40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 405 134 Terra (11)

Chapter 405 134. Terra (11)

It comes from ancient times, when the concept of time did not exist. It evolved and upgraded in the tide of chaos, and then it was able to understand the meaning of its existence - torture, eternal torture.

Torturing those beings who exist in another world.

When this thought arose, it began to peek into the world belonging to the living. At that time, they did not know their existence, but they already understood that there were things in the darkness that should not be touched.

"Stay away from the darkness." That's what they say. And it just thinks it's ridiculous, how can it stay away?

Darkness is everywhere, therefore it is everywhere.

It has tried countless times to enter the world of the living, compete for glory for the four gods, and kill for favor. Who would have known that their world would later burst into flames.

It and countless of its kind, even the Four Gods, were angry about this.

Why? Because the flame was meant to be theirs, it wasn't in this form until a cursed abomination stole it.

The Fire Stealer, they called him so. With hatred and fear, they looked forward to his complete death one day.

And then there is now.

They - the inanimate beings - have received a promise, an invitation, an invitation issued by the four gods. It was naturally one of them, and it heard their voices accurately.

"Want to play with the fate of the weak living people?"

"Want to gain glory in battle with carnage and blood?"

"Want to taste the tender flesh and soft internal organs and have fun together?"

"Do you want to sow seeds, create, and achieve immortality in the cycle of life and death?"

It agreed, how could it refuse such glory? It was so ecstatic that it trembled, and excitedly rushed to the tiny crack that was born with the plan of the Lord of Changes together with countless others of its kind.

They rushed in and started drinking blood and killing happily. For the first time, it felt 'alive'. It was so beautiful, even so beautiful that it made it feel sick.

What followed was jealousy.

Why can those weak dependents enjoy such precious things behind the fire thief?

It was so angry that it wreaked havoc - it thought this was the beginning, it thought it could evolve and upgrade again through killing, and it even thought about how it could win the love of the four gods.

Until it saw a wisp of flame.

Then it started to run away, without hesitation.

What promotion, what glory, what enjoyment - all these are thrown away by it, and you must escape or die.

It ran so fast that for a moment, it could hardly feel the terrifying heat. It thought it had escaped, but this was not the case.

Because those ceramite-clad hybrids and those weak mortals are back, they're dead, some are gone, some are just souls, but they're all back.

So it could only start running away again, and the world in the Webway was being burned by flames and turned into ashes behind it. Its kin should have taken advantage of this moment to continue rushing into the wreckage, but they were afraid.

The inanimate beings are not blind, so they can naturally see what is happening here.

Then the four gods began to roar.

"Go," they said.

A syllable cannot form a sentence, and a simple command is extremely cold. So they had to come again one after another. It took pleasure in that for a moment—yes, yes, more.

In this way, I can live a little longer and escape a little further. As long as I can return to the surging tide of chaos, I can escape the fate of death.

It keeps running, and the body it acquires is slender and comical, with two legs that are curved and powerful, and are covered with hard black pointed hairs. It has claws and sharp teeth. It runs like a weird hunchback. It runs very fast.

But not fast enough, it cannot come fast enough.

There was a sound of footsteps entering its organs used to capture sounds, so its body immediately stopped working and fell to the ground stiffly. Its twelve eyes widened at once, staring intently at the mist-covered ancient webway.

The Eldar who were closely related to the Prince of Joy built this place, and the ground was still covered with spiritual bones. It was in this place that there was a sound of unhurried footsteps.

The misty blue light cast a shadow on the wall, tiny at first, but then began to grow larger as the footsteps approached.

It began to scream, an uncontrollable scream, and raging flames surged from the other end of the webway, surrounding it in an instant, but did not immediately turn it into ashes.

"Nowhere to escape." A voice said quietly, like rolling thunder, like a death sentence.

It heard countless screams coming from behind it, all of which were members of the same race running slower than it. They ran after it and ended up here

Such a desperate scene made many demons go crazy on the spot. They began to kill other people of their own kind and offered sacrifices to plead for their own survival.

Or, he knelt on the ground and kept prostrating, pulling out his horns, cutting off his claws, and taking out his heart to sacrifice to the god who was getting closer, but it had no effect.

It knew He wouldn't accept it, that He was a partial God.

The god looked down at it, and then spoke its true name, a vague and unintelligible language that sounded like a whimper.

It cried bitterly. The body it had acquired did not have such a function, so what was flowing out at this moment was only dark blood. The twelve eyes exploded one by one.

The juice seeped out, criss-crossing the brown-black fur, and instantly turned into a blade of cold air that escaped and cut into its own body. A force lifted it up and followed closely behind the god.

It struggled painfully, but was forced to open all its eyes. Even though it was blind, it had to look directly at the gods. It calmly walked towards the group of demons and began to pronounce their crimes.

"Indiscriminate killing of innocent people." He spat out one word, and the cold air spread from the pale ribs, freezing the ground of the Webway along with his footsteps.

Two angry flames were burning in the empty eye sockets of that skeletal face, and all the demons who were stared at by him died at this moment.

Sharp blades formed by cold air protruded from the ground and penetrated deeply into their bodies. Pierce flesh, pierce bone, reach the head or vital points, and then explode violently. Blood and flesh spattered, and the satisfied laughter of the dead came from the black flames surrounding the demons.

The demons wailed and begged for mercy. One of them was shameless and told how he was innocent. His hands were not stained with blood this time, but he was forced to do so.

"Innocent?" the god asked with a thunderous voice. "You were just a step slow. You are by no means innocent. This is a lie, and the crime is even worse."

Black smoke billowed out from the void, opening the demon's ferocious mouth and pouring into its body. It began to twist and struggle violently as if suffering from epilepsy. The strong body began to expand at this moment, and then suddenly shattered.

Pieces of flesh and blood were flying in the air, and were burned away by black flames before they hit the ground or hit the wall. The group of demons remained silent and stopped doing anything unnecessary, but there were still those who were lucky enough to start running towards where they came from.

They still think they can find a possible exit to escape from this hell specially built for them.

"Words are useless." The god calmly watched them escape and made a verdict. "It's useless to plead, it's useless to plead, it's useless to swear allegiance to me. This is a judgment of vengeance. You are covered with sins, and the only way out is death."

As soon as he finished speaking, heavenly fire descended behind the Webway, and a furious sun rose slowly in the flames. The escapees turned into ashes, and a golden boot engraved with a two-headed eagle stepped on the ashes of the demons and walked indifferently.

There was nothing in his hand, and the right hand that should have held the sword was empty, but this did not prevent the demons from wailing about it.

He just walked by and let them turn into withered bones, and the life he was promised turned into powder. Screams came one after another, and finally turned into nothingness after reaching a certain limit.

It would be okay if that was all, at least the soul could still escape - if the god was not there.

But here he is.

Then the black flames swept through, and the souls in the ashes were extracted and lifted up. Countless dead souls stretched out their bloody hands from the void, and there was only one emotion left in the empty eye sockets.

At this moment, there is only one demon left alive here. It floats above the heads of the fire stealers and gods, its body is swollen, and the ice and angry flames skillfully inflict extremely painful torture, making it unable to die and can only endure. torture.

The body and organs it was given have all become necrotic, and the bones and internal organs in the body have turned into frozen blood.

It wished it could die immediately. There was no need to run away or struggle anymore. Just die, just die like this. I'm so desperate, I might as well get it over with.

But it knew in its heart that it could not die so easily.

It was deliberately left here until now - it was lucky enough to survive until now, so it will suffer even greater misfortune.

"You can go back." The god said to it. "Go back to where you came from, and go back to the waves of chaos."

The demon trembled and opened its fanged mouth.

"Don't they want war? Tell them that war will come soon."

As the words fell, it screamed and was stripped of its form, and the black flames burned through it, forging a new body for it - and this was not a gift, because this body was torturing it all the time.

Countless crazy scenes flashed across its eyes at this moment. The stars were extinguished, black flames were ignited, and countless creatures shouted the name of revenge in unison. The hatred in its heart was like a song. Just like that, it was thrown back into the waves of chaos.

One of the four gods was extremely angry about this. He had just been stabbed in the eye and had nowhere to vent his anger. He swung his sword, and the little demon was instantly wiped out. The other three couldn't even stop it.

So, in the black flames that should have been extinguished but gradually ignited, the vengeful dead flocked to His wasteland.

update completed.

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