40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 304 24 A good show is on (7)

Chapter 304 24. The show is on (7)

True to his words, Bellows von Sharp had not had a dream for many years. The last time I had a dream was when the last church on Terra was destroyed. That night, he had a good dream, dreaming about what Terra looked like long ago.

At that time, the war had not yet come. Mountain forests, grasslands, waterfalls, oceans. Even the sky is clear blue. When he woke up the next day, Bellos was convinced that the dream was no coincidence.

He has never seen those things, and the Terra he knows has nothing to do with these things.

The sky he knew on Terra was gray, occasionally turning completely black. The ocean does not exist at all, and some small lakes are sour and poisonous. If it is not sterilized by a filter, it cannot be drunk at all.

Mountain forests and grasslands only existed in legends. At least the places they walked through were bare, and artillery or something more terrifying than artillery destroyed everything.

And it is impossible for people to dream about things they have not seen.

Many years later, Bellos confirmed this guess. The dream was indeed not a coincidence, but someone deliberately did it.

He loved that dream and kept it somewhere in his memory. And now, he will have his second dream - will it be a nightmare? Or is it a good dream?

The narrator certainly has no answer for this.

"Keep calm, Mr. Bellos." Magnus's voice came. It didn't sound like he was standing opposite him, but it came from an extremely distant place, illusory.

Belros remained calm as he said. After a few seconds, a floating feeling that should not appear in normal people's perception emerged from the bottom of his heart.

The time required for 'perception' was lengthened, and Bellos could clearly find that his control of time was becoming chaotic. At the same time, all the sounds from the outside world disappeared, leaving only Magnus's voice still ringing in his ears.

But the sound also had a floating feeling, which was extremely unreal, as if he had come to a world made of bubbles.

"Very good, you are very talented, Mr. Bellos. Didn't the think tanks of the Eighth Legion think of training you?"

Training a psyker privately is against the law. Bellos thought.

"Oh, the law -" Magnus laughed, his laughter sounding distant and near, and also noisy. "——It's nothing. If you have talent, you should make good use of it. Besides, who can use the law to restrain the Midnight Blades?"

Let's get down to business quickly, Lord Magnus. Bellos thought.

He was determined to skip the topic. He didn't want to continue talking to Magnus about the Eighth Legion. The latter's attitude made him a little uncomfortable, not to mention that this was not a suitable place for chatting.

Maybe he would be happy to interview the wizard king in another place. But not here.

Absolutely not.

"We're already getting down to business," Magnus replied.

The next second, with a sharp explosion like broken glass, light appeared again in Belros's dark eyes. There was a pain in his mind. This was not pain that humans should bear.

There are no words to describe the impact it had on Belros. In a daze, the narrator almost thought he was being chopped alive. Fortunately, this feeling did not last long, and the light soon became a real thing.

It is like a splendid ocean with undulating waves, bottomless, occasionally clear, but most of the time flowing with endless changes of light. Bellos looked at everything in front of him and briefly lost the ability to speak.

Magnus's voice rang in his ears, carrying an inexplicable pride that came from nowhere.

"Isn't it beautiful?" The Crimson King asked softly.

Belros turned his head - the moment this concept was born, he saw Magnus's face.

With one eye and red skin, he looks no different from him in the real world. But if you look closely, you will find that his body is not made of flesh and blood, but bits and pieces of bright fluorescence.

"Welcome to the vast ocean, Mr. Bellos." Magnus smiled and nodded towards him, raising his right hand gracefully.

"Next, you will acquire a talent that only a few people can possess. I should have explained to you how lucky you are and how this acquired door was formed, but we don't have time now. So, come with me."

Lucky? No, how am I going to keep up with you?

Belros forced himself to ignore the arrogance in Magnus' words and asked. It was difficult to resist ridicule, especially for someone like him who had been with the Eighth Legion for so long.

"Think, that's enough." Magnus said with his back to him.

He didn't seem to notice Belros's true emotions, and the little bits of light that made up his body were floating. The stars swayed, and the vast ocean not far away was still undulating, but it was calm.

Bellos stood there, frowning, and suddenly felt a sense of disharmony.

He did not follow Magnus, but stood still and observed the ocean. The Crimson King, who should have walked not far away, walked over from behind him the next second, which was extremely contrary to common sense, but to him it seemed normal.

"Yes." With emotion, Magnus shook his head and spoke slowly.

"It is indeed majestic here, and it is refreshing no matter how many times you see it. But the vast ocean is still very dangerous for you, and many mortal psykers will lose consciousness while wandering in it. You can look directly at it now because of me Stand by your side. Move quickly, Mr. Bellows, we have something to do."

But here.


But something is wrong here. Belros raised his head and looked at Magnus. Can't you see? There's something beneath the sea, Lord Magnus, and it's watching us.

Magnus smiled and shook his head, with some less obvious stiffness in his smile: "Don't say stupid things, Mr. Bellos. This time I will step into the vast ocean with you in person. Come on, follow me. "

He stretched out his hand involuntarily, trying to grasp Belros's form - the Crimson King was determined, and he spent a huge amount of spiritual energy to ensure that Belros' sanity was intact.

The amount of psychic energy used in the previous one hundred and thirty-one experiments, even if doubled, may not be as much as what was used this time. He has already made preparations, so there is absolutely no possibility of failure.

Bellos von Sharp would have plenty of opportunities to visit the vast ocean again afterwards, but that was not an option now.

"No." Bellos said in confusion and trance. "I saw something, no, it seems like wait, is it you?"

"You have no choice, come with me, Bellos von Sharp!" Magnus spoke sharply, and at the same time began to regret that he had found an idiot as a volunteer.

His power instantly located the narrator, but unfortunately, he was still a step too late. The power belonging to the Crimson King passed by the narrator, and the latter stepped into the deepest part of the vast ocean in front of him.

Those waves were furious and rough, which was a scene he was familiar with, but just because he could bear it did not mean that Belros, a mortal, could also bear it.

Magnus immediately roared and rushed over. His spiritual power was driven by determination, and the incantation was spoken by him in the simplest way. He had to catch the recorder immediately.

However, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he used his power regardless of the cost, and went deep into the vast ocean, he could never find the soul of Bellos von Sharp again.

The narrator seems to have disappeared.

Magnus clenched his fists unbearably and uttered another spell. His thoughts separated and began to roam in the vast ocean. Countless beautiful scenes flashed by, but they were not the place he was looking for.

The thought of searching has a huge impact in this illusory world composed of pure concepts. This is true for any thought, let alone the thought of the Red King Magnus.

A few seconds later, his thoughts glimpsed a burning hell, pale and towering mountain peaks, dilapidated and pale ruins, and five rough and huge stone pillars. He wanted to go deeper, but that thought disappeared completely in the next moment, and there was no possibility of being aroused.

At this moment, Magnus was stunned and helpless as if struck by lightning. His mind went blank and he couldn't find any solution at all.

what to do? What to do?

Along with the chaos of his thoughts, the power belonging to the original body began to surge. In the midst of the uncertainty, Magnus heard a voice, friendly and enthusiastic: "It's very simple, my friend, I have a way."


In the amphitheater, Bellows von Sharp's body fell limply to the ground. Magnus was still standing next to the instrument, with his hands on the glowing gem.

The discussion started again, and this time, Azek Ahriman could no longer think of any objection - he looked at this scene with a pale face, knowing in his heart that the situation was over, and the original body's plan had failed after all.

But is this the end? Far from it.

Along with a cold breath coming from behind him, Ahriman heard a voice that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Give way, Thousand Sons." The voice said softly and gently. "I have something to do and you're in the way."

Trembling unconsciously, Azek Ahriman slowly turned his head and saw Konrad Coze holding a sharp blade.

"grown ups."

"Shh." The smile on Coz's face disappeared completely, leaving only the purest calm and coldness.

He stopped Ahriman's words with a contemptuous attitude and method, but the Thousand Sons could not even think of a little resistance. He could clearly sense the cold and pure fury of the Lord of Blades, without any impurities.

Because of this, he must not just let go. The person who fell down was the chronicler of the Eighth Legion, and he knew it. He also knew why the Lord of Blades and his blades were famous in the empire.

"I beg you." Ahriman spoke again. This time, he also did not get the chance to finish his words.

With a heavy muffled sound, his breastplate immediately shattered, and his whole body flew out instantly, hitting Magnus and his instruments heavily. Debris flew, and the Crimson King screamed, awakening from his meditation.

He saw the collapsed instruments, the comatose reporter, the heirs whose life and death were unknown - and then he turned his head.

"Conrad Curze——! Do you know what you have done?!"

"Yeah" Coz smiled and shook his head. "You might as well ask yourself first."

The sword flashed, and the crisp sound came again. People exclaimed and discovered that there was an extra person in the venue at some point. He wore golden armor and was taller than the Primarch.

Magnus knelt at his feet, looking at him palely, as if he had known something.

"You finally came down." The Night Lord said with a hint of sarcasm.

"We will talk later." The Emperor responded, and raised his hands, announcing the end of the meeting.

And the end of Magnus.

There is one more chapter.

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