The two old men hurried in.

"Dad, Mom, come in!"

A loud cry from my aunt frightened the two old people.

"What's wrong? Were you bitten by a fish?"

Sea fish are not freshwater fish. Many carnivorous fish are very fierce, sometimes enough to bite off fingers, and some fish even have poisonous spikes.

Most sea snakes are poisonous, and a bite will almost certainly kill you.

Fishermen nowadays don't have emergency serum.

In the modern era of lack of medicine and emergency treatment technology, many fishermen die early, which has a lot to do with the toxins of sea fish.

"Dad, look, rice, so much rice!"

What caught my eye was half a bag of rice, which was not much, only ten kilograms.

Considering that his uncle's family would most likely use it to make porridge, he crushed it to make it look like millet.

In addition, he also put in more than ten pounds of corn kernels, seven or eight large sweet potatoes, two peeled rabbits, two bottles of peanut oil, and some chili peppers, green onions, soy sauce and other condiments.

This is the food that Chen Feng prepared for the next few days.

He didn't want to eat boiled yellow croaker every day, which was for feeding ducks.

"Where did this come from?"

"Xiao Feng brought it back!"

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng, where did this come from?" Grandpa walked out of the kitchen and asked anxiously at the door.

Chen Feng, who was feeding the ducks with his two cousins, handed the bowl to Fu Bo and said, "I bought it. I have money in my hand. I first asked someone to exchange the ticket at a high price, and then I bought it from a private person in the city."

He didn't dare to say it was from the town. If they asked, it would be easy to be exposed.

Food is a controlled item and it is difficult to buy.

As for Tianjin City, such a big city, who would remember the things sold.

"Xiao Feng, save your money yourself." Grandpa said not very happily.

Chen Feng patted his pocket hard, and the silver coins inside made a slight collision sound. It was not easy for aluminum silver coins to make a sound.

"Grandpa, I have money, dozens of yuan a day, more than my father."

Grandma said: "You are not allowed to spend it carelessly, save it yourself, and marry a wife in the future."

"I tell you, you are grown up now and have the ability, but you are you, your uncle is your uncle, and your father sends food to honor us. Your parents are still here, and your uncle and aunt are still here. We don't need you to honor us."

"You know, save all the money, find a good job in the future, and marry a good wife. This is what you should consider."

Why is it here again!

Chen Feng had no choice but to nod "yeah" and go to the kitchen to make a big bowl of well water.

"Good grandson."

Grandpa took the bowl and looked happy.

Looking at the two grandsons who were drinking sugar water, he shook his head. He could not rely on them in the future.

They are not good at doing anything, but they are the best at eating and drinking!

"How many steamed buns can everyone eat tonight?" Chen Feng also drank a bowl of well water to replenish his body energy.

"Cousin, I can eat three!" Zhou Fubo said loudly.

"Five!" Zhou Dinghai said greedily.

Zhou Fubo ate three buns, Chen Feng believed he could do it.

But he also believed that his little cousin could eat five.

The meat buns were not big.

But grandpa disagreed and said angrily: "You two shut up, eating three for one meal, do you think your family runs a restaurant? These are crab meat buns, not white flour steamed buns or wild vegetable steamed buns!"

"One bun per person, plus small yellow croaker, it's enough for you to eat."

"There are only so many buns, you must eat them sparingly."

"Xiao Feng can eat more."

"Fubo, come and wash the rabbit."

"Dinghai, you come to light the fire, I will make a braised small yellow croaker and stir-fried rabbit meat tonight."

Chen Feng smiled and entered the kitchen, but still chose to steam fourteen meat buns, and then prepare braised small yellow croaker.

Boiling small yellow croaker is a waste of food.

Stir-fry one of the two fat rabbits, and save the remaining one for tomorrow.

Although Zhou Fubo is not very old, he is very good at cutting fish, removing fish scales, and removing fish intestines. In terms of knife skills, Chen Feng can't catch up with him.

"Cousin, how many small yellow croakers do you want to cook?"

Chen Feng said casually: "How many do you want to eat? Multiply your appetite by seven times."

Zhou Fubo said stupidly: "I want to eat five, 32?"

"Fubo, did your math teacher teach you?" Chen Feng said helplessly: "Five times seven is thirty-five, didn't you memorize the multiplication formula?"

Zhou Fubo counted five, then five again, and five more.

Chen Feng looked up at the sky speechlessly.

I thought Chen Hao was a poor student, but I didn't expect there was a better one here


"Cousin, are we going to light the fire now?"

"Yes, remember to keep it low."

The yellow croaker had been processed before, with the internal organs and scales removed and washed clean.

Zhou Dinghai ignited it with a match, and when the iron pot started to steam, Chen Feng poured oil into the pot.

Zhou Fubo put the selected yellow croaker in the basket, and when he saw the oil he poured, his eyes were fixed.

He poured half of a bottle of peanut oil. Which rural family would use oil like this?

Some poor people, in order to save oil, don't stir-fry at all, they just boil.

Needless to say, the taste and texture are good.

The Zhou family was relatively good. During the Great Steelmaking Movement, my grandfather was reluctant to give away the newly bought pot, otherwise he would have to ask Chen Jianjun to buy the iron pot.

Because the pot is an industrial product, farmers can't buy it.

You know, farmers need certificates from the village brigade and commune to buy seeds.


Small yellow croakers were put into the pot by Chen Feng.

"Dinghai, low heat, don't use too high heat."


While Chen Feng was showing off his skills at his grandfather's house, Chen Hao was in dire straits.

Zhou Qing visited Ran Qiuye in the morning with the tofu fish made by Sha Zhu. After explaining his purpose, Ran Qiuye, who was simple-minded and loved work, agreed immediately.

She really needs everyone's recognition!

Ran's family was born as a small intellectual family. She used to be a teacher in the official school of Sijiucheng. Her family conditions were actually average.

However, in this passionate red era, even if she was a teacher, she was a teacher working for the bald man.

So although Teacher Ran was full of enthusiasm, she didn't get too many people's friendship.

Just like Lou Xiao'e's family was very rich, but few people would treat her as a good friend.

I wanted to refuse the tofu fish, but Zhou Qing refused.

At noon, it was hot in the school cafeteria, so I shared it with Chen Hao and Cai Xiaoli.

Chen Hao was not used to eating steamed bread, so he went outside to buy a few steamed buns, which was considered a big expense.

Then, after school in the afternoon, Teacher Ran came to Chen's house and started tutoring him.

"Zhu Zi, how are you frying eggs?" Zhou Qing saw the fried eggs in the pan and immediately said, "Peanut oil is expensive, save some for me."

Sha Zhu smiled and said, "Auntie, don't worry, I use my family's secret oil."

In order to make a good impression on Ran Qiuye, Sha Zhu put in twelve points of effort.

The Chen family took out various ingredients.

Wild duck, dried shrimp, sea bream, eggs, crab roe and crab meat left by Chen Feng, as well as crucian carp, grass carp, tofu, cabbage, etc.

Today's meal is not only to thank Teacher Ran, but also because Chen Jianguo is going to bring his partner to the house.

In order to create a good impression and let the second son get married early, the old lady spent a lot of money this time.

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