40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 341 61 Death of Gladiator

Chapter 341 61. Death of Gladiator

The royal court of the Wolf Shepherd God was trembling, and the dead who were hung upside down observed the battle in silence. The eight-pointed star mark that was forcibly engraved on their foreheads shone slightly, complementing the one on the ground.

There was a strong wind blowing in the royal court. It was not continuous, but agitated air currents, one after another, with huge vibrations like the moon falling from the sky to the ground.

Horus held the Worldbreaker in one hand and fought with Angron. Every time the ax blade collides with the warhammer, it causes the air to tremble and make twisted ripples.

Horus no longer wasted any words and maintained a rare and precious silence.

This was not the case with his opponent, who was forced to let out a shrill roar every time he swung the axe. It's not like releasing strength, but more like enduring pain.

Whenever the hammer falls or collides with an axe, the violent sound caused by the force will completely destroy the eardrums of others.

"Death—!" Angron let out a broken cry from his chest, his voice shattering as if he had swallowed a blade.

He wielded the blood ax with one hand, and the blows were like rainstorms, continuous and astonishing. Even Horus couldn't completely resist it. There were already many scars on the armor plate on his chest.

It seemed dangerous, but he remained calm and didn't even think about using his left lightning claw. He could easily end the battle simply by wielding the World Breaker and drawing out his claws, but he never did so.

Corax watched clearly from the sidelines, his heart filled with anger and worry.

But now there was not much time left for him to think. The battle had already started for tens of seconds, but to the original body it seemed like hours. The Lord of Crows had to painfully accept the fact that he was not capable of participating in such a battle.

He could no longer help Angron, and might even become a liability. There was only one thing he could do.

Corax turned around and ran to Fulgrim's side. The latter was still lying on the ground panting hard. Phoenix's face was stained with dust and blood. Compared with the noble and smooth face of the past, he was now in an extremely embarrassed state.

But he didn't care about these things at all. Fulgrim's eyes were fixed on Horus, unblinking, and his eyes were filled with blood.

He tried again and again to get up from the ground, but his body gave him rejection and punishment again and again. Blood and internal organs kept pouring out of his throat, but Phoenix didn't care and just continued to torture himself.

Then, Corax understood that his noble brother had completely lost his mind. The rage of revenge and unforgettable hatred were enough to make a man completely abandon his reason and become a wild beast.

The raven forced himself to stretch out his hands and hold Fulgrim's shoulders: "Listen to me, brother, listen to me. We are leaving. Horus is no longer himself, he is something else. We - "

"—No!" Phoenix roared and vomited blood, his eyes flashing with madness. "No! If you don't help me stand up, let go of your hand, Corax! I'm going to kill him, he must die, he must die!"

"You can't do it." Corax declared in a calm tone, but his movements were not slow at all.

He used his left hand to gently sweep across Phoenix's sunken sternum, and the touch that the sensor brought back to his fingers made his heart suddenly sink. He put his hands together again and began to look for a position that would allow Fulgrim to pull him up without aggravating his injuries.

But Phoenix didn't cooperate. He struggled violently and screamed continuously. The Lord of Crows silently retracted his hand and took off his helmet.

His face was looming in the darkness, as if there were dust floating around it, and his dark eyes were full of sadness at the moment.

"Let's go, brother." Corax spoke in a low voice, and behind him came the almost completely broken roar of the gladiator. "Don't let him down."

"You want me to be a deserter, Corax?! No! I would never leave our brother here to fight that damn bastard alone!"

"But you can do nothing now, Fulgrim, just like me, no, you are worse off than I am." Corax said painfully but firmly.

He was silent for half a second, looked directly into Fulgrim's blood-stained eyes, and continued without wavering.

"You have no armor, no weapons, and are so injured that you can barely move on your own. How are you going to fight Horus? Look at him, if even Angron like that can't gain the upper hand in the battle, how can you win? "

"It doesn't matter, I will kill him, I will definitely." Phoenix glared at Corax stubbornly, like a childish child who longed for recognition from others.

"I can do it, Corax, trust me. Help me stand up, will you? I beg you, let me stand up."

"All I can do to help you is take you away," Corax said.

He reached out his hand and pulled Phoenix up despite his struggle. The movements are gentle, but there is no room for disobedience. Phoenix was still struggling, quite violently. If he wasn't worried that knocking him unconscious would lead to some undesirable consequences, Corax would have made him faint long ago.

He carried Fulgrim and strode towards the gate of the royal court, but Horus's voice sounded behind them at the right time, very calmly.

"You cannot leave without my permission," Horus said, dodging the blows of the blood axe. "This is the Wolf King's Court."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door disappeared without any warning. Darkness enveloped everything, and the scene outside the porthole was no longer a group of stars, but huge pupils one after another, chaotic, disorderly, and crazy - they stared here, non-stop.

"The same thing will happen when you die!" Angron roared, waving his arms angrily and striking out with his ax again.

Horus swung his war hammer and blocked it with his backhand. Sparks like thunder were born and bloomed from the place where their weapons collided. Their faces were bright with the light of this moment, and both of them could see each other's eyes.

Angron's eyes were filled with blood, but the two touches of blue shone like two gems in the blood, never sinking. The Butcher's Nail drilled and squeezed his skull, providing great pain, but it only made his will stronger.

Horus's eyes were dark, with nothing in them, incomparably indifferent, as if they were completely empty.

The sparks disappeared, the ax and the hammer separated from each other, and time began to flow again, but Horus smiled thoughtfully and immediately stepped back.

"So you're not alone, brother."

Horus said gently.

"I see them, in your eyes, beside you. They are fighting side by side with you. Has it been like this for so long? They are helping you resist the terrible instruments of torture, and they are also helping you resist the baptism of anger. Really great."

He finally raised his lightning claw. Angron realized something and rushed towards him, but in the end it was still a step too late. The cold face of the Wolf Shepherd God was illuminated by a terrifying light, and in the light, some faces began to appear.

The black mist rolled in, and a huge sense of oppression suddenly came over, stopping the movements of the three original bodies in an instant. No matter how they tried to resist, they were unable to do anything.

If the battlefield were on another ship, the situation might be much better, but they are now in the royal court of Luperkar. The Wolf God is the only master here, and he can do whatever he wants.


Horus stared at the light intently, raised his claws, and slowly grasped it.

He walked to Angron and then released the shackles of the lightning claws. The light fell on the back of the gladiator's head, forming a dazzling crack in the air.

Horus smiled, inserted his right claw into it, tore it apart ferociously, and pulled out a soul, a shadow, a scarred man, naked to the waist, with a rope made of blood and scars around his waist. Knot.

"Traitor! You are a traitor!" the spirit yelled in Nukerian. "You turned your back on everyone!"

"Words are useless, but courage is commendable. How pitiful your resistance is." Horus also replied in Nucerian language, and swung out his lightning claws. The claw blades collided, and the soul was shattered, slowly dissipating like a point of light.

He reached out his claws again and pulled out another one. This time it was a young man, perhaps even a minor, with a childish face. Like the first man, he had the same intense anger on his face.

No fear, not at all.

"Look what you've done!" he scolded. "How can you be considered a War Commander? You are a cruel careerist, a hypocritical liar, and a disgusting traitor!"

Horus laughed softly, closed his claw blades, and stabbed the soul's body. Then the third, the fourth, the fifth.

Angron's face has been completely distorted, the muscles seem to be separated from the bones, and the nerves and blood vessels are beating endlessly on the surface of the skin. He wanted to stop, wanted to resist, wanted to swing his ax to kill Horus, but he could do nothing.

Those who resist have no way to resist, while the perpetrators smile and see far more emptiness in their eyes than before. The horrific slaughter lasted for a few moments until Horus captured the last man, an old man with white hair and beard.

Angron finally shed two tears of blood from his eyes.

"How, you are the last one, what do you have to say?" Horus asked.

The old man didn't look at him, but slowly turned his head.

"Don't give up, son of the mountain."

Oinomouth told his son that the language used was the ancient dialect of the Nucerian tribe.

"We have long since passed away, but we will continue in your resistance and fighting. We come from deserts, forests, and snow-capped mountains." He smiled. "We are always with you."

Horus lowered his claw blade.

The light spots dispersed and the black fog dispersed. Angron stood up from the ground, the bright red blood streaks rolling away from his eyes, and the two touches of blue finally dissipated. With his mouth open, unable to make any sound, he simply rushed towards Horus.

The latter laughed loudly as if he had won.

Until a voice sounded.

"Father!" A faint voice began to call outside the door.


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