40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 342 62 Horus, Horus.

Chapter 342 62. Horus, Horus.

You looked at your brother with satisfaction, studying his face carefully.

Finally, finally. He sighed in his heart - he finally no longer has that rational anger, this kind of madness is what you need

He voluntarily lost an arm and used it as a weapon. How brave he was to resist in a desperate situation. The Blood God gave him a blessing for this, but it was not enough, because there was another god who had left help on him in advance.

A shield made of the dead, made of your brother's relatives. Respectable, but they must die completely.

Angron deserves to be angry and eternally angry. You cannot allow him to continue like this. You must help him so that he can see the truth.

By then, he will be on your side.

You smiled and Angron rushed towards you.

It's really unwise, but it's just what you need, his attacks are finally no longer structured. That's good, that kind of rational anger is really hypocritical. Anger should just be anger, without any other desires.

He's disorganized and swings his ax purely on instinct, intent on killing you. You patiently guided him into an even greater rage.

There's nothing better than this. You don't even bother to pay attention to Fulgrim and Corax anymore. There's no need. They can't leave. When you and Angron are finished, it's their turn.

But you can always hear a voice.


Someone is calling you outside the royal court. It's strange, who would disturb you at this time? You think about it.

You've sent everyone where they belong, and essentially, this fight is yours alone, and they can't help. So you don't need them to stay here at all, just go out and let your brother's legions stay where they are and not disturb you.

You kept thinking, guiding Angron and listening to the man's voice. He begged you to open the door. He had something to say to you.

It's really strange, why is his voice so familiar?

Is this important?

No, it's not important. The voice that always spoke, as soft as a feather, said this.


Of course it's true, you just need to--


Here it is again, his voice is here again, why does he sound so familiar. Who is he? No, who are you?

Who am I?

fighting! Continue fighting!

Another voice roared, coming from afar like thunder and like swords clashing against each other. He sounded eager, as if he was desperate for something.

And the feathery voice interrupted it, and for some reason, this voice sounded like it was smiling.

"It's so interesting that a puppet with only memories can be affected by a soul. I underestimated you, Luperkar. In that case, go and see for yourself to identify who that voice is. I look forward to it. How you will perish."

With laughter, it gradually goes away, and you

No, the world in front of me became clear for the first time, like a veil being torn off, like a blind man finally being able to see the world with his own eyes. Everything feels so strange, where am I? Is this my royal court? Why do you look so strange, my brothers?


What have I done? ——

Horus Luperkar suddenly stopped moving and stood sluggishly as if the strings on a puppet had been torn off. The Worldbreaker should have faced the trajectory of the blood ax head-on to resist it, but now it stayed stiffly in his hand, not even being lifted.

The cruel and twisted giant ax cut deeply into his armor, and debris that looked more like the blood of a living creature flew out than metal.

Horus stared at all this in a daze, his head tingling and blood pouring out of his nose. He stumbled back a few steps and started to avoid Angron's attack at a loss.

That posture was more of an escape than a dodge. But the Nucerians were obviously unwilling to let him go like this. A blood-stained roar like thunder sounded from his chest, and the left hand holding the ax was being covered bit by bit with the blood on the giant axe.

Horus saw this scene, and the chaotic and one-sided memories were activated by the ominous power lingering on them. They flashed through his mind like lightning-in an instant, his whole body trembled, and he finally understood what he had done. .

So, when Angron swung his ax at him again, he did not dodge.

He chose to reach out and stop the axe, using his right hand instead of the damn lightning claw. Horus gritted his teeth, and the cold power of darkness secretly moved deep in his bones. He wanted to help him, but he immediately refused.

On his own, he forcefully snatched the ax from Angron's hand and threw it far away, embedding it into the wall.

"Don't touch it! It will make you like me. Don't touch it, brother!" Horus shouted hoarsely at Angron.

He wanted to cry, but his tear glands could only flow out rotten pus, which made him more and more afraid - Father, what have I become?

The gladiator didn't listen at all. How could he listen at this moment? Any sound was blocked, and the blood almost obscured everything, forcing him to continue rushing towards Horus.

The Shepherd God did not want to continue fighting, but the weakness emerging from his body told him that some things must be resolved immediately, otherwise it will be too late.

Otherwise, it would be too late.

The sneaky darkness was punishing him for his refusal. Horus panted, waved his hand to knock Angron to the ground, and then stepped forward and grabbed his neck - he could not entangle with Angron anymore, he was almost

Horus turned his head and vomited a large mouthful of blood, red, belonging to humans, full of blood and not the stench of the warp.

It was too late, it was really too late.

"Don't forgive me, brother, but don't hate me, this is not me. Not me." Horus clenched his hands sadly, causing Angron to faint.

He stood up and began to stumble towards the door. The people outside were still shouting and knocking on the door. He had recognized who the voice was.

Fulgrim and Korvus Corax looked at him with different expressions, the former was angry and crazy, and the latter was silent, with a vigilant and complicated look on his face.

Horus vomited blood again as he walked. An idea came to him, and he turned to look at Angron, as if to confirm that he could do it, and suddenly clenched his right hand.

The black mist swept in, obscuring Angron, and when it disappeared, the gladiator was gone.

"Traitor, traitor!" Fulgrim cursed him, wanting to pounce on him, but unable to move because of Corax's restraints, but he still roared.

"I will kill you, Horus! You don't deserve to live!"

The Warmaster looked at him, his throat choked. He wanted to say something, but the memories that surged up made it impossible for him to say it. He lowered his head, avoiding Fulgrim's gaze, and looked at Corax after a few seconds.

"I will take you to the hangar, don't look back, Corax." Horus said. "You can't fight him now, run, return to Terra, and warn your father."

The raven sighed deeply.

"Can you still be saved?"

"No, brother," Horus said. "I'm dead, but it's not too late now, I can still--"

He closed his mouth and swallowed the blood at the same time. He didn't want to show weakness in front of his little brother, so he just put on a tough attitude and let the darkness sweep them away.

But after doing this, he immediately fell to the ground and began to gasp violently. He struggled and tried to get rid of this influence and stand up. The black dust stained his armor and face, and the feeling of covering his eyes like a veil came again.

The coldness deep in the bone marrow became more and more intense, and even began to persecute his originally strong body. Horus only felt that he was now like an old man in his twilight years, his body was broken, and even breathing was accompanied by severe pain.

No, there is one more thing, I have one more thing to do.

Horus gritted his teeth, tried to manipulate that power, and resisted their influence, so that the original royal court gate reappeared. A person quickly broke through the door and stumbled in.

He was covered in blood, and there was a huge wound on the belly of his armor. He saw Horus lying on the ground at first sight and ran towards him.

"Father, Terra, father" Eichmand knelt beside him crying and helped him up helplessly.

Horus looked at him weakly and slowly exhaled a breath of air, cold and with the temperature of a dead person.

"Don't cry." Horus said softly. "This is not the work of the warrior, Eichmand."

"It's all my fault, father, it's all because I'm too weak. If I could have been earlier-"

"- What nonsense are you talking about?" Horus laughed. "This is not your fault, and you are not weak at all. I have told you many times, remember my words, Eichmand, this will be the last time"

He vomited a large mouthful of blood and his face began to turn pale.

It was a white color that was almost transparent. The dark power surged under the skin, the blue veins bulged, and began to beat along some unspeakable drumbeat. Storms and lightning surged in his eyes, so terrifying, but Eichmand did not retreat at all.

"I am ruined, my son." Horus spoke slowly. "I am, my honor and merit are, and so are you. I am ruined, and after this, a monster will rise from my corpse." "It will do evil all day long, and wear my skin, and do cruel things in my name. Loken and Torgaddon did a good job, they stayed away from me. Abaddon, this stubborn and stupid child, wants to take everyone into the abyss with me. I can't interfere with his choice. I don't have time, but you are different." He barely raised his right hand and grabbed Eichmand's hand. "You are different, my son." He repeated, the storm in his eyes began to brighten, blood oozed from the corners of his mouth, and the blood was almost drained. "Father!" Eichmand shouted in panic. "I'll call the pharmacist, you'll be fine." "Hear me out." Horus held him down with a wry smile. "I'm beyond treatment, so at least listen to me, okay? I--"

He coughed a few times, blood splattered, and then he gasped for a while before continuing to speak.

"--I will send you away, I still have the strength to do this. You must live on, as a witness, a narrator. I know it's selfish, but I have no other choice."

"You have to tell everyone the truth in its entirety. This is my last selfish wish, Eichmand, finish it. And never come back again, you are the last son of Horus."

He let go of his hand, and black mist swept in, wrapping up Ashmand who was unwilling to leave, as well as the Emperor's Son, Raven, Warhound, and Luna Wolf who were still fighting on the Spirit of Vengeance.

He did this very carefully and gently. He sent them to an unguarded hangar or directly to a certain plane. The Vengeful Spirit was no longer the ship he was familiar with. It is an altar, a realm, completely surrendered to Him.

In his last moments, Horus Luperkar lay alone in his court, thinking of a ring and the past.


I'm very sorry.

update completed.

I don’t have a knife, can’t you think of it? It's quite warm.

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