40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 281 1 Leman Russ

Chapter 281 1. Leman Russ

The deck trembled, and the Thunderhawk slowly entered the atmosphere. Khalil leaned against the porthole, tilting his head and staring at the scene below.

He had never seen Ullanor full of orcs before, but it was easy to see how much effort the laborers, servitors and Mechanicus responsible for the transformation had put in.

The mountains were razed to the ground, and the landforms such as hills and plains were all changed. The land is now covered with granite. They were transported from all over the galaxy, and the Rogue Merchants worked hard for this.

Their efforts were not in vain. An entire land plate now showed the pale white color of granite behind the thin clouds, and there were huge pits deliberately left, which were full of promethium and were burning at the moment.

The pillar of fire rose from the sky, not enough to touch the Thunderhawk, but enough to turn the sky red. In the smoke and dust, millions of skinned green heads were nailed on both sides of the road to become another landscape.

At the end of the pale white granite road, there was a golden platform, shining in the sun.

Khalil took a look at it, then retracted his gaze to look at the other Titans.

He really couldn't stand it, it was too golden, his eyes were sore and almost wanted to cry.

The Titans were on the other side of the road, standing with the armored vehicles and the imperial army, looking very solemn in the battle flags.

Khalil observed them carefully for a while, and nodded involuntarily-good stuff, really good stuff, I think it's good stuff no matter how many times I see it.

The Thunder Eagle drove on its own for a while. The Thunder Eagle formation of the Eighth Legion was not the first to land, but it was not the last to land.

There were still several empty spaces next to the apron that had been allocated long ago, and no airships were parked. Khalil looked at this scene and pressed the switch of the hatch, and the hot air from the outside immediately hit him.

The smell of promethium was scattered in the air, but in addition to them, there was another smell that was silently announcing its arrival.

A historical node? Khalil thought so and looked back.

The detachment of the First Company stared back silently behind him. The command of the First Company, led by Van Cleef, all changed into Hades-type Terminator power armor. It was a luxurious scene, even for the Eighth Legion today.

He turned his head and walked out of the cabin. Conrad Curz walked down from another Thunderhawk, his face very tense.

Two officials, a man and a woman, followed him and chattered: "Sir, the clothes you chose are too ordinary for such occasions!"

"I know, I know," Curz said expressionlessly. "But what's wrong with black? I like black."

"But, sir!" The woman among the officials screamed, and she had a few clothes on her right arm that were too big for her. This lady was already very tall, and her legs were modified to be at least two meters tall, but these clothes could still almost submerge her whole body.

"This is Ulano!" She said hoarsely.

"So what?" The Lord of the Night sighed helplessly, his face filled with a kind of despair left after being bombarded with loud noises.

"Does Ullanor not allow people to appear in black clothes? I like black, so don't tell me that I can't wear those court-style tights you chose."

"But you will definitely look good in them."

The man spoke, insisting on the woman's point of view. He raised his head, acting very professional and proud: "Please believe me, my lord. Our taste has been praised by Lord Fulgrim. Isn't this enough to prove something?"

Curze pursed his lips, raised his head and muttered: "That's why I don't want to wear the clothes you chose."

He was entangled by them for a while, but the Primarch is the Primarch after all. After Curze frowned, the two officials left reluctantly.

Looking back every three steps, with strong desire in their eyes-Khalil didn't know what they were longing for, it was really strange. However, when he thought of Conrad Coze going with them all the way because he had to choose clothes, Khalil smiled.

"Are you really going to wear all black?" Khalil approached him and asked.

"What's wrong with that?" The Lord of the Night shrugged. "I'm too lazy to wear those clothes weighing more than ten pounds like everyone else. Think about it, Khalil."

"What to think?"

Conrad Coze made a gesture and started a long speech.

"A huge cloak with decorations that needs to be held up from behind. Gold, emerald, silver, super long tassels that can hang from the shoulders to the ground, ritual weapons that have no other function except to look good and annoy you, and even the hairstyle needs to be redesigned"

"It sounds okay." Khalil commented without comment. Coze cast an indescribable look at him and soon realized what tricks he was playing.

The Lord of the Night sneered: "It's OK if you're not wearing them, instructor."

"Why did you sound so much like Fulgrim just now?"


"Everything is similar." Khalil shook his head, and shadows climbed up from the gaps in the skeleton armor, forming a skull face on his face. His eye sockets were gloomy, and his bones were pale. He didn't look like someone who should appear at such a grand event.

More Thunder Eagles belonging to the Eighth Legion slowly descended from the sky, and the company reorganized. The ghosts from the dark world stood on the land of Ullanor wearing gloomy armor.

They remained silent and left quickly - the Astartes were also assigned their positions. There would be a grand military parade later, and they could not miss it.

Suddenly, only Khalil and Conrad Coates were left here. They looked at each other and noticed some intention of the other.

"Should we not go there for now?" Cozz asked meaningfully.

"Which way?" the skeleton asked quietly.

"You have to ask knowingly, don't you?"

"Yes." Khalil chuckled.

"Let's go find the others first." The Lord of Night ignored his laughter and made a decision immediately. "Look for those who just landed. I don't want to walk over there now."

He turned around and walked to the other side with his head held high.

Khalil floated behind him like a ghost, his body barely moving, and the shadow cloak like a living creature was surging under his feet. His voice was equally soft: "Why? Are you planning to form a gang like a child?" ?"

"No," said the Primarch. "I just simply don't want to go over there right now."


"Do you have to ask clearly?" Cozz sighed deliberately. "Don't be like that, Khalil. There are many reasons why I don't want to go there now, and one of them is because I want to catch up on old times in advance."

"with who?"

"You'll know." Kurtz promised in a mysterious tone - he was right, Khalil did quickly know who the target was.

He looked at the barbarian in front of him with slight surprise, and the latter also looked at him surrounded by wolves. There was only one glance, but the look was meaningful enough.

Then the Primarch, wrapped in the fur of the beast, grinned, strode over, and greeted his brother with a wild grin, his canine teeth gleaming in the air.

"Conrad Curze!" The giant wolf from Fenris strode forward without hesitation and gave the Lord of the Night a warm embrace as if he was about to attack someone. Although the latter was uncomfortable with it, he still allowed him to do it.

However, complaints are inevitable.

"Do you have to come here like this every time you meet me?" Cozz asked with a frown, pretending to be displeased.

Leman Russ was not frightened by this expression, and he laughed again. His blond hair, braided into a warrior braid, was blowing in the wind, and his hair was so thick that it almost looked like sideburns rather than hair.

"Yes!" The Wolf Lord smiled playfully, reaching out and patting his brother on the shoulder. "You didn't really refuse! If you wanted to refuse, you would have run into the darkness like our crow!"

"I don't think your nose can't smell the darkness"

"Smelling and seeing are two different things—" Ruth shrugged. "—By the way, Corax hasn't arrived yet."

"I knew he wasn't here," Coates said. "If he arrives, I will bring him to you."

"Oh, don't. I thank you for your kindness, but you'd better stop doing this."

Ruth raised his hands exaggeratedly, his tone was funny, but his expression was serious. The wolf king obviously had his own ideas. Kalil glanced past him and looked behind him.

Ruth's wolf pack was pacing slowly, instinctively responding to his gaze with some uneasiness. They had been relaxed before he looked over, but not now. Some of them could not help but bend down and growl from their throats.

Ruth raised his right hand without looking back, and in an instant, all the visions disappeared.

The Wolf King raised his head and glanced at Khalil, his expression still relaxed. Khalil nodded apologetically, but the latter smiled again and returned to the conversation.

"Listen, Conrad, I will handle the matter between him and me myself. I don't want other people to get involved, okay? Just like the conflict between me and Leon, I can't handle it now." Is it good?”

"Are you sure?" Coz narrowed his eyes. "You said it well, are you referring to the fight between the two of you?"

"That's not a fight. It's normal for brothers to fight." Leman Russ told him extremely seriously. "Ordinary brothers would fight over a small conflict, let alone a group of arrogance maniacs like us? He kept his hand, and so did I, otherwise"

"Otherwise what?"

"Nothing." Russ grinned and finally looked at Khalil formally. "So—instructor, right?"

Khalil nodded.

"I have long admired your name." The Fenrisian suppressed his smile and put on a serious face in an instant. His voice was full of energy, but his expression was serious, as if he were facing the legendary King of Kraken in Fenris.

"You're as tall as you're told," Ruth said. "At least taller than me, but you're not strong enough."

"I don't need to be too strong." Khalil raised his hand and pulled off the skull face. He could have just let it turn into a shadow and dissipate, but he didn't. Sometimes, the more conventional approach is better.

"Everyone needs to be strong!" Ruth's eyes widened. "How can you do it without being strong! Don't you think Conrad is a little too thin? He eats very little at every banquet! He should be like me!"

"Don't bring me into your conversation." Cozz said quietly.

Khalil smiled. He could hear the metaphor hidden in Ruth's words. It was a gentle exhortation, thoughtful, but Ruth made it look like a simple joke.

"He is indeed a little thin. But that is everyone's own choice." Khalil replied gently. "I will not interfere with these choices of his, what do you think, Lord Russ?"

"Don't call me sir." Ruth waved his hands repeatedly. "I know what you do. If you call me that, my brothers may have to call me uncle in the future - don't you think so, Magnus? Come here! How about calling me Uncle Russ?"

He shouted loudly at a group of people passing by, and the red-skinned giant at the head frowned unbearably.

The update is complete, I will update it today, organize the outline of the new volume, and prepare to start coding and updating, otherwise I may not be able to make it in time for Christmas.

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