40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 351 71 The End of Nirvana (3)

Chapter 351 71. The End of Destruction (3)

Dantioch felt a wave of nausea that shouldn't have occurred. He climbed up from the ground and tasted a strange sourness on his tongue. But he did not leave time to himself to find the reason behind this sourness. The War Blacksmith had more important things to do now.

He grabbed his warhammer, and at that moment, a strange roar sounded in front of him. Dantioch looked around and saw a disgusting dark green mist.

The steel that made up the ship's deck was covered with a thick blanket of bacteria, and hundreds of strange shadows were surging among them. Dantioch squinted his eyes and glanced at the real-time tactical map displayed on the upper left side of the eyepiece.

It updates battlefield information every five minutes. Relying on it, the specific deployment of the Blood of Steel and the Legion are clearly visible in his eyes.

He switched the observation mode of the tactical map, entered the command level interface, and quickly sent assembly orders to the troops around him. After doing this, the war blacksmith began to update the battle report.

He first reported his guess to Perturabo, the Trident Council, and all the War Blacksmiths, as well as the terrifying regenerative ability revealed by the enemy he killed. Coincidentally, others also encountered the same thing.

After a series of close exchanges, Perturabo immediately ordered and mobilized heavy firepower - the promethium flamethrower can always give those enemies with strong self-healing ability a head-on blow.

Furthermore, if Dantioch's guess comes true, the flames will be able to contain the possible source of infection to some extent.

The Warsmith gripped his warhammer worriedly and began to advance with his troops.

As they walked into the dark green mist, the power armor's life-support system began to alarm immediately.

First there was a report of abnormal readings, then a series of warnings. The air is filled with deadly infectious diseases and the humidity is extremely high. The ground became soft and wet due to the carpet of bacteria, and it was as strenuous as walking in a mire.

Those strange shadows also showed their true appearance at this moment. They were soldiers of an infantry regiment - at least in the past, Dantioch could find evidence for his guess from the emblems on their uniforms and the style of their helmets.

But they are not anymore, now, they are a group of rotting zombies.

Flesh and blood continued to fall from their bodies, and maggots and flies surrounded their bodies, feasting on them. Worse yet, some of them looked alive, and Dantioch could even hear their delirious pleas for relief.

Your Majesty, what are we facing?

"Fire!" he ordered. "Don't get close, use explosive bombs to send them to rest!"

His decision proved to be correct. The bodies of the shaking zombies were simply a large source of infection. What gushed out from the bodies damaged by the bombs was not blood, but dots of scarlet pus.

The anomalies in the readings increased again, and Dantioch was convinced that if he dared to take off his helmet, he would be infected in an instant - this was not a speculation, but an intuition.

Ordinary diseases cannot pose a threat to the Astartes' immune system at all, but these viruses and bacteria floating in the air definitely can

"Avoid the corpses and continue moving forward." He issued the order again and reported the intelligence and speculation he had observed.

Perturabo responded to him almost immediately, and the Lord of Steel's voice sounded calm: "Well done, Dantioch, stay alert. Are you going to the fourteenth deck?"

"Yes, Primarch," said Dantioch. "The tactical map shows that there is a large group of enemies invading there."

"I will mobilize manpower to support you. I need you to establish a defense center on the fourteenth deck and control the surrounding area."

"Understood, Primarch."

"Strength of steel," Perturabo whispered, and temporarily left the private communication connection with Dantioch.

The war blacksmith silently completed this sentence in his heart.

Strength begets will, will begets faith, faith begets glory, and glory begets steel.

Steel inside and out.

He strode across the creep and rushed to the fourteenth deck.

The arched corridor used for passage is now covered with dark yellowish green, which looks like plants, but also contains a lot of flesh and blood. Some soldiers were bound inside, and most of their bodies had merged with the plants, forming some kind of terrifying seedbed, with large swaths of flies buzzing in the hot and humid air.

The War Blacksmith was almost disgusted by it, and the communication within the team was full of abuse. The soldiers of the Fourth Legion were completely unable to suppress their emotions.

War is their duty, but this kind of thing goes beyond the scope of war. The physical nausea is combined with the psychological chill. If it weren't for the Astartes, they would have lost all their sanity.

At that moment, a group of traitors spotted them at the end of the corridor and began firing at them.

It's ridiculous, but Dantioch actually feels a little lucky about this - at least attacking with explosive bombs is still within the scope of what he can understand. Rather than being contrary to reason like the Astartes who used their teeth as spines, or the soldiers who were made into plant seedbeds.

No matter what, at least these traitors still need the help of bolt bombs to fight.

Needless to say, Dantioch's shield bearers immediately put up their shields. They were already in the first position, and their thick storm shields blocked all incoming bombs.

The traitors' first wave of attacks failed, and they failed to cause any casualties. Dantioch immediately began to organize a counterattack and slowly advanced.

He would never want his troops to engage in any form of close combat with this group of traitors unless necessary.

The heavy bombs and plasma began to roar continuously, and the traitors had no room for resistance and immediately began to retreat. This is the consequence of the Lintiao gang of a group of prepared steel warriors.

Dantioch was very satisfied with the result, but it was not enough. Stepping on the germ blanket, his troops continued to advance until the last traitor died and the gunfire stopped.

The war blacksmith looked back at the creep behind him, and his expression became very gloomy - it was really a shame and shame that the flagship was like this.

He reported the creep issue again and requested a team carrying promethium flamethrowers and melt guns to clear out the place. Dantioch didn't understand how these creeps were formed, but he also No need to find reasons.

It would be better to burn something like this that violates the truth of the Empire at first sight. The War Blacksmith thought with disgust.

With cold anger, he gave the order and continued to the fourteenth deck. Behind them, the fungus carpet began to spread slowly like a living thing, and flies buzzed and flew into the gaps in the deck.


"Continue reporting," Perturabo said. "I have shortened the update time of the tactical map to every thirty seconds. The server is under unprecedented pressure, so be sure to keep in touch with me. Do you understand, Fricks?"

"I understand, the original body." City Breaker replied. The roar of various types of firearms was constantly coming from his side, almost forming a background noise.

He was fighting around the engine room of the Blood of Steel, and there were seventeen war blacksmiths fighting alongside him, including Barben Falk of the Trident Council.

The Lord of Steel temporarily left the communication here and began to refresh the tactical map. The dark red color representing the enemy flashes continuously on the gray background, making it look very dangerous.

The attack of the Terminus caused the Blood of Steel to move hundreds of kilometers away from its original location, and the huge impact caused most of the instruments on the ship to experience a brief outage. Typhonse's attack was clearly prepared, or he was just really lucky.

The impact point of his damn ship happened to be at the rear end of the main bridge of the Blood of Steel, as close as it could get to the engine room. Perturabo had to tilt his hands in that direction. At the same time, the intelligence fed back by the soldiers who were the first to engage the enemy also made him frown deeply.

Creeps, flies, almost unkillable enemies. There is no doubt that this is not an ordinary war. This is not an enemy that can be simply classified and summarized. He didn't understand what they were facing, only one feeling was extremely strong.

He's in for a tough fight.

Therefore, Perturabo issued an order to other ships of his legion through ship communications - no need to approach, no need to support, and continue to fight.

His orders were met with obedience, confusion, concern, and a small amount of outright objection.

The Lord of Steel had to spend more than ten seconds to explain to those opponents why he did this. He didn't think it was a waste of time, but his mood became a little weird.

At this moment, his main bridge was filled with chaotic and noisy sounds.

The servitors are distributing gas masks to the crew, and some technical sergeants are studying the cogitator arrays that have not yet recovered from the outage with the Mechanicum technicians. The few wetware that can work are squeezed hard to process, calculate, and run a large number of programs.

Perturabo observed them and came to the conclusion that he did not need to speak yet. Although the main bridge seemed chaotic, it was actually orderly in the chaos.

He lowered his head and continued to update the tactical map, consult the legion's intelligence summary, process all kinds of information in multiple lines, and distribute it to all officers.

Intelligence is the lifeblood of war, as Perturabo learned long ago. An army that can communicate in real time and an army that relies on messengers to deliver orders are two completely different concepts.

He processed all the information and soon saw one noteworthy one. The message came from the war blacksmith Barabas Dantioch, and was noted as [Certificate]. Perturabo clicked on it, and the first sentence that came to him made the original frown.

Seconds later, he issued a brand new order through the command podium. Under his instruction, the air circulation system of the Blood of Steel began to change, from self-circulation mode to emptying mode.

The putrid air began to be expelled bit by bit, which should have been a good thing, but few people could notice the flies.

They buzzed and flew, their mouthparts squirming, and they entered the air circulation system expectantly, and were crushed to pieces by machinery.


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