40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 329 49 Lupekar

Chapter 329 49. Lupekar

Once again, Garviel Loken sensed this.

At first, he tried to ignore it, but the circumstances around him made it impossible. They are simply like the red warnings that appear in the upper right corner of the eyepiece when the power armor is penetrated. Even if you close your eyes, the sound of the siren will reach your ears.

When walking across the deck, those dark corners would often fill his senses with a strange chill. If he didn't pay attention, he would even hear faint whispers.

The number of mortal crew members on the ship was getting smaller and smaller day by day, and they disappeared without a trace. Even the people he knew were gone. He asked, but couldn't get half a useful answer. No one knows where they went.

The shapes of the servitors also began to become strange and twisted, and Loken was sure that it was not the work of the Techmarines or the Adeptus Mechanicus. What made him most uneasy was his brothers.

It was a small change that he couldn't describe specifically. He tried to tell himself that apart from the name of the Legion, they had not changed, but this reason could only be regarded as self-deception. Loken couldn't help but feel weird just looking into their eyes.

He couldn't bear it any longer, so he was now walking on the road to Tarik Togarton's room - he didn't know who else he could go to, he could only hope that Togarton wouldn't Variety.

His wish came true.

Tarik Torgadun never seems to change.

"You came by chance, Loken. I originally planned to find you."

"What?" Loken asked.

He doesn't tell everything about things and ideas as soon as they meet. He needs some time to find the right words and the time to get to the topic. However, Tarik Torgadun is obviously much more direct than him.

"What else can I do?" Togaton smiled and drew a heavy stroke on his neck with his thumb. "Of course I came to talk to you about what to eat tonight - otherwise? What did you think I was going to talk to you about?"

Lorcan almost laughed at his joke, but unfortunately, he didn't manage to laugh. He raised his hand and made a gesture, but his eyes lowered.

Finding the right words is never easy for someone like him. He hesitated for more than ten seconds before speaking slowly. Togaton waited patiently, without showing any anxiety or impatience, and without urging.

However, for some reason, Loken felt as if he knew what he was going to say.

So he really asked.

"You know what I'm trying to say, right?"

"It's pretty much the same." Togaton said, and that face that always smiled was now filled with a genuine mist of calm. "Actually, I kind of hope you don't come to me, so that I can escape with peace of mind for a while."


"Yeah, I would say to myself: Hey, if even Garviel Loken doesn't notice something is wrong with this, I must be feeling something wrong. But you're here, bro, so I guess we There is no way we can continue to turn a blind eye.”

Loken nodded and said in a very slight voice: "That is simply murder and a slave duel."

"Yes." Togaton said. "Everyone's fucking crazy. I left the training room this morning and heard them joking about the death of the Emperor's Children. I don't understand, Loken, I don't understand what this is all about."

Actually you know the answer. Loken thought. You just don’t dare to say it yet.

But I don’t dare either.

He smiled bitterly, and at that moment he realized that he still had hope for Horus, just like Torgadon. They all hoped that Horus Luperkar would come to them, confess his mistakes in person, and ask for their opinions, as he had done before

In another corner of their hearts, they all knew that this could not happen.

Well, actually, it happens, but only half of it. Five minutes after the conversation began, the door to Togaton's room was opened. Horus Luperkar, dressed in ordinary clothes, stood there with a smile, staring at them, his eyes like black holes.


Torgadon and Loken thought you were an idiot, a fool who couldn't realize what they were doing under your eyes, but you were not. You look at them and they look at you, and there is a kind of fear in their eyes.

You almost laugh at it - why are you afraid of me, my sons? I am your genetic father and I will never do anything harmful to you

But you didn't say the words out loud. You approached them, still smiling.

You closed the door with your backhand and used your highest level authority to control the door of Tarik Torgadun's room. They all took a step back at this moment, which was ridiculous.

You felt a surge of anger, you couldn't stand the insult, but you had to. They are your sons and their stupidity will be tolerated.

What's more, it's not the time yet. If they are really willing to die as fools, it won't be too late for you to swing your sword then.

"I'm so sorry to come to you at this time, but I have to come, my sons. I have a task for you." You said with a smile - it's strange, you are not sorry at all, you did it on purpose. You are spying on them.

Wait, how are you spying on them?

A voice in the dark answers you like a whisper, and you forget the answer, forget the question, and plunge into the inquiry again. You see them standing side by side, wary expressions on their faces.

Your smile grew brighter and you approached them again, raising your hands and placing them sincerely on their shoulders.

"I hope you can understand that there is a reason for the things I have done these days. My brother. He was deceived and he attacked me next to my throne." You said gently.

Is this a lie? Probably not, Fulgrim did attack you.

You feel a pang of sadness at the mention of the name. You don't understand why the Chemos would do this to you. He is so loyal and perfect. He should be standing with you to face the biggest liar in the galaxy.

Loken and Togaton looked at you doubtfully. I wonder if it was a coincidence. As two members of the Council of Four Kings, they were not present at the time, which also provided sufficient conditions for you to confuse them.

You kept smiling, letting in the sadness you just felt.

You said: "I had to resist. He tried to kill me. Every time he swung his sword, he had genuine killing intent. I don't understand what happened to him."

"Primarch, is this really the case?" You heard Gavir Loken ask, and you saw fear in his eyes.

You nodded regretfully, showing that your words were indeed true, and also expressing your regret at Loken's reaction.

"But why do you want the emperor's sons to fight each other?" Tarik Torgadun asked another question.

You looked at him and saw that there was no fear in his eyes. You blinked, and some images suddenly appeared in your mind. It was a dead Astartes, and it took you a moment to figure out who it was, and you smiled—Torgadon, you're dead?

You pat his shoulder, look him in the eyes and tell him, "Because this is the only way to save my brother."

Poor explanation. you think. But it is indeed salvation. This is the only way to save Fulgrim from lies. The father's bones and blood continue in the son, and in turn, the son's bones and blood can also evoke the father's true self.

Yes, my true self.

You smiled secretly, you didn't know why you did this, but you did smile happily in your heart. It took you a moment, almost still, to remember the reason for your smile.

You realize that you probably know two Fulgrims. No, no, actually, you know a lot of 'other people' and you can see them for who they are. That's why you fight for them, you won't tolerate them being lied to.

If a person sees the truth, he can no longer live in lies.

"By killing each other, father?" Loken asked again.

You looked at him again, and you realized that he was puffing out his chest and hiding the fear that filled his heart beneath his expressionless expression. You didn't blame him for this, you just looked at him with a smile and nodded.

You don’t need to explain, you just temporarily throw them into confusion. The voyage was soon over, and Istvan soon arrived. This war will purge your legions of unbelievers.

Then, you think of Angron, and you feel a pang of regret again - you wish he'd come to your senses and sided with you, but you know that's unlikely. The Nucerian is just a rough gladiator, and he will most likely not understand why you do this.

However, it doesn't matter, he will understand sooner or later.

"They are not killing each other, they are using blood to awaken Fulgrim's conscience, my son." You told Loken solemnly. You looked directly into his eyes, and you understood that he was afraid.

You devour fear, you feed on it. No one has taken over the authority of fear, and you will become its new master.

"But." Loken spoke again hesitantly, but interrupted himself. Yes, he's aware of it, he's aware of the game you're playing. There is a murderous intention in your heart.



Horus Luperkar thought in horror, what was I thinking just now?

You think nothing of it.

You smiled and looked at Loken: "According to the scheduled plan, we will go to Istvan III to eliminate the rebellion. The voyage will take seven days. If nothing happens, Fulgrim should recover within these seven days. Don't worry about this. My son, I will take care of everything."

Including you.

".As you command, Primarch." Loken lowered his head to show his submission. How smart he is, he lowers his head so you don't see his expression. You smiled and looked at Tarik Torgadun. He is not very smart. He looks at you with no fear in his eyes.

"Well, see you tomorrow," you told them, turning to leave.

You are truly sorry.

Also, update today.

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