40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 518 36 The Children of the Night King (3)

Chapter 518 36. The Children of the Night King (3)

Frankly speaking, Khalil was a little dazed the moment he approached the communication array.

He really didn't expect that he would be able to see this familiar sight ten thousand years later - complex and dense instruments, cables everywhere, and busy servitors and correspondents shuttled among them.

However, even though it felt familiar, it was definitely not pleasant.

Standing in the darkness, Khalil stopped and observed the communication array.

He found that most of the instruments placed inside were the old models he had seen ten thousand years ago, and even the sizes were the same. Cables covered the ground, and thirty-two different instruments were linked to each other. The servitors walked awkwardly among them, and from time to time they were cursed for disturbing the energy lines.

The Shadow Knights do not exist in this position. Instead, the soldiers of the Sons of Red Sand Armored Regiment control the safety of this place. Of course, this is just an appearance. The surrounding dark areas that can still be used as lurks have been completely occupied by them.

Khalil thought for a moment, and for the sake of the spirit of the Children of the Red Sand, he found a blind spot and left the darkness. The consequences of this were obvious, and he got many looks from the darkness.

Khalil took them all in, and even looked back at them one by one, his gaze like a torch illuminating the stalkers in the darkness. They were nervous about this for a moment, wondering whether they had been discovered - after all, Khalil's seemingly unfocused and aimless eyes were indeed quite misleading.

Khalil noticed this, suppressed the inappropriate but familiar smile, and stood there waiting for a full minute before Kaiul Sahoura and Sheikh Leng Together with Hun, he chased after him in a hurry.

The Supreme Grand Commander originally had no special feelings about Khalil's departure, until Kaiour explained to him in just ten seconds what happened the last time the 'instructor' left voluntarily, and then he completely understood the matter. severity.

However, now, as he looked at Khalil with a calm expression, he couldn't help but slowly turned his head and glanced at his colleagues.

The young chapter leader gave an expressionless answer with his eyes, and then he stepped forward and began to issue orders to the communication array.

The correspondents naturally followed his orders unconditionally, but most of them looked at Khalil with a mixture of surprise and curiosity for at least ten seconds.

Scheher noticed this, and he thought it would cause the instructor a little displeasure - after all, so far, the description in the Book of Night and the performance of Khalil Lohars can be said to be... Very different. But he looked away. The instructors of the 'Legion' did not pay any attention to these people's looks that could be called offensive.

So he's not an old man. Sheikh thought to himself. Or, just plain indifference and contempt, like some of our cousins.

Yongye, I hope he is the former. I still have many questions I want to get answers from him.

Khalil glanced at him calmly and nodded slightly.

"If I am emotionally stable, you can come to me and ask any questions at any time, Grand Master Sheikh." He said.

The Chapter Leader of the Blade of Judgment, known as Cold Soul, hesitated to speak and then closed his mouth again. It took him five seconds to calm down before he asked the next question with a relatively calm expression.

"Instructor, are you reading my mind?"

"I don't have to read it," Khalil said. "In fact, since I fully mastered psychic powers, I have never actively read anyone's mind."

"Your thoughts or feelings are naturally included. I did not use my spiritual power to explore your heart and memories. In fact, on the contrary, they took the initiative to open their arms to me."

He spoke calmly, without any regard for Sheikh's own feelings, and his words were as precise as the sharp knife in the hand of a skilled butcher.

Shehir frowned deeply at this. He calmed down again, then immediately suppressed his displeasure and asked another question.

"You mean I'm as easy to read as a blank slate to you?"

"I wouldn't say that."

"Why? Because it's slightly insulting?"

Sheher finally sneered unbearably. The tall image depicted in the Book of Night was finally completely separated from the person in front of him at this moment. He even felt a little indignant.

We traveled halfway across the galaxy to find you, and all we got was this attitude?

Khalil knew exactly what he was thinking, but he smiled sincerely at this moment.

"No, it's just for some other reason you can't understand yet." He explained succinctly. "In addition, Grand Commander, the Book of Night may be different from what you think."

"I would like to hear the details." Sheher said as he looked at the communication array on the side without squinting.

Khalil had a clear view of his reactions and thoughts. Instead of growing and expanding, his violent thoughts disappeared a lot.

Deep down, his reason began to whisper.

Sheikh Lenghun has been fighting in the galaxy for many years, but he is still willing to face you with such a slightly naive and aggrieved attitude. Whether he admits it or not, or realizes it or not, he has subconsciously regarded you as loved ones.

Relatives. Khalil thought. What a strange word.

His mind laughed loudly at this moment, and gradually turned into the voice of Conrad Coates: Really? Father? Are you really new to this?

Khalil did not answer, but began to explain to Sheikh in a more serious, but also gentle, manner.

"It's a set of five books. The one you read is very different from what everyone else has seen. I'm glad to see you abandoning Conrad's deliberately vague sentences at this moment. , he always likes to do some helpless pranks in irrelevant places. I apologize to you on his behalf.”

Sheher was silent for a while. In the awkward atmosphere of having nothing to say, he turned his head and said a sentence in a cold tone.

"You are not our genetic father, so how can you apologize for him?"

Ha, father. You see, this is what you deserve. Conrad Coates couldn't help laughing wildly.

Khalil sighed peacefully but helplessly, and walked up to Scheher.

He spread his right hand very politely and showed his empty palm to the grand leader for a while, then raised his right hand and tapped his breastplate.

"Please lower your head, Grand Commander."

At first, Scheher wanted to appear indifferent, until he suddenly noticed that Khalil's voice became a little weird.

At this moment, his voice didn't sound like himself, but like someone Sheikh had never seen before, but was extremely familiar to him.

'Lenghun' was silent and quickly lowered his head, seeing the reflection of a giant in a pair of dark eyes.

He does not exist in the real world, but at this moment, contrary to logic, he appears in the deepest part of these eyes. He wears a crown on his head, and the moonlight is always around him.

At this moment, he was smiling at Shehir. The noble and pale face was filled with a kingly look, exactly what Scheher had imagined Konrad Coates should look like.

"I beg your pardon," Conrad Coates said solemnly. "When I was writing the book, I didn't expect that he would look like this today."

Sheikh looked at him expressionlessly, showing no reaction.

"I just wanted to make a little joke with you. I never thought that it would turn into a small rift that could divide you in such a short period of time. I must express my deepest apology to you, thank you. Hull.”

"At the same time, I must give you a compensation, which is also part of my apology. After Sai comes back, you can go to the Nightshade with his company and read the complete set of the Book of Night. I hope you will be satisfied with this, I also hope you can be more considerate of my stupid father."

Konrad Coates suppressed his smile and sighed softly: "He always likes to put himself in the greatest danger, and is willing to endure misunderstanding and torture for this. This is really unfortunate for me personally, because my Both fathers are like this. They even want to compete on this matter consciously or unconsciously. "

As soon as the words fell, his figure disappeared into the depths of those eyes. Sheher, however, stood there like a statue and continued to stare into those eyes. He did not stop until he was the only one left in the reflection of the black gem.

"The communication link has been established," Kaiour said.

He made his voice heard quite promptly, at least in his opinion.

The young Shadow Knight Chapter Leader took over a human-sized communication device with a serious expression. He didn't even look at Scheher the whole time, completely ignoring the Supreme Grand Leader's expression that gradually became calm and dangerous.

"Thanks, Kaiul," Khalil said.

He skillfully put on the communication device, but there was a burst of noise in the headset. It wasn't until several minutes later that the noise gradually turned into a real 'sound'.

"This is Orak Kartax, current Captain of the Third Company, and Director of the Librarian. It is an honor to be the first to speak with you, Master."

"Also, if possible, can I ask you to teach me some efficient techniques that can be used in the duel cage?"

"It's an honor for me too, Orak," Khalil said.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to ten thousand years ago. It's hard to tell whether this was due to Orak Cartax's little joke or to Conrad Curze's brief appearance earlier.

He couldn't help but smile, and even the trembling of his fingers stopped for a moment.

"However, there are no skills in the dueling cage. You just need to be faster or more ruthless than your brothers to win. I recommend using joint techniques or luring the enemy deep. In addition, Conrad. Coz says hello."

"This is a bit unlucky," Orak replied after a brief pause.

He seemed to be holding back some emotion, and even his voice became a little strange because of this. Khalil did not mention this matter - it was just that the communication link was unstable, so it was not worth mentioning.

"Okay, instructor, let's get down to business. My brothers are staring at me threateningly next to the bridge - in short, we have recovered the Chapter Master's body, and he is in a deep sleep. "The suspended meninges have begun to function. Is there anything we can do for him?"

"Take a pot of Glocks meat and grill it until it's fully cooked. If possible, please sprinkle a little cheap Terra pepper salt. He likes the taste." Khalil said leisurely.

"Yago will experience a long period of hunger after waking up and must eat a lot to recover quickly. You can start preparing now. In addition, if he curses anyone who prepares food while eating, this is normal. ”

"Even if it includes you?"

Khalil smiled and said: "Yes, even if it includes me, but I don't think he will do this. He will only regard this pot of meat as a curse-like coincidence. After all, he does not know about my return yet. "

Orak was silent for a while, then asked in a very incredible tone at the other end of the communication link: "He doesn't know?!"

"There's a lot Yago doesn't know, Orak. Don't think of him as a wise man or an encyclopedia just because of his fighting years. He's neither. Also, can I ask you to prepare a shuttle?" ?I wish I could be there when he wakes up."

"Of course, instructor, we will start preparations right away." The director of the think tank replied quickly. His voice seemed a little distant for the next ten seconds. Judging from his tone, he seemed a little anxious. Khalil understood and took off the communication device, handing it back to Kaiul. At this moment, he didn't realize that his expression was quite peaceful.

"Please prepare yourself, you two," he said to them. "You all heard it, we need to go to the Nightshade. I hope the corridors there will not be covered with spider webs in these ten thousand years. Space spiders are very difficult beasts."

Did he just make a joke? Sheikh thought with shock.

"Absolutely." Khalil smiled at him. "Not my best, but good enough."

"In addition, please forgive me, I have to leave for a while. Lord Scaladric and the hunter should also board the Night Veil with us. Please leave the job of finding them to me. My old bones should also be Walk more.”

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to another place of darkness. There, unseen by anyone but himself, an Astartes stood silently within.

His power armor is covered with scriptures, with red words on white paper, as red as blood. If you look closely, there is even a hint of beating. He was not wearing a helmet, and the blood vessels on his completely pale face were clearly visible, but his eyes were not as dark as those of the Children of the Night, but instead had a turbid white color.

Noticing Khalil's gaze, he immediately bowed slightly, spoke his own voice, and said greetings.

"Good day, instructor," he said. "The Soul Hunters salute you."

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