40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 516 34 The Children of the Night King (1)

Chapter 516 34. The Children of the Night King (1)

Scaladrick took off his helmet slowly, but his movements were not very gentle, and could even be called violent.

It's no wonder that he was there. Anyone who rushes to a certain war with all his heart, only to find that it has ended long ago when he arrives, and he is still a step late, will probably have this reaction.

What's more, this war is no ordinary war. Its intention is not to destroy, but to save.

He expressionlessly hung his helmet on the magnetic hook of his belt, and suddenly turned his head to look behind him.

The sunlight was just right at the moment, flooding the walls of the fortress beneath his feet. A Thunderhawk was slowly landing on the ruins of the city not far away. It was painted a ferocious red, with the Scarlet Claws logo on its front. Reflecting sunlight.

"You are well, Your Majesty," one person said.

He stood in the darkness. The purple, black, and white armor had a large number of embossed markings that existed only for aesthetics. This meant that it was a piece of MK3 power armor, also known as iron armor, that had been passed down from the Legion period to the present day.

"You too, the Supreme Commander of Cold Soul." Scaradrick nodded to him coldly. "I didn't expect you to arrive before us."

"Isn't this what should be done?" The person behind the armor immediately asked a rhetorical question. "Also, please call me Sheikhel. I've never liked that nickname."

Scaladric smiled, his fangs poking out of his lips, gleaming in the sunlight.

His face is extremely pale, and the cyan blood vessels can even be seen under the skin. His long gray hair is neatly tied behind his head, adding a touch of due nobility to the name 'Maharaja'.

However, he is not very handsome - at least from ordinary people's point of view, he is definitely not handsome. If such a face appeared in the dark night, it would probably scare people into losing their minds.

"I know. And that's exactly my intention."

The Maharaja said politely, and he even began to bow. The skulls of traitors hanging on his belt collided with each other, making a dull echo.

His answer made Sheher snort from behind the iron mask, and also urged him to take off his helmet.

Unlike Scarardrick, Scheher's complexion is not that pale. Although he also has the iconic dark eyes of the Cozes, he does look more 'human'.

"You are still the same as before, lacking respect and lack of education." Sheher said coldly. "It's no wonder that you are the last one to arrive. You have dragged down your brothers, my Majesty."

The Maharaja smiled and rushed towards him, his fangs fully exposed, making his face look extremely ferocious, like a monster or beast.

The grand leader took a step back slightly, raised his armor and threw the cape on his face. Then he suddenly stretched out his left hand and tried to beat Scaradrick with his helmet.

He deservedly failed. The previous kings of the Crimson Claw all possessed terrifyingly powerful fighting abilities, so it was easy to dodge such an attack. However, Scaradrick was also unsuccessful.

Scheherr put his helmet back with his backhand, placing it in the path of Scarardrick's right fist. The two stopped and stared at each other in the sun. After a few seconds, they suddenly looked at each other and smiled.

Of course, this smile is by no means friendly, whether it is the Grand Lord or the Grand Leader. To onlookers in the shadows, their smiles at this moment were like the growls of two cruel beasts who had reached a consensus.

Interesting. thought the onlooker in the darkness.

"You said I was the latest person to arrive, but as far as I can see, I saw neither the brothers from the mother group nor the shadow of the hunter. Where have they gone, Sheikh? Also, Where is our youngest commander?"

Facing his questions, Sheher put away his smile and returned to his expressionless look: "You have too many questions, my dear Rick——"

"——Call me that again and I will tear your throat out." The prince interrupted him coldly, his teeth sticking out of his lips again.

His teeth seemed a little too long. So the onlookers thought.

"You can come and give it a try." Sheher stared at him nonchalantly. "But I will keep barking unless you stop calling me by the nickname Lenghun."

"It was originally your name, your full name, Shehir Cold Soul. Am I wrong?"

"So, Scarardrick is also your full name, am I wrong?"

The prince bared his teeth and let out a threatening growl. All he got was a calm gaze and Scheher's folded hands.

After a few seconds, he nodded in annoyance: "Okay, the deal is done, hurry up."

Sheher smiled with satisfaction, but did not continue to delay: "The brothers from the parent group haven't arrived yet, and the Night Veil seems to be experiencing a subspace storm. As for the Hunter, didn't you see the Cursed Echo when you came down? Stopping in low Earth orbit?"

"I saw it."

"That means he arrived, he just didn't show up," Scheher said, even shrugging. "When has it not been like this? There's nothing surprising about it. He has his duties to fulfill."

"And what about Kaiul Sahoura?"

"I'm here."

The Maharaja and the Grand Commander turned around, just in time to see the person they were discussing step out of the shadows.

The youngest generation Chapter Master of the Shadow Knights performed the Sky Eagle Salute to his blood relatives with a serious expression, expressing his 'respect' meticulously.

His behavior made Scarardrick narrow his eyes in displeasure, but he didn't find an opportunity to attack. After Caiul saluted, he immediately got to the point, even still maintaining a serious expression.

"First of all, before I go to see him, I need to explain the current situation to you. Of course, you can also choose not to listen."

He paused for half a second and received no dissuasion, only an impatient growl and a gesture to continue. So he continued immediately.

"Although the instructor did come back to us just as the prophecy in the Book of Night said-"

He suddenly stopped talking and stopped talking. Scaradrick was the first to notice something was wrong. After the pause occurred for only a fifth of a second, he quickly turned his head.

The long hair was flying and the fangs were protruding, like a wild beast that was eager to devour people. Then, he saw a pair of eyes that were completely dark like his own.

His two hearts suddenly stopped beating for a moment. Not for anything else, just for the violent and wild nature that was similar to him, but far superior.

However, this was only the beginning. When the owner of these eyes began to smile, his true emotions hidden under the calm appearance were fully revealed. From the twitching facial muscles and the unkind eyes, Scaradrick read only one word.


"——Hello." The person greeted them in a soft tone, almost whispering.

"Instructor." Kaiour took the lead in greeting, but his tone seemed a bit dry. "I didn't know you were here."

"It's okay, you're not the only one." Khalil said, as if he was trying to smile, but it had the opposite effect.

At this moment, Sheikh clearly saw two sudden surges of blood in those dark eyes. They were just two small dots, replacing the existence of pupils, like needlepoints or thumbtacks driven into the eyes. The madness is firmly fixed in these eyes.

Scheher was horrified for a moment, and even subconsciously thought that this was the work of some Chaos Evil God due to some sensitivity. However, his keen sense of smell did not detect any aura of chaos.

His perception told him that the man standing in front of him was just a mortal.

"Actually, even if you tell these things in front of me, I don't care. This is the measure that should be taken. So there is no need to say more, let us get to the point." Khalil said.

As he spoke, his neck twitched nervously, and the bandage wrapped around his body below his face was immediately stained with bright red blood. Scaladrick twitched his nose and smelled a hint of terrifying coldness in the blood that should not have appeared.

He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from asking certain questions. The same thing happened to him, as was the Supreme Commander Sheikh who couldn't take his eyes off him.

The corners of the Blade of Judgment Chapter Leader's eyes couldn't help but twitch - yes, there was no stench or threat from Chaos, but his gradually awakening spiritual sense detected an extremely huge sense of oppression.

This meant that the instructor standing in front of him was an extremely powerful psyker.

Correction: A mentally unstable and extremely powerful psyker.

Dear Yong Ye, this matter was not mentioned in the Book of Night? !

"Anyway, I am honored to meet you two. I have been away from the legion for too long, long enough for the legion to be scattered all over the galaxy. And I don't know you well, so, if it is convenient, before everything starts, Can you two introduce yourselves to me first, and your respective war groups?"

"My name is Sheher, Sheher Lenghun, instructor." The leader spoke stiffly. "I am from the Blades of Inquisition Chapter. Our chapter was formed during the Second Founding of the Army. We, well, we have deep cooperation with the Inquisition."

He stopped speaking slightly awkwardly and looked at Khalil, but he couldn't see any information that could help him from that face, only a bottomless calm and a rolling throat.

"Please continue," Khalil said.

"We - uh, we." Shehir took a deep breath. "Our home world is called Morukan. We have achieved many honors and defeated Ezekiel Abaddon's conspiracy."

As he spoke, he stopped stiffly, as if he didn't know how to continue.

This is as it should be. Although in-depth cooperation with the Inquisition is not a big deal within the Children of Night today, who knows what this instructor from the legion period will think? Can he and Iago Severtalion come to an agreement?

And, about foiling Ezekiel Abaddon's plot.

The Emperor, Terra and Eternal Night were together. Even if he died, he would not be able to describe it in detail. Otherwise, it would be tantamount to betraying all the brothers who had sacrificed in the chapter, as well as himself.

But he didn't know that Khalil knew all about it.

The dead don't lie, especially to him.

"Thank you, Supreme Commander Scheher." The 'instructor' said in a gentle tone, and turned to look at Lord Scaladric, who had been silent.

He didn't say anything, just looked at him, which made the monarch show an indescribable expression.

He licked his lips and spoke in a rather hoarse voice.

"My name is Scaladric, and I'm from the Crimson Claw. We're from Cainreel, and we're great at skinning, carving, raiding, and spreading fear. In fact, we're the best at it. So, if you want Find a war group suitable for hunting down traitors, and we are the best candidates, instructors.”

Scheher and Kaiul glanced at him sideways at the same time.

"Traitor? What traitor?" Khalil suddenly asked, his tone completely different from before.

"A traitor to humanity, the Imperium, and the Emperor." Scaladric answered without hesitation. "They abandoned the Emperor's grace and shamelessly surrendered to Chaos. They were willing to be treated as slaves, and even wanted others to become slaves like them. For this, they all paid in blood."

Khalil smiled, as if satisfied, but the words he spoke were extremely mocking.

"If we go by the standards of the first half of your sentence, Your Majesty, all the worlds in the entire galaxy can probably be judged as heretics and traitors by you. Only those unbelievers who disrespect the gods can escape by chance, but I guess they are also on your kill list."

Scaradrick opened his mouth in extreme shock, wanting to say something, but was carried away from the place by a sudden and huge force.

The next second, he was pressed against the wall of the fortress, and the cold spiritual energy poured into his body along the right hand that was holding his neck, making him unable to move easily.

This is not just the effect of psychic energy, it also contains something else, but Scaradrick doesn't know it. He straightened his chest with difficulty and looked at the man whose eyes were completely filled with blood, trying to get an explanation.

And then he got it.

"You killed an innocent person!" Khalil roared and pressed him against the wall, with only madness in his eyes. "Her name is Kormi, a civilian from Dika A-3. Do you remember her? You killed her!"

"Instructor!" Kaiour shouted anxiously behind him. "There is obviously no wronged soul in Lord Scarardrick!"

Khalil laughed and turned around. Instead of letting go of his hands on Scarardrick's neck, he tightened his grip on him.

He whispered to Caiul: "That's because she forgave him. She didn't have any hatred in her heart. This is a rare pure soul."

He turned his head, his hands trembling. Scaladrick looked at him breathlessly, and found that the blood in his eyes was gradually fading.

After half a minute, Khalil continued to speak.

"And you killed her." He stared at Scaradrick and spoke, but his words gradually became confused. "You are obviously the judge and the executioner, but you don't see clearly that you are holding a double-edged sword in your hand."

"You should make good use of this power of punishment, and you must make good use of it throughout your life, but you carelessly misjudged it once. If there was no hatred in her heart, you would have been dead long ago, Lord Scaladric. "

He let go of his hand, shook his head, took two steps back, clenched his fists nervously, and dissipated like a burst of black smoke, leaving only the three of them staring at each other.

".Is what he said true, Scaradrick?" Scheher asked seriously.

The Maharaja did not answer the question, but stood up with a cough, leaving a circle of bright red handprints on his neck. He looked at the Grand Master, then at Kaiul, and took a deep breath.

"I will find a way to figure this out." He said word by word. "I will never tolerate any lies, even if they are self-deceiving."

He turned and left.

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