40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 561 79 Intervals: Extinguish the Sun (10,000)

Chapter 561 79. Interlude: Extinguish the Sun (10,000)

Calgio took off his helmet, and blood immediately flowed out of the steel cage along with the sweat, creating a small man-made tsunami. He loosened his fingers and let the helmet slide free along with the blood, then half-knelt on the ground again and began to take a deep breath.

His three lungs greedily swallowed the air, treating this unique, cold air that he had never seen before as a life-saving thing.

The Chapter Master carried out this work in silence, throwing out all the thoughts in his mind.

He didn't want to think about anything now, not what the trembling deck beneath his feet revealed or what they had just seen as they flew up into the poisoned skies of Calth.

He was tired, he wouldn't admit it, but the war had definitely worn him out.

The original plan was disrupted, and the fortresses were completely destroyed one by one by the demonic army that suddenly appeared in front of him. The underground city-states he swore to protect and the mortals in them were slaughtered one after another before his eyes, and their skulls were chopped off.

Calgio stood up slowly.

No, no. He had to figure these two things out.

He turned around, leaving his helmet there, and strode toward someone.

His power armor kept humming along with his footsteps, and the noise had reached an eye-catching level. It seemed that there was something wrong with the servo motor, but this was inevitable.

His armor is full of traces of war, and the shoulder armor on the right side has even disappeared, revealing the artificial muscle fibers underneath, with dark blue electric sparks beating and bursting out inside, giving off a small whine.

I don't know if it was the sound of his footsteps or the sound of armor that attracted the attention of his target, but, in short - Yago Severtalion did move his attention here.

The brilliance of psychic energy still did not dissipate from his eyes.

"I need an explanation, Lord Severtalion."

"The ship you are standing on is called the Night Soul, a meritorious battleship that has been in service since the Legion era. After the Shadow Knights were established, the Night Soul has been their flagship. It was confirmed to have been destroyed not long ago. As for now, its existence can be regarded as a unique summoning object."

Calgio was silent for a while and asked with difficulty: "What kind of summoned object?"

"The Emperor's summons," Sevatar replied expressionlessly. "I believe you must have seen them on Calth, or at least heard of them? Heroic spirits covered in flames, awakened from slumber, and fought for the living again. In short, the form of the Night Soul's existence is different from theirs. similar."

"But it's just a ship."

There was a faint roar below the deck, and the cold wind howled. Calgio frowned and looked back slightly uncomfortable. He always felt like someone was observing him coldly, but this was probably just an illusion. No one around was looking at him with that kind of gaze.

"No one stipulates that a ship cannot exist in the form of a heroic spirit, Chapter Master Calgio. In short, that's the way it is. Now, let's talk about the second thing."

"But I haven't said what I want to talk to you about, my lord."

"And I know what you want to talk about." Sevatar persuaded gently, her right hand already on his shoulder. He led the Son of Calth to another corner of the unmanned bridge.

"You saw him, didn't you?" he asked.

Once again, Calgio fell silent. He didn't really want to talk about it, but now that Savita had brought it up, there was no need for him to remain blind any longer.

He believed that the legendary Yago Severtalion must have experienced similar things in his long life. The calmness shown by this genuine veteran of ten thousand years was by no means forced calmness, but a kind of insight. Don't blame Hou for his indifference.

What's more, there was a smile that shouldn't have appeared in the words he just said. Calgio didn't understand why this strange emotion existed, but he would remain responsible for everything until the truth came to light. reason.

"Yes," Calgio said. "I saw him."

Sevatar smiled and nodded: "Then it's easy to handle, just forget about him, Chapter Leader."

"Excuse my stupidity."

"Remembering what he looks like, and finding out about his existence. These two things will do you no good, please believe me, Calgio."

but why?

Calgio wanted to ask this question, but he finally resisted.

Not only that, he even started to literally throw these two things out of his mind as Seveta said, and actively closed the door, shutting them out once and for all.

He actually already had some answers in his mind. Although the answer was actually very vague, it was still an answer.

Those burning wings, the flesh-like armor, and the ferocious bone surface. Wouldn't it be too ridiculous to regard a being who has the above in common as a messenger of the emperor?

In Calgio's simple understanding, there is only one being that can possess these things at the same time. What's more, when he saw him from the corner of the battleship's porthole, he was burning the sky with the infamous Kabanha.

"I believe you already have your own answer, Calgio, so I won't go into details - but I must explain the next thing to you."

"What is it, my lord?"

"Stop calling me lord," said Sevatar.

His tone was very soft, like whispering in the evening breeze. Calgio looked at him unblinkingly, waiting for the bombshell he was going to throw next.

He had been convinced that Yago Sevatalion was going to shock him with something, but he was wrong. Sevatarion didn't drop any bombs, he just smiled dryly.

"Look out the window," he said.

Calgio did as he was told. He turned to look at the observation window on the bridge. In an instant, he saw the poisonous cloud disappearing at a very fast speed and the burning air waves.

The radioactive dust-filled sky of Calth he was familiar with was gradually transforming into another scene, one that existed only in Calthian books. Even as Chapter Master, Calgio had never actually seen it, but now, he did.

His soul was shocked, because this scene was far beyond the description in the books, and the continuous imagination of the people of Calth during these ten thousand years.

Calgio saw cancerous stars. Each one is like the cloudy eyes of a dying person, and the most blazing and powerful one is called the sun.

It imprinted a deep memory point on his retina, and even if he closed his eyes, its appearance could still clearly appear in his mind.

He could see it expanding and boiling, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that he could even vaguely hear the scream of the star.

As the tremors on the deck became increasingly violent, Calgio formed a skyhawk with his hands on his chest.

"The God Emperor is above."

"The Emperor is not here, Calgio," Sevatar said with a half-smile, and slowly opened his arms. "Welcome to the void. Also, we are going to extinguish this sun."


"We want to extinguish the sun," Sevatar repeated. "Actually, we're already on the way."

What he said was true. Calgio looked back at the array of meditators on the main bridge and got what he wanted from the chaotic data flow.

Before this, he had indeed not boarded any battleship, but it didn't matter, because any son of Guilliman was very good at learning. Not only that, they were also good at putting what they learned into practical use immediately. go.

Calgio played this trait perfectly. He became a skilled sailor in just ten seconds. From those data, he knew that the battleship under his feet was really heading towards the Cowes galaxy. sun.

It had just broken through the shackles of gravity and left its homeland with the remaining rescued Kaos people. The first thing it had to do now was to destroy its sun.

Why? Because we can't use it anymore? Calgio thought that he even had a vague urge to laugh.

"No, it's because this ship needs energy." Saiweita said very seriously. "She needs a little help getting us to our destination."

"But what does that have to do with the sun?"

Sevatar smiled again, with a hint of obvious sadness and a natural anger in his smile.

"You'll know," he said.

What he said was true.


"I've heard of you"

Kabanha licked the blood from his lips with satisfaction, spinning the whip in his left hand to tear the air, tearing a group of vampires who were bold enough to stand beside him and cheer him in half alive.

The big demon paid no attention to the screams and curses of its inferior kind at this moment, and its sharp beast eyes were still staring intently at its opponent.

"Is this important?" Shen asked.

He stood there with bare hands. The ground beneath his feet was cracked, and every crack was filled with boiling magma.

The pair of burning wings raised behind him were even more terrifying than those possessed by Kabanha. At least the pair of demon Khorne's wings would not scorch the sky, burn flesh and blood, and cause unbearable pain to the earth for no reason. Roar.

"Oh, Shen, of course it is important." Kabanha replied with a low smile. "A warrior's reputation is forged by his honor and his achievements. This is why even a violent person can be respected."

Shen listened calmly without saying a word.

"War is the only eternal truth in this galaxy. Every race needs warriors. As long as they are brave, good at fighting and absolutely ruthless towards the enemy, then no matter how many shortcomings this person has, he can still be full of honor. body."

Kabanha sighed slowly: "Just like the descendants of my only old enemy, how many of them are ashamed of the endless rage boiling in their veins? How many of them are almost addicted to blood?"

"The answer is zero." Shen replied, as if he didn't care about the current situation. "No matter how many times they approach that single limit, the light of Sanguinius will revive them, Ka'banha. You and your god cannot touch any of the Sons of Angels."

The demon laughed, genuinely amused by his words. Its blood spurted from the wounds in its limbs and body in a bloody haze in which the dead demon returned to it in raw, pure ferocity.

In just a blink of an eye, Kabanha no longer had any wounds on his body, but it seemed very dissatisfied with this and snorted coldly. Bloody thunder flashed across the sky, as if urging, so it spoke again.

"I don't want to get involved with them. I have no interest in turning them from warriors into trash. Make no mistake, Shen, I am not one of those despicable things who have no shame and only know about pleasure. The person standing in front of you is Caban ha--"

It suddenly roared, its wings raised, and its heartbeat like a war drum rumbled under the brass armor. The big demon suddenly took a step forward, trampling the ground to pieces, magma bursting out, and the long whip in his left hand whizzed towards Shen's head.

This blow was enough to destroy any city wall, but it didn't even hit Shen before it was blown away by a wave of scorching air and fell into Shen's hands.

He held the bloody whip with one hand, and the angry flames instantly clung to it and began to burn the essence gained from killings throughout the ages.

Ka'banha didn't even try to avoid it. He actually smiled and clenched his left paw. He didn't let go as the angry flames spread, allowing the blade-like flames to accurately cut through its flesh. The smell of flesh and blood hit him, and then its brass armor.

The metal was torn, boiled, and turned into molten scrap metal and fell to the ground. The scarred ground seemed to have reached its limit because of this, and suddenly sank more than several meters, and dust was flying all over the sky.

Kabanha exhaled a breath of blood-smelling hot breath with great interest, and praised with a low smile.

"Every time I fight with you, I always feel happy and scarred, a testament to my honor. Tell me, Shen, do you enjoy this battle?"


"So, what about the past? You have had such a long life and so many battles. Have you never felt happy for a moment while swinging your sword?"

"Maybe, but I can't remember clearly." Shen replied noncommittally, his voice still clear as he held the whip and wrestled with the devil.

"Then I do feel sorry for you."

Kabanha said, his voice low, and every syllable reverberated violently like a fist hitting armor. It held the long whip, endured the power of the angry flames, and actually sank in the pit.

Step after step, firm and powerful, the great decapitation sword held in his right hand was extremely bright. The skull symbol of Khorne roared in the center of the sword, exuding a burst of dark anger. There were countless howls in it, calling loudly for slaughter. .

Kabanha snorted lightly and suddenly held the sword hard, causing the mist to instantly disappear. Thunderclouds rolled in the sky, and the radiation dust was collected by an indescribable force, forming an eye filled with blood.

The big devil raised his head to look at it and shook his head slowly.

"It's not time yet, Blood God." It said lowly, and the anger in its words was breathtaking. "I promised you that I would give you a continuation of the battle ten thousand years ago, but this is not it. My old enemy has not yet arrived."

"Your courage is also breathtaking." Shen said.

Kabanha looked away, and the smile returned to its face again.

"It's okay. My God appreciates brave men rather than cowards. I am not disobeying Him, but doing His things in His name."

"Just like you and I are fighting here now, every battle in this world will be more or less pleasurable for Him. And He has always been generous and will always send blessings. Otherwise, why do you think you can always fight a hundred battles?" A surviving soldier?"

Shen didn't answer, but suddenly let go of his right hand, and the long whip whined and whined back quickly, hitting Kabanha himself, making a loud noise.

It smiled ferociously, loosened its grip and threw it to the ground. Then it clenched the giant beheading sword in its hand with both hands. The guard like angel wings began to glow with blood at this moment.

The big demon reached out and grabbed it, and actually pulled out a spear from the sharp tail of the giant sword's handle.

"The Spear of Completion." It proudly introduced. "Forged in my blood and reborn in my name, killed in my name. I swore to the Blood God that I would drive it through Sanguinius's chest."

Shen still didn't answer, just clenched his fists and slowly walked towards it.

The battle started again in an instant. Kabanha's anger was breathtaking. The two horns on its head were the symbol of hell, and the blood in its veins was a embodiment of this violence.

It will be injured, but its anger will only grow stronger, and the desire to kill powerful enemies and perform massacres is rampaging within its huge body, leading it to higher realms.

It has been getting stronger since the beginning of the battle and has never stopped.

Shen couldn't figure out the meaning of this thing, but he didn't bother to care - Chaos may not always be an idealistic thing, but the devil must be.

Fortunately, so does he.

So he responded with equal fury.

The stronger Ka'banha gets, the louder the souls of those it slaughters scream. The more obvious its anger is, the more vengeful fury Shen can draw upon.

There is no concept of time in chaos. From eternity to the future, the countless dead people massacred by Kabanha are screaming in a river of blood, demanding Shen to avenge them.

In the past, this would have driven him crazy, but not anymore.

He has fallen permanently into madness.

The white bone surface was stained with broken blood, and dark fire ignited from the center of both fists. Fist against spear, fist against sword, devil against devil, rage against rage.

Their battle began to destroy everything around them, from the vampires who started killing each other out of boredom, to the steel bulls of Khorne, or the ground of Calth itself.

Before they knew it, the battle between them turned into an act of destruction, as two absolute and restless monsters began to use their own innate qualities to force the collapse of Calth.

The spiral of hatred, the abyss of rage, and the blood of the two demons have unknowingly overflowed into the abyss, making it look like a wetland. One of them kept laughing wildly, while the other was so cold that he was no different from the dead.

If nothing unexpected happens, this battle will probably continue until Calth really collapses due to their atrocities, but don't forget that this is still an altar.

So accidents are bound to come, because Shen planned all of this.

Now, he didn't need to look up at the sky to know that the Night Soul was flying towards the cancerous sun of Calth.

She is a great mother. Even though she has persisted in pain for ten thousand years, she will continue to follow the past traditions to bring the alternation of night and day to the people of Kaos, even if most of them will not be able to witness it in their lifetime. Saw it even once.

This ten-thousand-year journey will come to an end today, and the Night Soul will heal her pain and let her rest in peace. This is a helpless and necessary move. Her last embers will continue to burn in the Night Soul's engines, carrying the people of Calth to the Glory of Macragge.


Kabanha let out an unexpected sigh. It stopped swinging its sword and glanced up at the darkening sky. Its ferocious beast-like face showed a bit of anthropomorphic surprise. Then, it actually laughed.

With a bang, Kabanha put down his hand and smashed the decapitating sword into the ground. It put its paws on it and looked at Shen with a smile.

The latter calmly took a step back, pulled out the spear stuck in his chest with one hand, threw it back, and pierced Kabanha's neck.

The big demon turned his head nonchalantly, letting his weapon tremble, craving for more blood. Not even the sound has changed at all.

"Like I said, fighting you guys always puts me in a good mood."

"Even so?"

"Even so," the devil said. "Winning by outsmarting is part of the battle. I'm not a fool like Skarbrand - you won this battle, Shen, but you should know that this is not my end."

Shen hummed.

"I will come back and continue the killing." Kabanha said seriously. "You don't need to think about who summoned me here. The lack of an answer is also an answer. Furthermore, I don't think you care about this matter at all. Are you my enemy?"

"Where will you show up again?"

Kabanha couldn't help laughing.

"I don't know either!" it said frankly and proudly. "But I will destroy all your hopes. At that time, the war will spread to every corner of this starry sky. Can you imagine how powerful I will be at that time?"

It lowered its head and leaned on its sword. It suddenly stopped smiling and whispered seriously to Shen: "And he is not the savior. He can't save anyone. The only person who can save you is Sanguinius."

Shen was silent for a moment and uttered one word: "Symbol."

"Yes, a symbol - only such people are enough to be my old enemy. In the darkness and despair, in the midst of your screams and cries, Sanguinius waved his wings and shed golden light, Finally stood in front of me."

Ka'banha raised his sword with a ferocious smile, pressed it against his face, and whispered slowly like an oath.

"That battle will be my crowning masterpiece."

The sky was dark, and the diseased sunlight suddenly dissipated, and no trace could be seen anymore. The poisonous heat it had originally cast disappeared without a trace, and an indescribable cold descended on the ground of Calth.

Countless pairs of scarlet eyes stared at each other, not understanding what was going on - of course, for the blood god's demon army, this was not a problem worth considering.

Soon, they started fighting each other. Kabanha is the only demon that has not exercised any violence. Of course it has this urge. All the killings happening around it are arousing its sensitive nerves.

But it's tired of it.

Fighting with the loved ones of the God of Vengeance is always like this. It is only enjoyable at the beginning, but becomes more and more boring towards the end.

Their anger is two completely different things from what Ka'banha is familiar with. How can ice and fire be merged together?

Moreover, in the final analysis, the battle between them is essentially just two forces biting each other. The real victory or defeat does not lie in the warriors themselves, but in how much the world they live in can accommodate the power of their gods.

Ka'banha sees it very clearly now. For a demon of Khorne, it is surprisingly calm. No one knows how much preference Khorne gave it and allowed it to maintain such a self.

"Come on," Kabanha said. "End this boring battle, let's go back to the chaos. That's a good place to be. Just fight to the death without restraint."

It suddenly twitched its nose and chuckled: "I smell the smell of war. Your brothers are fighting with my kind in it. It's such a melee. It can be a good dessert before the battle between me and Sanguinius." "

"You have a big appetite," Shen said.

Kabanha laughed out loud at these words: "I'm never satisfied!"

Once again, Shen clenched his fists calmly. In the dark night sky overhead, the shadow of a burning battleship was rapidly moving away, as small as dust.

He understood that this was farewell.

He walked towards Kabanha, who raised his sword expectantly, but did not swing his sword even when he was close.

Shen understood what it was going to do. The devil planned to use a fair way to end this battle that they both decided did not need to continue. Therefore, it did not always control the distance like before, but instead let Shen get closer to him.

Next, they all have only one chance to strike.

He stood there silently, accepting the devil's terrifying gaze without any concern, and allowed it to choose the angle at which it would swing its sword at will.

He didn't care about it. He didn't need to worry too much about punching. In Siani's words, "You just punch, the enemy is the one who has a headache." His words were a bit unreasonable, but Shen accepted.

To this day, he has seen too many unreasonable things, and he himself is one of these things.

So, there is nothing left to say.

It's just, a little bit regretful. When will we meet again next time? Before I could bring their words to you

Shen finally raised his head and looked at the sky, but there was nothing there anymore, not even the light of the stars. There was only darkness, the same darkness as before.

Kabanha roared and swung his sword.

Shen pumped his fist unusually calmly.

Calth trembled beneath them, beginning his final transformation.


In blood, Robert Guilliman limped to his feet.

There were bits of green-skinned flesh still stuck in his fists, and the huge, scarred beast grunted and exhaled its last trembling breath.

It was fully four meters high, but not anymore. Now, it was just a horrific carcass. Guilliman destroyed its possibility of survival, and also reduced it to a puddle of flesh.

He himself didn't know how he did it. Before the battle really started, he didn't think he could compete with this thing. However, when the battle started, he forgot all about it. .

There was no worry anymore, only an inexplicable anger.

He silently began to clean himself up. The simple chainmail armor was dented in many places, and the soft leather underneath was broken. He simply pulled them off with one hand and threw them aside.

It took him three hours to make such a simple pair of chain armor. So far, it did not play the role he imagined in the battle.

He was able to dodge most of the orc attacks, so the armor itself was naturally of little use. As for the few that he can't avoid, it doesn't have any proper protective effect.

Guilliman raised his hand and touched his right abdomen, feeling a sharp pain. He knew it was a broken bone, but he didn't have time to deal with it right now.

He turned around and saw a group of survivors. They were looking at him in awe, as if gazing at a god. They also wore armor, but unlike Guilliman, their armor was typical knight armor with blouses, but there were no horses.

This problem is easy to explain: the ferocity of green skins cannot be defeated by galloping war horses. The strong ones among them can often overturn them with one hand, and then it is a happy killing time.

These creatures are born not to know how terrible war is, or perhaps it is just something they rely on to survive, both for entertainment and survival. Because of this, they become more terrifying.

Guilliman silently summarized these observations and then walked towards the group of knights.

"grown ups--"

They bowed to him, worshiped, and knelt. Guilliman was indifferent to such things, having learned to be at peace with them, not out of indifference, but out of protection.

People can't understand why he doesn't like these superficial things, and they don't have the soil to give birth to a mind that can understand him well. At least not yet.


Guilliman called out the name of one of the knights. The latter trembled and immediately knelt down on the ground, burying his head deeply in the soil to fully show his respect for Guilliman.

Suppressing his annoyance, Guilliman tried to calm down his tone.

"Clean up the battlefield, search for survivors, return to the city, and ask Lord Kamo to take out all the wine from his vault and bring it here. I will be of use."

"Understood, my lord." The knight known as Domion replied respectfully, and Guilliman turned and walked away.

He didn't need to look back to know that Dominion would only dare to look back after he had gone far away. He didn't have time to deal with this matter now. He just kept walking and timed it, away from the battlefield, and came to the depths of a mountain forest. He slowly lay down on the ground.

It had only been ten days since he got his name, but he felt extremely exhausted, as if he had lived for centuries.

Before the faces of the dead villagers were blurred, he had already arrived in a new city. Not a village, but a city, with moats and towering walls, protected by soldiers and knights.

Looking at it from the perspective of the feudal era, this place is already a very good place, but the residents inside are terrified. There is no other reason than the news coming from the east.

According to the shocked merchants, one or even several cities that were better than the place they lived in were destroyed by the greenskins. All the powerful knights died, and the noble lords were killed one by one by the greenskins. The dogs are gone, only their terrifying laughter remains

It was reasonable for them to be afraid of this, but Guilliman couldn't understand why they were so respectful the first time they saw him, and even started chanting his name as a savior or something like that. .

People truly regarded him as a savior, a demigod, and the son of a god. Even the priests in the church rushed to crown him immediately and put a gold laurel crown on his head.

He couldn't understand this absurd fact until he saw the local lord - even the lord who was supposedly extremely obsessed with power had no doubts about his identity, and bluntly announced in public that he was the son of the God-Emperor in myths and legends, and even He must be worshiped as Lord on the spot.

Guilliman declined this strange source of power, but not entirely.

He borrowed the lord's family's library to figure out what was going on. Unfortunately, he didn't have much time because the greenskins arrived again.

Without hesitation, Guilliman immediately joined the war. This time, with the help of well-trained soldiers, he finally did not suffer another defeat.

But victory was secondary. The top priority was to verify the knowledge he had inexplicably gained from his mind.

Wine, grease, and anything that can cause a fire are his targets. If this method can succeed, then he may be able to successfully decipher the secret recorded in the lord's library that the greenskins can always resurrect.

At that point, a real victory will be within reach.

But, what happens after that?

Guilliman looked blankly at the sky through the lush greenery above his head, and suddenly smiled bitterly - it's better not to think so much and focus on the things in front of him.

He sat up in silence, and naturally captured a wild beast hiding in the forest from the corner of his eye. It was a doe, staring across a stream at Guilliman. The stream was calm and flowing slowly, and her eyes were so quiet.

Guilliman returned the same gaze, and an indescribable tranquility was naturally born in his heart.

He even couldn't help but smile. Of course, this smile only lasted for a short period of time. He thought of the things he had done, even though they were necessary for survival, but...

He suppressed his smile, swallowed the urge to feel sick, and slowly stood up. However, at this moment, the doe walked towards him. She walked very carefully and cautiously, but did not retreat or stop.

Guilliman frowned and tried to shoo her away, but no matter how much he waved his hands and made threatening noises, the beautiful creature did not flinch. She crossed the stream and came to Guilliman wet with the scent of the forest, raised her head and smelled him.

Robert Guilliman touched her cheek with trembling hands.

The pain and regret in his heart, the destruction of the town, the mystery surrounding him, and the distrust of his stolen identity were all temporarily forgotten, leaving only the doe and her calm breathing.

Then, a dark bird fluttered silently over his head.

Guilliman suddenly felt a hunger welling up in his heart. In fact, this was not a simple hunger, but a crazy impulse that could destroy human reason. He felt that his mouth was full of saliva, his throat could not help but roll up and down, and his eyes towards the doe also changed quietly.

Guilliman suddenly let go of his hand and took two steps back in disbelief, barely breaking free of his instinctive comfort.

how come? ! He asked himself. He had eaten enough food before going to war. There was no way this war would consume him to this extent.

He thought painfully and tried hard to restrain his instinct, but the deer took a few steps forward and caught up with him.

Through her dark eyes, Guilliman saw his own face, which was a ferocious and twisted face, with teeth exposed, lips white from excessive tension, and only pure hunger in his eyes.

Seeing such an ugly thing, his remaining sanity finally broke at this moment.

A second later, he disembowelled the beautiful creature. Her blood spattered out, and her flesh and blood began to linger between Guilliman's lips and teeth, and such a beautiful taste filled the tip of his tongue.

The meat was so tender and the blood so sweet, but she didn't make any sound before she died. Guilliman ate unconsciously, his face was covered in sweat, he was unconscious, and he had no idea that a black bird was casting a pleasant gaze above his head. .

He was covered in blood, his face was covered with scraps of meat, and his nails were filled with bits of fur, but he was still very focused. He took out her internal organs and stuffed them into his mouth, starting from the heart, all the way to the lungs, liver, and a wet, young being that had not yet opened its eyes and was still panting.

Robert Guilliman was suddenly stunned.

Like a newborn who opened his eyes for the first time, or a blind man who had never had sight, he looked at his hands and the dying young deer with such shock.

He vomited.

He still wanted to cry, but failed. Then, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind him, alert, and the sound of leaves and branches rubbing against the armor.

"Sir? You haven't returned yet, so I followed the traces you left to find me -"

Guilliman turned around suddenly and saw a knight with a face full of shock, which was turning into fear.

He stood up and rushed towards him.

Above him, blackbirds fluttered and took flight. It is very pleasant, and He is very pleasant, but He can always see further.

His gaze not only existed in this remote wild world, but also existed in many different places at the same time. He looked at these different Robert Guilliman with fascination, and treated them with great malice in accordance with the nature of the primarch. Classify in order.

Cannibal, not yet cannibal, evil, lawful, chaotic. He finished the matter in an instant, but only this one was left unclassified.

He singled him out and set him aside.

"Destiny." He couldn't help but snicker and whisper. "Can you resist?"

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