40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 477 198 Terra (Fifty-three, crushing the Wings of Destiny)

Chapter 477 198. Terra (Fifty-three, crushing the Wings of Destiny)

Sanguinius was conversing with the banner bearer when the scream came.

But its appearance interrupted everything. It should not appear in the normal world. It's as ridiculous as finding sheep walking upside down in the water, and they're hunting sharks. It is filled with terrifying powers beyond the limits of human imagination.

For a Primarch, Sanguinius could understand more.

His spiritual gift came into play again at this completely inappropriate moment, and the angel's wings began to tremble. Everything he saw began to spin until it became a huge whirlpool.

Blood and corpses are just the most insignificant things in this whirlpool. They are nothing compared to the scarlet eye in the center of the whirlpool. It is the only horror that really needs to be taken care of.

Sanguinius met it with his eyes, and for just a moment his perceptions began to go haywire.

The angel tried his best to suppress the urge to scream, but those eyes obviously didn't intend to simply let him go. The scarlet light bloomed quietly, and a familiar voice appeared in the angel's ears.

"You saw it," said Horus Luperkar. "Your gift is working, my dearest brother. But what will it help you achieve? The victory is in my hands."

Sanguinius tried to answer, but he couldn't.

The power of the thing that was speaking to him was simply too great, and there was no hiding it. With just a casual gaze, the angel felt an indescribable pressure.

In fact, he was not just looking at an Eye of Horus, but looking directly at all the darkness in the tide of chaos.

He also saw Horus's current appearance very clearly.

The skin was stretched and twisted. His hands are so obscenely long that he can encompass several galaxies on one finger. His face was pale and bloodless, and what was surging in his veins was not blood, but the endless souls of the dead.

They were wailing, describing to Sanguinius the horrors of their place, and advising him to know his way back, to leave quickly, and not to stay long.

However, he couldn't do this at all. The longer he looked, the more attracted he became.

"You don't seem to want to leave very much." Horus's voice sounded again, with a little hesitation.

His face disappeared, but the stars did not. They were wrapped tightly in a giant claw and then slowly crushed. What slowly flows out from between the fingers is not crumbs or fragments of the world, but real, sticky blood.

They were poured into a goblet, with blood swaying in it and countless corpses floating in it. A hand shook the goblet and thrust it into Sanguinius's hand.

There was a strong burning sensation where the archangel's fingers came into contact with the cup, but he couldn't let go.

Horus Luperkar smiled at him.

"Brother, I have always been tolerant of you, even now. I understand your choice, and I don't care much about it. It's your own business whether you want to stand behind that liar, but I will use my own means to reshape humanity and the Empire. I cannot sit back and watch the future of humanity rest on an unstable lie - yes, you know what I'm talking about."

He looked meaningfully at the angel.

"The Imperial Truth, that is one of his lies. Among his ten million lies, this is the only one I can understand. He needs a way to temporarily isolate the influence of Chaos, so he has no choice, but, What did he do to Luo Jia? "

"He sent Robert Guilliman and his Ultramarines to destroy the Perfect City, even forcing Lorgar to kneel. What kind of father could do such a thing? Brother?"

The angel looked at him blankly, blood slowly flowing from his eyes. After just a few words, his thinking was already close to being scattered.

Is this a punishment? No, it's far from it. Horus had no such idea, he was simply speaking to Sanguinius, but he had transcended the concept of 'creature' or 'human'.

Even if the Ancient Four has strengthened the body that he relies on to exist in the real world at all costs to the point where it can shake the curtain, it still cannot withstand his power. So this is just an incidental cost.

Horus looked at him with pity, waving his left index finger slightly, and the angel suddenly came back to his senses.

He took a few steps back and began to take deep breaths.

His seven orifices began to bleed at this moment, and severe pain surged from the other side of the darkness. They originally wanted to rush into the angel's body, defile him, swallow up his essence together, and offer it to the Ancient Four, but Horus did not allow it.

He annihilated them with just one look, completely.

Then the pain subsided, and Sanguinius stood trembling on the spot, his hand already hanging upside down, but not a drop of blood spilled from it.

After a while, he managed to regain his broken consciousness. Horus's voice came back at this moment, echoing in his ears like an echo.

He had heard it once, but he couldn't understand it then, but now it was different. He knew exactly what Horus was thinking.

Then, he realized something.

Luo Jia did not kneel down.

Both Robert Guilliman and Konrad Curze mentioned this to Sanguinius. In their accounts, Lorgar Aurelion never knelt. In fact, the Emperor even appeared extremely guilty.

Does this mean that this Horus is still being deceived by Chaos?

He raised his head and tried to observe the other person's face - however, with just such a quick glance, his thoughts collapsed again.

After all, he cannot understand the laws of existence in this world. This is not an area that a rational creature should set foot in. He seems too pure here, so pure that he is completely out of place.

The angel's biological instincts caused him to start screaming and keep retreating. Everything he owned began to spin around in the fragments of reason, like another whirlpool.

Horus remained unmoved and stood there, still looking at him with pity.

"There is a world of difference between you and me." He sighed. "And this is the cage that my father has set for you, my brothers. You could have had a more outstanding form, instead of being trapped in a body that can be wounded by blades and gradually decaying over a long period of time. "

He said, suddenly becoming a little angry. The world under his feet began to shatter into pieces like glass. They did not exist and were never born. They were just a small aspect of the future. At this moment, they became reality because of the overwhelming wrath of a god.

But He did not come to create the world, but to destroy it. Under the will of Horus, they quickly turned into ashes.

"You see, this is the trap he created for us. A natural prison!"

Horus roared and walked towards Sanguinius, countless worlds being born and destroyed at his feet.

"He was worried that we would threaten his empire, and he was afraid that we would push him off the throne, so he used countless lives to make up this lie. How many people have died for his plans throughout the ages? We are definitely not through so-called genetic programming The existence that can be born, look at your wings, and look at your brilliance, Sanguinius, aren’t you the best evidence?”

He sighed deeply, stopped, and stood there, letting his brother wail away. He sent him back to the royal court. He never wanted to kill Sanguinius.

Killing him would do him no good at all. Sanguinius could not die.

He lowered his head and saw the tall glass that had fallen to the ground, but the blood in it was still not spilled. Horus waved to it, and it flew over. He raised his head, raised his glass, and drank the essence of the stars in the glass.

He loved Sanguinius, and he wanted him to have power beyond the mortal world. This sincerity contained no impurities. However, Sanguinius had been deceived by his father's lies for too long, and he could no longer change it.

Unless there is external force.

The stars disappeared, and the god looked at his father who was tied to the stone tablet in horror.

"Just wait and see, Father," He roared. "I'll change your lies!"

His father said nothing, just bowed his head, thus casting a shadow over the crying messenger at his feet.

"My lord? My lord?"

Sanguinius opened his eyes drowsily and saw a patch of scarlet. Everything in front of him was blurry, and his eyes were so painful that they seemed to fall out of their sockets. He reluctantly raised his head and tried to answer the call, but there was a burning pain in his throat.

"Sir?" the man called again. "What's wrong with you?"

Sanguinius still had no answer, but this time, he was in better shape. His strength was returning to his body quickly, and of course, more things were coming back with him, such as the brief conversation and the face of Horus.

Great fear surged into his heart again, and the angel let out a rapid cry from his throat. He fell backwards, swaying almost to the ground. Amidst the fear that should not have appeared and originated from the body's instinct, Sanguinius finally came to his senses reluctantly.

Fear can break some people, but it can also give others courage.

"I'm fine." He told the flag-bearer named Bellos. "It's just that old habits die hard, and I saw some things I shouldn't have seen."

Bellos nodded and did not ask any more questions. The angel suddenly grabbed his hand, not with much force, but his five fingers were extremely hot. Bellos's eyes narrowed, and he looked up and found that the angel's eyes were red, and the whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, making him look extremely ferocious.

"It was he who sent me to find you, Flag Bearer." Sanguinius spoke reluctantly. His current state could no longer simply be described as poor. His face was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he looked like a seriously ill person.

Bellos nodded silently.

In the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, the angel slowly lowered his head. He let go of Bellos' hand and held the flagpole with his backhand.

"My father is a man who is used to thinking deeply. He has a purpose in everything he does. And now, at this moment, he has sent me to you. Who are you, Bellos?"

"As you can see, I am his flag bearer." Belros replied.

"Is that all?"

"What else do you want to know?" the flag-bearer asked slyly. “Do these things help us with what we’re going to do now?”

"It seems to me that you asked me this question just because you felt overwhelmed. Am I right? You want to know my past experiences and deduce from them the reason why the Emperor sent you to me - —But if he really thinks twice before doing anything, how can we be here?”

Sanguinius looked at the mortal who dared to tease his father with slight astonishment.

"Look at those people, they don't understand what the flag in my hand represents, and they don't know whether we can win, but they are still willing to fight for him. In fact, we have only one purpose, Lord Sanguinius , just to find him and protect him from that thing.”


"Yes, I know we probably won't be able to be used in that level of battle." Belros laughed. "But doing and not doing are two different concepts."

"You are always used to treating him as an omnipotent great man, but what I want to tell you is, Sanguinius, he is not omnipotent, and he is by no means truly bloodless and tearless."

"On the contrary, he is kinder than everyone else and cares more than everyone else. So, now is probably the time when he needs us the most. He doesn't need us to help him win that battle, he Just need us to be behind him.”

He pulled the banner from Sanguinius's hand and raised it.

"Can you still fly?" he asked.

Sanguinius resisted the urge to smile and nodded slowly. A few seconds later, he fluttered his wings and took off, bursts of golden light slowly lit up from between his feathers, making him seem to have turned into a shooting star.

He flew very slowly, not even one-third as fast as before, but this still did not prevent him from flying in front of everyone - only at this moment did the Archangel realize that so many people had gathered under that flag. people.

However, I don't know if his vision has not recovered yet, but he can only see a blurry silhouette. They were shouting and running forward, towards a weak golden light group that had been mostly eaten away by scarlet.

Sanguinius looked at it, his eyes completely determined.

Even now, he did not understand how that prophecy would be fulfilled, but he no longer cared, just as he no longer cared whether Horus Luperkar was still himself.

To him, the brother he knew was long dead. All that's left now is just another enemy.

He took a deep breath, lowered his head, vibrated his wings, and flew towards the point of light.


Cassidorius slowly raised his head.

The earth is dry and full of dust, and even the stones are covered with cracks. The sky was dark and gloomy, like a ghostly lair filled with dead souls. Here, the only light he could see was the eyes of the man tied to the stone tablet.

He was staring down at him.

His shadow completely enveloped Cassidorius.

"What other tricks do you have, father?"

Cassidorius heard its voice again, but he did not dare to look back. He had lost this courage, for Horus Luperkar could no longer hide himself.

At this moment, in his voice, the ground of the wasteland was trembling. Cassidorius lowered his head, stared at the ground, and found that there were dense eyes blinking in the cracked lines, staring at him closely.

The man tied to the stone tablet slowly exhaled. He finally spoke, but he was not speaking to Horus.

"Don't be afraid, Cassidorius." His voice was low and weak, like a dying man. "He is just an illusory form that exists here. What you can see is just part of the vicious metaphor and is by no means real. He can't hurt you unless he kills me first."

"Oh, is it true, father? Is it true?" Horus asked sharply.

He stepped forward and grabbed Cassidorius's shoulders with hands as cold as cold steel. The deep chill made the messenger shrink.

However, what really frightened him was not this unreal touch, but the smell of Horus - he was so close to him that Cassidorius could even smell his scent .

The smell wasn't even easy to describe. He just felt that the air he breathed into his lungs turned into hundreds of dry hands, greedily scratching at his flesh and blood, thirsting for blood and soul. Cassidorius buried his head deeply and began to tremble.

However, Horus pushed him to the ground at this moment, and that force was impossible to resist. Cassidorius' side face was covered in dust, and his eyes wandered around in confusion, and coincidentally met those cracked lines. The thousands of eyes inside suddenly changed color, turning yellow like a lantern.

Horus spoke again, his voice becoming inhuman and powerful. He picked up Cassidorius and slammed it to the ground again. In the pain that almost displaced his internal organs, the messenger shrank up and trembled.

"Do you really think so? Father? I can't hurt this stupid, weak and insignificant mortal?" Horus glanced at him, then raised his head and asked coldly.

"Yes, that's what I think." The man on the stone tablet replied calmly. "And he is anything but weak."

Horus let go of his hand, allowing Cassidorius, whose face was covered with blood, to curl up and crawl towards his father's shadow, smiling mockingly.

"So, how long can you hold on? I've destroyed a million of your tricks, eating all the bait you left along the way. You can waste my time, but that comes at a price. Now, you How much power is left to maintain this illusory realm that protects their souls and sanity?”

The man finally raised his head slowly. His skin was tight, like tanned leather, and his cheeks were sunken, almost to the point of being skinny. There was a faint golden light in his eyes, and there was no kindness or mercy in his eyes, only calmness.

"Who do you think you are?" He asked in a calm tone.

"My son Horus Luperkar died long ago, his sacrifice allowing his brothers to escape and his line of loyal heirs to continue. He never truly surrendered, his humanity always remained There’s a struggle.”

"And you are just a fabricated side, and your self-awareness is only forged with the residue after his death. You are not my son, but just a monster."

"Your lies cannot sway me. I know what I am. I am still human." Horus sneered unmoved. He raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky.

A bunch of meteors slowly crossed the sky at this moment, slowly approaching them. The light was very weak, but it was still able to illuminate the surrounding area.

Horus's eyes suddenly turned into two dark holes, and his eyes began to move crazily, tracking the meteor closely. After a while, he lowered his head and returned his attention to the man.

"So this is your last resort?" He stared at the man with disdain. "I know what you want to do, father. Don't forget, like you, I saw those prophecies with the help of the power of Chaos."

"Just like Sanguinius, he has seen it too, but he is too naive. He thinks that as long as he accepts the death that is destined to come, he can turn the situation around and let you win - but how could I really kill him? ?”

He raised his hand, and bursts of thunder suddenly came from the sky. The dark clouds gathered and formed a terrifying giant hand that was about to completely wrap around the meteor. The man also raised his head and looked at the sky.

He gritted his teeth, and a murderous intent suddenly appeared on his thin face.

Horus immediately looked over with a feeling, and a dazzling golden light flashed before his eyes, almost missing his face. He narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to touch his cheek gloomily.

He saw a flash of lightning striking the sky without hesitation.

"You evil false father!" he cursed. "He can only fulfill that prophecy if he is killed by me. How could you do this?"

The man didn't answer, his head drooped, and his breathing gradually became weak.

Horus shook his head in disdain: "You have worked so hard to preserve it, and the last bit of strength you have left is used by you in such a despicable place? Very good, father, very good."

There was a bang and dust flew up. Cassidorius trembled and looked back in disbelief, only to find that Horus had disappeared, leaving only the sound spreading in place.

"Then, let's switch roles. It's me who will save him this time."

Cassidorius's thoughts began to boil - what happened? What did the Emperor do? Where has Horus gone?

However, all problems turned into nothingness in front of the emperor who lowered his head. The messenger, who had been consumed by fear not long ago, gritted his teeth and stood up after seeing that lifeless face.

His reason no longer supports him using a complete logical chain to think, but that's fine, just give up thinking.

He approached the man who was tied to the stone monument, carefully raised his hands, and began to try to untie the rough ropes. However, as soon as he put his finger on it, he felt a terrible pain coming from his fingertip.

Cassidorius screamed in pain, lowered his head to observe, and found that the ropes had turned into dark poisonous snakes one after another at some point. Their eyes were scarlet, they were spitting out snake letters, and they were staring at him maliciously.

Cassidorius was shocked.

+Of course he won’t leave so easily+

At this moment, a voice broke into his heart. It's very weak, very tiny. If it hadn't been for the complete silence of this wasteland, I'm afraid Cassidorius wouldn't have noticed it at all. However, he heard it, and he was so happy that his eyes immediately filled with tears.

"My lord!" he cried in a mournful voice. "What can I do to free you?!"

+You can't save me, Cassidorius, but you have accomplished part of your mission. You arrived here and created a condition for me to use deception+

The man opened his eyes, what kind of eyes were they? Cassidorius didn't see any emotion in it, everything had disappeared, leaving only pure nothingness and extreme calm.

"Liar, deception?" the messenger stammered. "I don't understand, my lord."

+He is paranoid that everything I do is just out of ambition and lies, and I no longer want to change his mind. +

+He is not my son and he does not deserve this respect. But I would take advantage of his slights and his twisted humanity, as I always have, taking advantage of everything. +

+His mind must briefly leave this illusion and return to the material universe in order to accomplish what he said. This gives us an opportunity, Cassidorius. +

The man raised his head, closed his eyes, and leaned on the dark stone tablet. His chest still didn't rise and fall, and the white linen robe hung on his thin body. Everything looked so haggard, fragile, and unbelievable.

How does this look like a god?

The messenger couldn't help but cry again. He didn't want to be so weak, but he really felt sad for him.

"However, I am not God, my messenger." The man closed his eyes tightly and spoke like this, making a real voice.

"You have to keep this in mind. Gods cannot achieve any victory. They are a group of selfish creatures, and they have no such basic concept in their eyes. Only humans will fight desperately for certain things, and only humans understand what it means. sacrifice."

He finally opened his eyes again, a gurgling sound coming from his throat. His face was tense, blood vessels protruded horribly from the bottom of his dark face, and his teeth began to make a cracking sound.

And Cassidorius could hear more, such as some kind of overwhelmed sound coming from his body.

The sound filled him with fear and panic—could it be that the Emperor could no longer hold on? Could it be

Instinctively, he threw himself at him, fell at his feet, and tried to lift him up. Of course, this didn't have any effect, but Cassidorius saw more things through it.

Like two drops of blood.

Two drops of blood, saved with all his strength, remained in this withered body until the end. Like tears, they flowed from the man's eyes, slid down his cheeks, dripped from his chin, and fell all the way to Cassidorius's chest.

The golden light is in full bloom, extremely bright.

Cassidorius stood up abruptly.

He finally remembered, how could he forget? He has been practicing asceticism for thousands of years and has been wallowing in madness for so long. What is his purpose?

He lowered his head and grabbed the breastplate with trembling hands. Judging from his posture, he probably wanted to take the gem out of the armor with his bare hands. He failed of course. This set of power armor was not designed to allow the wearer to remove the gems by himself.

Cassidorius' movements gradually stopped, and he raised his head in despair. He wanted to ask a question, but could not say a word.

The man looked at him without saying a word, just smiling.

The light continues to bloom, like burning. Cassidorius lowered his head in confusion and anxiety, wanting to try again to see if he could untie the breastplate. He failed because he never touched his breastplate.

His fingers turned into illusory objects and sank deeply into the breastplate. He was stunned, and then he was ecstatic. A burst of high temperature came from the tip of his finger. It did not bring any sting, only endless light and heat, as warm as the warm sun in winter.

Cassidorius, trembling and crying, approached the man and raised his right hand, golden light blooming from the fingers.

The man shook his head: "It's not for me, Cassidorius."

"It's for me," said the other man.

Cassidorius turned around and saw an old man wearing a wrinkled, dirty dark green military uniform. His temples were gray and he looked extremely tired. His boots were covered in blood and he was holding a gun in one hand.

Behind him stood a forbidden soldier. Every line on Yaojin's armor had been completely blurred. Thick ash was stuck in the gaps in the armor. Only the spear he held in his left hand was still bright.

"Who are you?" Cassidorius asked.

"Like you, a messenger," replied Orr Persson.

He lowered his head and fished out a gem from his military uniform. It was placed on a rough metal base. The base itself was already extremely mottled, but the gem was still bright and exuding a bright white brilliance. He dropped his gun and extended his left hand toward Cassidorius.

"Come on," Orr said, unaware that he was smiling. "it's time."

A second later, the two gems merged into one.

After another second, the dry earth began to recover rapidly.

Stones heal, dust turns to mud, and seeds of long-extinct plants suddenly appear, fall into them, and grow rapidly. Trees, green grass, blue sky, white clouds. A river meandered past their feet, and the stone tablet shattered and turned into powder.

The venomous snake spat out the poison and tried to escape into the grass, but was pierced one by one with spears and killed.

The man fell weakly to his knees and pushed himself up with his hands.

Cassidorius held his breath and looked at him at a loss, wondering what to do next, until the dirty veteran tapped his shoulder with his palm.

He handed over a gem.

"It's time, messenger." Orr swept the fatigue from his face, his eyes were extremely clear. "Give it to him."

Cassidorius held the gem that was emitting infinite splendor with both hands, and he walked towards the emperor in tears.


Sanguinius pierced the darkness with his wings and flew forward. Just a little bit, just a little bit away, he could touch that ball of light. This was really the only good news in such a long time, but the angel was not relieved at all.

He was already so close to his goal, but he still didn't know how he wanted to help in this battle that already seemed too abstract. However, he must help his father.

Even if one were to think about this matter from a utilitarian perspective without considering any emotion, the Emperor must still live. He is the founder of the Empire and the only one qualified to call himself Emperor. He is also the spiritual pillar of countless people, and is an existence far beyond any symbol.

It was he who led mankind towards unity again, and it was he who cleared away all the darkness, allowing light to appear in those wild worlds, so that mankind would no longer have to suffer the suffering of the old night.

Sanguinius understood that his father's hands were full of blood, but his father was also the greatest hero in the world.

Close, close. He was just a little short of touching that ball of light - Sanguinius gritted his teeth and stretched out his right hand, his fingertips almost touching it.

However, at this moment, a terrifying force came from above his head and forced him to the ground. The angel fell suddenly, and in the severe pain, he saw a golden lightning rushing out of the light group and striking at the demons and monsters head-on.

And, the face of Horus Luperkar was illuminated by golden light.

Horus looked down at him coldly.

There was an unhealed blood-red crack behind him, and he probably walked out of it. Darkness as sticky as living things was still pouring out from the cracks. They floated to the ceiling of the royal court like steam, joining other darkness.

"Don't forget, I saved you, brother." He spoke slowly. "You may not understand what I am saying, nor may you believe what I am saying, but just remember this, Sanguinius."

"Our father tried to kill you to gain the last hope for his plan. You should have died, but I saved you. I don't ask you to give me anything in return. I have only one request from you."

Sanguinius coughed blood and instinctively tried to flutter his wings to get away from this crazy monster, but he felt a sharp pain coming from both ends of his back.

Horus smiled.

"I broke your wings so you could never fly again," he said without emotion. "The sky is not a place that humans should touch. Stay on the ground and keep your feet on the ground."

He suddenly frowned.

Sanguinius gasped and slowly climbed to his feet. He turned his head and glanced at the Spear of Completion. It had fallen not far away due to the impact of the fall, and there was no way to bend down to pick it up - whatever, let's face it with both hands.

The angel pressed his twisted and trembling fingers against his chest and began to try to form them into a fist.

Horus may have only broken his wings as he said, but the impact of his rapid fall also broke other things. Like some of his bones, his fingers, his internal bleeding.

Two seconds later, Sanguinius slowly raised his fists.

Frankly speaking, this action reminded him of that demon.

Horus glanced at him and frowned more and more: "I have said many times that I have no hostility towards you, brother. I don't want to kill you. This matter will not be of any benefit to either of you and me. Why don't you just stay quiet for a while and let me finish everything?"

"Who are you going to kill?" the angel asked softly.

"Who else could it be?" Horus asked. "Who else do you think it could be?"

The angel gasped, and then he laughed, revealing a bloody mouth.

"you this--"

He could not finish his words, for his words were interrupted, for Horus Luperkar was in a sudden rage. His form became a surging darkness, huge and wild, with corpses heaving and gurgling.

Sanguinius felt a surge of pure fear in his heart, but this was not the end, not by a long shot.

The anger of darkness was so real that it sent out a shock that went beyond the scope of hearing, and the curtain between reality and illusion began to fluctuate, ushering in a violent impact.

Sanguinius took the brunt of the attack and was knocked back hard. He had no power to resist, and that force carried him flying to the deepest part of the royal court, to a place where no one had ever set foot.

There is only darkness here, but it doesn't look like what a royal court should look like. There are portholes, corridors, and even the Milky Way outside the portholes is still burning slowly.

Sanguinius landed hard.

He no longer knew what the pain was, his spirit was weakening, and this time there might be no way to heal them. The blood pooled beneath him, forming a river. He is on his deathbed and will always be on his deathbed.

Horus was unwilling to kill him, but he was probably angered by the angel's attitude, and this was the punishment the angel would face.

In the deepest recesses of his shattered consciousness, Sanguinius understood. He doesn't feel sad about himself or worry about what may happen to him in the future. In fact, he was worried about other people.

He was worried about his brothers, worried about everyone fighting in that terrible court. He is also worried about the future of mankind, the future of the empire, and his descendants. Azkalon, Amit

Many names crossed his mind, which was gradually sinking into darkness. His vision began to become blurry and blurred, and everything gradually turned into the whirlpool he had seen before. Sanguinius was not afraid. He held his breath with all his strength, opened his mouth, and heard a whooshing sound coming from his throat.

He spits out each word bit by bit.


Then, a man stood in front of him.

Of course he is not his father, he is another existence.

His armor was as hideous as a skeleton, completely black, and no trace of paleness could be seen anymore. Angry flames wrapped around it, burning with unprecedented intensity. The raging fury could be seen without eyes. The skull covering the face became more terrifying than before, and every detail was filled with endless resentment.

The darkness beneath his feet was wailing and receding. But they had nowhere to run, and the flames caught up with them, burning them all into nothing more than ashes.

"Sanguinius," the being spoke softly. "I will avenge you."

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