40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 388 117 Terra (3)

Chapter 388 117. Terra (3)

Rogal Dorn raised his eyes and looked at the upright beheader heading towards the door, and nodded calmly.

As always, his decision once again proved right and necessary - it would be beneficial for both sides to have Jophiel Demukia meet his Legion and Primarch early.

In fact, if he were to include himself, it would be a win-win situation for all three parties.

He looked at Fulgrim again. The face that looked unusually thin compared to the past caused some complicated emotions to flash through Nushi's heart. However, he still maintained a business-like attitude and did not speak first, but waited for someone. The arrival of people.

Fulgrim leaned weakly on his seat, his hands spread flat on his legs, his fingers trembling.

Donn knew in his heart that this was not a psychological sequelae. The Chemos people of today are by no means comparable to those of the past, and that look in their eyes can reveal many things.

Then, I am afraid there is only one reason left for their shaking.

"Our return journey was not a peaceful one, Rogge." Noticing the look in his eyes, Fulgrim began to explain calmly. "We had to fight something. In fact, we were fighting demons just before we broke out of Mandeville Point."

"Out of power?" Dorn asked.

He ignored the demon for the time being, just as he chose to ignore Fulgrim's injuries for the time being.

He was thinking, what kind of intense battle can make a primarch's body so exhausted?

Phoenix smiled slightly and admitted the matter simply: "Yes, I lost my strength. Without the assistance of the power armor, I am a little slower than before, and I have to put in more energy to hold the sword."

When he talked about this, he seemed to become interested. He leaned forward, his white hair fell down, covering most of his face, and his eyes were looming.

"There was blood everywhere, Roger, and I had to find something to help me hold the sword. At first I used a rope, but it couldn't handle my strength. Then I found a chain and tied it up. on my arm"

He smiled and said no more.

Dorn naturally knew what he was talking about - the habit of tying weapons to himself with iron chains was common in many legions. It originally originated from war dogs, and was later firmly learned by Sigismund.

Then, in the process of his 'communication' with the major legions, this approach naturally entered the vision of all Astartes.

When Fulgrim mentioned this matter, he was joking, but Dorn couldn't laugh at all. His firm attitude toward business had begun to waver, and after a few more minutes, he finally couldn't help but sigh.


"No." Phoenix gently raised his right hand to stop him. "It's not too late to talk after we're done, Roger."

The rare softness of the stubborn stone immediately turned into a common hardness. He nodded silently, leaned back, and half of his face was hidden in the darkness.

They just sat calmly looking at each other, waiting in absolute silence. There is no doubt that this waiting is anxious, but fortunately it does not last long.

At a certain moment, the room temperature began to plummet suddenly, thick frost spread on the walls, and the darkness began to dissipate quickly. To be precise, it was swallowed up.

A faint sound of chewing came from the void, followed by a sigh, a scolding, and a tall figure emerging from the blue light.

The Primarchs stood up and exchanged greetings in the cold wind that hit their faces. Any outsiders would have been stunned.

Khalil, however, had a headache over this. While he pulled Lalhe, who was forcibly held between his ribs and refused to leave, and drove him behind him, he also had to check on Fulgrim before the conversation could begin.

Shadows surged, and he appeared in front of Phoenix like a ghost. This speed and movement were no different from a sudden attack, not to mention that he suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed Fulgrim's shoulders.

Phoenix was calm about this, and even had the time to joke: "I've been losing weight recently, Khalil, can you tell?"

Khalil glanced at him, nodded, and let go of his hands. Fulgrim suddenly stooped down, and a deep roar burst out from his throat, as ferocious as a beast.

Dark flames suddenly rose from under the robe he was wearing and quickly spread to the surrounding ground. They should have arrogantly ignited this place and burned the entire Terra, but they were extinguished in an instant because of a look.

"Sit down first." Khalil looked away and said with a headache. "You are too reckless, Fulgrim."

Panting, Phoenix raised his head and showed a forced smile: "It's Fulgen."

Stubborn stone shook his head and actually began to hope that Ferrus Manus would fall from the sky.

Khalil frowned, the skeletal face not covering his face. The pale bones showed hideous and dazzling sharp points on his neck, making people worry whether they would pierce his aorta in the next second.

He watched Fulgrim sit down, and then continued: "Now that the matter has come to this, I can't say anything harsh. You made a bad choice, but there is a price behind every choice, Fulgrim. This is not the best choice for you-"

He sighed and shook his head, handing over the initiative of the conversation to Fulgrim, as if he knew that Phoenix was going to speak at this point.

"——But I had no choice at the time, and now, I have made my choice, and I will not regret it." Fulgrim answered with a smile, and even shrugged.

He acted calmly, as if nothing had happened. Khalil narrowed his eyes, pulled off a piece of shadow behind him with his backhand, and handed it to Fulgrim.

It struggled at first and was unwilling, but as Phoenix stretched out its right hand, it quickly changed its mind. The chill disappeared in a flash, and the shadowy figure stood up.

Dorn instinctively held down the armed sword at his waist and watched helplessly as it pierced Phoenix's right hand like a sharp blade and sank into the wound instantly. Fulgrim sighed deeply and closed his eyes as if satisfied.

Then the air began to boil. The ice melted, darkness danced wildly, Fulgrim's white hair was blown by the sudden strong wind, and red-hot sparks appeared at the edges as if burning.

The color of his hair also changed from the original silvery white to a withered white like burning ashes. The scene was obviously so terrible, but he was smiling all over his face.

If you are willing to call this expression a smile - the eyes are widened to the extreme, the corners of the mouth are raised, forcing the muscles to twist, and the teeth are exposed.

Like a bleeding beast.

A few seconds later, black flames flashed past. Fulgrim stood up with satisfaction, the dark cloak falling from his shoulders, and the edges were flashing with light, like a broken veil made of darkness. His eyes were forever ablaze, the violet disappearing and replaced by angry flames.

Rogal Dorn weakly let go of his hand and took a deep breath.

"This is what I want." Phoenix said. "That's what you need too, Roger."

"What do I need?" Dawn asked.

"He will come to Terra, and you need someone who can fight him."

"He can't even enter the solar system." Dorn said calmly. "We don't need anyone to fight him at all. As long as he dares to step into the solar system, he and his traitors who support him will become garbage in space."

Fulgrim looked at him with pity and shook his head slowly.

"No, that's not the case," he said. "I know how much thought you put into the solar system and Terra, Rogge. The painstaking efforts you put in here are beyond our imagination. I have reason to believe that you have considered every detail."

"Ah, let me think about it. From the transportation lines of ammunition to every omission that the enemy may catch. You may even have deliberately left a few loopholes to make traps, right? But he is not an enemy that can be dealt with by these things. , Roger. You, me, we. War as we know it is out of date.”

Phoenix raised his right hand sadly, and the scarred arm poked out from under the cloak. The names on his arm flickered like living creatures, and the fire was everywhere.

"And this is the price," he said heavily. "I paid the price, Rogge. He is not Horus Luperkar, he is a monster through and through. If you want to deal with monsters, how can guns and artillery be enough? Do you know how to deal with monsters?"

Phoenix pointed at himself, his sadness turning into a smile in an instant.

"Become a monster, that's the only way." He said. "So you need me, because sooner or later, he will reach Terra. He will, and you won't even guess what he can do."

Phoenix opened his eyes wide and the flames burned brightly.

"And I'll kill him," he whispered. "I'll get him out from under the skin he stole from, Roger, I will, trust me, you have to trust me."

Dawn looked at him silently, and after a few seconds, he replied: "We will talk after you calm down."

He turned and walked out of the room, and Khalil was gone. Behind him, the Chemos laughed loudly.


"He's crazy," Dorn said.

With the cold wind blowing, Nushi has never looked so emotionally exposed as he does now - of course, this standard is only for himself. He held the armed sword tightly on his waist with his left hand and gritted his teeth. Other than that, he still looked expressionless.

Standing beside him, Khalil looked down at Terra's thousands of lights and nodded gently.

"So, are things really as bad as he says?"

"Really, Roger," Khalil said softly. "In fact, it may even be worse. The power in subspace is extremely poisonous to you, but it is colorless, tasteless, intangible and qualityless. Many times, it doesn't even need to do anything, just appearing is enough to cause war. rout."

Dorn was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"I will go to him tomorrow to discuss specific defensive measures. Ferus has received the message and is rushing back to Terra. Sanguinius's whereabouts are unknown, and he disappeared with his Legion near the Signus System. "

"Ruth responded to me immediately, but he said vaguely that he had some things to deal with, so he could only send some wild wolves back to defend first."

"Where's Leon?" Khalil asked.

"He didn't answer," Dorn said.

Stubborn stone turned around and walked into the fortress. No unnecessary words, no complaints, no accusations, not even questions.

No matter how things change, he remains the same. Looking at his back, Khalil smiled and left as quietly as a breeze.

He still has a lot to do.

Update completed, total 10,000.

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