40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 305 25 The Good Show Starts (End)

Chapter 305 25. The show is on (End)

Bellos von Sharp raised his head and looked at the giant standing in front of him. The opponent was undoubtedly an Astartes, and the armor he wore was also midnight blue, which he was very familiar with.

Lines that flickered like lightning danced endlessly on the surface of the armor with some golden embellishments. The hands were pure scarlet, not as dim as the red in other parts of the armor. That kind of red, as if he had just killed someone with his hands.

His helmet is very ferocious, a skull-like mask. The red eyepiece reflected Bellos's face, and he could even see his own expression at the moment.

He simply pondered for a while, knocked his head, and actually posed as if he was holding a pen and paper, and spoke seriously: "Sir, can I interview you?"

"Can't," the man hissed back.

He stood in front of five pale and huge rough stone pillars, and a pale palace was supported by these pillars. It was dark inside, and Belros could not see anything.

"Really?" The narrator shrugged and answered the other person's words in the same hissing language. "Look, I'm here. After all, this is an opportunity. Give me a chance, sir?"

Astartes sighed and took off his helmet. The face beneath it was very pale, just like every Nostramo-born nightblade known to Bellos.

This man is very handsome, but some details between his eyebrows make him mean. There were three twisted scars on his left eye, cheekbone and cheek, one of which even spread to the corner of his mouth.

This is completely different from the person in Bellos's impression.

"Are you satisfied?" asked Yago Savitarion.

"Not bad, Sergeant Severtalion." The narrator smiled happily. "It's actually you. I thought what I saw outside was just a shadow."

"I have no shadow," said Sevatar. "But you're lucky to see me here, old man."

"How do you say this?" The reporter raised his eyebrows in surprise, and took a good look at Savita.

The latter's scarlet hands and the changed company logo on his right shoulder did not escape his eyes. These details made his expression become serious. Savita did not hide it, but showed these details generously.

"How?" He crossed his hands. "did you see it?"

Bellos was silent. He should have asked some questions, but he didn't. He habitually raised his hand to take off his gold-rimmed glasses, but the empty touch made him realize that he had already taken off his glasses before entering the so-called vast ocean.

"So, where is this?" Belros asked after a period of silence.

"The kingdom of a god." Sevatar replied softly. "It is also the place where countless dead people are buried."

"Are you dead too?"

"No, I just stayed here for a long time. There is no concept of time in subspace, Belros. The me you see now is not the me you know. In fact, you shouldn't even come here. "

Sevatar chuckled and made a very vulgar gesture to him: "So, I think I probably know where you are now, Nikaea, right?"

"Yes." The narrator admitted with a hint of curiosity.

"Magnus just took you into the subspace? Let me think about it, he should have asked you to put your hands on that damn instrument."

Savita thought for a moment, nodded, and spoke again in a determined tone.

"Then you passed out."

"What am I?" Bellos asked in disbelief.

"You fainted. To be more precise, your consciousness left your body for five days. We almost thought you were brain dead, but you came back on the fifth day. After a series of complex examinations , you are declared healthy.”

Belros raised his right hand and waved it hesitantly.

He seemed to have a lot to say, but not a single word came out of his mouth. He blinked, organized his thoughts, and wanted to ask some constructive questions, but Savita didn't give him the chance.

"This whole thing is actually quite complicated." He shrugged, and the scar at the corner of his mouth twitched, turning his smile into a mocking sneer.

"That idiot Magnus thought that his so-called vast ocean was a beautiful place. He took you in and wanted to open a certain door for you, give you psychic abilities, and then cast a spell on the spot."

"In short, he actually wanted to use you to prove the controllability of psychic energy. Since a new psyker can cast spells at will, does this mean that psychic energy is indeed controllable? It's a pity that he failed, because you don't know how They came to us."

"And even if he didn't fail, this whole plan was really stupid and not at all what a primarch should do."

"You here?" Bellos repeated, temporarily ignoring Sevatar's disparagement of Magnus. He didn't seem to care about it at all.

"Wait a minute, you just said this is a god's kingdom."

His eyes slowly widened.

"Take your time and guess." Sevatar smiled evilly. "You can't figure out what's going on even if you try hard, and you'll forget anything I said to you as soon as you leave here. I've wanted to disgust you like this for a long time. You've been following us all day long. old man."

The reporter looked at him strangely and suddenly laughed: "I guess my books should always be selling well."

".Fart, no one will buy your crappy books."

"So I'm dead?" Bellos suddenly asked. "You just said that this is the kingdom of gods and the burial place of the dead. I don't believe in any gods, so I am dead?"

"You are not dead now," Sevatar said. His eyes suddenly became complicated. Bellos had seen this similar look countless times in the past.

He himself once cried to the corpses of his comrades in the mud of the battlefield. Human beings are not grass and trees. Even a person like him, who is called the "executioner of the warlord", still has feelings. Therefore, even if Sevatar did not explain more, the narrator already understood what happened.

".If, I mean if." He spoke slowly. "There will be a war in the future that even an old guy like me will need to pick up a gun and go to the battlefield again. What scale of war will it be?"

"This is none of your business." Saiweita said coldly, abruptly changing the subject.

"It's just a war, that's all. Now let's talk about what happened after you were in the coma. Did you know that after you were in the coma, Konrad Coates smashed that instrument? He could have done it earlier. Yes, do you want to know the reason?"

".I actually don't really want to know." The narrator smiled helplessly and nodded in agreement. "But, Sergeant Severtalion, has anyone ever said that you're terrible at changing topics?"

"Do you want to hear it or not?" Savita looked at him with a threatening expression.

"Didn't you say that I would forget everything after I left here?"

"That's true, but do you want to hear it?"

"I listen, I listen." Bellos raised his hands in confusion. "I'll just listen."


"I gave you too much credit, Magnus."

In the amphitheater, the Lord of Mankind slowly spoke, his voice like thunder. With just these words, the crimson king, who was kneeling on the ground, began to tremble all over - he gritted his teeth, trying to resist what might happen next.

The chroniclers who had been prepared, as well as the personal recorders hired by the lords and nobles, began to write quickly with their heads down. No one chose to use machines to replace human labor on this occasion. They seemed to think that this would show more respect.

The sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper was so obvious in the silent venue, but the emperor's voice was even more noticeable. It has always been like this, as long as he speaks, he is the center, the only sun in the sky.

"Psychic power, fickle and dark. An abstract approximation concept, rather than a simple and straightforward scientific theory. You regard it as mathematics, like a gun or a weapon, which is incorrect. Psychic power is a power that needs to be pursued. This is where the danger lies.”

"Pursuit means fascination, it means indulging in it. The pursuers often forget the purpose of pursuing power and turn their vision into power itself. They will be lost and become slaves of power in the darkness."

“Ambitions evaporate, determinations evaporate, and before that, they almost thought they could resist the temptation.”

The Emperor slowly lowered his head and looked at Magnus.

"Just like you."

"Father——!" Magnus called back tremblingly, almost like a wail.

"What you want is not there, Magnus. The knowledge you seek is not there, there is nothing there." The Emperor looked at him, unmoved by these words.

"The place you are staying in is a void, a dark place full of poisonous snakes and traps. There are few good individuals there, and even if there are, they have too much time to take care of themselves, so how can they help you?"

"I have let you go for too long, long enough to cause catastrophe. Today you dare to kill the servitor in front of everyone here, and use this as a guide to bring the soul of Belros von Sharp into the subspace. "Who knows what you did where we can't see you?"

He raised his head and looked around.

"So, listen to my verdict."

"As of today, Magnus will leave his Legion and the Great Crusade. He will stay with me until he understands the wrong he has committed."

"The Fifteenth Legion prohibits the use of any form of psychic energy and witchcraft from this moment on. It prohibits any research and exploration of psychic energy. All psychic facilities on Prospero will be completely destroyed within one year."

"You can still fight, but you are never allowed to use any psychic powers. Learn from your cousins ​​and learn how to use bolters and chainswords to destroy your enemies, not sorcery, lightning, or curses. Keep your feet on the ground in a human way. , rather than riding on illusory clouds and flying."

"The think tank system of other legions will be retained, but it must be used with caution, recording every action, and reducing the number to less than three hundred people. This is an ultimatum, not an exhortation, not a warning. If anyone violates it, I will destroy it. , trapped in endless pain.”

The Lord of Mankind lowered his head again and picked up the limp Magnus from the ground with one hand. His movements were cold and contained no 'fatherly' emotions.

"Whoever it is," he said, and left.

update completed.

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