40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 458 180 Terra (forty-two, enemy of hatred)

Chapter 458 180. Terra (forty-two, enemy of hatred)

Ionid Hill was punching a demon in the head.

It is one of the accomplices summoned by the Word Bearers. It is huge and very ferocious. As soon as it appeared, it launched an attack on the Ultramarines - and that was already forty-five seconds ago.

Now, its body is filled with holes the size of fists, and they continue to erupt. The flesh and blood were beaten to pieces, like a fruit that had been smashed by violence, and its juices overflowed.

But it never died. In order to maintain his position, Hill made a dangerous decision twenty seconds ago. Three seconds ago, he successfully executed it.

At this moment, he was landing - falling vertically from the top of the five-meter-high demon, and without hesitation, he fell face-down into the ruins, rolled, and hid behind half a stone slab, all in one movement.

After another two seconds, a huge noise suddenly erupted.

Hill climbed to his feet and unhooked his gun from the magnetic buckle on his belt. The biometric identification did not prevent him from taking off his weapon. The power armor was still running stably, but his helmet was in tatters.

A group of Word Bearers who had recently descended upon them using warp magic were the culprits. His mouth was now filled with the taste of dust floating in the air, and this taste had completely numbed Hill's tongue and lips.

He raised his gun and fired wantonly at another group of so-called 'Word Bearers Auxiliaries'. There was no discipline or anything, just the deepest hatred.

The war has changed him, but Ionid Hill has also adapted to this new war and even established a new code.

Kill all enemies, by any means, at any cost.

He used up all his bullets and killed them in pieces. Their blood began to shine brightly on the ground, and the eight-pointed star mark that was engraved on the skin but penetrated into the flesh and even bone marrow began to flicker, and black mist came.

Hill knew that in a few seconds, another group of demons would rush out from inside. He drew the sword from his belt. He had surrendered the weapon from the Primarch's arsenal. Although Guilliman believed that the sword should be kept as his reward, Hill did not want to use it.

This is a strange stubbornness, coming from a strange extreme warrior like him, but it seems very natural.

The decomposition stance of the power sword was activated, and Hill strode towards the unformed black mist. Explosive bombs roared in, hitting in the black fog, and someone was supporting him. Hill glanced toward his five o'clock position and saw a dozen hazy, scattered blues.

So he no longer hesitated and turned to running wildly, while stabbing into the black mist with his sword. With a scream, a demon that was still congealing in flesh and form screamed and was stabbed out by him - the bomb immediately struck and smashed its head.

But this is just a drop in the ocean, there are more inanimate beings pouring out of the black mist. At the same time, some kind of loud noise came from the other end of the position.

While wielding his sword to fight these flying bat-winged demons, Hill took the time to observe the situation over there. He thought it would be the sound of a tank exploding, but he didn't see any broken machinery emitting black smoke, only a giant with blazing eyes.

That was his primarch, Roboute Guilliman, and he was fighting.

Hill saw the huge shadow clearly, and his heartbeat suddenly stopped for a beat until he heard Robert Guilliman's calm declaration.

"I will kill you as many times as you are reborn, you evil creature."

The Lord of the Thirteenth Legion issued his oath coldly, and the dagger of sincerity fiercely penetrated Lorgar Aurelion's chest.

The skin bag was pierced, but what flowed out from underneath was not blood, but dark gelatin. A nonchalant smile appeared on the Great Word Bearer's face.

"Do you really think you have killed me, brother? In fact, you have never killed me, even if you cut off my head last time. You just let me return to the gods for a short time. Maku How is Lage now, my dear Robert Guilliman? It seems that I am victorious."

Guilliman did not respond to this sentence, but everyone could see that he was extremely angry now.

It was as if thunderous drums sounded wildly from his chest, and the light in his eyes illuminated Luojia's skin, making all the monsters and monsters underneath invisible.

Luojia chuckled and waved the scepter in his hand, and the violent power was revealed inconspicuously. Although it was only for a moment, it was enough to make Guilliman retreat.

The Macragge man held his dagger gloomily to block, then threw a punch with his backhand, and his commanding hand cruelly crooked Luojia's chin.

Flesh and bones were splashed, but the dark glue helped the chin that was supposed to fly out to hang crookedly on his face, but the smile on the face of the Great Word Bearer still existed.

After this weird smile was born, a flame emerged from behind him and turned into a roaring beast and attacked Guilliman.

The Macragge didn't even look at it, and struck it with a backhand sword. This sword was natural, without any twist or foreshadowing. It was just the simplest and most direct sword, but it cleanly divided the flame into two. .

The Great Word Bearer looked at this scene in surprise, straightened his chin with the top of the scepter burning with human skulls, and glued it back together.

The face belonging to Lorga Aurelion returned again. He smiled slightly and raised his arms as if enjoying it: "Brother, you seem to have changed. In this way, what I have done for you is not in vain. "

Robert Guilliman looked at him calmly, not even saying a single unnecessary word. He raised the hand holding the sword and slowly made a fist. The Chicheng dagger creaked in his hand, making people doubtful as if it would break in the next second.

The victorious troops around him who were fighting against the elite Word Bearers also saw this scene. They seemed to be inspired and began to fight with more courage.

Lorgar Aurelion looked at him doubtfully, her smile disappearing for the first time.

"You" He took two steps back, put down the scepter, poured it into the ground, took out a bloody tome from his waist, and actually tried to read it.

"Oh, that's interesting," he muttered. "I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Guilliman's answer was a roar as loud as thunder.

"For Calth!" He rushed towards Luojia, thundering continuously. "For Macragge! For Five Hundred Worlds! For Terra!"

The sword cut down like running water, and the controlling hand fired and punched at the right time, turning Luo Jia's face into a bloody pulp, or breaking one of his bones. The Chicheng dagger pierced through the chest. Guilliman twisted his wrist to widen the wound, but his arm did not tremble at all.

The Great Word Bearer stepped back again in pain, but grabbed the scepter with his right hand. He was still trying to turn the page, but the Macragge gave him no time. He launched a terrifying onslaught that seemed to last until the end of time, but Luo Jia could only bear it silently.

After more than ten seconds, he reacted slightly sluggishly - along with the blasphemous words of chaos that Luo Jia spat out from his lips, the ground they were standing on suddenly turned into a gurgling swamp.

Guilliman pulled his legs out of the dark mud, without wavering, and just continued to move towards Lorgar.

"I know what you can do." He spoke calmly as he walked away. "You can only use magic to gain some final dignity for yourself. If you throw away these ridiculous tricks, you are nothing but a thing that can be defeated by Vulkan and Perturabo in an instant. ”

"Lower your head and take a good look at yourself with your eyes. Do you really think you are Lorgar Aurelion? His scepter is used to smash the enemy's head, not like you, holding it in your hand like a crutch. Support yourself."

"Oh, the provoking method." Luo Jia showed a slightly nostalgic smile. "Both you and Perturabo seem to intend to use it to anger me, but not this time. My dear brother, the gods have revealed more to me. I have already seen the future of Terra and you, and you will eventually You will die in my hands."

"I will disembowel you before then," Guilliman said. "I will sacrifice your head to all who have died, and the true Lorgar Aurelion will laugh loudly at your death."

Lorgar Aurelion blinked at him and suddenly said in a completely different voice: "No, Robert Guilliman, he can never laugh again."

The Macragge finally let out a growl of total rage from his throat, without losing his mind.

He turned his commanding hand and aimed it at his feet and sides. The bolter attached to his lower body began to fire continuously, sweeping through the swamp and smashing into pieces everything that tried to block his pace.

The Great Word Bearer opened his arms again and began to walk calmly over the mire. He walked barefoot, with golden light shining on his skin. The mud could not stain the surface of his feet, nor could it even bother him in the slightest while moving. At first glance, it looks like it is walking on water.

He looked down at Robert Guilliman, who was sinking deeper and deeper, and sighed softly, with a look of pity on his face.

"The war has progressed to this moment, and you still haven't seen the truth of everything." He spoke slowly, the world was still noisy, but his voice overwhelmed everything.

The Ultramarines tried to rescue them, but the Word Bearers held them back. The Blessed Sons leapt into their midst, regardless of the cost, and began fighting with complete disregard for life or death. Its purpose is very simple, anyone can see it, and Marius Gage is naturally one of them.

The First Chapter Leader watched with dizzy eyes as the so-called 'Lorgar Aurelion' slowly pulled out a shimmering dagger from his waist.

"I'm tired of preaching to the world, brother, it doesn't make any sense, and you won't listen anyway." He said this, his expression filled with compassion and strong hatred.

"Even if the truth has been rushed to you, you don't listen. Instead, you foolishly continue to die for the world's biggest liar. So many precious lives are wasted in such a worthless way."

"Do you really think he will feel sad for even half a second? Your lives should have been used in better places. If these dead people were handed over to me, humanity would have already reached a new level by now! By then, , Where is the need for the so-called Great Crusade to rekindle our past glory?”

He slowly approached Robert Guilliman, who had half his body sunk in the mud, and put the dagger close to his neck.

"Goodbye, brother," said the fake. "I'll save a seat for you."

Guilliman stared at him calmly, frowning.

Silt erupts.

The hand of control roared out of the quagmire, and smashed Luo Jia's head with one punch. The swamp surged, and the filth within screamed at the top of its lungs.

"Before you use those evil spells, think about something!" Guilliman roared at the headless corpse. "Think about power swords, think about power gloves and how they work! Think about how the weapons humans have held in their hands since ancient times actually work! Daggers can be thrown, you idiot!"

There was a bright light in his eyes, and the quagmire began to melt, and smoke rose up under the extremely high temperature, turning into pitch-black ashes. The Macragge escaped easily. He threw out his dagger and drove the twisted corpse through the chest.

The short sword buzzed, and the huge force penetrated the robe and sternum, passed out from the back, and nailed the body into the ground with it. The corpse had lost its head, but at this moment it erupted into a genuine scream.

Maggots born in the subspace spewed out of the blood vessels instead of blood, the limbs twitched, the scepter fell to the ground, and the human face on the book cover also wailed together, and soon turned into ashes.

Orpeson looked at all this with a serious face.

"It seems he doesn't need our help." Constantine Waldo said calmly, and quickly assessed the situation on the battlefield. "None of them need it."

Of course he was referring to the Ultramarines - after the Primarch's victory, they had nothing to worry about.

As a result, the destructive nature of the Children of War began to return, driven by the desire for revenge and rising rage, leading the Ultramarines on a rampage.

Although the gap between the two sides in terms of high-end combat power is quite large, a Blessed Son can often kill a dozen Ultramarines in a row. But they were united and without any fear, they actually started to reverse the situation.

"What?" Orpeson frowned, obviously having different opinions on this. "what are you saying?"

"They don't need our help," Waldo repeated again. "As you can see, Robert Guilliman and his sons are brave and fearless warriors. They have their own way of dealing with these enemies. They do not need an army of two men for reinforcements."

Orr moved his gaze to the spear in his hand.

"What do you want to say?" Waldo asked.

"Don't you think that the original body needs such a weapon more than you?" Orr shrugged and said. "You said this is the outer wall of the palace. Although I have never been to this place in my life, at least I know his preferences."

"The place that can be called a palace must be astonishingly large. If they are responsible for the entire outer wall, then they will face countless hard battles. This weapon does not seem to be of much use in your hands, you You want to lead the way for me, don’t you?”

"So?" the Marshal of the Forbidden Army asked word by word.

"Well, I mean—" Orr said thoughtfully. "——Compared to a messenger, a warrior is more qualified to have good weapons, what do you think?"

The Marshal of the Imperial Guard turned and walked away, not bothering to face such an insult. In the link, his master was persuading him to put aside his prejudices and treat Oulanis or Orpeson in a more equal and calm manner.

But Waldo still couldn't swallow this breath. Not to mention how ungrateful Orperson was in his eyes, just the fact that he had betrayed the Lord of Humanity had made Waldo feel sad countless times. Killing intent.

Of course, what he didn't notice was that he was now disobeying his master in a small way. The Lord of Humanity saw all this, but did not react at all, and even seemed to be secretly happy.

Orpesson reluctantly caught up with him and started walking behind him. It was naturally very difficult to identify a road leading to their destination within the ruins of the palace's outer walls, but Waldo knew better.

For example, at the beginning, Orpeson was actually less than thirty minutes away from his destination. However, he couldn't get there so easily. At least not until the gem he hangs on his chest truly becomes a 'gem'.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army was thinking about these things, but suddenly he tightened his grip on the spear in his hand. He guarded Orpeson behind him vigilantly, and the Sun God's Spear turned into a ray of light and handed it forward.

In the suddenly dark fog, a huge and ferocious claw was instantly pierced by him. However, the spear could not produce enough reaction force to stop it, and the giant claw hit Waldo without stopping, knocking him away.

Orpeson was stunned for a moment, and then he saw a huge hairy animal head protruding from the darkness. It giggled and uttered human words. There were clearly sword marks on its face, but it acted nonchalantly.

"Samus! Samus is coming!" it roared with a wild laugh. "Hello! Olanez!"

Does it know my name? !

This thought flashed through Orpeson's mind, but he had no more time to think about it. His instincts started to work again, forcing him to lower his head and roll, avoiding another swipe from the demon.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army returned to the battle at this moment, brandishing a long sword, his expression unwavering, as if he had always been like this. The demon began to approach them step by step in the darkness, which was extremely oppressive, but suddenly stopped at the critical moment.

It grunted and lowered its head, looking stiffly at the spear still stuck between its claws. A pair of hands wrapped around Nostramo's fine gold with lightning patterns held it, and Shen's face glowed palely in the darkness.

"Where do you want to run to?" he asked coldly.

The demon grinned, and behind it, Angel Tai's roar came immediately.

"For Aurelion!"

Update completed, total 10,000.

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