors and their heavy vehicles rolled over the corpses of the orcs and bombarded the fortress, the Nightblades used various means to gain access to the fortress itself.

Sevatar and his first company detachment airborne in through a bombed hole. Night Blade and the Raven Guard often cooperated together, and it was common sense to learn from each other. At the very least, Sevatar learned many alternative ways to use a jetpack.

He leaned against the wall and placed the chain saw halberd neatly on his shoulders. Don't get me wrong, he didn't do this because he had a Techmarine in his ranks.

"Sergeant." Battle brother Mulundevian, who has been in the army for seventy-three years, walked towards him. He was wearing a set of MK2 power armor that is now relatively rare in the Night Blade, and his hands were painted scarlet. .

"What is it, brother?" Sevatar responded with surprising mildness.

Mulundevian made a gesture, wordlessly indicating that the melta bomb had been planted.

Sevatar nodded. He was about to order the withdrawal and then detonate, but he stopped because of the vibration from the ground. He quickly grabbed the chain saw and ran towards the direction of the vibration at the other end of the corridor. Agile like a wild beast.

Mulundevian and others had already raised their guns, and a few seconds later, the flames of the bombs and the forest blue of the plasma suddenly illuminated the dark and narrow interior of the fortress.

A huge orc was illuminated by them. It had a ferocious steel jaw and a body as strong as another interpretation of the word muscle. It roared wildly, waving the rough chain swords that replaced its hands and rushed towards the night blades.

Behind it were more other smaller orcs, as well as some green gnomes wielding ridiculous tools. This thing's slashing was unorganized, and its running posture was even more clumsy, but it perfectly blocked or dodged every bullet that hit it.

Sevatar frowned, and the hands that were originally planning to wield the chain saw adopted another plan at this moment. A third of a second later, three fragmentation grenades were thrown out by him with clever techniques.

The gunfire suddenly stopped at this moment, and the Night Blades turned around and without any hesitation, began to run quickly towards the place where they came from. Five seconds later, Sevatar, who had his back turned to the group of orcs, heard a series of loud bangs.

The corners of his mouth under his helmet twitched again, the smile flashed away, and flames swept over him.

At 5:25 in the morning, they captured the fortress, and at 7:31 in the morning, all the greenskins on the planet were completely wiped out.

Efficiency is always important.


Holding a bowl of nutritious porridge, Savita returned to his room.

The space here is not large and the decoration is simple. The walls are a gloomy pale white. There are many letters stacked in the corner to the left of the entrance. Some are from Alastor Rorschach of the Raven Guard, and some are from Terra. The letters are some commendations to him. So and so on.

Sevatar hardly looked at these things, but he didn't choose to throw them around. He piled them up and planned to find time to read them all - or burn them all.

In the corner on the right are two metal dummies piled up. This was a habit he had developed over the past eighteen years. During that time, Khalil Lohars completely disappeared from the training ground, and Savita simply got two training dummies in his room.

After all, apart from occasionally bullying the new blood or beating up other brothers who messed with him, he no longer had any motivation to go to the training ground. Although their instructor has returned now, the habit has been formed, and Savita did not remove them.

Apart from these, there are a pair of tables, chairs and a bed in the room. It simply didn't look like a room for a sergeant at all. It was also very different from the dormitory he lived in before, just like the Tridesia.

Over the years, the Tridesia has changed. She is still beautiful, but her armor plate and firepower deployment have more than doubled. The old captain joked that this was a betrayal of her model, while Sevatar preferred to simply call it an 'upgrade'.

It's just an update, nothing surprising.

He came to his iron table and began to eat nutritious porridge with the flavor of meat porridge without emotion, making a crunching sound while chewing. He had already taken off his power armor, but his attire at this moment was somewhat inconsistent with the status of an Astartes.

His upper body was naked, and the connection port of the black carapace glowed dullly. However, other scars may be more conspicuous than them.

It took Savita a few minutes to finish the steaming pot of nutritious porridge. He glanced at the special spoon and ate it smoothly without choosing to waste it.

The rich taste of the nutritious porridge mixed with the slightly hard, bone-like texture of the spoon came together in his mouth. Finally, he leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh of contentment.

A few minutes later there was a knock on his door.

Savita moved her neck and shoulders and stood up slowly. He opened the door and was not surprised to see the narrator, Bellows von Sharp.

This gray-haired middle-aged man has spent nearly fifty years with the Night Blades. He has aged visibly to the naked eye, but the degree is not very dramatic. Maybe it was the life-extending surgery, maybe it was the effect of something else - in short, Sevita didn't care much.

Belros von Sharp is one of the few chroniclers who can hang out with the Night Blades. Based on this alone, he will not ask any more questions.

not to mention.

"Good evening, Sergeant Savita Lyon!" The narrator strode past Savita and entered his room. "Look what I got for you!"

He waved his right hand, and a thick book wrapped in brass and gray metal gleamed in his hand. Savita pressed the door-closing button to close the door, then pulled off a training shirt from the metal training dummy nearby and put it on.

He asked smoothly: "What?"

"My sixth collection of narratives has also been published!" the narrator laughed. "Look at this binding! I made it myself, how about it?"

"Are you going to beat someone with it or something?" Savita glanced at him, rubbed the back of his neck, fell back, and leaned on the metal dummy.

It struggled to bear his weight, letting out an awkward squeal from where it connected to the ground.

"It's so thick, you can actually pick it up with one hand." Saiweita sneered and shook his head. "A common chronicler, huh?"

"It's always lighter than a sword." Belros shrugged. "Do you like to have a look?"

"No, I don't want to, thank you for your suggestion." Sevita shook his head crisply. "Besides, I hope not many people will buy your collection of narratives."

Belros frowned: "How can you say such a thing, Captain Severtalion? My book is about you as the protagonist!"

"Really? Haha, thank you so much. Otherwise, why do you think I would say such a thing?"

Savita chuckled emotionlessly. His expression could not be said to be ugly, but it could only be said that it had nothing to do with friendliness.

"You wrote a lot of Sigismund's comments about me at the end of your last narrative. Do you know how long those words made me laugh at?" Sevita asked unceremoniously.

"Scoffing?!" Bellos was shocked. "But what I wrote—"

"——'A respectable opponent', 'The intersection of swords makes me progress and sublime. Every second of fighting with him allows me to glimpse the higher door'. Listen to these words you wrote, Like what he would say?"

"So you did read my last book?" The narrator smiled happily and put away his previous emotions in the blink of an eye. However, he soon began to correct Sevatar's words, which made the latter roll his eyes involuntarily.

"Well, Sergeant, although I am not a very honest person, I will not write lies into my records. Do you remember the seven months I left you?"

Sevita nodded expressionlessly, a bad premonition flashing through his heart.

"It was during those seven months that I went to the Imperial Fists' fleet and interviewed Captain Sigismund himself. He was such a good man. He told me the details of your battle. Oh, By the way, Sergeant Severtalion, he wants to fight you again."

The corners of Savita's mouth twitched, and he was silent for a few seconds before leaving the dummy. It shook and hissed, the dissatisfaction of the metal as obvious as the menacing look on the face of the sergeant of the 1st Company.

"Well, well, thank you for reminding me. If you hadn't said that I didn't know that he wanted to fight me again, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, Sergeant Savita Lyon." Bellos bowed seemingly sincerely and left Savita's room consciously, but also left the metal-wrapped book on his table.

Savita glanced at it and decided not to look at it for at least two weeks, since he had plenty of time anyway.

For him, the journey back to Nostramo was always pleasant, especially this time with the Iron Warriors.

Their home planet Olympia is located to the east of the Ultimate Star Territory, quite close to the Ghoul Star Territory. Therefore, you can definitely say that these two expedition fleets went back together, but Savita actually had other considerations.

He thought that if Belros gave this book to others, he could at least go to the Iron Warriors' ship to avoid the limelight. There's no way Belros's account would be popular among their cousins, right?

——Of course, this is without any surprises along the way.

Maybe another chapter? Have a meal first.

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