40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 589 107 Dark Expedition (31, 13,000)

Chapter 589 107. Dark Crusade (Thirty-one, Thirty-three Thousand)

Staring at the silver tower in the distance, Sevatar took a deep breath calmly.

The air is trembling, and the power of the Silver Tower is pouring out from the stacked structures without reservation. They are running excitedly, like children who have finally escaped from the reins, far away from the structure built by their parents for the first time. Playground.

They are extremely enthusiastic about this new world. They will explore every nook and cranny of the place before their enthusiasm fades.

Of course, this statement is not so accurate for chaos.

What really happens is that the power spreading from the Silver Tower will completely change the world until they think this world is 'suitable', and then this cruel change will end briefly.

After a few seconds, Sevatar interrupted his thoughts and withdrew his observation gaze.

He always had a gloomy expression, like an eternal mist that always hung on his face. It soaked into his facial features, making his originally unfriendly appearance even more chilling.

But now, the mist had changed, turned into a cold wind, turning his face into a hard ice floe sinking into the depths of the ocean in a cold place.

Sheikh Lenghun was no stranger to this expression. In the past, for some 'work' reasons, he often had to deal with his eldest son.

In a family in the secular world, if the elders pass away, then the eldest brother and eldest sister are in charge. This is still true among the Nightborne. After the departure of the Primarch, Yago Severtarion is the head of the family.

It was difficult for Scheher not to meet him. Many matters within the Tribunal had to be handed over to Savitar through his hands. Therefore, he fully understood what Savitar wanted to do next.

He didn't object, at least not explicitly.

"If you plan to act alone, I will not stop you." Scheher told him seriously. "But I will say that this is probably not the best option. We can go to that city through Thunderhawk first, and the civilians there need to be dealt with."

He originally wanted to use a word that was more in line with his intentions, such as classification, cleansing, purification, etc. However, considering that there was a secular lord next to them who thought he was Robert Guilliman, he changed it slightly. Wording.

Of course, Sheikh knew that the word "disposal" was actually still very ruthless, like a bastard in the hive grading the civilians, but that was the fact. People in Naros must be inspected and classified, and only those who pass can continue to enjoy the power of living.

His words caused Sevatar to glance at him.

Amidst the flashing silver light in the sky and the gradually surging storm, the eldest son of the night slowly spoke. His figure seemed insignificant in these horrific and psychedelic scenes, but his voice still passed through Sheikher clearly. in the ears.

Only this time, he sounded completely different from before, and the tone he used was very gentle.

"A long time ago, Leng Hun, before I became Chapter Master, we had an exclusive power."

Shehir listened to his words attentively, but Sevita gave her habitual mean smile.

"We are the legion of the Emperor, the descendants of the original body. We ride on powerful battleships that can cross the star sea to go to one human gathering place after another, and then adapt to local conditions to conquer - in other words, our exclusive power is to kill indiscriminately. And burn the palace and destroy the world reasonably and lawfully."

He winked, stepped back grandly, and bowed. When he straightened up again, his expression was as usual.

"Some planets will welcome us, and some will not, and our treatment of the latter will be quite harsh. Today, this kind of thing will cause great pain to those of us with high moral standards. For example, the son of Sanguinius, that A group of mourners.”

"I think they will never accept this kind of thing. I don't blame them, because this is human nature. And the old stereotype is outdated."

"Conquest and expansion are no longer our primary responsibilities. In fact, to this day, most Astartes themselves even consider themselves protectors, angels of death for the God-Emperor. We passively integrated into the religion and accepted Due to its influence, it has become one of the many gods worshiped by people.”

Shehir agreed with his statement with a serious expression and a slight nod.

"For many of our cousins, they don't see anything wrong with this. The power of religion is here, even metahumans who have undergone transformation surgery and arduous training can be affected by it."

"But it's also a good thing."

"During the Great Crusade, we hated religion, and the Imperial Truth pointed out its harm in detail. I have to tell you, Cold Soul, although the Imperial Truth is a white lie, however, when you expose it, you will find that There is still something to believe in the bubble.”

"My experience during the Great Crusade taught me that the Imperial Truth is right. Religion will only hinder human progress, and will only turn enlightened people into self-proclaimed lunatics, swaggering through the city with torches in their hands, muttering about burning. Kill all dissenters, even if this person is their mother.”

"But now, we have to pick up religion again and turn it into a strong shield engraved with ignorance. It will make many people persecuted and become victims of religion."

"But it can also benefit more people, allowing children to sleep peacefully at night without worrying about the sneaks lurking in the dark. They believe that the God-Emperor will drive away monsters for them in the dark."

"From this point of view, the harm of the state religion is really insignificant compared with what it can bring to the empire. But what about those who died because of it? Do we have to turn our backs and cover our ears like this? Close your eyes and pretend their wails and bloody arms don’t exist?”

He grinned, his fangs gleaming. Scheher still didn't know what he wanted to say, but he still listened attentively. There were not many times when Yago Savitarion was willing to speak at such a long length.

It's a pity that he couldn't maintain this concentration. When Savita suddenly approached, Sheher's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Sevatar leaned close to him, hooked his shoulder seemingly casually, and whispered to him, but still looked at the sky thoughtfully.

"Unfortunately, many of us do think this way. Some people choose not to see it, and some people choose to forget about it and turn a blind eye. Which one do you want to be, Sheikh?"

His question shocked the Grand Master.


"——I know you're not." Sevatar sighed to stop his retort. "but."

He said nothing more, just glanced meaningfully at Sheikh, then patted his shoulder and disappeared without warning.

A few seconds later, a terrifying weapon tore through the pile of orc corpses, flew out from it, and flew into the sky amid the blood. Shehir raised his head, looked at the direction it was leaving, and took a deep, deep breath.


After that conversation, Sevatar found that he was becoming more and more accustomed to recalling the past. He liked to reminisce about the past, but he didn't like this very much.

Habits are terrible things. Just like Sheikel Cold Soul, as the Chapter Master of the Blades of Judgment and the most important bridge between the Tribunal and the Children of Night, he is inevitably used to classifying people. .

Differences such as men, women, old and young have completely disappeared in his eyes, leaving only simple pollution or not. At first glance, it sounds like there is no problem, and it is just law enforcement. However, the collapse of a fortress often starts with the loosening of a certain brick.

Sevatar firmly grasped the chain halberd and rushed towards the silver tower again. Yes, he had changed his mind, and as capricious as it sounded, he had to go.

The wind roared in his ears, almost confusingly, and Sevatar flew indifferently, forgetting all the illusions he had seen hidden in the clouds along the way.

The power of Yinta always followed, as if it had its own will. And this was indeed the case, and a voice quietly reached his ears.

"You were the first to recognize me, Yago Severtarion."

Savita curled her lips in disgust, showing an expression that was half a smile. The Silver Tower undulated in front of him and at his feet. It stretched for tens of thousands of miles. It was the peak among the peaks, and it was still getting higher.

The landscape of this planet is changing. Things like colored glass or pale crystals are emerging one after another from under the soil and stones. They are like monsters that existed in ancient times. They have been waiting for a long time and are finally resurrecting at this moment. There is far no sign of stopping. .

How huge is this silver tower?

A bad guess slowly emerged in Savita's mind, and at the same time, the voice that seemed to know him came again.

It is rootless water, does not exist in the rational world, and does not need any foundation. It just exists, but it can easily let Savita hear his voice.

"You want to enter my prison?"


Savita narrowed his eyes and still didn't answer, but quickly crossed the horizon. The storm was still there, but it failed to stop him. Instead, it added strength to his progress. Savita quickly and flexibly landed on one of the billions of shining bridges on the surface of the Silver Tower.

To be honest, the feeling of stepping on it was not good, because he didn't feel any feedback, as if he was still hanging in the air.

An illusory castle in the air, right?

Sevatar started running, his weapon roaring excitedly in his right hand, the rough bones stuck in the positions reserved for the blood vessels and spinning wildly, and a terrible smell of blood naturally emitted.

Savita tried his best not to feel its emotions. At the same time, he raised his left hand and gently pressed it on the center of a shining silver door.

The bound good souls attacked him with screams, and Sevatar silently endured it, choosing to accept the price he had to pay.

A few seconds later, there was a crisp sound like breaking glass, bringing with it a terrifying echo, and the door suddenly shattered. Sevatar ignored it and strode into it.

In a strong sense of weightlessness, the world in front of him became pitch black. Until the feeling of weightlessness dissipated, a few stars suddenly lit up in the darkness, revealing the luxurious scene made of gold, silver and crystal.

Eighty-one flashing chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the crystals kept refracting the light, bringing an even stronger sense of confusion.

Long tables made of gold filled this long and huge room one after another. Silver chairs and tableware were perfectly embellished, setting off the elegant postures of the faceless portraits in gorgeous clothes on the walls. .

Sevata sighed in annoyance. He clenched his left fist. A blue light flashed. A force continuously poured out from the void and began to manipulate gravity.

The long tables flew up and collided with each other, twisting and crumpling the chairs together. They became unspeakable rags with creaking sounds. Eighty-one long tables and seven hundred and twenty-nine chairs disappeared completely and were thrown into the sky by Sevata.

At this moment, in the empty banquet hall, the eighty-one crystal chandeliers were still flickering. The candles nailed to the edge burned weakly, resisting a breeze that came from nowhere.

Sevata rolled over the red carpet under his feet expressionlessly, leaving the faceless portrait behind. Every time he walked past a portrait, a bloodshot eye would suddenly appear on the face without facial features, trembling rapidly, and closely following the direction he left.

He knew this very well, but he really didn't bother to care. No one can tell what will happen in Tzeentch's silver tower, even the wizards who believe in him probably can't tell it clearly.

Those fools can only use their usual riddles to throw out some specious words, and hope that they can encounter a few common points.

From this point of view, they are no different from the charlatans in the streets, just using probability to cheat

Sevata chuckled and walked to the end of the red carpet, where there was a wide red chair with its back facing him. The gold edges of the armrests were elegant, and the lines of the back were elegant like a lady in a long dress, which looked quite tempting.

Sevata waved his right hand and dismembered it with a halberd.

Splinters of wood flew, a shriek came from the inside of the chair, the chandelier suddenly began to shake, and the candle suddenly went out.

The people in the portraits, dressed in luxurious clothes, began to run one after another, leaving the frames they originally carried, breaking free from the drawing paper bloodily, and appeared in the empty banquet hall.

They screamed and rushed towards Sevita, and a terrifying mouth opened on their pale faces, with densely packed, rotating fangs and sharp teeth spinning rapidly in it.

At the same time, a melodious music suddenly sounded, and Sevita smiled under the weak light cast by the few remaining chandeliers that were still lit.

"Unfortunately, I'm not very good at dancing." He shrugged and said, then immediately turned around and smashed the wall, rushing into a new space.

He looked back, but he didn't see the scene of the banquet hall anymore. The wall was intact, as if it had never been damaged.

And he was now in a quiet tavern, with wooden floors, wooden bar counters, windows and doors all closed. Tables, chairs and benches were piled in the corner, and the floor was wet, obviously it had just been cleaned not long ago.

A dark-skinned man stood behind the bar counter, concentrating on cleaning the wine glasses. He didn't care about Sevita's arrival, but still wiped the thick wooden wine glasses with a small piece of white cloth.

Sevita threw down his halberd and stabbed it deeply into the ground. Then he stepped hard and walked to the front of the bar. He stretched out his right hand, knocked on the bar with his fist, and spoke softly amid the flying sawdust.

"Anything to drink?"

The bartender said without raising his head: "No."

"Isn't this a tavern?"


"Then give me something to drink." Sevita said with a fake smile. "How about a glass of water?"

The bartender shook his head again: "It's not time for our store to open yet. In addition, our store does not welcome people like you to come and drink and have fun."


"Because our store does not--"

Sevita smiled sincerely for the first time in a long time, and grabbed the bartender from behind the bar by the collar. He fell to the ground in embarrassment, and his originally neat light blue uniform was stained, but he still climbed up quickly from the ground without changing his expression.

"People like you are not welcome in our store." He repeated again. "We hope you leave quickly and don't make trouble."

"Okay." Sevata nodded readily, pinched his neck, and began to pour his spiritual energy into it.

He smiled and said: "As long as you answer a few questions for me, I will leave immediately, how about it?"

The bartender was silent for a few seconds, and a dangerous white light surged under his skin. He had to nod with difficulty. Sevata put him down intimately and patted his shoulder: "Thank you for your cooperation. Then, the first question is how do I get to the top of the tower?"

". You must first confirm where you are." The bartender coughed and answered. There was no fear on his face, only a burst of annoyance that came from nowhere. "If you don't know where you are, you can't reach the top of the tower."


"Because this silver tower is always changing, don't you know this? How did you get in? Anyone who pursues the silver tower-"

The bartender suddenly stopped talking, and finally raised his head to look at Sevata, and then his expression changed rapidly.

"-What's wrong?" Sevata stared at him and asked softly.

".You can ask a few more questions." The bartender said with difficulty. "Actually, any number is fine."

"I don't think it's necessary." Sevatar said.

He reached out and summoned the chainsaw halberd, and the bartender's body suddenly began to change.

The human body began to transform, the eyes were squeezed out of the sockets, the skin turned into some kind of ugly gelatin, the chin was split, a dozen pairs of eyes connected to nerves poked out from it, and the dark tongue was placed between the teeth, piece by piece, Like dominoes.

He completed such an astonishing transformation, but turned around and ran away without hesitation. Sevita waved his arms without any surprise and completely dismembered him.

The steaming pieces of meat and bone stubble fell to the ground, still intimately entangled with each other. Such emotion really made people cry.

Savita twitched the corners of his mouth, then returned to his expressionless expression. He raised his foot and ran over the flesh and blood, then kicked the bar to pieces.

He was starting to get a little bored, as was always the case when dealing with Tzeentch. But he had to take risks, and the eye at the top of the spire took away the power to choose other directions.

Although this incident was painful, Savitar had long passed the age where he would feel angry at the loss of his dignity.

What's more, anger is of little use at this time.

Sevatar walked into the bar, smashed the wall with his fist, and then walked inside again. A sudden force struck Sevatar's armored neck guard, almost cutting the area in half.

It still exists, but it can no longer move forward, and it is stuck in Sevatar's left hand. The eldest son of the night looked at the shining whip coldly, and suddenly pulled it over with a strong force.

An arm holding a whip rolled to the ground, and blood spurted out, creating a horrifying effect under the flickering candlelight.

A hoarse scream sounded here, and Sevatar glanced at the self-inflicted fool, only to find that it turned out to be an Eldar.

Interesting, but only interesting.

Sevatar walked past it. After he walked past, its body began to break apart inch by inch until it turned into a puddle of flesh.

Over the next fifteen minutes—if time still existed here—Savitar worked his way through hundreds of rooms, with nothing stopping him, not even for a moment.

He crushed a giant chessboard puzzle, used his halberd to chop an old woman into thirteen pieces as she tried to buy him water and ask for directions, and then burned the swarms of insects that emerged from her corpse.

He completely ignited an ordinary village, scorched the sky with flames, killed the children together with their parents, and then chased them into their cellars, where he crushed the village chief and the statue of Tzeentch under his feet.

Sometimes he was in a forest or a plain, or even a city, and other times he was in a place of complete nothingness, with only him and something that kept talking and denouncing his sins.

Sevatar still remembered the words of that thing: "Yago Sevatarion! How many people did you give up that you could have saved?!"

"None of your business?" said Savita.

He used his spiritual energy to capture the voice, but instead of killing it, he crushed it into a screaming gelatinous object and stuffed it into his armed belt.

Now, wherever he went, he could hear screams and cries of condemnation.

"You should have saved them, but you didn't. Your arrogance ruined everything." The demon in the armed belt cried.

Sevatar smiled with satisfaction - now, this condemnation sounded more reasonable.

Yes, he couldn't be stopped at all, but there was one thing that still stood before him, preceded by the word 'unable' just like himself.

He couldn't find his way to the top of the tower. The bartender was probably right. If he didn't know where he was, there was no way he was going to the top.

As a result, what he wants to do is likely to be delayed.

"It's not possible, it's certain." In a foggy room, a voice gently reminded him.

Everything here is shining with silver light, except for one place, which is the deepest part of the fog, where two eyes are shining, yellow and clear, like two lanterns.

Sevatar stared at this existence gloomily, his eyes scanning every detail hidden in the steam like a butcher's knife, its huge body, knotted muscles, and huge claws.

However, as he was observing, the thing quickly shrank in size, and finally even took on the shape of a human, with a pale face, short hair, and stubble.

"You can't get to the top of the tower, Savita," the thing said with a smile. "Unless you give up everything, but if you do, I'll be out of trouble too."

Sevatar looked at it coldly and shook his head slowly: "The moment you escape, Cassidorius Delkunas will kill you."

"Can he?" the monster asked in surprise. "Do you really think he can? He is just a messenger, an ordinary person who was chosen because of good luck, and then suffered endless suffering."

"He has already fallen asleep. Is it possible that you want to wake him up from death and let him experience this kind of pain again? It's really cruel."

He is more than a messenger. Sevatar wanted to say these words, but he did not do so. He just walked straight towards the monster with the face of Cassidorius Delkunas and waved away its appearance.

Like mist, it dissipated in place, leaving only a chuckle and a word with obvious malice.

"We'll see you later, Sevatar. Maybe it's hundreds of years, maybe it's thousands of years, maybe it's tens of thousands of years, it doesn't matter."

"During this period, you can try as much as you like. The Silver Tower itself will not be destroyed by your atrocities. There is a reason why I was voluntarily imprisoned here at the cost of my own freedom. The Lord of Changes has given me a world. The strongest fortress”

"And you, what can you do? Your brothers will only need a hundred years to classify you as missing. In another two hundred years, your name will no longer be mentioned by anyone. You will talk to me Same, forgotten in the deepest part of time.”

Sevatar moved on indifferently, screams, cries, condemnations and other sounds vibrating from his armed belt.

"Liar! Liar!" cried the thing. "Why don't you save us?!"


Caiul pulled his sword out of a mutant's jaw - well, to be more precise, not pulling it out, but savagely prying the blade open, splitting the skull open from the bottom up. , letting the sword itself be free.

Then, he flicked his cloak behind him and disappeared like a ghost, causing his enemies to scream.

The communication between them is so ridiculous. The distinction between monosyllabic and polysyllabic does not exist in the language system of these creatures. There are only alternating sticky sounds and various shouts of unknown meaning.

Kaiul has no interest in exploring the language of mutants at this time. He is not a scholar to begin with, and it is completely impossible to do so in such a unnecessary way. He stood in the darkness, quietly waiting for the opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

And he is not alone, there are thirteen shadow knights wearing Terminators waiting here with him. There was no conversation, just nods, reflections in the eyepieces, and some slight gestures.

Caiul liked this. For him, staying in the darkness with his brothers waiting for the hunt was a great comfort.

A few seconds later, he took the lead and rushed out of the darkness, falling from the sky with his brothers, and completely killed the group of mutants who tried to approach the side of the artillery position.

Before he could take a breath, a roar came from the communication channel: "Get ready!"

It was Scaladric, and he immediately recognized the Maharaja's voice, but who was he speaking to?

Caiul didn't have an answer, but he was ready. It had become one of his instincts.

Two seconds later, he saw a group of rumbling living boulders burst out from a corner of the battlefield, straddling the enemy group, rushing to the front of the position, and began to crush the trenches back and forth, throwing blue flames.

The Crimson Claws are fighting them, but the results are not very good.

This kind of thing must be killed by rapid concentrated firepower. However, attacks such as power swords are really difficult to cause serious damage to the huge size of these things. Only Scarardrick and his two giant axes can do it. This happened quite quickly.

At this moment, a certain sense of humor originating from the depths of Kaiul's genes suddenly flashed away, causing him to blurt out a word.


There was silence in the communication channel for a few seconds, and then Scaradrick roared again, the sound was terrifying. The Chapter Master of the Shadow Knights couldn't help but chuckle, but he didn't forget what he was supposed to do.

He escaped into the darkness again, across the battlefield, and found his two squads of Destroyers. They quickly moved around and returned to the front of the position.

A dangerous buzzing sound began to gather at the rear of the battlefield. It was the dangerous sound of the improved plasma cannon being warmed up.

Five seconds later, twelve huge dark blue light groups rushed towards the group of boulders at high speed, vaporizing and dissolving their huge bodies in just an instant.

The Scarlet Claws immediately swarmed forward and used various methods to completely destroy the exposed core parts. Kaiour could have sworn to Konrad Curze that he even saw one doing this with a headbutt.

The fanaticism of the brothers did not affect him too much, but Kaiul would not point fingers. In the past two Terra hours, if it were not for the bloody battles of the Scarlet Claws, I am afraid that this war would have ended long ago. .

They had no complaints and stood at the front of the position with extreme fanaticism. It seems unreasonable, but it allowed many people to survive, and they also gave the brothers of the parent group a chance.

Caiul held the sword and stepped onto a corpse slope, carefully staring into the distance. Sure enough, he saw the iconic eerie blue color of the Midnight Blade behind the enemy group, as well as the two giant birds they were chasing.

Caiul recognized this creature - the Everchanging Lord. What other Tzeentchian demon could make his eyes hurt just by looking at it?

But, then again, Kaiul didn't think they had the power to fight back. It is true that a hundred veterans from the Night Blade are a terrifying fighting force, especially since they have just launched a raid, but the Changing Demon Lord is not an easy demon to deal with.

They may be lacking in frontal combat effectiveness, but the many spells these demons possess are enough to turn the tide.

Be careful, the Shadow Knight thought silently.

He did not convey this reminder to the Nightblades, knowing that his brothers did not need it. When Yago Severtalion was not leading the team, they always knew what was right.

Kaiul turned around, jumped down from the mountain of corpses, and found the Judgment Blades who had just returned from the western flank.

The lieutenant in the lead had no name, he called himself the Sinner. Kaiul was very interested in the atonement and other things within them, but now was not the time to explore, so he started asking directly.

"What is the hunter doing?"

"Summoning." The white-haired Sinner answered gloomily.

He was not old, and the white hair was said to be a side effect left in a purification ritual. The dry white color made it hard not to wonder if he had lost part of his life. For the Chaos ritual, any sacrifice was possible.

Kaiul's face suddenly changed for his answer.

"Summon who - no, summon what?"

The Sinner smiled a little sadly for his sharpness, he knew what kind of experience this sharpness came from.

They all had similar experiences.

The Sinner shook his head and uttered a name in Nostramo: "Van Cleef."

At this moment, Kaiul almost crushed the hilt of his sword. His anger was so sudden and so intense, part of it was because of the hunter, and the other part was because of the Sinner's behavior.

He used Nostramo during a summoning ritual, reading out the name of the summoned person, which was completely adding to the ritual.

The Shadow Knight took off his helmet and looked at the Sinner with a gloomy face.

"Do you agree with him?" Keul asked briefly.

"Yes, Chapter Master." The Sinner said. "You should know what is special about the Hunter's Eyes, so when he told me what the Silver Tower is, I had to agree with his approach."

His words silenced Keul, who was about to make accusations, for a few seconds.

He certainly knew what was special about the Hunter's Eyes - those eyes came from Taros Valcoran, the original soul hunter, the last 'prophet', a veteran ten thousand years ago.

Unlike now, during the Legion period, the Night's Sons sneered at prophecies. This is inseparable from the Primarch's practice. Taros is a rare special person, which is not unrelated to his extraordinary prophetic ability.

Konrad Curze even admitted that Taros was like him to some extent. Because of this sentence and his obsession with prophecy, the predecessors of the Legion gave him a slightly sarcastic title of prophet.

Of course, this has nothing to do with him in the Soul Hunter period.

After his death, the eyes were passed down continuously. Until today, no one knows how many people have been tortured by the prophecy illusions, but one thing is certain, it is no longer the same eyes as before.

In addition to prophecy, it has some other functions.

Kaiul took a deep breath and hissed out a name. The Sinner smiled gratefully and felt sincerely happy that he stood on his side.

His strange emotions were captured by Kaiul, and the Shadow Knight's natural analytical instinct began to work. Almost in an instant, he knew that the Sinner was probably eager for the recognition of others.

Perhaps we are all like this. Kaiul thought sadly.

"So tell me now, brother, where are they?"

The Sinner nodded almost in a meek manner and pointed him in a direction. Kaiul nodded to him, raised his cloak, and disappeared again.

In less than half a minute, he reached the ritual site through the darkness smoothly, but could not move forward. Pale ashes hung upside down in the air, and the dark and twisted light surrounded an open space, blurring everything inside.

Kaiul tried to enter it, but the light did not allow it, and they kept pushing him away.

He knew that if he was not a child of the night, this power would definitely not be so gentle.

But he had to go in, he had something to talk to the hunter face to face.

Amid the continuous chanting, Kaiul cut his left cheek with a power sword. The blood flowed down, and he picked up a little with his right hand, put his index finger and middle finger together, smeared the blood on the center of his forehead, gently scratched it, and then returned to the center, and continued down.

"I will avenge the innocent here." Kaiul said solemnly, his voice hissing.

The flames flickered and suddenly embraced him. Then came a strong sense of weightlessness, forcing Kaiul to clench his fists. The world in front of him turned into simple black and white. The only brothers from the Soul Hunters were the only ones with a third color.

The scarlet scripture on their armor was so dazzling.

Kaiul did not interrupt their chanting, but walked straight to the center of the ceremony and found the hunter. The latter did not seem surprised by his arrival, but his expression was somewhat depressed.

Kaiul could not help but be a little surprised - he did not expect to see such an expression on the hunter's face.

"The oath you made," the hunter sighed, his voice trembling. "Brother"

"What's wrong with it?"

The hunter looked at him sadly and whispered: "It will lead you to a place of death."

"Our ultimate fate is death." Kaiul replied calmly. "I have been prepared for a long time, but since you have predicted my future, I would like to hear the whole story."

The hunter nodded silently, stretched out his hands, and clenched Kaiul's bloody right hand.

"I saw you lying alone in the darkness, with a winding bloody road behind you. Your body was covered with wounds, your armor was shattered, and the sword in your hand had long been broken."

"The monsters in the dark are watching your flesh and blood. As long as you die, they will swarm up, eat up your essence, and take away your soul. You will not have the chance to return to the wasteland, because you chose to enter In the dark.”

"You will leave us and everyone, Kaiul."

His words sounded almost like a curse. Shadow Knight thought. Perhaps all prophecies always mean what they sound like.

He smiled, nodded, took out his right hand and patted the hunter on the shoulder, and then reset his expression, as if he had not heard the prophecy at all.

"So, how far along did the ceremony go?"

"It's just the final kick." The hunter replied slowly. "Van Cleef never refuses any call. He responds to requests. However, there are very few worlds that are qualified to host him and become an altar. This place is one of them."

Caiul gained a brief moment of peace at his words, and he was no longer anxious. This may be human nature. When the thing you have been worried about really comes true, the worry will naturally disappear with the wind.

However, the hunter's statement still caught his attention.

"Here? What's so special about this place?" He asked, stamping his feet.

The hunter knelt down and grabbed a handful of dirt in front of him. What was revealed underneath was not a stone or more dirt, but a piece of silvery metal.

The complex relief is clearly revealed on this small piece of metal. In addition, there are several paintings and mathematical formulas left on it for unknown reasons.

If you choose to keep one of them, this piece of metal will be very beautiful. Choosing both to coexist will also be a complicated enjoyment. But if they all stay here, the metal will look a little crowded.

Staring at them, Caiul suddenly felt a headache. Blood rushed out of his nose and wet the neck guard of his armor. His heart trembled, and he immediately understood that this was the original intention of the person who made it.

"Everywhere you can see—" The hunter stood up and let the dirt fall down the gaps between his fingers. "——There is a part of the silver tower buried in it. In other words, it is this world. We fell into a trap, Kaiul."

He touched his eye sockets with his other hand thoughtfully, and an extremely obvious anger suddenly flashed in his cloudy eyes.

Kaiul saw it clearly. This was the first time he saw such obvious negative emotions from a hunter. Later, he realized that the anger stemmed from the hunter's self-blame.

"A blind prophet is a terrible guide." The descendant of Talos smiled solemnly, and his expression returned to silence again. "Anyway, my brother, that's how it is."

Kaiul nodded slowly and began to combine all of this and reorganize it, and quickly caught one of the blind spots.

He pointed it out mercilessly: "Why Van Cleef?"

He stared at the hunter and asked.

"If it's just to deal with this tower, we have better options. Those war machines sleeping under the wasteland will be happy to stand up again. Don't say you can't hear the furious roars of those Titan machine souls in their sleep. I admit it, Van Kree "My husband is very strong, but to let him fight against such a world-class tower, is he the wrong person to choose?"

The hunter nodded approvingly: "You are still very sharp, Knight Commander. But I'm not sure whether you can know the truth. Some things are secrets even to us - but now that the matter is over, I don't have to hide it anymore. Go down."

"Have you heard of the Delkunas family of Rogue Traders?" he asked softly.

Kaiul began to search his memory, once, twice, three times. Then he shook his head. The hunter smiled without any surprise, raised his right hand and made a gesture. The scriptures on the shoulder armor were twisting like living creatures, and the characters began to merge with each other. It took a lot of effort for Kaiul not to look at them.

"The descendant of this family is named Cassidorius." The hunter spoke slowly. "An explorer who can climb Terra, a brave man. However, he will not be born for another two years."

"The Sealmaster and his many spies are advancing this matter in secret to ensure that Cassidorius Delkunus can be born smoothly."

"I think you might ask, who is he that deserves so much effort, even just to ensure his birth. But I can't reveal it, Knight Commander, this matter is of great importance, and the only thing I can reveal to you is There is only one thing.”

"Do you remember that eye at the top of that spire?"

The hunter asked this question, paused for a moment, and watched Kaiul's expression become serious little by little.

"That eye came from a demon," the hunter said simply. "In the future, or in the past - this demon will be born from the death of Cassidorius and the antithesis of what he carried."

"It sought out the Descendant countless times and tried to drive him mad and make him lose hope. It failed because Van Cleef always stayed with Cassidorius."

The hunter paused again for a moment, but this time, his purpose was not to give Kaiul time to digest.

He turned around, looked at his brothers, raised his right hand, and clenched his fist tightly.

Fifty of the ninety-nine people immediately fell to the ground without warning, and the angry flames struck, completely covering their bodies. The armor and flesh melted together, turning into boiling blood, smearing in the grooves that had been dug out.

Keul took a deep breath, suppressed the emotions in his heart, turned his face away, and refused to look. Unlike him, the hunter kept staring at the slowly advancing boiling blood until it filled every gully, and then he looked away.

He seemed to be trembling, but his voice was still calm. The hissing Nostramo language sounded like a beast breaking through the fence, tearing the air, and the magic circle filled with blood immediately lit up, and the dazzling light column shot up into the sky, breaking the silence of the ceremony.

The black and white world returned to normal, but Keul found at this moment that the size of the silver tower had changed again, and its main tower part could even spread from one end of the sky to the other.

And the yellow animal eyes like lanterns became very close to them. It was even close enough for Keul to see a huge figure slowly emerging in the light column through the reflection on its surface.

He turned his head and looked at the light column. Burning flames and hanging ashes swarmed in, rushing into it amid the increasingly intense chanting, sticking together into flesh, armor, and pale mane.

Kaiul almost lost the ability to think, and just stared at the light column and the shadow in it.

Five seconds later, two scarlet dots flashed in it. A hideous giant sword wrapped in pitch-black lightning swept across, completely shattering the light column, and a demon as tall as ten meters appeared in front of them.

It had a pair of huge spiral horns on its head, and a full head of white mane made it look very majestic. Wearing broken armor, many trembling charred chains were wrapped around it, binding a set of armor that seemed to be about to break, and each line emitted a dark red light, and high-temperature steam gushed out from it, turning the ground into boiling magma.

Its eyes were two dim red dots, which reminded Kaiul of the blood-red setting sun, or the last drop of blood of a warrior.

Then, he was forced to look at it.

The Shadow Knight suddenly lost the ability to speak, because he found that the demon was nodding to him, and then, the fine fangs slowly opened, and a voice as low as possible entered his ears.

"Shen asked me to say hello to you, junior."

Kaiwuer nodded, his eyeballs kept trembling in his eye sockets, and he almost had the urge to cry. The demon stretched his body calmly and slowly raised the giant sword.

It has seen too many similar things, but this time, it is afraid that it will become one of them. It turned its head to look at the silver tower on the horizon, the setting sun suddenly began to burn, the vigorous blood light in its eyes was almost as bright as substance, and the fangs slowly closed

"Brother has been waiting for you for a long time." The hunter said at its feet. "Although he doesn't know you're coming yet."

The demon looked down at him, still showing no emotion on his face, just nodded slowly: "Yes, he has been waiting for ten thousand years."

"I hope you can give him more time to accept this matter. It is related to whether I will break my bones in the future."

The demon chuckled rarely.

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