40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 280 51 One-sided

Chapter 280 51. One-sided

Conrad Coates held the parchment roll in his hand and read it carefully. This was not the norm, and any document was only a passing glance to the Primarch. But this one is different. This one is written by Roger Dorn, and it's not a document.

Actually, it's a letter.

And Curze cherishes brotherhood, more than ever. The combination of various factors resulted in his serious look at the moment.

Khalil leaned against the wall nearby, silently observing the changes in the Night Lord's office in the lair. He saw several extra paintings, four weapons of different shapes and styles, a sculpture of a Nightshade, and a huge beast pelt.

Paintings and sculptures themselves were not among his considerations, and he was not good at art. The weapons are worth talking about. These weapons include a sword, a power hammer, a finely crafted bolt gun suitable for the size of the original body, and a pair of lightning claws.

The sword itself is very exquisite, even so exquisite that it is closer to a work of art than a weapon. It has a strong Blood Angel art style. A pair of flamboyant angel wings were made into gauntlets, and a ruby ​​teardrop sparkled between the wings, so bright and eerie.

The blade itself may look unremarkable at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that there are countless small reliefs on it, giving it a terrifying elegance.

The power hammer is dark green with a rough appearance, but the surface of the dark black hammer head exudes blazing heat. Even with the naked eye, you can feel that its temperature is distorting the air. The strange thing is that despite the intense temperature, it did not cause any damage to the wall.

The bolter has a silent gray color that fits the concept of the weapon very well, with no unnecessary paint or decoration. The only symbol is just a golden skull, located directly above the barrel, but its shape itself is quite chilling.

It has six barrels that come together.

Finally, there is the pair of lightning claws, which have a gloomy and gorgeous appearance. The surface is dark blue, decorated with scarlet and gold, which is very obvious in the style of the Midnight Blade. The six sharp claws cross each other, and the curved arc is quite deadly. They are probably a perfect match for Konrad Coze.

As for that animal fur?

"It's a little too big." Khalil couldn't help but said. "What kind of fur is this, Conrad?"

"The Banorlig bear beast has become extinct." The Lord of the Night replied without raising his head. "A beast that is so powerful that it can tear apart ceramite. Why are there so many things in the galaxy that can tear apart ceramite?"

"That's why there is adamantium armor." Khalil smiled slightly. He moved closer to the hung fur and began to observe it carefully.

The person who killed it was undoubtedly an excellent hunter. He knew exactly how to kill the beast to obtain the complete fur, and the fatal injuries were cleverly covered up.

Khalil stared intently at the inconspicuous penetrating wound, and the scene of a hunter holding a spear and stabbing through the heart of a beast emerged in his mind.

"This is a gift from Leman Russ." Konrad Curze said. "I didn't meet him that much, but he was an honest uh, alcoholic?"

"Alcoholic?" Khalil turned around with his hands behind his back. "That's an interesting adjective."

"He does like drinking and is very good at drinking." Coz rubbed his neck uncomfortably. "The same goes for his descendants. Their original and special version of Fenris Mead is really terrible. The taste will be unforgettable for a lifetime once you take a sip."

"It seems that you have met a lot of people I don't know."

"You know him." Conrad Coates shook his head. "They've all met you and you've met them. Don't tell me you don't have those memories."

"No, I mean-" Khalil raised his hand and knocked on his chest. "—me, not a body."

"That's not within my scope of consideration." Coz smiled slightly. "In short, their first impressions of you were not very good, especially Vulcan. You made him really angry."

".Excuse me, say it again?"

"Vulkan." The Lord of Night repeated slowly. "My tallest brother, he is about the same height as you, maybe a little taller than you. And he is very strong. However, although he looks a bit scary in appearance, he is actually a very good person. The first time you met We served as a reserve force to reinforce them in the Battle of Harpano."

"Yeah" Khalil nodded thoughtfully. "Are you fighting a group of humans who coexist with aliens?"

"Yes. Don't you remember this?"

"There are only fragments and pictures, Conrad, no complete events. My memory of those eighteen years is fragmented. Everyone's face is spinning like a whirlpool, filled with strange light. Everything is mixed together. It’s hard for me to find what I want.”

Khalil sighed: "So - how did I make Vulkan angry?"

"You entered the enemy's city alone and disappeared for seventeen hours. Then, you came back carrying the heads of the alien kings."

Curze shrugged and grinned, not hiding his sarcasm.

"What a feat, Father. If you had left us alone, ignored calls and disobeyed orders."

Khalil was silent for a few seconds. Conrad Coates' demeanor and speech at this moment gave him a very familiar feeling.

"What happened next?" he asked again. "What happened next?"

"Vulkan tried to reason with you, but you didn't listen at all. You threw the thing's head off, and then - cough."

Cozz coughed a few times, straightened his chest, straightened his face, and spoke again with a cold expression.

"I don't have time to waste here, advance slowly. Your accusations are unreasonable. My behavior is correct. The enemy cannot threaten me. They are now in fear. If you have normal intelligence, you should seize This is a chance to win. I’m leaving, I still have documents to correct.”

The Lord of Night laughed.

"I still have official documents that need to be corrected! Listen to this!" He smiled uncontrollably and shook his head. "You were just a workaholic back then."

Khalil was silent again, much longer than before. He had the urge to sigh, but he resisted and held his forehead.

"So, your good image has completely disappeared in those eighteen years, Khalil."

The Night Lord shrugged, chuckled and stood up from behind his desk. "This is why Corax pays special attention to this matter. He basically asks me about you every other year."

"Then I'm really flattered." Khalil said slowly. "What did Roger's letter say?"

"What? Are you finally going to be a strict parent? Are you going to randomly check your children's letters?"

Khalil raised his head and glanced at the Lord of the Night with an indescribable expression.

"Okay." Coz couldn't help but smile, looking very happy. Khalil glared at him, finally showing a more normal emotion.

"He just told me to set off for Ullanor as soon as possible. The general offensive against the orcs has been successful. The Emperor hopes to use a whole year to reshape Ullanor and make it a beacon, a symbol that the Great Crusade has finally Beacon to a certain node.”

"This is probably going to take a whole year. We have plenty of time to get there and attend this event, but it's still a little strange to me."


"Yes." Coze nodded. "It's always strange to participate in other people's celebrations. After all, these honors have nothing to do with us."

"Aren't you going to go?"

"Of course I will go." The Lord of Night sighed. "How can you not go? Rogal Dorn personally sent the invitation and hopes to see me there. If I refuse, I will probably never have a good life in the future."

"So, will all the Primarchs be present?" Khalil asked.

"Not necessarily." Conrad Coates lowered his head and began to check the list through the data pad. An event like Ullanor's would have been worthy of an entire legion, but unfortunately, it was impossible to do so.

Some people must stay in Nostramo to carry out their duties. Coates did not plan to select the candidates himself. That would be too much, and it would not be a good thing whether he was selected or not.

This matter will probably be resolved using the old method of the Night Blades - real sword duel. Otherwise, what else can we do?

Is it possible to expect these sons of Nostramo Hive, who were raised by the descendants of prisoners, to behave according to the rules? Don't even think about it, most Midnight Blades are full of rebellious spirit when not in wartime.

However, although he does not intend to select some people and leave out some people, he will try his best to make every battle fair by arranging the roster.

"Not necessarily?" Khalil raised his eyebrows. "What? Is there anyone who doesn't want to go to such a thing?"

"Some people probably really can't get away," Coates said, lowering his head. "For example, Ferrus, he and his legion ran around, almost turning war into life. Fulgrim complained to me last time, saying that he hadn't seen him in four years."

"It's really like his style."

"Of course, there's Luojia." Koz raised his head and tapped the table with his fingers. "He hasn't communicated with us in many years."


"Everyone, not just me and Robert," the Lord of Night said quietly. "His legion has also changed a lot. At least, the behavior of spending several years peacefully conquering a world relying on faith is no longer visible."

"They were even directly held accountable by Terra once because they slaughtered the entire world, leaving only a few dozen survivors. Terra asked them why they did this, and Luojia's answer was that they didn't believe it. God, while refusing to surrender is not his style.”

Khalil narrowed his eyes and nodded: "What's your opinion?"

"No," said the Lord of Night. "I haven't seen many things. Father, most of them are my own ending. As for Luo Jia, I hope he is okay. I can only hope that he is okay."

update completed.

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