40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 517 35 The Children of the Night King (2)

Chapter 517 35. The Children of the Night King (Part 2)

I lost control.

Khalil exhaled a breath of turbid air with a trembling breath, and slowly loosened his still tense hands.

He still regretted what happened before. What he promised Conrad was to take a good look at them on his behalf, not to almost strangle a war captain as soon as they met.

Moreover, as Kaiul said, Scaradric was innocent. Kormi's death was purely accidental, but it was just a chain reaction.

She was crushed to death by the Emperor statue that was knocked down by the shock wave caused by Scaradric's landing. The whole process had no obvious direction, and the two had no hatred or resentment.

Although Kormi's soul saw everything because of the high concentration of hatred at that time, she said nothing. Instead, after understanding all this, she directly forgave the ignorant Scaradric, and ran happily to the resting place in the realm of vengeance.

There, what she had never dreamed of having in her life was finally realized after death.

There are no more shifts in the factory or endless internal audits, and no need to worry about the tired body, and fall asleep trembling with fear of tomorrow.

These things have completely disappeared. At the last moment, the only thing she holds in her hand is a quiet sleep.

However, as a civilian, Kormi can give up all this, but the God of Vengeance cannot.

The God of Vengeance treats everyone equally and is omnipresent. He wants to hold any hatred tightly in his hand until it bleeds sweet blood.

Even if the victims do not want revenge at all, he will force them. If it were not for Kalil's awakening, this hatred would be completely resolved at the moment when Skaldrick ascended to the realm of Vengeance.

Kormi would be forced to wake up from her long sleep, and the God of Vengeance would personally put the blade into her hand until one of the two parties died completely.

Yes, this is the truth about the so-called God of Vengeance-all along, it was only Kalil Rohars who kept his principles. As for the god behind him, he didn't care about anything.

Khalil sighed, and realized that he was affected.

In the past, it was his human side that influenced the gathered divinities and took the leading role. Now it was different, the situation was reversed.

He imprisoned himself and spent indescribable endless years. Even if he had escaped, how much firm will was left to dominate his body?

Unlike him, the body of the god had spent 10,000 years in the real universe. He was no longer the god who could be deceived by simple tricks.

Although he still had no intelligence, the more dull and rigid the god was, the more terrifying he was.

Khalil frowned deeply, and once again had deep doubts about his resurrection.

Looking back now, Litatra was indeed a qualified altar, but how could it so easily let the human side of a god escape from the prison he set for himself?

This didn't make sense at all. There was only one planet in the galaxy that was enough to produce such power, but she had already been broken.

Khalil was silent, and the more he thought about it, the more he found it difficult to understand. Yes, he knew that the Emperor had definitely played a role behind this matter, but he alone was supporting it. It was not enough, far from enough. So, who else was pushing it? A few seconds later, when all the impossible answers were ruled out, a name that should not have appeared slowly appeared. It rose from outside the world of logic against common sense. Once it appeared, it left a deep mark in Khalil's mind, forcing him to start looking back from the present, catching all those tiny traces that could not be called evidence, and sniffing them one by one. He was as focused as a hunting beast, but as calm as a drowned corpse sleeping under the frozen lake. Only at this moment, he was like the person he was ten thousand years ago. Tzeentch. Khalil silently recited the name. Nine seconds later, he got a faint chuckle. This was no different from affirmation. The Lord of Change was so honest at this moment that he easily admitted that all this was pushed by Him in secret. But is it really so? Khalil was silent for a while, and took out a bloody bone mask from his arms. The blood that had been stained on it still stayed on it, changing its color and looking extremely bloody. He held it tightly, as if he was hesitating whether to wear it.

This idea is very tempting. As long as he wears it, he can call on authority for a short time to gain more power. He has many questions that need to be communicated with Terra from a distance, and Malcador will definitely be able to answer his questions.

However, if it were in the past, he would not need to seek help from the power of authority. However, the current situation is different from the past. The galaxy is now full of violent subspace storms, not to mention that he is still in Litatra, where a real god-calling ceremony has just ended

Is it a dead end?

Khalil narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and calmed down completely - he didn't need to be so anxious at all, and he couldn't be impatient about anything.

What's more, he was dealing with Tzeentch.

The laughter regrettably faded away.

In silence, Khalil put the bone mask back into his arms and left his room, feeling helpless.

Once upon a time, he didn't need to exhort himself like this, but now he has to be so cautious and careful. And this is just the beginning.

Khalil understands that he must find a way to deal with those uncontrollable emotions. Otherwise, who can guarantee that he will have enough self-control the next time he breaks out?

If bloodshed really occurs

He didn't want to think about it any more, and instead began to redouble his efforts to restrain the untamable wild thoughts in his mind.

They may be a sentence, an impulse, or simply an abstract concept without any shape, but they are all bleeding with blood and full of extreme impulses.

There was nothing he could do about it. He had locked himself in the darkness for so long that that eternal moment truly caused indelible damage to him.

Khalil still remembers how he treated Luojia's skin after he escaped from the trap. Even if you use the best words to embellish it, it is a brutal murder, and it is definitely not for revenge.

Perhaps, objectively speaking, he did do this. But there was no righteous indignation in his heart at that time, only the surging pleasure brought by the use of extreme violence.

It's like he was born this way. No, he was born a monster.

Have I really become a monster?

He slowly stopped and turned to look at another corner in the darkness.

There, the demon named Lalhe stayed. Its temporary host, an avenger named Tujia, was looking at him with shock on his face.

"Hello," Khalil greeted. "This should be our first official meeting, Mr. Tujia."

"It's good for you, my lord." The avenger swallowed his saliva and replied.

He had obviously heard things from Lalhe that he was not supposed to know, and the fear he was showing at the moment was derived from them.

Khalil understood him, so he waved his hand rather sternly, stopping Lalhe from dragging him towards him.

The cloak lay down listlessly, completely covering Tujia's body and no longer showing any activity. The avenger himself obviously knew the reason for this, and the fear he thought he had concealed well finally dissipated a little.

"I'm sorry," Khalil said. "Large is not a creature that likes to follow orders. It must have caused you a lot of trouble in the past few days."


Tujia nodded hesitantly and said, "I understand - but, is there any way to make it, uh, leave me?"

The corner of Larhe that was originally hanging on the ground stood up dangerously, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with what he said. Countless scarlet beast eyes gradually opened in the silky darkness. Although it was only for a moment, it was genuine.

Khalil glanced at it, forced it to calm down again, and made sure that it didn't make any small moves before he began to answer Tujia's questions.

"It's certainly not a good choice to let an avenger stay with a creature like it, but we have no choice now, Mr. Tujia. What you have been through has had a great impact on you. For To protect you, Larhe may have to stay with you.”

His words made Tujia lick his lips slightly nervously. The aggrieved person was obviously not happy about this matter, and he had no right to choose. Tujia was silent for a moment, then nodded quickly, turned around and left the darkness, showing quite a sense of humor.

Khalil watched him go, ignoring Lalhe's thoughts that were completely obvious to him. He couldn't let it come back to him just yet, even if it would help a little.

An investigator named Tujia needs it far more than he does.

Carril thought about these things and walked forward until he arrived at a conference room inside the fortress, and then he completely left the darkness.

Kaiul and Scheher have been waiting here for some time, and the episode that happened not long ago did not disrupt their set pace and rhythm.

However, seeing Khalil walk out of the darkness with his own eyes still gave the supreme leader of the Blade of Judgment some shock.

Yes, the descendants of the Night King have always been good at moving in darkness or shadows, and stealth skills are the top priority in the training of new recruits.

Each recruit must conduct a solo infiltration mission at some point before they can prove their "independent" abilities.

But what is this?

Scheher was very sure that their 'instructor' did not exist in this conference room before. What does the ability he displayed have to do with stealth?

Stealth is a skill that outweighs all abilities. Even if you train all year round, you must always be vigilant. And now. Frankly speaking, Shehel thought of another killer king in the galaxy and his descendants at this moment.

However, their talents seemed to be somewhat different from what was happening in front of him.

Scheher himself could not tell where this feeling came from. He just felt that this was definitely not any kind of "stealth" ability that he knew.

Khalil was well aware of the complicated look in his eyes, but he didn't give any explanation. He himself didn't understand why this skill transformed into this form after that eternal moment of torture.

Therefore, even if you explain it, it will only mislead people. It is better to choose silence and wait until a good time to fully reveal these things.

Don't get me wrong, Khalil is not one of his friends, nor does he have any mystical tendencies. He simply believes that he does not have the ability to explain to others. He himself only has a partial understanding of many things, so what else can he do? People solve the puzzle?


Caiul bowed his head in greeting. Sheikh followed closely behind and made the etiquette perfect.

He now has the urge to go to the Night Veil and read the Book of Night. He wants to read Conrad Coates's autographed works and the descriptions of Khalil Lohars.

Sheher really wanted to find some clues from it, otherwise, he really would not be able to connect this mysterious and violent person with the eternally calm person in the book.

Khalil nodded slightly towards them, and some thoughts flashed through his mind. He was already trying hard to control them, but he still couldn't help expressing his coldness in his words.

"You don't need to respect me so much. In fact, you don't even need to ask me for any advice. I can't give you any help."

Kaiul nodded, actually ignoring this sentence, and turned to talk about a news that just came from the orbit of Litatra: "The brothers of the parent regiment returned the news from the Night Veil, the traitors It has completely retreated and escaped into subspace.

"They didn't choose to pursue?" Sheher asked with a frown. "This seems a bit inconsistent with the character of Chapter Master Severtarion"

"Because he is not in command now." Kaiour said expressionlessly. "Now the director of the Think Tank is temporarily assuming the command position, and the whereabouts of Chapter Master Severtarion are temporarily unknown."

"Whereabouts unknown?" Sheher's brows frowned more and more. "Shouldn't he always stay on the Nightfall? Why is his whereabouts unknown?"

"The message link is being established, Grand Master." Kaiour gave him a half-hearted smile. "Therefore, if you have many questions, we might as well move to the position outside the fortress. My brothers have already assembled a communication array there. I believe you will be able to get the answers there soon."

Shehir looked at him confused, wondering why Kaiul was suddenly acting so mean.

Naturally, he didn't know the reason, and Kaiour would not take the initiative to tell him the reason - no matter from which point of view, this matter was not suitable to be mentioned in front of another chapter leader.

He walked to the door on his own, pushed it open, turned to look at Khalil, and cast a question at him with his eyes.

He received a calm nod and a reassurance.

"He'll be back soon," Khalil said. "Iago has many powers, but rest or sleep are not among them."

After the words fell, he took the lead and left the conference room.

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