40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 350 70 End of Nirvana (2)

Chapter 350 70. The End of Destruction (2)

"Forward!" Dantioch roared and began to charge, slamming down the warhammer in his hand.

The left shoulder and arm of a Death Guard were smashed to pieces by him - no, no, don't call them Death Guard, Dantioch was unwilling to name these traitors as friendly troops.

He didn't understand what was going on inside the Death Guard, but he was on the bridge when it happened.

He heard how Mortarion denounced the traitor who called himself Typhons in the communication, and the voices of some Death Guard captains swearing beside their primarch.

They said that in the name of Terra they would make Typhonus die without a burial.

At this moment, in the narrow gray corridor of the Blood of Steel, bloody battles were taking place one after another.

The flagship was gangbanged, which made the Iron Warriors furious. However, anger remains anger, and reality remains reality. Being jumped in a void battle is quite fatal even for a Queen of Glory battleship.

What's more, their opponent is Horus, one of the most deadly generals in the galaxy.

Without the need for Perturabo to give many orders, they quickly mobilized and went to various parts of the ship in scattered teams. There is only one purpose, which is to kill all the traitors who dare to board the ship.

Compared to his colleagues, Dantioch sees further.

He knew in his heart that these traitors who boarded the ship were just the first wave of impact, the vanguard and the hounds. The traitor who calls himself Typhons has gone crazy, just like Horus Luperkar. Only a madman would choose to sail a ship and ram a Queen of Glory.

However, the absurd thing is that the artillery can't hit it. Not a single shot worked, as if these gun decks were cursed.

The Dantiochs had no time to pay attention to this abnormal scene for the time being. He only knew that this meant that under such circumstances, the impact of the Terminus was a certainty.

Even if Typhons had an impromptu decision to turn the ship around, it would be too late. It is impossible for a ship that has been moving at full speed for such a long time to stop suddenly. It will definitely hit the Blood of Steel directly.

The war blacksmith turned his wrist and smashed the warhammer down again with an anxious mood.

The traitor who was fighting him took a few steps back at this moment, dodging the attack of the war hammer. The huge wound on the left side of his armor no longer continued to bleed. The Astartes had extremely strong self-healing abilities, but they could never be as strong as this.

Dantioch realized this, but he didn't have time to think about it. The traitor lunged at him, chainsword roaring in his hand. The war blacksmith took a step back slightly, slid his right hand, and instinctively grasped the front end of the war hammer.

He placed the hammer just in the path of the traitor's forward attack, creating a horrifying hole in the traitor's breastplate. Blood spattered and all internal organs and spine were destroyed.

Dantioch waved his arm grimly again, completely turning his enemy into a puddle of gasping flesh.

After half a second, he started to regret it - maybe he shouldn't have done it.

Because the puddle of minced meat is changing. To be precise, he was healing himself, but not in a 'normal' way.

What replaced the traitor's internal organs was one of his lungs, which was rotten and covered with black mold. It swelled, with eggs and maggots crawling inside. The flesh and blood gathered together and began to rot rapidly, exuding faint yellow pus.

Under the horrified gaze of the War Blacksmith, the traitor stood up again.

His spine is made up of teeth, his chest and abdomen are wide open, and his inflated lungs are constantly dropping maggots and white eggs. He was laughing, his voice hoarse, as if thick with phlegm.

Dantioch also saw that the flesh and blood on his missing left shoulder was falling off, and the bones that seemed to be about to rot began to proliferate, twisting and forming a sharp claw.

And all of this was completed in less than two seconds.

"Who are you?" Dantioch asked sincerely.

The traitor chuckled and lunged at him again. The war blacksmith calmed down and began to face this battle with absolute concentration that he had never encountered before.

In the first blow, he destroyed the monster's lower limbs with his warhammer. With the second blow, he smashed its claws made of twisted bones, and with the third blow, he smashed its skull.

Fragments of metal and flesh flew out, and the headless corpse began to twitch on the deck floor. Blood mixed with pus spurted out from the wound. Killing it was easy, but the Warsmith suddenly realized something was wrong.

This feeling did not come from his thinking or speculation, but from a distrustful intuition. He almost ignored it until he smelled the pungent stench.

Dantioch took two steps back and heard a cough.


His heart sank suddenly.

Don't be what he thinks, absolutely don't be.

At the same time, a violent jolt came, knocking him to the ground.


Mortarion watched helplessly as the Terminus crashed into the Ironblood's hull, bursting into flames and sending its fragments spinning in the vacuum. The destroyed void shield slowly faded away with light, and the front half of the Terminus had completely crashed into the flagship of the Iron Warriors.

The void shield and ship armor have no effect on an attack of this quality. A life-threatening collision of a battleship has essentially exceeded the shield's ability to withstand. This almost suicidal tactic has been popular within the empire for some time.

But Mortarion never imagined that it would one day be used on one of his own.

He didn't understand why this happened, not at all. But now is not the time to think about such things.

The original body took a deep breath and let his anger slowly subside. He grasped the Scythe of Silence and began to issue orders.

"Remove Karas Typhon and the entire crew of the Terminus from the Legion," the Lord of Death said grimly.

His voice echoed over the ship's communications channel for everyone to hear. The Deathshrouds stood silently behind him, guarding the Primarch. The mortal crew strides forward, and the array of cogitators hums.

"From now on, he is no longer your brother, nor my friend. He is a traitor, an enemy, and one of the objects that needs to be exterminated."

"Listen to my order and send three destroyers and fast strike cruisers to get close to that damn ship and board it to destroy it. We must quickly restore the Blood of Steel to its ability to move."

He suppressed his anger and issued these orders clearly, but his thoughts were reminded of Typhon, no, Typhons because of the temporary stagnation of his anger.

A dirty name, a hard-to-pronounce, unfamiliar name that did not belong to his cognition.


Very well, you will die, Typhonse.

Mortarion took a deep breath and calmed down again. If anyone asked, he would not deny that Karas Typhon's betrayal did hurt him, but he put aside the question of 'why' for the time being. This matter could be thought about later.

He began to focus on his thoughts and contacted Perturabo through the ship's communication - the Lord of Steel had just closed their communication channel. Mortarion knew the reason and was a little embarrassed about it. Fortunately, Perturabo Doesn't seem to care.

He sent a new channel code, and once the identity was verified, Mortarion heard the voices of his brothers again.

"I saw the Emperor's Pride." Vulcan's voice, slightly distorted by the distance, came from the channel. "It's on the flank of the enemy group and it's firing on us."

Emperor's pride? how come--? Could it be that Fulgrim, Horus just said that he ran away. Mortarion gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on the scythe.

"It seems that Horus captured Fulgrim's flagship." Perturabo analyzed the situation calmly, as if his flagship had not actually been ganged up on.

"This means that we need to deal with two Glory Queens, and my flagship is temporarily incapacitated. Two against two, it seems fair, but Horus has always been a man who does not fight unprepared battles. It is better to be careful, Vulkan , he may be hiding something dangerous.”

The Fire Dragon Lord laughed dullly: "I understand, brother."

"I sent three destroyers and three fast strike cruisers to join the Terminus." Mortarion took over. "I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter, Perturabo."

"No need."


"You don't have to answer to me, you are still on our side, that's enough. Loyalty itself is an answer, so keep fighting, Mortarion. We can wait until the war is over before trying Typhons if If he is still alive then."


Mortarion closed his eyes and briefly left the communication channel. The blade of the Silent Scythe reflected his eyes. The Lord of Death stared at these eyes, with thousands of thoughts passing through his mind.

From Barbarus to today, why did you suddenly betray Typhon?

He silently grasped the scythe, intending to continue issuing orders, but one of his personal guards spoke hoarsely at this moment.


"What's the matter, Cardoturai?" Mortarion said the name of the death shroud that called him without looking back. "It better be urgent."

"It is an important matter, Primarch," Cadoturai said, and paused.

Mortarion heard his footsteps. The Lord of Death frowned and turned around, but a flash of silver light suddenly flashed across his eyes.

How fast is his reaction? Almost instantly, he leaned back and avoided the attack. The rest of the silent death shrouds erupted instantly, and three people rushed forward and forced Kadotulai to the ground.

A dagger he was holding in his hand was also taken out by chopping off his hand and handed to the original body. Mortarion remained silent, but his increasingly loud breathing betrayed his anger.

He lowered his head and looked at the dagger. Its twisted appearance and the shining blade gave rise to some speculation in the original body's mind.

After a moment, he spoke slowly.

"Why, Kadotulai?" he asked word for word. "Why do you do this?"

The traitor was silent, a strange grunt came from his throat, and the Lord of Death had no patience to wait any longer.

"Kill him." Mortarion ordered coldly. "All traitors must die."

His guards did as he was told, and beheaded Cadoturai in anger and shame. Blood spurted out, and the head and body were quickly removed. The Lord of Death held the dagger coldly and stood there, with no one aware of the anger in his heart.

However, being unable to suppress your emotions is not a good thing.

A stench began to fill the air, with a fishy smell, just like the blood of Cadotulai.

update completed.

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