40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 352 72 The End of Nirvana (4)

Chapter 352 72. The End of Destruction (4)

Mortarion has never been good at small talk.

This kind of incompetence is not "not good at" like Sanguinius. He doesn't know how to communicate with others, but he can always say the most appropriate words at the best time. It is not like Chagatai Khan who is deliberately silent and only has good and sufficient communication with a few people.

What Mortarion is not good at is really not good at it.

He doesn't know how to express himself or get along with others. Sometimes he envied his brothers, but he never expressed this envy to his mouth - that would be too weak, wouldn't it?

At this very moment, he was standing on the main bridge of the Endurance, listening to the analysis coming from Perturabo, wanting to say something, but having no idea.

The Lord of Steel spoke in detail about all the information he currently has, from walkers to enhanced self-healing abilities to horrific Death Guard traitors and creeps.

The more Mortarion listened, the angrier he became. Isn't this the witchcraft used by the overlords on Barbarus back then?

That kind of disregard and distortion of life made Mortarion feel a familiar shock - Karas Typhon was also born in Barbarus and he harbored great hatred for the wizarding overlords.

The absolute ban on psychic powers within the Death Guard was largely due to what the original body saw and heard in Barbarus. Therefore, he did not understand why Typhon would pick up this terrible witchcraft and use it as a weapon. use.

And, judging from Perturabo's description, he may have been doing this for a long time. That level of witchcraft cannot be mastered overnight, which proves that Typhon's rebelliousness is not a temporary idea.

All kinds of speculations were like needle pricks, creating many tiny holes in Mortarion's thoughts. The pain of doubt and betrayal slipped in like poison, distorting his face.

The Deathshrouds stood silently seven steps behind him and seven steps apart from each other. After a few seconds, Mortarion took a deep breath, and the scent of spices flooded into his lungs, bringing a chill that revived him.

"Typhons came prepared." He finally spoke in the communication channel, his voice was hoarse but not gloomy.

"He has been prepared for betrayal from a long time ago, and he even has the ability to plant a traitor in my guard. He is not a temporary act, Perturabo, I think he has already established a line with Horus a long time ago. ”

"The speculation you put forward is very likely to be true." The Lord of Steel said. "But it's a terrible guess, and it reminds me of another thing. Since your first company commander—"

"——Former first company commander."

"Former Captain." Peturabot paused. "If Horus can instigate rebellion, what about the others?"

Mortarion chose to remain silent. His breathing was very obvious, which could be considered an alternative answer. And Perturabo continued, his voice very serious.

"I don't know if you've noticed, brother, but Horus's fleet is simply ridiculously huge. We can understand that he captured part of Fulgrim's fleet, and the ship signal sent back by Vulkan was also captured. can prove it.”

"However, there are other ships. They have no emblems and cannot be identified in the radar system. They are new ships or black ships. Brother, do you know what this means?"

Of course Mortarion knew.

"That means he has an entire forge world, and possibly worse," the Death Lord replied in a low voice, a chill running down his spine.

The two-headed eagle of the Empire, representing the alliance between Terra and Mars. The Adeptus Mechanicus is an integral part of the Empire. If Horus can instigate this eagle head, then

Perturabo agreed with him: "Yes, as you said, if we prepare for the worst, the Mechanicus can also be instigated by Horus. So, can the Imperial Army also do it? Isn't it? Other Primarchs or Legions too?"

Mortarion grabbed the steel armrests of his podium with both hands, his eyebrows furrowed, and an unprecedented storm of silence surged in his eyes under his short gray hair, while Perturabo continued.

Steel has always spoken from the heart.

"This war may not be three against one as we thought," he said seriously. "In fact, I even suspect that this war is just a small part of Horus' plan. He does not hate war, never has. It can even be said that he likes war."

Mortarion knew he was right.

Horus Luperkar was known to view war as a means of gaining merit, although he never inflicted bloodshed. Moreover, he likes to bloom more and achieve continuous victory in a grand war.

This is spectacular enough. Horus always said that.

"The galaxy is large, Mortarion, and I think his armies may already be waging war against the Empire elsewhere."

Perturabo's voice had never sounded more worried than now, and the Lord of Death realized that he could no longer remain silent.

He pondered for a moment and made a suggestion.

"Do you remember what Horus said earlier? He mentioned Angron, Fulgrim, and Corax. He also said they killed his brood and destroyed his ships. Which means they have They fought with Horus, and he had some of their ships in his fleet."

"They are likely defeated and are trying to return to Terra to warn their father. Horus specifically asked us if we had run into them. Considering this, I think we can send a part of the scout fleet to look for them."

"If they still have the strength to fight, then they can come back and fight alongside us. If they have already... then at least this information can be brought back to Terra by them."

"Good suggestion." Perturabo said. "But I am chilled by the fact that you think they were defeated, Mortarion."

"If they were not defeated, how could they let Horus go?" Mortarion frowned again.

"I am not questioning you, brother." The Lord of Steel seemed to sigh. "I am admiring your acumen. I didn't mean any harm in what I said just now. Maybe it sounds like it, but in fact..."

"Forget it, anyway, try to get used to it. I will mobilize your two destroyers at the rear of the fleet and let them go to find our brothers. What do you think?"

"You are the commander now." Mortarion said.

Perturabo seemed to laugh, but not: "That's it, keep in touch with me."

After a light beep, he temporarily left the communication channel.

Mortarion thought again, just a little away from the conversation, and the poison composed of suspicion surged again.

He has always been very tolerant of Typhon. This tolerance is reflected in all aspects, even to the extent that it will cause criticism, at least before he became Typhon. This tolerance is not only the friendship as a close friend, but also his recognition of Typhon's ability

But he has betrayed.

So the words and memories of the past are no longer warm at this moment, but turned into a bony claw, grabbing his heart fiercely, making him almost breathless.


Mortarion closed his eyes painfully, trying to avoid thinking about similar questions again. He has repeatedly told himself many times that now is not the time to think about these things, but he can't get rid of them anyway.

He opened his eyes distractedly, wanting to observe the specific situation of the current battle, but unexpectedly heard a strange vomiting sound.

The Primarch looked closely and found that one of his crew members was kneeling on the ground, vomiting a sticky black strange liquid from his mouth, splashing on the ground and hissing.

He screamed and covered his abdomen, collapsed to the ground, convulsing, screaming, and vomiting continuously. Mortarion clearly saw with his extraordinary vision that there were tiny creatures like maggots twisting in the crew member's vomit.

"Leave him!" The Lord of Death roared, and immediately drove away the other crew members who tried to help him up.

But it was too late. The three crew members closest to the man suddenly screamed, and kicked off the disaster with the most terrible screams in their lives.

Their exposed skin was covered with bubbles, and they began to vomit continuously, still the black and sticky substance. But this time, they vomited out their internal organs together.

Such a terrible scene stunned the crew members, and the Death Guards were the same - how could anyone witness such horror and remain indifferent?

The maggots began to metamorphose, turning from wriggling worms into flies in the blink of an eye, buzzing and feasting on the entrails and vomit.

Mortarion drew his pistol and ended the suffering of the three without hesitation, but it was of no avail.

The invisible plague began to spread among the crowd, and dozens of people began to scream in an instant. Even several of the Death Guard fell to their knees, twitching and growling.

Mortarion felt a deep chill, as when he faced the twisted creations of the Witch King Barbarus when he was young, angry and terrified. He still had nightmares at that time, and the theme of the dream was the cruelty of witchcraft, and now, the nightmare came true.

"Warn the whole ship!" He roared desperately and gave an order. "Witchcraft is spreading! Close the main bridge and no one is allowed to approach!"

His order was carried out smoothly. The Death Shrouds stood solemnly behind him with weapons in hand, watching this hell on earth. The fists of the Lord of Death himself trembled, and the Scythe of Silence seemed to be swung at any time.

He had wanted to tell Perturabo about this, but a voice began to echo in the main bridge, and that voice was very familiar to him.

Karas Typhon.

Or rather, Typhons.

"This is the end, Mortarion." His voice echoed in the bridge. "Surrender quickly, surrender. The Death Guard does not deserve such a fate, and should not be ridiculed for your weakness."

Angry, cold, and suddenly realized.

"You are not on the Terminus Est at all." Mortarion said. "You have been here all the time."

Behind him, the main bridge door slowly opened, and Typhons slowly walked in, with a pale smile on his face, and blood all over his armor.

"Yes." He said. "I am surprised that you only thought of this now. Why would I go to Perturabo? He is of no use to our plan, a piece of steel, useless after rusting. You are different, Mortarion."

He paused. "Your father loves you deeply." Typhons said in a jealous tone.

"You and your father both die." Mortarion squeezed out these words from his teeth.

The next second, gunfire broke out.

Update completed.

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