40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 457 179 Terra (forty-one, in the eyes of mortals)

Chapter 457 179. Terra (forty-one, in the eyes of mortals)

Orpeson noticed that his feet were shaking.

This is not a good thing. People always hope that they can remain brave at all times, and always hope that everything can become the most beautiful thing in their imagination. But the world is always cruel, and it will definitely send a warning with some signs at some point.

It will use this to tell you that you are not brave, just like I am not beautiful.

However, what right do people have to choose?

Orpeson reluctantly stretched out his hand, grabbed the edge of the Sun Spear, and complied with Constantin Waldo's request.

"Recalling the past is something you have to do." Standing opposite him, the Marshal of the Forbidden Army said.

His shining golden battle armor was wet and covered with sticky blood, which was spreading bit by bit along those gorgeous lines, dyeing the perfect golden color bit by bit scarlet in the seemingly natural lines.

The whole process was very natural, just as it should be. They were clearly not designed for this purpose when they were created, but they have evolved such effects over a long period of killing.

However, contrary to this bloody and aesthetic scene, Waldo's expression was very calm, so calm that it was completely impossible to tell that he had just experienced a grand killing.

Such an expression made Adebiman Basili, who was squatting above them, narrow his eyes slightly and slowly reveal a somewhat evil smile.

"You really don't know how to speak. Even we don't use Lord Constantine Waldo's commanding and persecuting tone very often."

The adjutant of the third company of Night Blade said with a low smile, as if he was mocking Waldo. The huge demon head he was squatting on was burning, but the dark flames could not hurt him in the slightest.

"Words are pale, actions are often more meaningful than words." Marshal of the Forbidden Army replied calmly, without even looking at the adjutant. "So hold it, hold it tight, Orr Persson."

Orr raised his head and cast a dry look at Adbeiman. The latter shrugged, jumping up and down on the demon's head lightly.

It is not completely dead, and the subspace spirits are being tortured in the dark and angry flames. The wailing screams are endless, but no one present feels that the sound is noisy.

Who hates the screams of the enemy? No one present had any extra kindness to give, no matter how much the war had worn down their humanity. Even if they really wanted to give away the remaining kindness, they would not give it to the devil.

Orr turned his head and looked at the thing, his throat rolling up and down.

He has lived for a long time, and although most of his memories have faded into the deep scars caused by time, he still remembers some things.

For example, the existence of the inanimate beings. These things come from the waves of chaos and are born with twisted forms and equally twisted lives. They are almost immortal and can only be killed in rare circumstances.

Orr knew some methods before and practiced some of them, but now, he has added a completely new piece of knowledge - of course, this is not the only fresh knowledge he has left in his mind today.

Ever since the gloomy ghosts of the Eighth Legion led him to move together in the thick fog, some new but increasingly disturbing knowledge began to rush into his mind one after another.

In the fragmented and chaotic time stream, he followed the Night Blades as they hunted the scattered companies of the Word Bearers, watching them fight and win or die. The number of occurrences of the former and the latter was almost equal, and Orr was greatly shocked by this.

In his opinion, these Astartes of the Eighth Legion were already inhumanly strong. Their proficiency in committing bloody murders is almost unparalleled in the entire galaxy, but the Word Bearers' depravity rivals theirs.

It was an odd description, no doubt, contrasting a corrupted and twisted traitor with a legion completely loyal to the Empire and Humanity, but Orr remembered a lot and had seen a lot.

In other words, he actually vaguely felt what the Night Blades were hiding under that human skin.

He was not surprised by this, after all, this was his Eighth Legion. He knew the man and how unbridled he could be when necessary.

Then the encounter that Constantin Valdo had just ended brought him to Orr Persson. It was hard to say that this was a coincidence, at least Orr himself did not think it was a coincidence.

Turning back the time a few decades ago, back to when Orr was still joining the army in order to have a piece of his own land, as early as that era, he had already heard of these golden-armored guards surrounding the 'Emperor' .

People spread information about them and the Emperor on the streets, but most of the people who had actually seen them chose not to talk about it, as if they wanted to store that glory permanently in their hearts in silence.

Only some good people like to loudly preach the majesty of the Imperial Guard and the Emperor on the streets of the city, as if they have actually seen them with their own eyes.

Orr has also heard the stories of some of these people, for no other reason than out of curiosity. He left when he heard 'The Golden Guard' and decided that the content of these stories was actually half-truths, standard charlatan technique of telling only half-truths.

If he were to make an evaluation, then, in his opinion, the emperor smilingly meeting a certain artist or a certain soldier was definitely false, but the golden guard. Ha, this was probably true.

At that time, he felt that the person he knew was still true and unchanging. He was also puzzled by this. How could a person's love for a certain color span such a long time?

But now, when he saw Constantine Waldo with his own eyes, he realized that they were actually far more than just the so-called "guards".

Each of them was his eyes, his tongue, and his extended hands and feet. When they held the weapon, it was equivalent to him holding the weapon. When they killed, it was equivalent to him killing.

In other words, he was watching him.

Or Persson took a slow, deep breath, and then let go of his hand in Waldo's cold eyes that seemed to be about to kill him, letting his fingers slide naturally from the tip of the spear.

His combat gloves had long been thrown into some stinking mud pit, but despite this, his right hand was not hurt at all, as if this unique weapon knew when it should hurt him.

Or naturally caught this, and therefore had the urge to sigh.

"No, I refuse." Or Persson said. "Unless he comes to talk to me in person."

"He is very busy." The guardsman refused flatly. "You understand his busyness, Or Persson, although I despise your betrayal, you are indeed one of the few people on Terra who can truly understand him at this moment. So, don't act so naive."

"I'm too lazy to refute your "naive" point of view, but I never understood him." The man who once stood shoulder to shoulder with the Emperor spoke slowly. "Just like I still don't understand what this gem is." He took it out of his chest with his left hand. It was quietly tied to his neck by a rough metal chain. The heavy weight had already cut deep blood marks on Orr's neck, which looked very scary, as if he would be beheaded by this weight in the next second. Orr lifted it and tapped the gem lightly with his fingers. Waldo immediately glared at him. The old soldier slowly grinned a nonchalant fake smile on his face: "Let's talk about business, okay? Lord Constantine Waldo?" The Marshal of the Imperial Guard nodded coldly. "Look, he asked me to give this gem to 'him', so the question is, who is 'he'? Where is 'he'?" Orr deliberately exhaled the sigh retained in his chest, deliberately causing Waldo's disgust. You actually want this to happen - pretending, Orr thought with a sneer, and said the following words. "I am not a person who does not know the seriousness of the matter. I know how critical the situation in Terra is now. So, let's be honest with each other, sir, I will tell you the truth."

"If I want to fight for humanity and die here, and regard this place as my final destination, I will be very honored. After all, this is my home planet. No one does not want to be buried in the earth at home. But I will not fight for him again unless he explains everything to me clearly."

He restrained his smile, raised his head seriously, and looked into Waldo's eyes. His eyes had terrible penetrating power, as if he wanted to stare at another person through these eyes.

"Everything." He said softly. "Everything, nothing to hide. This is my only condition."

Waldo looked at him steadily.

Adebiman Basri whistled: "I am flattered to hear so many secrets unexpectedly - then, good luck, Captain Orr Persson, I have things to do." He blinked, and the black flames in his eyes suddenly rose. After a brief pause, the fake smile turned into a real and terrible smile. So Orr knew that this group of killers among killers, assassins among assassins, had another group of targets to kill. But can you kill them all? Orr suddenly wanted to ask him this, so he really asked it: "How long will you do this?" The adjutant raised his eyebrows in surprise and glanced at him. He turned his head to look at Constantine Waldo again. After seeing the very obvious contemplation of the Imperial Guard Marshal, Adebiman just raised the corners of his mouth, walked to Orr Persson, and put his arm around his shoulders intimately. "Okay, Captain brother." He called in a low voice, even using the word brother. "You hit the point of the question, but I can't answer you because we don't know the answer either."

"But you might."

"Hush," Adebiman winked at him. "Some things don't need to be said too much. Leaving blank space is an important literary technique. Haven't you read the poetry collection we published? That's a collection of poetry co-authored with the Ravens."

O'er shook his head.

"So, what about the book from our exclusive narrator, Belros von Sharp?" Adebiman asked happily.

O'er nodded.

"Ha, I knew you had read it - anyway, take care of your own business first. If we are both lucky enough, maybe you will see us again when you are shivering in the darkness in the future."

He laughed, let go of his hand, and pushed O'er Persson in front of Constantine Waldo, who happened to raise his head.

The thick fog roared and swept in, instantly surrounding the Night Blades. The gloomy lightning flashed away, and when the thick fog dissipated, they were completely gone. All that was left around were the demon's still-burning corpses and the souls of the inanimate beings who were being interrogated in the black flames.

Orr had no time to observe this scene anymore, because Constantine Waldo had already caught him and penetrated his chest with the Spear of the Sun. At this moment, his eyes were pure gold.

Orr spat an ancient curse at him, meaning coward.

‘Constantin Waldo’ also answered him in the ancient language.

"Orannes," he sighed quietly. "What exactly do you want to know?"


Floating, as if naked and returning to mother's arms.

Olanez hasn't felt this way for a long time. It's sad to say it, but it's normal to say it. In fact, he has already forgotten his mother's face. His memory was shattered into millions of completely different fragments, with no connection to each other but originating from the same source.

They are all the roles a man has played in human history, such as potter, soldier, lumberjack, priest, and teacher. The professions he has held and the lives he has experienced are countless. In the immeasurable long time, he has The mind has not gained any growth.

In myths and legends, people who have lived for a long time will always serve as wise men who guide the protagonist. They have gray hair but young faces, and their eyes are shining with vitality. They can always speak amazing words and are humorous.

But Olanez is not this kind of person. He is a cynical and drifting person, suffering from a long life and a broken mind, always switching back and forth between being confused and wanting to do something.

However, at the beginning, he was not such a person. He was once equally ambitious, hoping to use his eternal life to do something for mankind - or, in other words, for himself.

Until he meets him, until they burn the Tower of Babel

Then everything began to collapse, whether it was friendship, trust, or anything else, it all fell into nothingness.

"You destroyed me!" Olanez heard a side of himself scream. "How could you try to master that kind of power when you burned everything I hold dear?!"

"There's no point in bringing up old things again," the Eternal replied grimly. "If you just come here to vent your anger on me and try to put an end to this resentment that has lasted for tens of thousands of years-"


Or Persson stood up from the darkness, coughing.


He said forcefully, and stuffed his profile, name, and the chaotic fragments one by one into the depths of his heart, just like squeezing the barrel of a flintlock gun back and forth, pressing the lead bullets and gunpowder inside. .

He did it, even though it wasn't easy, he did it.

He has fired tens of thousands of flintlock rounds.

"I'm not here to ask you for an explanation. I'm not a nagging idiot or a resentful woman in the countryside. What's more, you bastard will never think that you made a mistake back then," Orr said. "I don't want to care about why you always try to keep everything a secret. Your bad character is not a gift from me. I am not your person and I can't control it. I came to you for only one thing, just for one thing. thing."

After he said this, he shook his head in a daze. The Spear of the Sun was still affecting him, the embryo of the weapon that had begun so long ago. Orr recognized it as soon as he saw it. Frankly speaking, he was actually a little surprised because he didn't expect

"You are actually serious." Orr Persson lowered his head and began to vomit. "How did you make it?"

"A little whimsy and tens of thousands of years of trial and error." said the Eternal One. "The former is far more important than the latter."

Orr raised his head and wiped his mouth. His tongue was numb, as if what he just spit out was not undigested food and stomach acid, but poison.

He coughed again and felt like everything was turned upside down. Fortunately, he could still stand and would not fall to his knees in his own vomit. Orr held his knees, bent over, and began to breathe heavily.

"Gem." he asked inarticulately. "Who do you want me to give this to?"

"I can't say."

"What the fuck-"

"——This is not because of secrecy, or because I think you are not qualified to know." The Eternal One interrupted him, minding his own business, and continued. "Until the dust settles, all answers are meaningless. Even if I tell you, the answer may change at the last second. But you need to carry it with you until then, Olanis."

Orpeson did not speak, but slowly straightened up, and then lifted the metal chain from his neck so that the Immortal could see the deep blood stain.

"Your new friend, the one named Malcador."

"What's up with him?"

"He has a mission for me."

"Indeed." The Immortal nodded slightly. "But this is not your first priority. You have something else to do before you can join them."

A sneer appeared on Ole Persson's face: "It's strange that you are now willing to explain clearly what I need to do in just a few words."

"Isn't this your request?" the Eternal One asked. "Or do you still think it's not enough? Do you have any other requests?"

Orr slowly shook his head.

"No more," he said. "Probably so."


"-No, I have one last question." Olpeson suddenly interrupted him. "I want you to tell me all of this. Do you really understand what you are doing?"

No one answered, only Constantin Valdo's calm eyes and his right hand that could not be refused.

"It's time for us to set off." The Marshal of the Forbidden Army said, with a rare hint of fatigue in his voice. "We still have a long way to go."

What he said was true.

This chapter is 5k, and there will be another chapter after dinner. Voting for the extra episodes will end before twelve o'clock tonight. Considering that there are people who want to watch the three extra episodes, I will postpone them according to the number of votes, and I have written all three.

After all, the New Year is almost here ()

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