40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 404 133 Terra (Ten)

Chapter 404 133. Terra (10)

The webway is burning.

Repeat, it is burning - the Emperor's creation, the majestic wonder that the Adeptus Mechanicus painstakingly and painstakingly constructed in the wake of the Om Messiah is burning and crumbling. Years of hard work and countless expectations are now reduced to ashes.

And all this was brought into view.

The tribune's fists clenched slowly, and the infernal light illuminated his armor. He held his two swords and stood in front of the huge gray-white entrance door of the Webway without saying a word.

There are warning lights flashing overhead and it’s noisy, but it should be noisy. The tens of thousands of rumbling machines in the hall are gradually being overloaded, and the towering and solid cliff-like walls are also being ravaged by arcs at this moment.

The pure white marble inevitably left traces of burnt marks, as well as deep pits one after another. The flag was still flying, but how long could it remain flying?

Ra looked up at the dome of the throne room, and there was a bright incandescent light slowly falling, making his mouth go dry and his weapon tremble. He turned back to look at the trembling machines and easily found the reason for their collapse.

The energy pipelines and converters were unable to carry the power pouring out of the Webway, and so they abandoned their duties. But no one would blame them, not the priests, not the workers, not even La.

At this moment, they are carrying some power that they cannot bear. It is definitely not psychic power, but another kind of power, another terrifying power that is far more cruel than psychic power.

As the designer, his master had not designed them for this duty. Some might question why the Emperor could not see this happening, but Ra would say that no one could fully foresee the future.

Not even his master.

Predicting the future is like climbing a cliff with bare hands. Every stone you are about to step on looks very stable, but if you want to know the result, you can only test it by stepping on it with your whole body weight.

La silently raised both swords in his hands, ready to fight. The fire was getting stronger and stronger, and he understood what it meant, and the result was as expected.

In just tens of seconds, the scalding mist turned into a red stream by the flames surged crazily from the entrance to the Webway, drowning the loyalists in an instant.

The entire sacred throne room was filled with the roars of beasts and the whispers of demons. Before today, they didn't know fear, but now they know it.

Generally speaking, a creature has only two reactions when faced with fear, one is to escape, and the other is to resist. While still in the webway, Ra had seen the first, and he and the others now faced the second.

It's funny, but the demons are trying to get a chance for themselves.

Ra's thoughts stung at the thought, he did not think they were worthy of the noble word 'life', and the anger that followed him made him roar as well.

The mist continued to roll in like a tsunami, one wave higher than the next, but the Titan's roar rose again, like some kind of omen. The Fire Bee Legion has not left this place, and no machine soul is willing to stay away from this battlefield at this moment.

They started, and the various heavy firepowers deployed by the Mechanicus in advance also began to destroy, like a sacred but cruel song.

Deflagration cannons, ion cannons, masterwork Avenger bombs - using the best and most reliable identification friend or foe system to accurately hit the beasts trying to break out of the throne room.

The rain of fire fell wildly, resounding continuously in the mist, and even made the darkness that should have blocked the light fade away a lot. Most demons were unable to resist such firepower, and died and were annihilated one after another, but their corpses were not like they were in the webway. dissipate.

The rotten and stinky etheric flesh began to boil on the ground. The killing had just begun when a sea of ​​blood was produced in the throne room. But this was just the beginning, as more evil beasts stood up one after another from the sea of ​​blood.

With a ferocious appearance, wearing armor and holding a sharp blade, they looked like another army. With their appearance, a burst of bloodlust began to spread among everyone.

Even if it is just an insignificant slave worker, at this moment, his assigned responsibilities are blurred in the chaos of data that comes from nowhere. They no longer deliver ammunition for the artillery, but charge forward, raising their iron arms towards the enemy.

La was at the forefront and saw clearly, as if he saw a terrifying spiral from which no one could escape. Its intensity is gradually rising and its scope is expanding. A cold thought rushed into his mind. It was an explanation from Malcador, the Seal Holder.

+The power of Chaos treats everyone equally, La. We turned Terra into an altar to summon a god, and this is the price we pay. +

+What about support? +

The tribune answered coldly, and received an answer which was not quite beyond his expectation.

+Hold on. +The palm printr said.

+We will fight to the last man. +Ra replied firmly.

+ There is no need to be so pessimistic. Your Majesty is fighting side by side with the gods. There are not many demons who can escape from the webway by chance. The power they can use is limited. +

There was a terrifying calmness in Malcador's words, and his voice gradually calmed down after these words. The coldness dissipated, and Ra returned to the real world full of blood.

He suppressed the desire to kill in his chest and began to issue orders for the troops to assemble. He knew very well that the words 'not too many' in the words of the Seal Master did not mean that this battle would be easy - he understood this, but there were not many people who could answer this order.

To be precise, it’s not that they don’t want to respond, it’s that they are unable to respond.

The so-called "not too many" demons have flooded every corner of the throne room, and loyalists or demons die silently every minute. There are terrible struggles everywhere, they are rocks, being washed by the sea of ​​demons.

He tightened his grip on the swords and began to actively support. There was no way he was going to sit still - but there was another question lingering in his mind.

Why has Constantin Waldo been nowhere to be seen until now?

The first to be aided by Ra, and joined in his ranks were a skitarii. There were only a few hundred people, all covered with bruises. The mechanical structure that was supposed to be indestructible had been worn out, and biochemical fluid was leaking out from the parts where the implants were connected to the only remaining flesh.

However, this does not prevent them from continuing to fight. Ra didn't ask about their status, he knew they didn't need the insult.

No member of the Cult Mechanicus could tolerate the glory of the Om Messiah being tarnished before their eyes. The same was true for La, who harbored the same hatred as them.

The throne room is proof of his master's ambition and ideals. It should be a great cause that can support mankind to move towards the light. Even if the machinery inside it has collapsed, how can the demons be allowed to wreak havoc here?

He slashed coldly and rationally, and once his bloodthirsty desire was suppressed, it never arose again, as if someone was helping him. La knew who was helping, and he thanked him, but he didn't know if the person could still hear him.

He wished he could hear.

With this thought in mind, he wielded the two swords in his hands. The cruel weapons born for killing once again gloriously fulfilled the mission for which they were forged. Their master firmly inserted the two swords into the head of a demon.

The thing was supposed to be dead—at least in Ra's mind. This was not the first time he had killed these inanimate beings, and he understood that even they would die by beheading. But this thing did not, or in other words, did not die immediately.

It was still staring at La with its scarlet eyes, and its pinpoint-like pupils contained only madness and bloodthirsty, and no trace of fear.

It should be fearful.

La stared into its eyes, but a burst of crazy laughter full of bloodlust came from his ears.

The tribune gritted his teeth, and a deeper hatred began to well up - it's you again, and it's you, this ugly existence that claims to be a god.

He twisted his wrists, pulled his swords, and cruelly let them cut off the demon's head. Its flesh and blood fell to the ground and began to add to this boundless sea of ​​blood.

Pulling the Hengjian and looking around, everyone in sight was surging in the sea of ​​blood, especially his brothers and sisters. The Imperial Guards wearing golden armor were standing at the forefront as they should, so they faced the blood-soaked army head-on. The demonic army rises from the sea.

Staring at them, La felt a stab of pain in his eyes, which spread all the way to the back of his head, as if two people were trying to cut open his brain with cold, rusty hand saws.

In the severe pain, his mind was able to leap to a higher level - and this was not a good thing, because he saw a crazy eye floating in the middle of the blood sea, staring at all the battles in the throne room.

La looked at it, and it seemed to be aware of it, and actually returned a focused gaze. The tribune's eyes widened, and the bloodthirsty desire that had been suppressed in his chest suddenly sprang up at this moment, breaking away from his restraints.

The swords that were held tightly in his hands, waiting for the next killing, began to tremble at this moment - they were definitely not just thirsting for the blood of demons.

No, we must not let this happen. La gritted his teeth and began to work hard to restrain that desire. He began to fight a cruel tug-of-war, and he was by no means alone.

There was a thunderous sword cry from behind him, filled with supreme anger. A sword slashed across the side of La's face and appeared from the void, faster than anything else - it braved the light and pierced deeply into the eye.

The sea of ​​blood stagnated for a short moment. Then, a light that seemed like the end of the world erupted from the sword, and the sea of ​​blood roared, turning into huge waves.

La heard the voice of the owner of that eye accurately, but it was just the echo after the roar, but it still made him vomit a large mouthful of blood.

In the daze of being injured, he actually felt someone tapping his shoulder gently, bringing comfort, but also supreme majesty and calmness.

The tribune turned his head sharply, but he saw only Constantin Waldo.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army held a spear in his left hand, but his right hand was empty and smoking. The armor melted away, turning into a charcoal blackness along with his arm itself.

Constantine nodded at him.

"He's got it," said the Marshal of the Imperial Guard. "Let's start winning for him."

La let out a laugh behind his helmet.

There is one more chapter.

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