40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 328 48 False Truth

Chapter 328 48. False truth

"Now you should understand that I didn't deceive you?" Fabius Bayer said slightly excitedly.

Akudona ignored it. He frowned and began to read the readings on the medical instruments over and over again. There were not many specific uses that he could understand, but he still read them carefully.

After that, he really turned his attention to Fulgrim. Phoenix closed his eyes tightly and lay on the medical table. His breathing was long and slow, as if he was just sleeping.

After twelve days, his wound finally stopped bleeding.

"I didn't lie to you, Akudona, I didn't," Fabius Bayer kept repeating this sentence from the side.

His noise made Acudona glance at him in disgust, and the chief swordsman finally said coldly: "Shut up, Bayer. He is indeed recovering, but what do you think he will do first after waking up? "

"That is something that needs to be considered later. The top priority now is to cure him." Fabius replied firmly.

"Then what?" Akudona stared at him coldly.

"Actually, I have many questions to ask you, Bayer. First, why did Horus allow you to walk freely on the Vengeful Spirit? Second, why did he let you heal Fulgrim? Third, and most importantly, Why can you act as if nothing happened after betraying us?"

The chief apothecary of the Emperor's Children frowned deeply. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but chose to shut up as if he had no idea. After much hesitation, he opened his mouth to explain the first question.

"I also don't understand why the Warmaster trusts me so much," he said. "I don't understand, but I will use this power for good."

"Maybe it's because he thinks you are the same kind of person as him." Akudona sneered.

"Listen to your slavish voice, listen to your choice of words. We are bleeding and you are here talking about power? And you call him Warmaster? Does he deserve that title, Bayer? Don't you see that he has a right to What did Phoenix do?"

"I didn't come to you to quarrel with you," said Fabius Bayer, without looking into Acudona's eyes as he spoke.

"I understand how you feel now. This is indeed uncomfortable, but it is necessary. I can't cure the original body, and neither can you, nor anyone on this ship-"

"——Yeah, it turns out that this ship can do it." Acudona interrupted him and shook his head. "It's strange that a Primarch can be cured by killing each other without any medical treatment. Did you study in the past, Bayer? Have you ever read those fables from Ancient Terra?"

He took a step forward, picked up Fabius by the collar, and pushed him to the wall. He pressed the wrist of his left hand against the pharmacist's neck. With just a little force, he could easily end his life.

Faced with this obvious threat, Fabius Bayer once again remained calm and rational. Like last time, he raised his hands, wanting to show his harmlessness and opening his mouth to explain.

But this time, Acudona did not give him this chance.

He no longer wanted to hear anything more from Fabius Bayer.

"Devils often appear in fables. They can achieve things that humans cannot do. They can easily bring our fantasy visions into reality. They can make people indulge in one continuous fantasy after another. And the devil wants to charge a price, have you thought about this, Bayer?”

The chief apothecary was silent, he was slowly suffocating, and Acudona was not going to be much more polite when he lost his patience.

"I've been thinking about why you betrayed us. I thought about many possibilities and how you got connected with Horus. Then I thought about the Word Bearers."

Akudona approached him, the murderous intent in his eyes was real. It is not a flash in the pan, nor is it briefly suppressed by reason.

At this moment, Fabius Bayer truly realized one thing - if he didn't answer, Acudona would really kill him.

"Erebus, right?" the chief swordsman asked. The blood on his face had long dried up, forming some kind of strange mark on his face. He seemed to be smiling, the muscles on his face were twitching abnormally, and the strength of his arms increased again.

"You hang out with such a thing. He is full of poison and lies. How many times has he come to Phoenix? But has our father ever been moved by what he said? Which time did he not directly let Erba Si left? How long have you been hanging out with that bastard who is always smiling?"

"I didn't betray"

"No?" Akudona asked softly, looking into his eyes.


"——If it weren't for you, we could have joined the Spirit of Vengeance. We could have saved Phoenix and left here, and gone back to seek support. We didn't have to fall into this situation. But, our chief pharmacist is you. It is you who will The key to boarding the ship was given to Horus, and it was you who asked us to kill each other."

He increased the force again, and Fabius felt a sharp pain. His face was red and blood was pouring from his throat.

Akudona, however, expressed satisfaction in his suffering, and he continued to laugh, without ceasing for a moment, and then he continued to speak.

"So listen up, Fabius Bayer. In the past twelve days, everyone who died fighting each other will have their lives counted on your head. So, no matter what your original intention is, You don’t deserve it anymore.”

"You don't understand——!" Fabius Bayer pushed him away violently, covered his neck, and began to breathe heavily.

Akudona chuckled, returned to the medical table, and picked out the surgical instruments. He ignored Fabius's words and just concentrated on picking the blade that was handy.

The chief pharmacist noticed his actions and began to move towards the wall, but the words continued.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Akudona. Horus revealed the truth about the Blight to me, and if we want to survive, we must stand with him!"

"Yes." Acudona nodded absently and picked up two surgical forceps. He threw them out without even looking at them. Fabius could have avoided it, he was equally skilled in combat. But for some reason, he didn't.

The two surgical forceps shattered his left eye and hit his Adam's apple.

The pharmacist doubled over in pain and coughed up the crumbs. The chief swordsman walked up to him and kicked him in the face. It was so heavy that the broken eyeballs rolled out of their sockets. Then there was another kick, accurately hitting Fabius's jaw, and the sound of fracture was heard immediately.

But this was still not the end. Acudona raised his fists indifferently and began to beat Fabius.

He did this very meticulously and carefully. He was indeed rushing to kill people, but he made the process into extreme pain and torture.

The purpose of each punch was to make Fabius feel more pain. The pharmacist could scream at first, but later he could not make any sound.

However, one thing was quite strange. He never chose to fight back. He just looked at Akudona, half of his tongue wriggling in his mouth, trying to speak.

Akudona looked down at him and finally stopped swinging. The ground was covered with blood, and Fulgrim calmly closed his eyes on the medical table behind them, knowing nothing about the outside world.

Acudona bent down, lifted Fabius from the ground with his legs disabled and his knees completely broken, and pushed him against the wall again, forcing him to stand in pain.

"Say it." He spoke emotionlessly, holding Fabius's chin with his left hand, allowing it to temporarily return to its rightful place with the bone fragments. "What did Horus say to you to make you so crazy?"

"The Emperor betrayed us," the chief apothecary said incoherently.

His remaining right eye was bloodshot, and tears washed away the blood on his face. At the same time, his words began to become clearer and clearer, and it was not like he was missing half of his tongue.

"The blight is his handiwork, a legacy he left behind, and he will cleanse us one day. In order to deal with possible resistance, he deliberately left this flaw. This is why I can't cure it, the murderer is not at all What genetic sect from the moon, Akudona, the murderer is the Emperor, the Emperor."

The chief pharmacist collapsed to the ground crying, and Acudona gritted his teeth and took two steps back.

"I don't believe you," he croaked. "This is a lie."

"But the Warmaster showed me, he showed me everything. In that future, we disappear, all honors are handed over to mortals, Astartes becomes a noun in history, Fulgrim's name No one mentions it anymore!”

"Go away, Fabius——!" Acudona roared, turned around, and walked out of the infirmary as if escaping. Behind him, Fabius Bayer lay twitching on the ground.

After a long time, he slowly stood up and turned his attention to Fulgrim, who was still unconscious.

"I want to cure the Blight, I must cure it, Primarch. Forgive me."


"I don't believe it," Fulgrim said.

He clenched his fists and trudged through the waist-deep sea. The sky was still dark, and the clouds were like eyes staring coldly at him in the starless night sky. He was naked, and was forced to tremble by the cold, but he still chose to move forward.

"I don't believe this is true," he repeated. There was no one around to talk to, so he was probably talking to himself.

"This is absolutely impossible." He repeated over and over again, with determination but a look of fear on his face.

Below the sea level, some shadows flickered. In the sea breeze full of the smell of blood, a voice slowly came.

"Fulgrim." Ferrus Manus called in a low voice, his voice turning into an outright roar of despair in the next second. "traitor--!"

"I don't believe it," Fulgrim said.

He kept walking.

update completed.

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