40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 271 42 Olympia Rebellion (3)

Chapter 271 42. Rebellion in Olympia (3)

If given the choice, Perturabo would not do this, but he had no choice. Unfortunately, he had no choice.

The huge fleet formed by the Steel Blood and more than 70 other ships rushed out of the subspace in one fell swoop. A scream came from inside the ship's hull. The excessive speed and wrong gravitational pull caused the Steel Blood's bridge to even transmit. There was a shaking, and even Perturabo himself was forced to grab the armrest by the jolt.

His face was gloomy, and his captain, Katis from the Terragarza family, stood beside him with a steely face. She was one of the few officers and crew members who was not trembling, and even managed to persuade the Lord of Steel to remain calm.

"My lord, you should issue an order for the following fleet to suspend engine output, otherwise we may cause a series of accidents."

"I don't need you to teach me what to do, Garza." Perturabo lowered his head and glanced at her coldly. "But you are right. Pass this order on. I don't want any ships to be damaged."

"As ordered." The female captain bowed slightly and ran towards the command podium.

It was an almost unacceptably noisy place, as were all podiums. Officers and crew members mingled and chatted. The data reports spewed from the mouths of the meditators, buzzing and mechanical to the point of dullness.

It's intimidating to work in a place like this, and Katniss Garza is used to it. She remained aboard Perturabo's ship for seventeen years, a tenure that shocked her predecessors.

Perturabo lowered his head, stretched out his hand and tapped a few times on the data display board in front of him.

His large, specially modified datapad has capabilities far beyond those of other models, allowing him to stand here and command everyone else aboard the Ironblood. The blue light shone brightly on the original body's face, revealing his almost crazy gnashing of teeth.

His hands were trembling, and dark anger surged through every detail of the demigod's body. However, somehow, he managed to hold back this anger.

"Frix," Perturabo called to the dataslate. "Tell everyone to get ready, if I don't get the response I want, you're going to parachute into Olympia."

"Understood, Primarch." The City Breaker said. "But are you sure we want to be armed?"

"Just do as I say!" Perturabo roared. "You understand what all this means!"

".As you command, my lord," Frix said, his voice sounding almost like a sigh.

Perturabo clenched his fists, only to let them go after a few seconds.

He continued to control the data board and mobilized the satellites around Olympia. His authority was so high that he could directly enter their data center without verification.

The data streams from the fifteen satellites swept across the data board violently. Perturabo ignored their chaos and held each satellite forcefully in his palm.

He mobilized them in an orderly manner, not letting the anger in his heart affect anything. Soon, the ground monitoring from the satellite was displayed on the data board, fifteen different perspectives and fifteen different plots.

Mountains, oceans, forests, and cities are arranged harmoniously and orderly, and they look harmonious on the surface. A trace of doubt flashed across Perturabo's face, and he continued to switch perspectives, and finally found clues in the city.

Soldiers wearing armor of different colors are attacking each other. They fight each other with guns and cannons. These weapons were originally left by Perturabo to prevent them from happening, but now they are used by them to attack each other.

The Lord of Steel's breathing became a little faster. He closed his eyes, turned around, and tapped his forehead with his right hand. The dull pain curbed his anger and allowed his sanity to return a little.

He turned back to the data pad and turned off the satellite view. There is no need to read any more, everything is true.

The supply fleet from Olympia was right, a civil strife was breaking out in his hometown.

but why?

Perturabo was thinking, darkly and furiously, yet so rationally that it was incomprehensible - he didn't understand, why was there civil unrest? Attack each other and kill each other?

This is simply unreasonable. All aspects of Olympia have reached the peak level during these years of improvement. The Lord of Iron is confident that it will never be worse than Robert Guilliman's Macragge.

What's more, there is no superhuman divided rule like the Ultramarines. The rulers here are still the tyrants of various cities in Olympia. Perturabo knew the advancement and superiority of Guilliman's system, but he disdained it.

He knew what superhuman rule would make mortals think, and he figured he had given Olympia everything he could, so why were they still fighting?

"My Lord." Katis Garza's voice came from in front of him. "You might want to see this."

"Just say it, Garza," Perturabo told her in a calm voice. "Tell me what you find."

"There are two other fleets passing Mandeville Point." The female captain told him with some hesitation. "Their identity codes have been verified. One is the 51st Expeditionary Fleet led by the war blacksmith Dantioch. The other is the 2nd Expeditionary Fleet of the Midnight Blade."

Perturabo took a deep breath and looked down at the dataslate.

"Hangar, prepare the gunships," he began to issue orders. "Let Frix take five hundred people down and tell them to cease the war immediately. There is no room for negotiation. Armistice, or die. Then prepare another shuttle. I am the only one. No pilot is needed. I will control it manually."


Khalil had imagined the scene when he and some of the Primarchs would meet again many times, but he never expected this situation - Perturabo, the Primarch of the Iron Warriors, boarding the special Primarch alone with his bare hands. Lydsia, and asked to see him by name.

It was quite a surprise, no doubt, but Khalil had no intention of saying no.

He didn't even think about what prompted Perturabo to do such a thing, he just agreed to meet and immediately rushed to one of the only two reception rooms on the Tridesia.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the Lord of Steel with a gloomy face. This expression was not unfamiliar to him, and it would be strange if Perturabo stopped becoming gloomy one day.

But what the Lord of Steel did next was the truly strange thing. The weirdness of this incident made his behavior of boarding the Night Blade ship alone become ordinary, just like Rogal Dorn's expressionless face, which is not worthy of too much attention. .

"I ask you to lend me a company," said Perturabo. "I'm useful."

".I'm sorry, I think I didn't hear clearly." Khalil spoke slowly after a period of silence. "You're not talking about—"

"——You heard it right, and you couldn't have heard it wrong. So don't play this trick, Khalil Lohars. I need you to lend me a company of Midnight Blades. I can use it."

"Is this some form of collaboration?" Khalil said cautiously.

He kept his tone calm, not wanting the conversation to slip into another situation he was more familiar with. He was not the kind of person who liked to be sarcastic towards others, and Perturabo had changed since the last time they saw each other.

"No." The Lord of Steel denied bluntly. "It's not cooperation, because I'm not going to fight a war. This is just a secondment. I have something on hand that needs someone to do, and the best person to do it is you."

His eyes were fixed on Khalil's face, and he emphasized his tone and repeated a short sentence again: "You understand? The best candidate. Don't let me say it a third time, Khalil Lowe Hals.”

If anyone asked, Khalil would admit that he almost laughed - he didn't know Perturabo very well, but that didn't stop him from hearing some compromise and metaphor in that sentence.

Best pick. So funny.

"If I could, I would like to promise you immediately, Perturabo. But no, I cannot do this, and you should know why. As the supreme commander of this fleet, I have the right to know in this matter The whole picture.”

The Lord of Steel's expression gradually became ugly, and this incident was naturally expected by Khalil - in fact, perhaps even Perturabo himself knew what kind of reaction he would have, because He quickly and miraculously controlled this anger.

His face behaved very strangely at this moment, with sullen anger and cold calm rolling together, forming an expression that made people want to record it.

Khalil looked at him and spoke again. He didn't want the atmosphere to become deadlocked, but the words he spoke sounded a bit vaguely stinging.

"That's what any qualified commander should do, right, Lord Perturabo? What kind of commander are they if they're not responsible for the lives of their subordinates?"

"Don't call me that!" yelled Perturabo. "What do you think when I don't know that you and Conrad Coates call others this?! You want the truth, right? OK! I'll tell you the truth!"

He sneered, took out a data pad from behind his waist, and threw it out.

Khalil reluctantly reached out and took it, secretly deciding to think more before speaking next time - as he said, he has never been good at communicating with others, he is only good at making this thing look easy.

Lowering his head, he began to flip through the data pad that had long been unlocked. The information displayed above made his expression freeze a little. After a few seconds, he raised his head and showed a wry smile to the impatient Iron Lord.

"Maybe we shouldn't have come back with Captain Dantioch's fleet." Khalil said with a wry smile. "Okay, Perturabo, how many people do you need?"

The Lord of Steel exhaled slowly and shook his head.

"Let's not talk about that yet," he said briefly. "Come to my ship and we'll talk about it later, depending on the situation."

update completed.

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