40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 559 77 Interludes: Demons and Demons

Chapter 559 77. Interlude: Demons and Demons

Calgio squeezed the trigger, and a series of bombs rained down on the demon's breastplate. Exploding, shattering, and fragments flying in the air, the demon reached out and grabbed them all without caring, and then put them into his mouth.

The steel was gnawed as food, and the ferocious smile on its animal face was uninterrupted, turning a blind eye to the shots of the Sons of Calth, as if those deadly bombs were nothing more than pebbles to it.

And this is indeed the case.

No bullets could make it bleed. Instead, it took the initiative to cut open the skin with its sharp claws. Blood spattered, steam steamed, and a blood-red mist spread out from the wound, covering the entire station in an instant.

Several warnings immediately popped up on Calgio's eyepiece, all of the highest specifications. The air has turned into a poisonous miasma, the filth of chaos is everywhere, and ghosts and evil spirits are surging and screaming in the blood.

Kabanha's ferocious laughter sounded in it, as distant as thunder.

"Come out, don't deceive yourself into being an assassin, bat! Don't let your kindred be shamed in the eternal war. Countless skulls have been accumulated under their feet. As for you, you still have to fight in the mortal world. How long will it take to catch up with them? "

Calgio drew his sword and walked towards the depths of the blood mist. The ground became soft and wet, like flesh and blood after being trampled many times, making his walk very slow and difficult.

He turned a blind eye to the devil's words. From a long time ago, Calgio learned one thing - no matter what the enemy said, they were just enemies, and every word they said was just a lie.

Calgio knew these tricks all too well. The demons and their shadows were only one part of the many hardships faced by the people of Calth.

He walked calmly, his knees covered with bright red mud, fully prepared. However, in the next second, a lightning-like light suddenly lit up in front of him.

The pale light pierced the fog, completely revealing the two entangled figures like silhouettes on glass. The roar of the chain halberd followed, followed by the roar of demonic laughter revealed in the fog.

Calgio immediately started running, but all that could be captured by the eyepiece was blood red. It was like a thunderous collision, one after another, one after another, one higher than the other.

The mist surged, and a giant sword and a polearm that was far smaller than it collided with each other, stirring up the wind and clouds, tearing apart the clouds and mist, and completely revealing the battlefield in front of Calgio.

He saw the huge, ferocious beast, and Argo Severtarion, far more terrifying than at any other time.

His eyes shone with a blue light representing spiritual energy, and the roaring chainsaw halberd in his hand was wrapped with dark and silent flames. The collision of the weapons between him and Kabanha was so fast that it was simply incomprehensible.

Calgio was shocked to find that except for this moment, he could not see any movement between them at all, only two shadows flickering alternately.

The mist soon rolled in and once again enveloped the Chapter Leader's path. He frowned, and before he had time to think, he heard the sound of a dog barking. He immediately raised his sword, and two scarlet beasts jumped out of the mist, one on the left and one on the right, and bit him.

Calgio roared and slashed with his sword. The blade smoothly cut through the bodies of the two Blood God Hounds, piercing through their wide-open mouths and sliding out from the back of their backs.

The elastic flesh fell to the ground, and the pale bones exposed in the cross-section jumped with nerves. The two beasts screamed in pain, but they still did not die. Calgio took a step back, raised his left leg and crushed one of them completely.

Blood and flesh splattered, and the other one seemed to have foreseen its own death. It unexpectedly gained strength from nowhere, got up and ran back towards the depths of the mist.

Calgio caught up with it in three steps at a time, threw the sharp sword in his hand and nailed it to the ground. Then he strode forward, grasped the hilt of the sword, rotated his wrist, and sliced ​​it open.

At this moment, the ground began to tremble again, and a furious beast ran out from the depths of the blood mist.

The son of Calth recognized it at a glance - the Iron Bull, the savage beast of the Blood God, a terrifying demon capable of destroying a battle array with a single charge, and this one was especially huge.

It hasn't discovered him yet, and is unleashing its violent nature, trampling back and forth in the fog, looking for its opponent.

Calgio drew his sword, backhanded a plasma from the belt on his chest, and began to take aim.

But at this moment, a strong wind passed before his eyes, and a scarlet shadow roared and rushed towards the steel bull.

He was dragging a giant ax in each hand, his white hair was flying, his cloak was stained with blood, and every crack in his armor was filled with minced meat. He didn't know how much killing he had gone through.

Calgio recognized him and was further reassured.

"I'll cover!" he yelled.

Scaladrick answered with a sinister smile, as low as a monster.

Steel Bull immediately discovered his presence, and not to mention how much noise he made, his presence alone was difficult for a creature like Steel Bull to ignore.

The beast immediately turned around and raised its hooves, aiming at the charging Scarlet King, before falling heavily and turning him into flesh and dust. What it didn't know was that Scaradrick wasn't fighting alone.

A dozen scarlet claws jumped out from the darkness and landed on its head or back. Their fists, sharp claws, and single swords all pierced through the gaps in the brass armor of the steel bull.

Blood splattered and the steel bull roared. They succeeded in one blow, but they still refused to give up. The most cruel among them had even started to stuff shock grenades into the gouged out wounds.

In the explosion, the steel bull roared in pain and shook its body, trying to throw them off, but how could Scaradrick let go of such a good opportunity?

Under the reflection of the blue-white blazing stream of preheated plasma, he jumped up and crossed his two axes. The plasma accurately evaporated half of the steel bull's jaw, and his victory completely chopped off the beast's head. .

Scaladrick landed lightly on the ground together with its undead head, and without stopping, he threw the power ax with his left hand.

It roared and slashed into the chest of a vampire, and penetrated its body unabated, sweeping away more Khorne demons with its broken flesh, immediately destroying their infantry formations.

Of course, this was not the end. Scaladric followed closely with a maniacal laugh, holding an ax in both hands and slashing at a vampire, cutting it in half with both the man and the sword.

The steaming internal organs fell to the ground, and the sides of the body got stuck on the ax and slid down stickyly. However, he immediately waved it, and the corpse flew out, falling around like a cannonball, splashing a pool of flesh and blood.

Calgio replaced his gun and strode after him, joining the bloody fray. He can't match the Crimson Claws in terms of speed of killing, but he is even better in terms of bravery and cruelty.

The sword slashed down, and the servants of the Blood God roared at him and surrounded him, but they were chopped into pieces by Calgio in two or three blows. He is not fast, but he is extremely powerful and extremely accurate.

The random swings of the blood-hungry vampires can often be blocked or dodged by him, and a small number of attacks that are really unavoidable can be blocked by him skillfully using the thickest part of his power armor.

His enemies did not have such accomplishments, but they were superior in numbers and soon surrounded him. They roared with excitement, and the loudest among them received an explosive bomb personally presented by Calgio.

The Chapter Leader coldly held his sword in one hand, stood there, and drew a horizontal line under his feet with his sword.

He looked at them coldly, but how could the Children of the Night abandon their friendly forces? The carnage of the Scarlet Claws soon came from behind them. Calgio seized the opportunity and decapitated the Vampire Owl closest to him with one sword, and then cut the other one in half with another sword.

Suddenly, there was a roar in the sky, and Kabanha fell straight down like a world-destroying meteor. His crimson wings full of cracks suddenly spread out, and a strong wind came, blowing the corpses and pieces of meat everywhere.

It laughed and waved its right hand, and the giant sword with a cruel arc and a guard like angel wings suddenly slashed down. The three Crimson Claw veterans were unable to dodge and were instantly hit.

The Terminator Armor didn't do any of the protection it should have, and that wasn't even what the sword was for, because it was too wide, too thick, and too blunt. Kabanha completely relied on his brute force to cut these three veterans in half, including their armor and their men.

Scarardrick roared and rushed forward. Caban laughed and swung his sword again, blocking all his attacks with one hand.

The demon's eyes glowed with admiration. It swung its sword, then lowered it, forcing the Scarlet Lord to begin wrestling with it. Words full of blood flowed out from between its fangs, and the accent was as noble as that of an ancient noble.

"You are very talented, Scaradrick, why don't you embrace the desire for violence deep in your nature? I and the God I believe in have no demands on you. We only want you to embrace yourself, that's all. "

"Never!" The Lord roared, his pale face completely illuminated by the scarlet light deep in the demon's eyes.

Kabanha smiled and nodded, not surprised by this expected answer.

It suddenly exerted force, completely knocking the king away, then turned around and flicked its tail. The iron hammer at the end of its thick and long tail sank deeply into Scarardrick's breastplate, adding to his forced flight. A new force.

Immediately afterwards, it swung its sword again, blocking a chainsaw that shattered the fog like a prophet.

That weapon was nothing compared to itself, and even if it was hit once, it probably wouldn't be a big deal. However, just because the person holding it was Yago Savitarion, Kabanha corrected his attitude.

"Make up your mind now, Bat," it urged. "I don't want to waste time on these weaklings. Let's order them to retreat."

"I can also order to restrain my army and let your troops pass. I have no interest in what you are going to do. I only have one request - you must abandon your fragile body. How? This is a fair deal. Bar?"

Sevatar's reply was a contemptuous sneer. The radiance of psychic energy bloomed from his hands, Kabanha roared in disgust, and his skin suddenly exploded.

Its armor became the best conductor at this moment, completely transporting supernatural lightning to every corner of its huge body. And it couldn't even retreat. Savitar didn't give it the chance.

His chain halberd was always in contact with the giant sword, and the saw teeth wrapped in black flames stuck tightly on the sword body.

"Let go," Sevatar whispered to the mountainous enemy. "As long as you let go, you will have a chance to resist."

Kabanha did not answer. Its appearance was not sudden, but it was definitely not prepared. The strength of the physical body has dropped a lot, far from being compared to the battle on Terra.

But it also has its own pride. A soldier takes the initiative to let go and throw down his weapon during the battle?

"Unless I die." Under the destruction of lightning, Kabanha vomited blood and replied with a grin.

Savita narrowed his eyes. At a glance, he seemed to have the upper hand, and could even completely kill Kabanha at this moment with his unreasonable psychic power.

However, this is just a beautiful fantasy. If you look closely, you will find that his skin is shaking and disintegrating.

He can use his power without restraint, but the barriers of reality still require him to pay a certain price. This is an iron law, no one can avoid it, unless they go deep into the subspace, then they don't have to care about anything.

And the devil knew this very well. It never crossed that boundary and briefly pulled Calth into a surreal world.

It has the support of the Blood God. It is not difficult to do this. And as long as it does this, it and other slaves of Khorne will usher in a qualitative change. It can easily win, but it will not do this. .

Cabanha is never stupid.


The demon smiled lowly and raised its head proudly. The blood around it was boiling, like magma, completely covering it and Sevatar. Others were not even allowed to get close, and could only watch them disappear into the gradually approaching fog. .

Sevatar sneered, increased his spiritual power, and joined this special wrestling without a care in the world.

He received an approving smile, an appreciative look, and a roar.

"Brave! Fearless!" Kabanha roared in praise. "You deserve to be blessed by the Blood God for this, Yago Severtarion!"

"I don't like it," Sevatar replied with a smirk.

Kaban laughed loudly, fluttered his wings and took off, flying upwards from the previously broken cave, and in just an instant he arrived at the terrifying and devastated surface of Calth.

Here, the group of savage mutants are undergoing massacre, and the blood-red ocean has already flooded this land.

The devil growled proudly: "Look, my enemy, I will sow the seeds of war from here."

Savita didn't answer, feeling bored in his heart. The power of chaos is pervasive and is passively persuading him - perhaps it cannot be called persuasion, it should be said to be some kind of instinct.

This instinct told him to summon his kindred. Of course Sevatar knew that he could do this. He even needed only one thought to summon the demons he was familiar with on the altar of Calth, which had been soaked in hatred for ten thousand years.

But he can't do this. Chaos is chaos after all. Every named revenge demon will passively bring a spiral of hatred to the world around them.

What's more, this is Cowes.

If summoned here, Sevatar is 100% sure that he will summon Van Cleef.

By that time, Kabanha can be dead, but what about the world around Calth? What about the Sons of Calth and those of Calth who are still alive? In fact, let alone them, even the children of the night may not be immune to that terrible influence.

How to do.?

He continued to wrestle in silence, but a calm and very familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"You can also call the Night Soul."

Amidst the strong wind, poisonous sunlight, and radiation dust all over the sky, Sevatar turned his head suddenly and saw a familiar demon.

That was Shen, he knew it at a glance.

Kabanha laughed ecstatically, and Sevatar roared furiously, released the weapon in his hand, and angrily rebuked: "Who summoned you?!"

"Is this important?" the demon who was once Shen replied.

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