40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 282 2 Primarchs Meeting (1)

Chapter 282 2. Original body meeting (1)

"You'd better keep your mouth shut, Russ," the red-skinned giant warned. "I don't know what kind of trick you're playing again, but I'm not in the mood to continue with you right now."

"Continue with what?" the Fenrisian asked with a grin. "Brother, I ask you to tell me. To be honest, I really want to know what's in that big furry red head of yours."

Magnus walked away sullenly, making no answer or giving any reaction.

Leman Russ gritted his teeth in displeasure at this, and even though he was still smiling, he cursed in Fenris under his breath. Judging from those few ups and downs of syllables, it was obvious that what he said was not a good thing.

Khalil stared at the red figure and narrowed his eyes involuntarily. The hissing sound of the Midnight Ghost sounded just right at this moment.

"Weird, huh?"

"Yes." Khalil replied softly. "It's indeed a bit strange. But I'm even more surprised by his alienated attitude. Aren't he and you brothers?"

"Thirteen years ago, when I first saw him, he was already like this, Khalil." Ghost shook his head and showed a very interesting smile.

"In his eyes, only the emperor and knowledge are probably the most important. Everything else can be postponed indefinitely behind these two things."

"You sound resentful towards him."

"If your allies would not hesitate to abandon the frontal battlefield for some taboo alien knowledge, you will too." Ghost Skin said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Leman Russ asked with a frown. "I admit that this hissing language sounds interesting, just like howlings between wolves to communicate with each other. But you can't treat me like air, can you?"

He raised his right hand in dissatisfaction and pointed at the red line behind him that was not far away: "I'm not as far away as him, I'm still standing here!"

"Please forgive me, Great Wolf." Khalil bent down grandly and bowed deeply.

He pulled the cloak, covering most of the skeletal armor, and also made the shadows like living creatures dance realistically. Russ raised his brows, stretched out his hand to grab a handful without hesitation, and commented on Khalil's demeanor.

"Those Terrali palace guards should really come to you and learn from them."

Conrad Coates laughed a high-pitched laugh.

"Is it funny?" Khalil straightened up and turned his head to glance at Coze, but he did not stop Russ from observing the cloak. It could even be said that he acquiesced to his behavior.

"I'm not laughing at you." The Lord of Night raised his head and suddenly observed with great interest the sky of Ullanor filled with all kinds of airships.

He was watching so intently that Khalil couldn't even find a good reason to continue the conversation. He simply sneered and stopped talking.

"This thing is really interesting" Ruth grinned. "It's trying to bite me."

He raised his right hand and showed Khalil the cloak and his gauntlets.

The Primarch's armor was now penetrated by shadows, which, against all common sense, sank into Russ's gauntlet. However, judging from his expression, the cloak itself probably didn't cause him any harm.

"It always has a lot of desire," Khalil replied calmly, raising his hand and tugging at the shadow.

The whole cloak shook violently, and then returned lifelessly behind him, and the raised corner fell softly.

Ruth smiled, rubbed her right hand and shrugged.

At this moment, he showed a strange nonchalance. The freedom and ease of a wise man and the unique vulgarity of a fool converge on this wild face. The golden hair on the temples moves with the wind, and a giant wolf standing upright is actually mouthing human words in the cold wind.

"What will happen to this bloodthirsty beast if you satisfy it?"

"It will produce some changes." Khalil replied with a smile, not showing any surprise at the strange sight in front of him. "Some changes are good in the long run."

"You are good at telling riddles."


Russ smacked his lips, chuckled and walked away. He did not forget to say hello to Coz, but this greeting was a little bit wrong - he used some long-lost gangster gestures on Nostramo. It was very complicated and also... Very threatening.

However, when used here at this moment, it is more like a joke between brothers.

The Lord of Night narrowed his eyes and responded to Russ with more complex gestures. The Fenrisians laughed and started to fight back, and the wolves actually started cheering him on. The two of them were going back and forth, and the gestures began to become more and more intense despite the distance between them.

Coz was gesticulating with concentration. He was about to win. Russ's gestures were getting slower and slower, becoming less and less changeable. However, at the last critical moment, he was pressed down by Khalil.

"Where did you learn these gestures?" the skeleton asked gently.

A group of workers and red-robed members of the Mechanicum who had stopped for a long time were looking at this place with strange eyes. The workers were whispering, and the red-robed ones were even more extreme. The green light in the head monitor even started to flash.

At the same time, a wolf howled in the distance, full of joy of victory.

". Yago Severtarion." Realizing what happened, the Lord of the Night answered the question honestly. "Ruth, too. He learned it from Sevita, too, using a Glock steak."

"Yeah" Khalil nodded noncommittally. "We'll talk about this later. Who else do you want to talk to about old times?"

"It depends on which of them has not gone to the high platform." Conrad Coates looked away, no longer looking at the skeleton, stepped quietly, and turned around. Khalil raised the corners of his mouth and followed him silently, still in the same ghost-like posture.


Two hours later, they finally stood on the high platform.

Curze's plan to reminisce failed, which was not much beyond his expectation. The people he wanted to talk to either hadn't arrived yet or had already arrived at the high platform.

Even Russ walked up with his wolf pack, and even didn't forget to run into the Night Blades' internal channel and yell Conrad Curze's name through the communication channel code he didn't know where he came from.

The Lord of Night acted calmly about this, but the Night Blades were different. Some of the old company commanders, headed by Van Cleef, were relatively calm, but the reactions of others were different.

You can imagine.

Having said that, this golden shining high platform is undoubtedly very huge. All kinds of finely crafted decorations serve as embellishments on this much-anticipated building. The Imperial Guards are hidden in some corners obscured by shadows. In the middle, his eyes are as bright as a torch.

As always, they took on the Emperor's security work, and Curze and Khalil went through several levels before arriving here. But they also have companions - a group of untouchables called the Silent Sisters, who have devastating effects on psykers.

Over the years, their close cooperation with the Imperial Guard is no longer a secret.

Kurtz silently withdrew his gaze from observing them. After scanning the circle again, he realized that he and Khalil were probably the most 'lonely' people here. The other Primarchs had more or less brought their guards with them, except the Night Lord.

There was only Khalil Lohars beside him. What was even more paradoxical was that this combination attracted more attention than the primarch and guards in their costumes.

"I bet they pay so much attention to us because you are here." Conrad Coates said calmly.

At the same time, he didn't even forget to smile at Sanguinius who looked over.

The archangel with wings on his back was wearing a luxurious armor made of gold and scarlet teardrops. White silver and pearls hung on his earrings and neck, but they did not take away any brilliance. No matter where he is, no matter who he is with, Sanguinius will always shine brightly.

"Really?" Khalil asked again calmly.

"Otherwise? You are so tall, and you are wearing a completely different style of armor from everyone else." Curze laughed at him in a very bad way. "Even those who have never met you will easily recognize who you are."

Khalil ignored his ridicule for the moment and decided to leave these matters until Ullanor. At this moment, he just asked in confusion.

"Am I well known within the empire?"

Kurtz turned his head and gave him a strange look.

"Famous?" he repeated. "No, my dear instructor of the Eighth Legion, you are not just famous. Those eighteen years should not have caused any memory damage to you, right? Could it be that you have forgotten what you have done before?"

"Of course I didn't forget it," Khalil said. "I just don't think these are the kind of things that would get publicized. Since they can't be publicized, I shouldn't be famous."

"Those things may not get publicized, but—" Curze shook his head. "——Forget it, I won't say more, lest you act like an old man who has not kept up with the times."

"Is it my imagination, or have you really complained a lot about me recently?"

"Of course this is not your illusion, father." The Lord of the Night replied solemnly.

Their conversation ended there, for Sanguinius and Rogal Dorn were approaching.

Angel Baal's face had a gentle smile as always, while Rogal Dorn was still his most famous look, expressionless and extremely serious, but his eyes kept glancing in the direction of Khalil.

Khalil sighed silently, straightened his face, and looked at Dorn with an expressionless expression.

‘Stubborn Stone’ seriously explored the emotions behind these eyes, trying to find the answer to the question in his mind. Khalil tried his best to stay calm and let the gaze last for more than ten seconds before suddenly smiling.

Dorn's footsteps stopped suddenly, so hard that his boots screamed on the ground.

"What's the matter, Rogge?" Sanguinius asked doubtfully - his sight was blocked by Curze just now, and he didn't see Khalil's face at all.

".Nothing." Rogal Dorn replied dully, and at the same time slowly exhaled a breath. "It's good to see you back, Khalil Lohars."

"Nice to see you again, too, Roger." Khalil replied softly.

Have a meal, rest for a while, and then write the second chapter.

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