40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 478 199 Terra (Fifty-four, God-killing)

Chapter 478 199. Terra (fifty-four, killing gods)

The Emperor held out his hand.

His skin looked like cracked parchment, with burn marks forming large mottled patches on the back of his hands. The fingers were swollen and bleeding, and the nails were filled with dark dust.

He placed his hands on Cassidorius's and held the gem gently.

The messenger could feel the weight of his master's right hand at this moment, as well as the astonishing roughness. He instinctively looked into the emperor's eyes and found that the dim eyes were filled with golden light for some reason, and endless power boiled and roared in them.

The messenger froze. Human reason could never withstand such a powerful force. Even if this force actually had no malice towards him, or even only good intentions, he could not resist it.

In the turbulent pure golden light, Cassidorius's consciousness began to drift, and he 'saw', or in other words, felt another emperor.

This Emperor is not old, nor is he dressed in linen robes and covered in bruises. His body is full of flesh and blood, and He wears a golden laurel crown. But beyond this, He no longer has any personal characteristics.

The face looked completely blurry, as if it could be anyone.

The messenger was stunned and speechless, and his hands suddenly felt the weight leaving. Then the scene disappeared, and the changed wasteland returned, as well as the Emperor, and the Emperor also returned.

The Emperor wearing a laurel crown, the Emperor no longer injured, the Emperor holding a sword in his hand.

Has he really recovered? This question arose in Cassidorius's mind.

"Some things once lost cannot be replenished in any form, my messenger." The Emperor spoke. "All these changes are just illusory manifestations hidden in metaphors. Try to get used to it."

After he finished speaking, he reached out his hand and gently pushed Cassidorius away. The man with gray temples sighed at this moment. He raised his gun and leaned it on his shoulder like a guard of honor.

Cassidorius heard him ask: "Are you satisfied?"

"What do you mean, Olanis?" the Emperor answered the question, his voice very calm.

The man called Olanis was silent for a moment, then turned to look at the forbidden soldier.

"That answer does not belong to the question you asked. However, I could not be more satisfied," the Emperor replied. "Like I said, Olanez, you always have a way of inspiring others to become better versions of themselves."

He turned his head slightly and turned his attention to the imperial army. The latter's dry and tired face suddenly became neat and tidy at this moment, the rust on the armor turned into fly ash and dissipated, and it began to buzz again, just like its wearer, it was rejuvenated again.

"Lord." The Imperial Guard bowed his head deeply. "We came too late."

"Is it late?" the Emperor asked. "Isn't that just right, Waldo?"

There seemed to be a smile in his voice, and then he slowly raised his sword - how should this process be described? Cassidorius was confused, his perceptions conflicting with what he was seeing.

In the picture captured by his eyes, the emperor just raised the ordinary iron sword, nothing more. However, in his perception, this was not the case.

In a world beyond the eyes and human reason, Cassidorius felt that it actually took the Emperor ten thousand years to raise this sword.

No, maybe much more than that.

And his purpose is also very simple.

declare war.

The sky changed color, and thick mist of blood drifted in. The burning fire spread all over the sky in an instant, and the high temperature distorted everything, making the sky look like just a distorted canvas, without any trace of reality.

A fear suddenly rose in Cassidorius's heart, a fear he was very familiar with. He immediately understood what was causing trouble, or in other words, who was -

——"I'm so glad you still remember me."

A gloomy voice said in his ear.

A streak of blood rushed from the edge of his sight, easily tearing his body into pieces. Cassidorius only realized what was happening after he died, so he screamed, and then


Cassidorius raised his trembling hands in confusion, still not understanding what was going on.

At this moment, he was still standing on the ground, his body intact, nothing had hurt him just now, as if he had not died at all.

But is this really possible? The pain was real and not fake at all.

Cassidorius turned around and looked back hesitantly, only to see something that he didn't know how to describe. That thing had a twisted shape and dark eyes, and everything it had looked so abstract and weird.

It probably had a clumsy creator who wanted it to fit in with the human species, but it failed. The monster it created was definitely not human, it was just a specious substitute.

A monster. Cassidorius suddenly understood. It is just a monster and nothing else.

The monster raised its claws towards him again, drifting past him like a gust of wind.

Cassidorius turned around at a loss and saw the emperor who was still standing there, unmoved. The sword in his hand was quietly changing, from steel to something else. The material was as transparent as nothing, but as bright as a torch.

The monster speaks human words.

The earth trembled, the air fissured, and endless darkness surged out of the void and began to saturate this realm of nothingness.

The world in front of Cassidorius slowly changed, and the body of Horus Luperkar replaced the twisted form and quietly returned.

His shadow was cast on the grass, quietly turning them back into cracked and dry earth. The pungent smell of blood rushed into the nostrils, causing waves of dizziness. His shadow almost covered the sky and swallowed up the light, like a black hole.

"You can grab his fragments back from the ether sea countless times and heal them countless times. I don't care, father." The twisted darkness chewed up the human words and spat it out in roaring syllables.

"He will die, just like your little kingdom. I will build a new empire on your corpse and lead mankind into a new era. We will exterminate everything else in the galaxy, mankind You will become the only overlord in the universe in my hands, and no one will remember you anymore."

Horus slowly raised his Worldbreaker, as if responding to the Emperor's declaration of war.

Cassidorius looked intently, and the scenery in front of him changed again at this moment. He almost began to wonder if he was suffering from some unknown cancer.

In his vision at this moment, the weapon held by Horus was definitely not a war hammer, but some ferocious weapons made of melted fragments. Those fragments are like flowing silver, projecting countless similar but completely different pictures.

Cassidorius tried to look away, but he simply couldn't. Their attraction surpassed everything else, keeping Cassidorius' attention firmly on them.

A gust of wind woke him up, and the darkness faded away. Cassidorius covered his forehead with a splitting headache. He wanted to say something, or at least shout out. However, he could not do either of the above two things. Do it.

His existence was frozen in place, and the flow of life's time paused from this moment on. The same was true for his soul, like a lifelike specimen held in the palm of the hand by the power of Horus.

"You have been helping him maintain his sanity, father, why?" Darkness asked.

The emperor didn't answer, but just slashed with a sword - at least in the eyes of Orr on the side, he did just slash with a sword.

The veteran didn't make any comment on this. He knew very well that the truth of this battle was actually not what was presented to them at this moment. This was a battle of a higher dimension, but they were still here. Him, Waldo, and that admirable mortal.

The Emperor used his power to shape this place to keep them sane.

Of course, Orr always knew the Emperor better than anyone else. He also knew that this was probably a way to keep himself human.

He slowly tightened his grip on the gun, watching the torch-like sword collide with the silver shards in the dark hand.

Constantine Valdor stood beside him. The imperial army was trembling. He wanted to go to help - and if it were him before, Orr was very sure that he would rush forward without hesitation and waste his life. Under a casual blow from Horus.

"What do you think?" Orr asked in a soldier's usual tone, with a little ridicule and a little comfort.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army remained silent. His face was as cold as pebbles in a winter stream, and his eyes were full of pain, self-blame and some kind of impulse. However, he used his willpower to restrain this impulse.

Orr looked at him with admiration and stopped asking. He held the gun in his arms as a comfort and began to watch the illusory battle attentively.

The sword and the silver fragments collided with each other. The light of the torch was hot and bright, and the pure white light was extremely intense, colliding with the streams of light on the silver fragments. They dissolved the darkness, but they failed to dissipate the fragments themselves.

The incarnation of darkness sneered, and malice turned into lightning, jumping into an abstract dimension that did not exist at all, sucking out the energy and pouring it into his weapons.

The next blow will have the power to destroy heaven and earth. Their battle has taken on an escalation. This is not a battle in which a son tries to kill his father, nor is it a family dispute in which a father wants to teach his son a lesson. This is a divine war, a genuine divine war.

Ourson fired the gun and dropped it to the ground. He grabbed the empty metal base with his left hand, closed his eyes, and began to pray silently in his heart.

Lord, I wish that your sword will be invincible and your light will always be bright. You will resist all the filth in the world, sweep away the darkness, break despair, and you will become our light.

The light explodes, the world is destroyed, and the sky or the ground are dissolved together in this brilliance. Orr closed his eyes tightly, unwilling to look, but he could not help but see it clearly.

The Emperor wanted to protect their sanity, Horus opposed this. His voice reached Orr's ears with great precision in the radiance, whispering to him with malice.

"You have no choice, you can only watch, Olanes. Look, see how your master is trampled under my feet."

Orpeson opened his eyes helplessly and saw broken matter and twisted space.

The world in front of him looked like a strange maze filled with broken mirrors, half of which were dark and half of light, biting each other, and the ground was covered with ashes and rippled by the strong wind. They shouldn't behave like this, but this is not the real world, and there is no need to follow any physical laws here.

Orr held the base of the gem tightly and licked his dry lips. He suddenly felt an indescribable tremor. Instinctively, he looked up and saw four ancient and huge beings.

They were also watching the battle, and one of them laughed incessantly, his voice as chaotic as a thousand birds flying together.

At this moment, the darkness turned back.

His wrath shook the foundation of the world's existence at this moment, and the sound of explosions was heard all of a sudden. A ray of death bloomed from His ten million eyes, causing their skin and flesh to burst, and their muscles and bones to break. In just an instant, they were driven back to their respective realms.

What kind of power is this? Orr's mind was shaken, and a more terrifying but also more realistic speculation came to his mind: the Emperor could not win.

As soon as this idea appeared, it quickly began to occupy his mind.

Yes, he can't win. The darkness cast a fleeting glance at him and began to whisper to him, enjoying his despair.

Your lord cannot win, Olanes. He used the power from the past and the future to create a false throne, but I am different. My throne is real and located in chaos. I have transcended this world and need no help. I will kill Him easily.

The darkness wasn't kidding.

The darkness in the twisting maze surged out of the land they occupied at this moment and began to swallow up the light.

They looked almost like a pack of wolves, gnawing at the light with their huge mouths open. Each bite can swallow a lot. Their greed is so obvious that Orr can feel the extreme emotion even if he can't see their specific form at all.

The soldier gritted his teeth, wondering how things could be like this.

Did the two gems delivered after thousands of years of hard work just delay the destruction of the empire?

Holding the empty base in his hand, Orr strained his aching eyes as wide as he could, trying to catch the Emperor's shadow in the light. He didn't believe that this was really the case, and his soul had not yet been completely swallowed by despair.

He succeeded.

With mortal eyes, Orr saw everything.

He saw the Emperor being brutally stabbed through the chest with the giant claws of Horus Luperkar, his face covered in blood. He did not look at his enemy, but at Orr, and those pure white eyes sent a message at this moment.

Yes, I can't beat him. Olanez. My power cannot compete with Him. The power given to this thing by the Ancient Four has been completely swallowed up by His ambition. The fire of vengeance burning across the galaxy has also passively added strength to him. He is already the God above gods. Of course I, a false god who has just sat on the throne of God, cannot fight against Him.

Orr should have fallen into despair. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't get any words out. He couldn't even speak, let alone ask questions.

But he didn't need to ask questions.

The question he wanted to ask had been answered at this moment.

Oh, God.

Orr let go, and his soul began to tremble. A jet of black flame drifted past his head.

The darkness suddenly stopped.

"Monster." A voice sounded in this realm of nothingness. "You got one thing wrong, my friend doesn't need to win you."

The next second, a sharp blade fell from the sky. Its appearance was so sudden and so unprepared. In fact, it is a surefire weapon. It's fear, and fear is always around.

Darkness roared and shook off the Emperor. At this moment, even in Orr's mortal eyes, his behavior began to become more and more abstract and incomprehensible.

He raised his left hand, and the dark stars flashed within it. Countless pieces of glass-like illusory dimensions were shaped by the power of chaos into a twisting shield, blocking his head.

Then they shattered, the blade piercing them without hindrance.

The darkness roared again, and he pulled a star and stood in front of him, trying to block the sharp blade, but the blade did not come as promised. It disappeared, and a ferocious and sharp hand grabbed the planet.

Black flames wrapped around it, burning it to ashes bit by bit, without any mercy. The pale ashes slowly condensed in the palm, and were shaped by the power of hatred into a chain covered with spikes.

The hand swung it out, and Darkness repeated his trick, summoning his shield and blocking the chain.

He roared, demanding: "How can you still have a sense of self?!"

"Horus Luperkar also had self-awareness before his death. He died a hero, and you?"

The black flames rose, and a pale skull face suddenly appeared from behind the suddenly extinguished illusory shield.

These abstract things disappeared at this moment, and Orr fell to his knees, a peaceful buzzing in his mind. This power was completely different from the Emperor's and had little benevolence, but it did protect his sanity.

At this time, Orr discovered that they were back again, but the world around them was no longer the same with blue sky and grass.

A dilapidated ruins replaced them, surrounded by ruins. Heavy rain fell in the sky, and a silver waning moon disappeared behind the clouds. Countless dark shadows stood in the ruins, staring at this moment.

Orr raised his head, looked towards the center of the ruins, and saw a nightmare covered in flames.

He had seen this figure in his dream. At the time, he thought he was Sanguinius's murderer, but now it seemed that he could not have been more wrong.

"How do you want to die?" asked Khalil Lohars.

The monster roared and swung out the World Breaker. His power was still powerful. With just one strike, it was enough to destroy any continental plate in terms of physical aspects.

Khalil did not choose to dodge, he just raised his left hand and held the Worldbreaker firmly in his hand. The five fingers penetrated deep into the metal, and blood gurgled out of the dark steel contrary to common sense. The heavy rain failed to wash it away, but instead sank into the blood, as if it was swallowed up.

"It's funny how many different paths they reveal to you?" the skeleton asked. "What a great work. It reveals the non-existent past and future before your eyes one by one, so that you can get enlightenment from it. What a pity, what a pity."

He seemed to be laughing, his eyes filled with anger.

The monster withdrew the Worldbreaker angrily, and he probably did something else. At least Orr felt a very strong oppression.

His worries, which he had just put down, were rising again. Orr vaguely felt that this blow might be more terrifying than the previous one when the monster and the emperor collided. Half a second later, he found that his worries were purely unnecessary.

Worldbreaker fell hard, failing to hit anything. There is only nothingness, pure nothingness. The skeleton stood not far away, looking at him calmly, with a look of contempt on its fleshless face for some reason.

"It's a pity that you have seen too much," he said. "You have begun to be confused between reality and illusion. Am I right, God?"

The monster stopped answering, and his posture finally became serious. On top of the pitch-black armor, the scarlet Eyes of Horus began to rotate in unison.

The bloody light bloomed, and Orr instinctively closed his eyes. In the violent shock that followed, a gust of wind blew him out. Countless noisy sounds erupted in his ears at this moment, too much, too complicated, and the sound waves almost penetrated his eardrums.

Orr shed tears of pain and then fell heavily to the ground. He rolled and rolled, becoming clammy in some viscous liquid.

After a while, he managed to get up and opened his eyes. He saw many people, countless faces

Orr looked at them drowsily. Someone helped him, someone put a gun in his hand, and then said something.

The regret is that Orr can't hear anything now, and he doesn't want to hear it. He just wanted to know what was going on - what had the monster done? What exactly does it do?

Orr would never be at ease if he didn't watch it die. How could he be relieved?

He had seen this thing beat his friend to the point of being unable to fight back, something that had never happened before. And if his friend was telling the truth this time, could that nightmare really defeat him?

"He can, Olanes," one said.

Orpeson turned around and saw countless people kneeling on the ground with tears in their eyes. A bleeding man slowly walked towards him. Cassidorius and the Marshal of the Forbidden Army stood beside him on the left and right, and Waldo was carefully supporting his master.

The Emperor - King of Kings, their sword, their shield.

Their shields took heavy damage.

His chest was a mess of blood and flesh, and the golden light escaped from it, turning into light spots and floating out of the wound. His face was pale, and the injuries left by the darkness were poisoning him - Orr only understood this in an instant.

+ Very sharp. +His friends praised him so much. +Indeed, his power acted on my soul and body at the same time. It seems that you are not as ignorant of the occult as you claim, Olanis. +

Orr walked towards him angrily. He originally wanted to curse or at least say something, but he couldn't say anything, only a stiff greeting.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The Emperor smiled.

Behind him, his sons ran towards him. The Emperor greeted them one by one with the power of his mind, and then his ten thousand men, every ten thousand men, and everyone present.

His power was like warm sunshine, soothing their fatigue and hardship, smoothing away the pain caused by wounds, so that they would no longer bleed, be pessimistic, and despair.

Everything is so natural and natural, as if he was born this way. He missed no one, and he grieved for what happened to each of them.

However, at this moment, this matter was not what he cared about most.

In a place where no one could fathom, his thoughts collided head-on with those of the one holding the seal.

+Can you see? +Makado asked worriedly. +I can't see, I don't know where they are fighting, is this normal? +

+We just have to wait for the results. +The Emperor replied.

He set his sights towards the deepest part of the subspace.


Khalil swung the knife.

"It will be over soon," he said quietly. "There is no need to feel pain or unwillingness. Your ambition belongs to a deceased person, a person who had everything taken away from him. His last wish in the world was for everything to be business as usual. He never called for revenge. From this point of view, You have no right to fight me."

"Thief!" the monster roared.

Khalil ducked, blocked, jumped, and then plunged the knife into his chest.

Who could have imagined that a battle between two gods could be so simple?

But this is the fact. Khalil does not want to play with the power in his palm, engage in a hearty power battle with this monster, nor do he want to compete with him using various spells in the tide of chaos.

He hates these things, killing is killing, it should be quick and direct

Besides, he was tired.

In other words, he just wanted to kill him quickly.

Thus, in the deepest part of this subspace, in this extremely dark place, the most cruel and grandest divine war in history began to unfold in the simplest way.

It's just a man holding a sharp knife, trying to kill another man, full of hatred.

The monster roared unbearably, and the knife was hurting his origin. He really couldn't understand how it could do such a thing, until he looked hard, and from the blade, which was deeper than anything else, he saw a wailing man with fear on his face.

He suddenly understood that it was not the knife that was hurting him. It's just an introduction, like a lead. What really hurt him was his own power, which was instigated - after this thought was born, another cold hand penetrated heavily into his chest and grabbed his heart.

The power of revenge began to leave quickly.

The monster reached out, grabbed his opponent, and pushed him away. He stumbled a few steps, feeling weaker than ever. Only then did he realize that the power of the Ancient Four was not that outstanding.

There is absolutely no comparison between what they give and what revenge gives. This is normal. Revenge is always generous. Otherwise, how can the weak take revenge on the strong?

"How could you." The monster fell to his knees and began to pant. "How could you do this?"

Khalil came towards him with a knife.

"What do you think?" he asked.

The monster stood up, turned around, urged the weapon in its hand with blood-red fury, and smashed it towards Khalil. He didn't dodge and let it fall on his armor, sending up a cloud of dust.

The monster looked at this scene at a loss. He didn't understand - even if their powers were no longer the same, their personalities were still the same. Both are gods, so why are they unable to be harmed?

He took two steps back and raised the hammer again, arousing the power of decay and reincarnation, forcing out all the potential in his body. It was so scary that he himself felt afraid: I actually still have potential available?

His strength has become stronger again. At this moment, he is already a Titan, a strong man in myths and legends who can support the heaven and the earth.

So he swung the hammer again, but very cautiously, not greedy for the victory, but just wanted to knock the blade out of Khalil's hand. The Worldbreaker's hammer head lit up with a deep green light, and soon came into contact with a hand wrapped in angry flames.

It was a similar scene, but the difference was that this time, the Worldbreaker was directly burned to ashes by the flames. He looked at this scene in disbelief, and the pale ashes once again formed a chain full of spikes, rushing towards him, and tightly binding one of its legs.

The spikes penetrated deep into the armor and pierced the flesh. The flames climbed up and began to burn the body and soul of the god.

Countless wronged souls who had been waiting for a long time finally waited for their opportunity at this moment. From the country of the unjust dead, they roared out and rushed towards this unkind god, wanting to exact divine revenge on him and recover what he owed him. blood debt.

They bit him with their teeth, hit him with their hands, and tried every means to hurt him, but they could only bring more pain and humiliation, but could not really hurt him much. After all, he is a god, how can these souls harm him?

But the shame is real.

The monster stood up again.

"One thing you should know is that almost all bacteria cannot survive high temperatures," Khalil said calmly. "Also, the answer to your question is actually very simple."

He slowly raised the blade in his hand and walked towards the monster.

He reluctantly summoned the power of joy, used the shame and pain at the moment to recover from his injuries, and used his ever-changing power to create an illusion that could be completely fake, in which the past and future he had seen were all included. Ups and downs.

He quickly found one of them and placed it in front of the man. In the illusion, Nostramo in the rainstorm was suffering the bloody baptism of justice from the midnight ghost - he wanted to use this illusion to temporarily block the enemy's pace to buy himself some time.

But his enemy actually stopped. The monster immediately summoned all his strength, seized this opportunity, and left the place violently.

He couldn't keep fighting him here, it would be like cutting off his arms. He must fully exert the power he has in order to compete with him.

And if he kills him, kills Khalil Lohars, the God of Vengeance will return. By then, his victory will still be within easy reach.

Darkness surged, forming an endless swirling wave under his feet, taking him flying to the other side of this extremely dark place. It's close, very close, just a little bit away from truly escaping.

Then, a huge dragging force came from underneath his body.

A huge bony hand reached out of the darkness and firmly grasped the burning chain that bound him.

"There is nowhere to escape. You have nowhere to escape!" The God of the Dead roared violently and crazily, his voice reverberating in the subspace, causing countless tsunami-like waves.

The gods fell, falling back into the darkest place. His enemy pounced on him and knocked him to the ground. This is really a barbaric struggle. Power and divine power are all thrown aside, leaving only the most primitive wrestling.

One is holding a sharp knife, and the other is bare-handed. The monster resisted with all his strength. He wanted to survive, and the power of the Ancient Four was unleashed by him again. However, the results this time were no different from before.

Blood red was chopped, decay was burned, the power of joy was easily thrown into the dust by hatred, and the ever-changing illusions were nothing in front of those burning eyes.

His power began to weaken, and the blade was getting closer and closer to his chest, but the power of that god did not decrease at all. The monster even heard him laughing, laughing wildly with extreme joy and joy.

But he could only watch the blade pierce through the shield he fabricated, pierce through the protection of the illusion, and pierce through the faces of Conrad Curz who were full of peace before their death.

Finally, it pierced his heart.

Is this the end?

This. Just like that? I was killed like this? No, why? I shouldn't lose, my power is enough to destroy everything. Even if his human side returns, he shouldn't be able to defeat me so easily. This is simply a joke. This battle is not even evenly matched.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, each one more unwilling and more puzzled than the other. However, everything was a foregone conclusion. There was no power to stop the body from dying. Even the spirit in it was rapidly dissipating and scattered throughout the warp.

The Four Ancients soon discovered this. Without caring about how to react, they immediately pounced on it, fighting for the lost authority like wild dogs.

Khalil watched them coldly without any reaction. He slowly stood up and slowly sat down, sitting next to the skin of Horus Lupercal.

He was twitching, and black dust kept falling from the cracks in his chest. It had no blood to bleed.

"Are you very unwilling?" Khalil asked.

The monster stared at him closely, without saying a word.

Khalil turned his head and looked at it.

"Hatred has levels." He said softly. "I can list ten thousand reasons to list the reasons why you make me angry and hate you, but I would rather only say one."

He reached out, grabbed the knife, twisted it, and began to accelerate his death. He leaned close to the dark eyes and whispered to him, a whisper full of hatred.

"You killed my son." He said.

He drew out the blade, his body burned, and his spirit died. The warp stopped for a moment, and a scream passed through all the waves, flashed past the ears of all the demons, bringing a nightmare experience.

The gods fell.

A long, long time ago, a person murdered another person with hatred, which was the earliest murder in human history.

From then on, it was nothing more than this.

The update is complete, please vote for the monthly ticket, and finish the Terra volume tomorrow, and then update the extra, and then enter 40k.

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